《The Diamonds》I don't need a babysitter!


{Dr. Crow}

I smiled as I stood looking at the mirror that Princess Black stood in front of. Even though she would transform into her true self by using her key, I prefer that she looks like her true self as much as possible even when she's not transformed. Princess Black was wearing a black shirt, with black pants but no gold bracelets. I thought that was overdoing it a bit. She would get the bracelets when she transforms into her true self. I also didn't think it was necessary for her to wear her black hooded cloak that practically looked like a cape. She didn't really like that too much either so I decided that she didn't have to wear it. I insisted that she wear her crown and there was no compromise on that.

Princess Black turned around and smiled at me when she saw me looking at her. "So how do I look?"

"You look gorgeous my dear!" I said.

"Why is the crown necessary again?" Princess Black asked.

"Yes it's because you're royalty," I answered, "your crown signifies that you are someone to be respected. Even though I've made an announcement that people need to show you respect, some people might not know who you are. Is there some reason why you don't want to wear your crown?"

Princess Black shrugged. "I don't know. There's just something about that doesn't feel right. I'm not sure why that is."

"Well, you're wearing it and there will be no more discussion about it," I responded. "Now when you walk around the grounds you will be accompanied by Shinjin."

"Okay," said Princess Black, "that part I don't get either. Exactly why do I need a babysitter?"

"He's not your babysitter," I said, "he'll be a bodyguard of sorts and you'll be able to have sex with him too if you're in the mood for it. I'm sure he won't mind. Oh and you'll need this."

I took out of my pants pocket a small red box. I opened it up and I took out a special watch that I had made just for her. It was a communicator watch that she could use to communicate with me for two reasons. The first reason is to alert her when I've spotted a couple of the DA's are bound to come rescue her. The second reason is to keep track of her wherever she goes.

The watch was pure gold with black diamonds around the edges. It didn't have a face to tell time with. The watch was only to be used to communicate with me and for me to keep track of every move she makes to make sure that the brainwashing I did to her is still keeping its effects.

Princess Black took the watch and stared at it in wonder. "What's this for? It looks like a watch but there's no way to tell time with it."

I only told her half of the truth, "Well it's a communication device, you can use it to communicate with me so whenever you get into trouble or if something comes up, you'll be able to tell me directly."

Princess Black rolled her eyes. "Well gee thanks but honestly I don't need to be babysat! I think I can handle things on my own."

I shook my head. "No Princess Black this isn't up for debate. You're wearing this watch and you're going to be accompanied by Shinjin when you walk around the grounds whether you like it or not."


Princess Black let out a frustrated sigh, "Fine then, I'll wear it but I won't like it!"

I chuckled at her reaction to me. Sometimes I wonder if I should just piss her off just for fun. She does have quite a temper. Her bad temper is what I like about her the most. She's a strong willed person and that's exactly how she single handedly stopped the Battle for Shaw Castle. It was then that some of her magic began to become active again.

I bet her magic becoming active is why she has her key now. I also have a feeling that the Government knows that if you don't return a Diamonds key to them it will return itself to its owner. In the process of the key returning to its owner it will leave as much destruction in its wake as possible. Normally I would take the opportunity of that happening and use it as a weapon but the less destruction I cause the more I'll be able to fly underneath the radar and be one step ahead of them. Although because they're aware I exist now, I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to stay one step ahead of them. But I think with Princess Black by my side now I might have more of an advantage.

"So what do I do now?" Princess Black asked.

"I would spend the whole day with you but I have some things to take care of at the moment. So you'll be walking around with Shinjin and you two will be free to do whatever you want." I replied.

Princess Black nodded. "Okay then."

When we left the room Shinjin was right outside waiting for us. He stiffened when he saw Princess Black by my side for some reason. I pulled him off to the side to give him some very specific instructions.

