《Otherworldly Life as a Beastman》Arc 1 Chapter 9 "The Night of a Feast"
"What's wrong? Had enough confidence to fight? And here I thought that you wanted to reclaim the Blue Sharks to once they once were. Guess I was wrong."
Even though they were strong by numbers, Clugil and his team were pulverized by Darmac as they couldn't lay a single scratch on him. They were weak, bruised, and exhausted that could barely stand, but they were no match for his incredible strength.
"Look, just give up and admit it. You can't beat me—you can't beat all of us! You're the weakest link in this organization. If you would've kept your mouth shut and done what you were told, none of this would've ever happened and you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself in front of everyone here, including Vikov."
"Just...shut up already!"
Despite his wounds, Clugil continues to stand in front of him and chooses to keep fighting Darmac. He gave a punch to Darmac, who was standing and decided to not move out of the way. The punch was so soft and light that it had no effect on him.
"C'mon, this is terrible."
"You suck man! Just die already!"
"This fight sucks!"
"Give up man. You're no match for him."
They can hear other members of the Blue Sharks sending boos and jeers towards Clugil and his team. Darmac couldn't help but agree with the majority of the audience.
"See that? You're making a fool of yourself. You should just face it already. You're no match for me or my strength."
He says that as he gave a heavy punch to Clugil, sending him flying across the arena towards his team in front of them. After he punched him, Darmac gave an unsatisfying sigh.
"To be honest with you, I'm bored. I've had many great and enjoyable fights in my prime, but compared to them, you're the very few that managed to make me feel bored. So just give up."
"If you think we're gonna give up, you're wrong! We're gonna show you what we're made of!"
Raiji ran full speed towards Darmac by using his ability when he fought against Gin back in the store. He uses the cage around him as trampolines, bouncing on one cage to the next. And the bouncier he is, the faster he gets.
"Sir Clugil! Are you alright?"
While Raiji is busy with Darmac, Touya runs towards the downed Clugil right next to him with bruises all over his body.
"Yeah, I'm fi— Nn!"
He felt a sharp pain in his chest when he was punched by Donga. He looks at his own wound that Darmac inflicted on him and sees a large cut on his chest. It was not deep enough to hit anywhere in his organs, but he is still bleeding nevertheless.
Clugil was confused about how Darmac managed to cut him. He was mostly using his fists for the entire fight. He could've used his claws to cut him, but it would be impossible if his fist was closed. Unless...
"Raiji, watch—"
"You're finished!"
Clugil tried to warn Raiji, but it was already too late. Raiji raised his blade as he was getting close towards Darmac, going for an attack. However, the moment that he got close to him, his fate was sealed.
Then, in an instant, Raiji's left arm was suddenly dismembered from his body and flew across the arena, along with his sword, and landed with a hard thud. It was clean cut at the mid-section of his elbow.
Darmac's arm suddenly has a sword-like blade that was attached to the back of his wrist. That is how he cut off Raiji's arm; a blade that was so hidden inside of the gauntlet that no one couldn't see it coming.
Even though he cut off Raiji's arm, Darmac gave an unsatisfying sigh.
"Even that isn't fun."
Touya charged in towards Darmac with an overhead punch to attempt to get a hit in for what he did to Raiji, but Darmac jumped over his arm and he spin kicked him on the back of his head. He kicked him so hard that Touya's large body collapsed on the floor and resulted in a knockout.
He approached Clugil, who was on his knees, unable to continue fighting, and placed his blade at Clugil's neck.
"You've tried betting against your odds and it failed. There's no point for you to continue on. The only thing you can do is die."
There's nothing that Clugil could do anymore. He tried defending for himself, he tried fighting for his team, he tried to redeem himself and turn the Blue Sharks to what they used to be. But he has failed to achieve that goal, and his punishment for betraying the Blue Sharks, who is currently led by Vokov, is death.
"Why is a mercenary like you working with a bastard like him? From what I heard, you'll do anything for money. Blue Sharks never pay other members here, they only keep their loot to themselves. So why work with them?"
Darmac ponders a bit to search for the right words to say for Clugil. Then, he gives him an answer in front of him.
