《The Diamonds》Abigail is now Princess Black



Two days before Dr. Crow was going to brainwash me, I had another temper tantrum trying to get rid of my key that I had on a necklace. I threw it up against the wall several times thinking the impact might break it but no it was as Patty said, indestructible.

"Ahhh!" I let out a growl in my frustration. The last time I threw my key trying to break it, when it landed on the floor a bright light shined from it. I jumped back in surprise. "What the hell?"

Out of the light came what looked like a copy of me. I thought it was a holograph at first but when I went to put my hand through it the copy of me grabbed my hand. "Hello Abigail! It's time for you to meet you!"

I pulled my hand back and stood there staring at my copy stunned. "Wait… What? Have I already been brainwashed?"

My copy laughed and shook her head. "No Abigail, you're not brainwashed. I'm here because this is an emergency situation. Yes, your real name is Princess Black. But you don't act like how you used to act when you were back at the Diamond planet. You still don't have all of your memories yet and even when you're brainwashed, you will gain your real memories eventually. Dr. Crow can't take that part of you away even if he wanted to. You will be the Abigail that Dr. Crow wants you to be for him. You will think that you are Princess Black and that you are Dr. Crow's lover and who knows what else he'll want you to think. Yeah I know he's gross!"

I laughed. "You can say that again!" I paused. "But I have to use the key to transform into Princess Black. Will you come out instead?"

"Yes and no," My copy answered, "I'll already be out even if you don't transform. Let's liken this to good and evil. You'll be the evil side of you once you've been brainwashed. I'll be the good side of you. I'll be helping your friends out because you won't be able to help them after you're brainwashed."

My bottom lip trembled and I tried to hold myself back from crying but it was of no use. I opened up the water works and the tears began to flow from my eyes. I sank to my knees and it felt like I wasn't going to stop crying anytime soon. "Why? Why did I let myself get into this situation? Why did I have to be so stupid? Why did-"

My copy put a hand on my shoulder. "No Abigail, you're not stupid! You just did what you knew best to do. You didn't get to be the number one DA because you were stupid! You stopped a war single handedly for crying out loud! I don't think a person can do that out of stupidity! You just made a mistake, it happens. I'm pretty sure Dr. Crow has made a few mistakes that cost him."

"But how can you liken losing a few lair's to getting captured by the enemy with going to be taken away huh?" I cried. "Dr. Crow's never had to deal with it so he wouldn't know anything about that!"

"Maybe and maybe not?" My copy said, "Either way your brain and your magic thought to create me and send me to help your friends. That's pretty admirable for you to think of a game plan in this dire situation."


I finally stopped crying and wiped the tears from my eyes. "I guess so. I shouldn't have gotten myself into this mess in the first place."

"Unfortunately since Diamonds don't have the ability to see the future," said my copy, "you wouldn't have known that you would've gotten into this place at all. Diamonds develop different abilities with their magic but no Diamond has been able to develop the ability to see the future! I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon.

"Anyway, while you will be going by Princess Black, I will be going by name the Princess of Light."

I paused. "Princess of Light? That's my brain thought of to call you? Seriously? I couldn't think of anything else? Yeah that just shows my stupidity right there."

Princess of Light chuckled, "Nah once again that wasn't stupidity. That was more of creative oversight. But either way you will be around your friends but just in the form of me." She pointed to the top of her head where a gold crown sat. "I will only be able to appear when your friends need help even without you around. My clothes will be white and gray like they are now. Your clothes will be what you look like when you transform into Princess Black. You will still use your key to transform into Princess Black, you will gain your old memories back, develop your magic and shed your human body. I don't know what will happen when you don't need your key anymore and you're still brainwashed. But I do hope this brings you comfort that you have been thinking about your friends, family and your true love so much that you have done this for them."

She took my hands and gently held them in hers. "Don't despair Abigail, you'll figure out a way out of this. Until then, this is goodbye."

A flash of light happened and the Princess of Light disappeared. I looked down and the key was back to hanging on a necklace around my neck.

* * *

{Dr. Crow}

According to Shinjin, two days before I put Princess Black on the Brainwashing Altar, Princess Black had a temper tantrum for whatever the reason. I didn't know what it was about and I didn't care to know.

Right now, I was on pins and needles waiting for her Brainwashing Ritual to be finished. The one thing I hate about the Brainwashing Ritual is that it takes two days to complete. I do feel secure however knowing that once a person is tied down to the Brainwashing Altar they can't escape until the ritual is over with. Even still it takes weeks to undo the process and return a person back to what they were before.

But I don't plan on turning Princess Black back to who she was before. Nope. Princess Black will stay mine forever and ever. I wonder if that's what her temper tantrum was about? It doesn't matter she'll be mine, Shinjin will be mine and I can't wait to get my hands on Prince Silver, he'll be mine too.

Finally, the hour came for Princess Black's Brainwashing Ritual to be finished. I took her off the altar and brought her over to my bed. Even though I was eager to have sex with her, I knew had to be patient. It would take a while for that to happen. That's because when she wakes up she'll have to be fed, told who she is, and then she'll have to bite someone and I'll be right there to be her first victim. That would be when the real fun would begin.


I did have the decency to put clothes on Princess Black after she was brainwashed. I gave her a simple black sweatshirt with black jogging pants. It's not that she would need them much when I'm with her. It was to make her comfortable at least.

When I laid her on my bed I couldn't get over how beautiful she was even when she's sleeping. I smiled when I saw her open her eyes. "Well good morning beautiful! I'm glad to have you awake finally."

Princess Black shook her head as she looked around the room. When she laid eyes on me, she looked confused. "Um, okay, two questions, first, who are you? Second, who am I?"