"Listen to me Shinjin," I hissed into his ear, "I'm giving you these order's. First of all under any circumstances don't let Princess Black out of your sight. The second order I'm giving you is don't you dare tell her anything about her past, got it?"

Shinjin sighed, "Yes Dr. Crow I'll make sure to follow your orders to the fullest. You do realize that when she remembers on her own who she is, then it's out of my control right?"

"Yeah I know that, I just don't want anything to trigger her memories anytime soon," I said, "Her magic being triggered, yes I don't mind that. But her memories, absolutely not!"

With that I parted ways and left Shinjin and Princess Black to their own devices.

* * *

{Princess Black}

I really hate the fact that Dr. Crow wants me to be babysat and watched like a hawk all the time. It's almost as if he doesn't trust me for some reason and I don't know why.

As Shinjin and I walked around the grounds, Shinjin turned and smiled at me. "Did you notice that people are staring at you in awe right now?"

"Why would they do that?" I asked. "Because I have a crown on my head?"

"Hmm," Shinjin answered, "maybe that might be part of it, but to add to that you're beautiful."

I blushed and looked away. "Um… Thanks?"

Then for some reason, my hearing was heightened and I could hear the voices of people whispering from all around me.

"Is that really Princess Black?"

"Dr. Crow did say he was looking for her for a long time now."


"I heard Princess Black single handedly stopped the Battle for Shaw Castle."

"Really? No wonder why Dr. Crow has had his sights set on her for so long. I also heard she was working as a DA and she was a top agent there too! I wonder how many medals she won by being such a fine DA? I bet she's pretty valuable to the Government as well!"

When I heard that last remark, I gave Shinjin a bewildered look, "What are they talking about?"

"Depends what are you talking about?" Shinjin said while shifting his gaze.

"Well for some strange odd reason my hearing has been heightened a bit," I said, "I can hear what people are saying very clearly now. What are they talking about Princess Black single handedly stopping the Battle of Shaw Castle? What do they mean by working as a DA? I have no idea what a DA is! So what the heck is going on?"

Shinjin stiffened when I said that which made me even more confused as to why people are saying the things that I was hearing at the moment.

Shinjin gave a nervous laugh, "I have no idea what you're talking about. Don't pay attention to what they're saying, pay attention to why they're staring at you. As I just said, you're beautiful! You also have a crown on your head. They're just making up silly explanations as to why you're so hot," Shinjin blushed and looked away. "Did I just say you were hot out loud?"

I was getting ready to say something to him when I heard that stupid loud voice in my head again, "ABIGAIL!" I grabbed my head as I stumbled backward from the headache the voice gave me.

Shinjin's eyes went wide and he immediately came over to me. "Are you okay princess?"

I grimaced from the pain, "I'm fine. If that stupid voice inside my head would stop calling out the name Abigail again that would be nice!"

Then I heard the voice again, "ABIGAIL!"

"Seriously?" I growled as I rubbed my forehead. "What the hell is that name about?"

Shinjin frowned. "Wow that name really is getting the better of you isn't it? I wonder why?"

At this point my head was pounding and I felt nauseous and was on the verge of passing out. Shinjin came over to me and helped me sit down on a nearby chair. "Are you alright princess?"

I groaned, "Does it look like I'm okay?"

Shinjin sighed, "Okay let me go get you some medicine." He looked over and beckoned for one of the guards to come over and sit next to me. He said, "Make sure she doesn't go anywhere."

I wanted to protest that I didn't need a guard babysitting me but I knew it wasn't up for debate so I didn't say anything. I looked up when I heard a dog barking. I thought I was seeing things when I saw sitting down in front of me was a beagle that had light brown fur with patches of white fur on his paws and chest. Or at least I thought the dog was he until it stood up and it became apparent that it was female.

I tapped the guard on the shoulder, he turned and looked at me. "Yes, your highness?"

"Um, do you see that dog sitting in front of me?" I asked. I pointed to where the dog was sitting or no she was standing and gave me an expectant look.