"Well, to put it bluntly, it was the thrill of the fun, of course."
Clugil was puzzled by what Darmac just said. "The thrill of the fun"? What does he mean by that? He couldn't understand what that meant.
"The fighting. The bloodshed. Where you're not bound by the rules and allowed to let loose in a mortal combat. Hearing all of that and fighting every opponent just keeps my blood pumping. The more I fight, the more I become stronger. Of course, it got old after a couple of matches, but hey, what can you do? I enjoy fighting. It makes me feel free! And with the audience here, it makes me feel alive!"
He was in disbelief as Darmac's rapidly speaking nonsense coming out of his mouth. The excitement from him was inhumane, he had never seen someone with a nature like him before. But seeing Darmac like this, it made him feel uncomfortable.
"But you on the other hand..."
Darmac stabs his blade into Clugil's left abdomen. He lifted him with his blade and changed his face from a joyful look to a frown.
"After seeing your display, you lack everything on what makes a good fighter that it was disgraceful, so disgraceful that it makes me want to vomit. But no matter. After I kill you, I can get rid of that awful taste from my mouth."
As he prepares to kill Clugil, he unsheathes a second blade from his other gauntlet and slowly raises it above his head.
"So this is how it ends?"
Clugil looks down in distress as he accepts his fate. He thinks about what could've done if he had actually won. A will of what he could've done.
"Damn it. I could've actually taken charge and returned the Blue Sharks to once they used to. I could've taken over Vincilos and have everyone in my command..."
Darmac's blade was raised to the sky, pointing to the ceiling of the warehouse, as he was about to bring down judgement to Clugil. The blade draws in into Clugil as it comes down—
"I could've taken revenge on that bastard Gin!!"
In that moment, his life was vanquished in a blink of an eye.
At least, if it should've been.
Clugil slowly opens his eyes and sees the blade an inch away from his face before his death. What caused Darmac to suddenly stop? Why did he not kill him? Clugil was wondering why as he couldn't fathom this outcome.
"—What...did you say?"
He couldn't hear Darmac's quiet voice as he was still taken aback by a situation this bizarre.
Darmac released him from his blade and tossed him to the floor. He then grabs him by the collar of Clugil's suit and holds him up high in front of the cage.
"You said Gin. Is he here in this very city?"
"Y-Yes! He and his...goddamn family live here in the shopping district!"
"I see..."
After he gave Darmac information about Gin's whereabouts, he tossed Clugil behind him as if he was nothing but leftover trash. But then, a bit of spark had kicked in.
"So...you've been here all this time, Ginny? ...He...hehehehehe."
As soon as he heard that name, his personality suddenly changed. His laugh started off soft, but then it grew louder and louder that members of the Blue Sharks that are inside of the warehouse could hear him laugh.
It is a sign of wanting to wreak havoc—a sign of bloodlust.
His laugh was interrupted by other members of the Blue Sharks, who were wanting to see him kill Clugil.
"What the hell?! Why did you stop?!"
"Don't stop, kill him!"
"Why are you letting him live? Just kill him already!"
"I want to see him dead!"
The members of the Blue Sharks that were spectating the fight were taken aback by this outcome and shouted out demands that he should kill Clugil. Darmac waved his arm and said to everyone that is in the warehouse "Calm down. I've got a better solution."
Everyone in this room fell silent as Darmac got something he wanted to say. He points his finger out to Vikov, who was on top of a pyramid of iron crates.
"I'd like to propose a request."
"Oh? And what will that be?"
"Allow me to take command of this group, let me lead your men."
"Are you mad?! The only one who commands us is Sir Vikov! Only he can give orders to—"
Before Lince could say any further, Vikov interrupted him by placing his gigantic lion hand in front of him.
"But sir..."
With no words, he continues to give Lince a cold stare. Lince knows that very well; if he were to ever give you that stare, then you'll be asking for death. Lince swallowed his saliva and stuttered "Y-Yes, sir."
Vikov looks back to Darmac and asks him in a calm and solemn expression.
"For what purpose do you propose? What is the benefit for you to command my team?"
