《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 14


"Go go Gryffindor! Go go Gryffindor!" I listened to the chanting while I threw the quaffle in to score. I flew by Harry who gave me a high five. Angelina stole the quaffle from some girl in Hufflepuff and passed it to Katie. I flew around so she could pass it to me. This is the last match before Christmas vacation, which means the last match of the year. This determines who gets the cup!

The only teacher to assign anything on holiday was Snape and I did it during free period yesterday. So no homework. Dad hasn't written back yet either.

I got the quaffle and faked a score, sending it to Angelina instead. She, Katie, and I met in the middle and hugged, then soared off again. Hufflepuff scored once, them we got the quaffle and Katie scored again. I took it from the same Hufflepuff as earlier, then scored. Katie pulled the fake score, sending it to me.

Since the first match, I've had a lot more bludgers and guards sent my way. I've only gotten boxed in once though and Harry, 'saw the snitch' and came right through us. Yeah right. We've never lost though. Harry always gets the snitch and Angelina, Katie and I just throw the quaffle back and forth. Fred and George hasn't let a bludger with in fifty feet of me since the first match, but I won't let them tail me. Oliver is an amazing keeper. Once in a blue moon will something get past him, and it's usually when he gets excited about a score or move one of us pull.

I scored once more, then heard Lee say Harry got the snitch. I cheered with the rest and ran towards Harry. We just one the cup! He caught me in a hug and held me tight. Harry and I got lifted into the air by the team an they carried us to the common room. The twins had stolen food from the kitchens so we could have a party.

"To our first year players who are bloody brilliant and damn good additions to the team!" They cheered. Harry and I blushed, but laughed and held up our butter beer bottles with everyone else.

"Thanks guys!" I laughed, sitting on the couch by the fire. Tomorrow I have to pack, Mione and I are going to Uncle Lupin's for holiday and the boys are staying here to look for Flammel.

"Congratulations!" Mione squealed, running at me. I hugged her back and laughed, pulling her onto the couch next to me. Harry sat on the other side and Ron sat by Mione. The party went on all night, but Ronald and Hermione crashed in the first half hour. Harry and I talked for a while, but I started to fall asleep. Harry put his arms around me so that I could lean on him.



"Yes Gracie?"


"Goodnight Gracie!" He chuckled and kissed my forehead. Then I fell asleep.


I woke up on top of Harry. Mione and Ron were gone and Harry was laying beneath me, snoring lightly. His arms were wrapped around my waist to the point where I couldn't move. The common room was completely empty besides us.

"Harry!" I whispered, poking him. He groaned, moved a bit, tightened his arms, but didn't wake up. I sighed and poked him again.

"What?" He whined, holding out the a. I rolled my eyes.

"Get up sleepyhead!" I checked his watch. "Your watch says its one o'clock!"

He sat up, but I was laying on him, so that didn't work to well. I rocked back onto my knees, then moved again so I was Indian style. "One o'clock?" I nodded. He rubbed his hands over his face, groaning some more.

"Are you okay?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. He didn't answer, but just looked at me.

"You won't be here at Christmas. Will you?" He asked, the question caught me off guard.

"No, why?"

"I'm going to miss you Gracie!" I smiled, then hugged him as tight as I could.

"I'll miss you too Harry!" I pulled back. "Don't worry, it will only be for a week! And when I get back, maybe we can play in the snow! Plus you'll have Ron! And the twins!" I tried cheering him up, but in all honesty, I was getting depressed. I just realized that I won't be able to spend time with my best friend for at least a week. And that really sucks.

"But we have to spend our time looking for Flammel!" He whined, leaning back in the couch.

"I'm ready to give up! If you can check the restricted section do it, but that's going to be hard with out a slip!" I said, laying back myself.

"I know! Hermione is dead set on findin out though!" He groaned.

"I know, I'm sorry. Good luck this week! Stay away from Snape! I have to go pack!" I stood up and walked towards the stairs. "Bye Harry!"