The guard frowned and shook his head. "Wow you really must not be feeling well if you're seeing things! Is that where Shinjin went to get you some medicine?"

I nodded. "Yeah that's where he went and I have no idea why I'm not feeling so good at the moment."

The dog spoke, "Abigail, seriously, please respond to me!"

I paused and then blinked. "What the hell? Okay yeah I'm really not feeling well today. I think I just need to lay down or something."

The guard nodded. "Okay then, we have to wait for Shinjin to get back first."

Once Shinjin got back I explained what I was feeling and he was not happy about it. I looked over to where the dog was and she was gone. Yup, it's no wonder why Dr. Crow doesn't trust me to walk around on my own. If I'm seeing things that's probably why.

* * *

{Dr. Crow}

Great! Just great! What the hell is going on here? There's got to be some sort of reason for this. Now she's seeing things? I mean I know that the human was deranged after I did the brainwashing on him. But this? I hope that's not happening. I thought as I peered over the bed that I had Princess Black laying on. When I do testing on someone, especially some like her, I want to leave her body as beautiful as I possibly can. Although she did heal rather faster than an average Diamond would when they're injured. But Princess Black is no average Diamond that's for sure.

She was the fiercest Diamond Warrior I had ever seen! She's strong and she was a fine opponent for me when she was a DA. I'm saying she was a DA because now I have her in my grasp and I intend to keep that way.

The way I've been testing on her lately is I've been using crystals that have some sort of magic in them and they can gather information on me as for what the problem could be. The funny thing about that is a Diamond can get sick but they can't really be killed. I mean they can come back from getting wounds like getting stabbed in the heart and bullets to the chest that would be fatal to most people. Those wounds are nothing but mere scratches to Diamonds.

I also thought it was funny that Shinjin head over heels for Princess Black and I knew he would. He watched her fight my Agents in awe before I used the mind taser on her and captured her. I rolled my eyes as I saw Shinjin pacing back and forth, practically biting his nails, and was acting extremely nervous as he waited for the test results. "Shinjin calm down, I'm sure she's fine. Besides, if she's not she'll just have to be monitored for a bit until she gets back on her feet and you can get the pleasure of taking care of her again." I laughed, "I knew you would fall for her. Oh and when I'm not with her, you can be with her."

I snorted when I saw Shinjin's face go bright red. "I uh…"

"Oh stop playing innocent Shinjin," I said, "Just admit you like her and that's all there is to it. Like I told you I don't mind sharing her okay?"

Before Shinjin could respond, my crystal that had been lying on Princess Black's chest glowed red and a brighter red than Shinjin's face was at the moment. I knew exactly what that meant. Princess Black was sick and with some sort of mental imbalance too. Shit! Seriously?

Shinjin gulped. "Is something wrong?"

I nodded and grit my teeth, "Oh yeah something's wrong alright. She's sick just like I suspected."

"W-With what?" Shinjin asked.

I sighed, "She's got some sort of mental imbalance at the moment and I'm not sure what caused it. I wonder though that maybe the brainwashing wasn't strong enough and her old personality is trying to break though?"

"Maybe?" Shinjin said, "She did say before she passed out that was hearing a voice call her name Abigail. And not to mention she saw a dog sitting in front of her. It called her Abigail and asked her to talk to it."

"Great…" I groaned. "Even though I did the brainwashing on her, since her magic is being active again there's nothing I can do to stop her from gaining her memories of who she really is back." I paused and grinned as I thought of something. "I can't stop her from gaining her memories back as to who she really is but I can stop her from gaining her old personality back. Why didn't I think of using the brainwashing like this before? Well then, that's exactly what I'm going to do."

Shinjin looked like he was getting ready to protest this but I stopped him before he could even open his mouth. "No Shinjin, this isn't up for debate so don't even bother!"

I couldn't be even happier about my idea. I was going to stop Princess Black's personality as Abigail from coming back if it was the last thing I do.

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