"It's pretty obvious, really..."
As he was about to give an explanation as to why he should command Vikov's forces, he looked around to the Blue Sharks members and extended his arm to them. Everyone, in this very room, looks at him in silence as he makes his speech.
"Members of the Blue Sharks. What has happened to you? Whatever happened to all the pride that we once had? Where's the fighting spirit that we all had back then? You all had everything: riches, power, dominance, everything that you could ever imagine. But now, because the kingdom sends their Saints and the Inquisitor to this country, they pushed you into this shabby-looking dumpster that you called 'base' and your so-called 'boss' had decided to run away with his tail between his legs. How long are you gonna sit idly while that damned king from Theacala just sits in his fatass on his throne and tells us what to do? You all should be over there, where the mighty takes control of the city with a powerful leader you have, not in the backburner where you have weak members like them running around ruining your image. Tell me this. Are you all sick of being bound by their restricted laws? Are you sick of living a normal life doing the same daily routine twenty-four-seven? Are you gonna sit here, give up like cowards, and do what you were told while they get all the glory? Let's take back what we have lost! Our pride! Our riches! Our city! We'll kill everyone and destroy everything that stands in our way to return what belongs to us and bring our city back!"
His long speech resonated with everyone that was in this warehouse. They didn't get it at first, but they caught on to what he was saying. They agree to what he said and rally with Darmac with a cheerful roar.
"Hey, he's right! This is our city!"
"Hell yeah! Screw the king!"
"We're with you Darmac!"
"Let's give them a peace of our mind about what we're really made of!"
Their cries have turned into anger, and their anger has turned into a cheer for violence. Their voices grew louder and louder as they started to revolt against society, against the world, against all things that claimed to be theirs, to begin with.
This entire group has turned into a mob.
"I see..."
As they are about to begin their revolution, Vikov laughs from the top of his iron-coated throne and stands.
"Yes! You all should take his words by heart. That is what the Blue Sharks is truly all about! We have remained silent for far too long. Now it's the time that we rise from the shadows. No longer we are going to hide like cowards! No more picking up scraps nor we starve on bones! We will storm the city and take back what was ours! Raise your sword! Raise your fangs! Because tonight, we, the Blue Sharks, are going to conquer Vincilos!"
The responsive cheer was loud enough that it even made the ground shake. Now, this isn't about pride anymore, now this is war. A war for Vincilos.
While everyone cheers and begins to prepare themselves to destroy everything in their way, Darmac gave himself a soft laugh.
"Get ready Ginny... This is gonna be one hell of a feast."
It has been a long time since we last saw each other. It took me a while to search for you, but now, I've finally found you, still alive and kicking! I've heard you've retired from the military and moved on."
"I did. To get away from guys like you."
"Oof! You've hurt my feelings, Ginny. And I thought we would get a wonderful reunion after you were gone for nearly a century. I mean, look at us. Our fur isn't like what they're used to back then. Oh, the memories."
Darmac made a deep sigh to Gin as he briefly took a trip down memory lane. But even with Darmac showing his happy-go-lucky expression to him, Gin is having none of it as he keeps his guard up.
"Just who is he?"
While that is happening, Shouya and Jakki took a look at the two of them from the store. Shouya noticed that his appearance looks a lot like Gin, the only main difference is that his fur is cyan blue in contrast to Gin's lavender-colored fur. He wondered if he came from the same race as Gin.
Darmac took notice of both Gin's kids and Shouya that were inside the store. He raised his brow as he was puzzled as to why there are kids in there.
"Are those kids? But why would they... Ah!"
He made a huge gasp as he now realized who these kids belonged to. He looked at Gin and made a wide grin on his face.
"Ginny! I didn't know you were married! So I guess those are your kids, then? I guess you and Enna are finally a thing, huh? And you didn't send me an invite to your marriage? I gotta say, that's harsh. I wonder how Enna is doing?"
"Not talking to an asshole like you, that's what!"
"Oi! You better respect commander Darmac or else he'll kick your ass!"
"'Commander'? So you're working with the Blue Sharks too?"