"Wait Gracie!" He ran around the couch and over to me. "Be careful okay? And have fun! I'll miss you!" He kissed my cheek then ran up the stairs to his dorm. I placed a hand on the cheek he just kissed and walked upstairs. Oh my Merlin.

"Mione!" I screamed, jumping backwards. She was sitting on my bed with a smirk on her face.


"Why are you holding your cheek?"

"No reason!" I dropped my hand away from my face, walking over and starting to pack my trunk.

"Liar! I was coming down the stairs! I saw that!" She screamed. I groaned, and dropped my head.

"Okay okay. He kissed my cheek. That's it!" I said, sitting back and sighing.

"He fancies you!" She screamed, pointing a finger at my face.

"Mione, can we talk about this later? I have an hour to get cleaned up and packed!" I didn't face her as I spoke, my face was blood red. An I didn't want to talk about it here in case anyone overheard.

"Why didn't you say so? I'll pack you go get ready!" She shoved my hands away and started folding up my stuff.

"Thanks Hermione! I owe you!" I hugged her quickly, grabbed a pair of clean clothes and ran to the shower. On my way, Draco stopped me.

"Well well. If it isn't Potter's girlfriend!" He did that sing song thing and looked at me with his ugly smug like rat face. I glared at him.

"I'm not his girlfriend Draco!" I spat, shoving past him.

"Oh Gracelyn Paige. Everyone knows you wish were! I'll let you in on a secret, Potter would love that!" He smirked at me. But he used my full name?

"How do you know my name?" I asked, shooting him a glare. He smirked at me.

"Well dear cousin, my parents told me your name!"

"Cousin?!" I choked, nearly throwing up. He nodded. "Tell anyone and I'll kill you!" I spat, but I turned around and kept walking.

"Wouldn't dream of it. But um, I know who your father is!" He smirked. I stopped in my tracks.


"Hm. Wouldn't you like to know?" He smirked.

I lunged at him and picked him up by his shirt collar, even though he was at least four inches taller than me. "Tell. Me!" I snarled.

"Temper temper! Do you really want to know?" I rattled him a bit and pulled my fist back. "Fine! I'll telI you! His name is-"

"Ms. Weasley!? What on earth are you doing?" I dropped him at the sound of McGonagall's voice. "Go on! Go do whatever you were going to do. I don't want to see you near Mr. Malfoy again!"

"I hate you!" I said, ice in my tone as I glared at Malfoy. Professor McGonagall looked shocked, even a little frightened. I understand. My voice made it sound like a death threat.

I ran to the bathrooms. I took my shower and fixed my hair. I put it in beach waves and stuck a black and white head band in with it. Followed by my outfit. I put on my dark wash skinny jeans, my jumper, which the americans muggles call a hoodie, it was zebra print, and I put on my converse to match.

I ran down the corridor and up to Mione, who was wearing a jumper like mine, except hers was green, with a beach logo on the front. She had on jeans of her own and chuck taylors. "Ready?"

"Yeah." I was still trying to find out where I knew that name. And how I'm related to Malfoy. Gracie Something. Gracelyn Paige What?. I wish I knew. I have a full name, but I can't know. I was always just Gracie. Or Gracie Weasley. But I was never my own person.

"Hey. What's wrong?" I grabbed my trunk and headed out. Time to go. We walked out and down to the carriages where everyone else who was going home was. Malfoy was in one near us, smirking at me. Hermione and I got our own so I decided to tell her.

"Malfoy is my cousin. His parents told him. He knows who my father is. And he told me." I whispered. Her eyes widened and she looked at Malfoy.

"Who?" She asked, turning back to me.

"I don't know! He wouldn't tell me Mione! Well he was going to, then McGonagall showed up!" She sighed and shot a glare at Malfoy.

"Don't worry Gracie. We'll find out! And I wouldn't believe him just yet!" She turned back around to face me. "Come on. Lets have fun on holiday!" She said, voice bright.

I smiled at her and nodded. I'm going to forget about it over the holiday. This is Gracelyn time and I'm going to have fun with my best friend this Christmas! I sat back and my seat and waited till we boarded the train and drove off. Mione and I both fell asleep on the trip.

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