Those questions puzzled me, because Brainwashing Ritual isn't supposed to give someone amnesia. They're supposed to remember who they are still and who others that were around them. It's supposed to make it so that you can tell the person who's been brainwashed who these people are to them.

"You… Don't remember who I am?" I asked. "Are you pulling my leg Princess?"

Princess Black blinked. She gave me a look of disbelief as she was shocked that I would think she was playing a prank. "I'm being honest, I don't know who I am and I don't know who you are."

She held her head as if she had a headache.

Well now this is perfect! This worked out much better than I thought!

"Well, to answer your first question," I said, "your name is Princess Black."

Princess Black nodded. "Princess Black, that's an interesting name so I take it I'm royalty or something?"

I nodded. "Yes you are and you will be treated as such as long as you're with me. To answer your second question, my name is Dr. Crow and you are madly in love with me."

She grabbed her head again. That concerned me, "Are you okay Princess? Do you have a headache?"

She groaned, "I'm not sure what's going on, it sounds like someone is shouting the name Abigail in my head." She shook her head. "Maybe I'm imagining things? I think whatever this is it will go away I hope."

Now that's interesting! If anything from her recent past would call to her I would think it would be the name Agent Black instead.

"Hmm," I said, "well you've had a hard day. Apparently it was such a hard day that you forgot your name. I've never seen that happen before!"

"Okay, Dr. Crow huh?" Princess Black said. I loved the look she was giving me. She looked at me from head to toe as if trying to process things. "That's a strange name to have. You don't look like a doctor but you are pretty handsome."

I smiled at her. She tried to get out of bed and I stopped her, not because I wanted to sex with her but because she wasn't recovered enough from the brainwashing to even walk. I wasn't about to let her try to take care of herself when she wasn't able to.

"You need to stay in bed for now," I said, "You won't be able to even walk at the moment. I'll take care of you for the time being. When I'm not available I will send my most trusted friend Shinjin to take care of you."

Princess Black tilted her head. "Shinjin? That's a weird name too."

I chuckled, "Yeah you'll meet people with all sorts of weird names. Once you're recovered enough, you'll be able to walk around outside the room freely. But only when Shinjin is with you."

"Why? I'm not a baby, I don't think I need a babysitter!" Princess Black growled.

"Wow you're adorable even when you're angry," I said. I reached and gave her a long passionate kiss.

After I kissed her, she blushed and looked away. "I, um…"

She leaned over and surprised me by kissing me. I kissed her back enjoying every second of it. When she started to take my clothes off, I stopped her. God I want her so bad but I need to wait until the necessities are taken care of and then we can have fun!

Princess Black pouted. "Why not?"

"Because there's some things that need to be taken care of first," I said.

"What?" She asked.

"Well I'm sure by now you're hungry aren't you?" I asked.

Right on cue I heard her stomach growl. She nodded. "Well judging by the sound of my stomach, I guess I am. So what am I getting to eat?"

"You might not like this but the only thing we have to eat around here is raw meat," I replied.

I watched her reaction as it looked like she practically threw up in her mouth. I actually felt sympathy for her because the first meal of raw meat isn't pleasant but after a few bites you get used to it. "Yes, I know it sounds disgusting but that's all we have. Of course you can drink orange juice but we don't eat anything other than raw meat."

"Yeah that sounds gross and it doesn't sound like anything I want to eat," Princess Black said. She grabbed her head again.

I frowned. "Yeah you need to rest once everything's been taken care of, then we can have some fun."

She nodded. "Okay then."

As I walked away, I felt puzzled as to why Princess Black's Brainwashing Ritual was so hard on her. It didn't matter as long as I had her all to myself everything was fine by me.

* * *

{Abigail now Princess Black}

After I had my first meal of raw meat which was indeed gross, I felt a strange overwhelming urge to bite someone. Which I guess that made sense considering I had fangs so I assumed that's what they were for. The person I bit was the handsome man sitting beside me named Dr. Crow. I still think that's a weird name to have but hey, everyone's different I guess.

"Did you enjoy that?" Dr. Crow whispered into my ear.

Strangely enough I felt horny after I bit him and I liked the idea of having sex with him. It was as if he knew exactly what I was thinking about because he wasted no time taking my clothes off and he let me take his clothes off in return.

"I love you, I love you." Dr. Crow kept saying as he thrusted on me. I couldn't really think straight at the moment and it surprised me that he could think straight enough to even say that. I had no idea what he meant by it either. I wasn't sure how I felt about him just yet but all I knew is I just wanted to fuck him and that was all.

Dr. Crow climaxed and I thought we were done but I guess not because somehow he just wanted to keep going. "I'm not letting you go yet."

He got himself hard again a few minutes after climaxing. Then I felt myself get off and then a few minutes later of Dr. Crow pounding as fast as he could, I got off again.

After a while when the sex was over with, I snuggled up to Dr. Crow and enjoyed the feel of his warm body next to me. "Wow, that felt good!"

"Mhm," said Dr. Crow, "I'm glad you liked that. It felt good to me too. I have all day. So we can do this as many times as you want."

Then I heard that voice inside my head scream, "ABIGAIL!" Every time that voice screamed it gave me a headache. I grabbed my head in pain.

Dr. Crow sighed, "I don't know what's causing this for you. I think I'll have to run some tests on you later so I can see what's causing it. But not right now. I just want to hold you and have much sex with you as possible. You're too hard to resist, you know that? You are the sexist woman I've ever met!"

I felt myself blush and I smiled. "Why thank you Dr. Crow, you're too kind you know that?"

"Yeah I know," said Dr. Crow, "I just can't help but admire your beauty!"

"Alright then," I said, "my body is yours to take."

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