"Who? Me? Pah! You thought I worked with those idiots? Get real! I wouldn't want to work with those weaklings."
Couldn't fathom what Darmac had said, Gin raised his brow and cocked his head sideways. He had thought that he was a member of the Blue Sharks, but that wasn't the case. Even Donga couldn't understand what he just said.
"The hell?! You're one of us, right?"
"As if! Did you think that I, the leader of the Scaring Wolves, would ever join the Blue Sharks? It ain't that simple, at least in my point of view."
"The hell does that mean?"
"It means the Blue Sharks are nothing more than a weak group. We don't correlate to each other. Sure Vikov and I had similar ideals, but we both have different goals. He wants to take over the country as a false king, as for me, well, I did it for the thrill of the hunt. Searching for strongest opponents far and wide, no matter if they're old or young, male or female. What he is doing is like a big selfish manchild demanding what he wants."
"But your speech... What about your plan to take Vincilos back?"
"Oh, that? I really didn't need the city. I did it so I can draw out both Ginny and the Inquisitor himself from his den. A simple bloodbath between Blue Sharks and the people of Vincilos should suffice."
They couldn't believe what they just heard. It wasn't about taking back Vincilos nor did he care if both Blue Sharks took over the city or its people, it was about spreading bloodshed to draw both Gin and the so-called Inquisitor's attention.
Vincilos, the peaceful city and a wonderful paradise where you can live happily, will become a city of chaos and destruction.
"Darmac! What are you scheming?"
"Isn't it obvious, Ginny? I shall become stronger; strong enough to defeat you, and become the world's strongest man alive! Even strong enough to defeat Egakhan."
Listening to Darmac's bold and dastardly claim sets a cold and heavy pressure in the air that both Gin and Donga felt a chill down their spine.
"Egakhan? Inquisitor? What are they talking about?"
Unlike those three who seemed to know everything in this world, Shouya, however, having no prior knowledge in this world, therefore, he doesn't know who, or what, they're talking about. But even if he doesn't know who they are, based on their expressions, just mentioning them gave him goosebumps.
Gin clicked his tongue at his ludicrous assumption, baffled by his outrageous belief that he could actually do all of that.
"So you're that confident enough to face him, aren't you? I've known you're crazy, but that's just over the top ridiculous! Even if you could, the Inquisitor can stop you even if you tried."
"That's exactly the point! After I kill you, I'll kill Vikov. Then I'll kill the strongest people, including the Inquisitor himself, and lastly, kill Egakhan and fulfill the legacy as the strongest Kowler in the world!"
"...You're full of it!"
"I said you're full of shit! You thought you could live in a fairy tale where you could kill Vikov, beat the Inquisitor, and the Dragon King? Now I know you're bluffing! But if you think like that, then you have a child-like mentality, that's what! There can be only one king, and that's Vikov! Don't you forget that!"
If there were one person that would not accept his ideals, it would be Donga. He was out of the loop when Darmac started talking about the strongest Kowler in the world, but he didn't buy into that. Donga, a member of the Blue Sharks, values his support to his one and soon-to-be true king: Viktor.
Darmac took a deep breath and let out a sigh.
"So that's how it is? Well, no matter. It's just your opinion. I won't force you to change your mind. However..."
Suddenly, out of nowhere, evil malice spiked through the air as something he had done was imaginable. A murderous intent, an inescapable misfortune, the smell of blood as far as the eye can see.
Donga coughed out blood as if something stabbed through him. He looked down and saw Darmac's arm dug through his chest, where the heart was located. In fact, his arm dug in so deep that Donga's heart was behind him, sitting on Darmac's hand, still beating.
His speed was unimaginable. He was as fast as a speeding bullet. There wasn't anyone who was as fast as he is. With only a blink of an eye, Donga has only met his end.
"Such weak-willed people have no place in this world."
Darmac tightly squeezed the beating heart, harder and harder, until it exploded in his hand. As he reeled back his arm, Donga flopped on the ground, laying down on his own pool of blood.
Both Shouya and Gin were shocked to see that someone was murdered in front of them with their own very eyes.
H-He...killed him!
Shouya couldn't stop looking at it as blood continued to bleed out from the lifeless corpse's fist-sized hole from his chest. He quickly covered his own mouth, urging himself to vomit, but he swallowed it in before he could let it out.
He couldn't describe this feeling. He could feel nothing but guilt and fear..
In a fit of rage, Gin ran towards Darmac full speed as he attempted to land the first hit on him. But he quickly dodged the attack and went in for a counterattack with a straight hard punch. Gin blocked his attack and they both began to exchange blows.
"Hahahahahaha!! Yes! This is what I've been yearning for! Fight to your heart content, Ginny! Fight until one of us is out!"
Their strength was immeasurable. Hit after hit. Punching and kicking. Dodging and blocking. Seeing the two of them fight like this is like watching a kung-fu movie, except there were no cameras, no stunt performers, or even any sign of acting. The hits they landed sounded real. The emotion they expressed felt real. The blood, sweat, and saliva that are coming out of their bodies looked real. No, it's not that it looked real, in fact, this is all real—too real, in fact.
No way, this is insane!
No matter how he looked at it, it's one of the most brutalist fights Shouya had ever seen. It was happening so fast that his eyes could barely catch up.
After a couple of blows exchanged, both Gin and Darmac clasped each other's hands together, locking them in place.
"It's been a while since we've fought like this. How long ago was it? Eighteen years? Eighteen years since we last fought each other? Eighteen years since we've been on the battlefield together? Eighteen years since the Eistogan War? The eighteen years that we became war brothers?"
"Yeah, I remember. It was the year that you betrayed us and everyone from the Grey Moon! I won't forgive you for what you did!"
"Well not fret, comrade. I intend to tie up those loose ends. I'm going to continue where I left off. Starting with you and Enna."
Using his leg, Darmac knees Gin straight to the abdomen, causing Gin to regurgitate saliva, and he kicks him in the face, sending him flying to the other side of the street and crashing into the lamp post.
"Hello there, kid!"
As Jakki called out to his father Gin, Darmac appeared right in front of him. He fell down on the floor with his bum as he frighteningly looked up at Darmac. He kneels in front of the frightened Jakki and looks at him up close.
"My, my. Aren't you a cute lil' munchkin? Looking at you close, you're looking kinda scrawny down there. Let me introduce myself. The name's Darmac. I guess your parents never told you about me, but you can refer to me as your uncle. Oh, and is that your sister? I didn't know that Ginny and Enna had twins."
"Get away from her!"
As he was about to reach out to the unconscious Gina, Darmac turns his head and looks at the person who shouted at him. It was Shouya.
"Huh? And who the hell are you? Judging from the way you look and the kind you're from, you're neither Ginny's kids. What are you, their babysitter? Look, don't try to get smart with me, but I'm giving you a chance of letting you live. So you would either get lost or die right here. Either way, I don't have time to deal with nobodies like you."
He's right. I am a nobody. What am I even doing? If I fight him now, he'll kill me. But he's giving me a chance. If I run now, I'll live! Yeah, that's what I'll do!
Listening to his own thoughts, Shouya could run away from the fight and avoid fighting Darmac. But if he were to do that, that would mean leaving Gin and the others behind.
But, these guys... Gin, Enna, Jakki, Gina. They've done so many nice things to me. Should I really abandon them?
He thought back and remembered how many good deeds they gave to Shouya. They gave him a job, they fed him good food, they even gave him a place to stay. Gin and his family gave him so many nice things that they can offer, even if Shouya didn't ask for any of it.
They treated him so well like he was a part of a family.
No! I need to protect them! I owed them everything! They had done so many nice things to me. I needed to return the favor. I can't let them die here. I can't let them die because of me. I need to save them!
After realizing what he wanted to do, he clenched his fist and charged towards Darmac.
This caught Darmac off-guard as Shouya's punch hit his cheek. This was actually the first time that he managed to hit someone. He hadn't actually thrown a punch in his world; he was always reserved and defensive, and he kept his business to himself. He was never the type of person who would actually start a fight.
When he finally threw out a punch to him, Shouya felt sort of relieved. But even so, he could feel his hand shaking after he punched him.
"How's that? Now leave them alone!"
"You got guts, I like that. But..."
Faster than the naked eye could see, Darmac, with his quick speed and brute strength, kicked Shouya by the arm, sending him flying across the street and scraping his skin on the hard pavement. When he kicked him, Shouya could even hear the bones of his arm break, dislocating his left shoulder, as all of this happened in an instant. He was unable to defend himself from that attack. Instead, he was left dumbfounded when he came in and attacked Shouya.
He was careless; he didn't think that Darmac would attack him back. He thought that when he punched him, he would be on his knees, beg for forgiveness, and run away. But that wasn't the case. It did the exact opposite that Shouya had wished for.
It was enough to impress Darmac for a short time, but it wasn't enough to bring him down.
It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!
Driving in pain, Shouya could hear himself screaming in pain and rolling on the ground as he felt this immense pain that Darmac had inflicted on him. He felt that as if his arm was going to tear off from his body. He hadn't felt this kind of pain in his life.
"...You're not strong enough to take on me."
Darmac steps on his head and begins to press Shouya's head onto the ground. Shouya could only do nothing but scream in agony as the force of Darmac's foot pushed his head to the pavement.
"You thought that you could beat me in just one small punch? Get real, kid. This is a dog-eat-dog world. Only the strongest of the strong can survive in the harsh reality of sociality. You think that you're tough, but look at you; weak and pathetic. You're not even quick enough to defend yourself. I'm glad that I didn't recruit someone like you in the Scaring Wolves. If I did, I would've killed you from the moment you came to my doors. It's better for weaklings like you to die."
Shouya wished he would have responded to Darmac's claims and his views about the strong versus the weak, but the sound of his own painful scream overlaps his sense of hearing as his foot kept on pushing him to the ground. His throat is becoming sore from all the screaming he is sprouting. His mind is becoming numb as air ejected from his lungs. His head kept pushing harder and harder, like his head is about to give in and break at any moment.
This is pain. This is torture. This is suffering. This is agony. This is torment. This is anguish. There is one word that is to best describe the situation: hell.
Before Shouya could give out, Darmac got hit with a long iron bar and flew out of him and he landed on the pavement on all fours. Gin, with his unimaginable strength, was holding a lamp post that was more than twenty-foot tall and used it as a weapon.
"Ginny, now you're just playing dirty. I like that. Very well, then. Guess I don't have to hold back as well!"
Darmac began to run full speed towards Gin as he was ready to face him again head-on. Gin swings the lamp post at him, but he quickly blocks it with his silver gauntlets on his arms as he is still running towards him. Darmac lowered his fist all the way to the ground, touching the stone pavement on the street and sparks began to come out from his arm as he dragged his fist towards Gin as he was preparing to uppercut him.
Gin foresaw this predictable move and tilted his body sideways to evade the uppercut, however, even when he missed, Darmac gave a silent grin to him.
A cold wind fills the air as something unimaginable is going to happen. He felt a sharp pain on his chest. Gin looked down on his chest and saw a large cut. Even though the cut was not deep enough to kill him, the blood was dripping out of him like a waterfall. He looked up to Darmac and saw a blade coming out of his iron gauntlets, with Gin's blood dripping on the edges of the blade.
With his blade raised, Darmac slices downward towards Gin, but he quickly backs away from Darmac and dodges the blade before its sharp edge could touch him.
"How do you like my upgrade, Ginny?"
"That's more like cowardice to me!"
"Harsh! After all of my training, I'd thought I would surprise you by showing you something new. I've known you for so many years; I've seen your techniques, I've learned how you fight. It won't work on me this time."
Gin Glymes, a former soldier of the military group called Grey Moon, and currently a husband and a father of two children. Darmac Payne, traitor of Grey Moon and the leader of the mercenary group Scaring Wolves. Two polar opposites, but both of them had a very long history of each other, so it's no surprise that Darmac knows how Gin fights and how to stop him.
This would leave Gin at a huge disadvantage and defeating him will not be that easy. If he makes one simple mistake, he'll be met with the ends of Darmac's blades.
"I see... Then I guess I have no choice but to use this."
Gin clenched his fists and he took up his fighting stance. He spread his legs and thrust his open hand at Darmac. He gave an enlightened "Oh ho!" as he saw him taking up his battle form. But it was more to that.
"Hmm? What's that glowing on his hand?"
He can see a bright orange light shining on his fist behind Gin. Darmac couldn't figure out why his arm was glowing, but he ignores it as he takes up his fighting stance as well.
"It doesn't matter, we all know how this will turn out."
He spreads his legs wide and positions his blades pointed directly at Gin. Both of them gave a cold stare to each other as the wind brushed their short fur on their bodies. Seeing them standing and staring down at each other face to face is like watching an old samurai movie.
But who will deal the final blow?
Both of them charged into each other, closing in to see who can deliver the final blow. Darmac comes towards him with his right arm raised and attempts to stab him, the tip of his sword clashes with Gin's glowing fist. But...
For some unknown reason, instead of Gin's arm being sliced off, his arm remained intact. Darmac couldn't believe it with his eyes to see his arm is being wrestled with the sharp object like a blade. It is as if the arm itself is harder than ice, sturdier than steel, unbreakable than diamonds.
Gin's arm glowed brighter as he pushed his forward against Darmac's blade. As he was pushing, the blade itself started to shatter. But that's not all...
It isn't just the sword that was shattered, but Darmac's right arm exploded, leaving only up to the elbow. Darmac was in a state of shock as he witnessed a part of him was suddenly blown to smithereens.
But Gin isn't done with him yet...
With an ounce of his strength left, Gin's left fist contacted the side of Darmac's face. The punch was hard enough that even he was stupor by Gin's strength. Gin puts all of his strength into his fist to blow Darmac far across the street, bouncing on the hard pavement and crashes into the house and creating a hole in the wall.
After surviving a tough battle against his rival and his former comrade, Gin was already on his knees and breathed heavily.
"Damn it... And to think I would have to use this ability three times in one day. But I never thought that I would ever manage to survive."
Guyun Tatorra; the most powerful magic in his arsenal. It's an ability that not only can break through magic barriers, but also can break through any kind of metal—including flesh—that stands in his way. Whenever there's a sword, armor, or even an iron wall, he can break through all of them without any difficulties.
It was the toughest fight that he had ever fought. Darmac wasn't a pushover; both of them fought against each other with their full strength. If Gin was a regular person with no magic, the fight would've been clearly one-sided and Darmac would have succeeded in his goal. But thanks to his ability, Guyun Tatorra, he was able to beat the odds.
"I couldn't have done it without your teachings, master."
Gin looks up at the night sky, clenching his fist as he praised the person who taught him that move.
- In Serial7 Chapters
Arcane Regeneration
Transported to another world, with a system that lets you take your fate into your own hands. Inside a dungeon, who knows how far away from human civilization, where the only way out is through. Join Noah in his desperate struggle and find out what this new world has in store for him. I am REALLY bad at synopses. What I will aim for in my story: 1. Logical choices 2. Good character development ( first story, might mess it up :D ) 3. I have epic plans for the future (not an actual aim but just saying :D ) What I will avoid like the plague: 1. Characters' IQ suddenly dropping just to further the story. 2. Whimpy main character 3. Stupid situations that can be avoided by basic communication and clearing things up. All in all, no generic trash anime protagonist and stereotypes. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 174 - In Serial13 Chapters
The Life of the Phoenix Titan
Summary A new baby is born into a fantasy world, and that baby is named Lakshman Chand, whose nickname is Lucky. The story follows as the boy encounters many different things along his growth and embarks on a journey to uncover the mysteries of his past and discover his destiny. Note from Author Hello, readers. This is a rewrite of the original Phoenix Rising that I had started way back in 2014 and am still going with over 500 chapters. I am rewriting from scratch on this one because, when I looked back at the earlier chapters, I found out that I had made a lot of mistakes, plot holes that went unexplained, and links missing between events. That's why, I've decided to write from the beginning with a new vision of improving the story, bridging the missing links, and change our certain events happened to make a much better story than the original. So, I thank each and every one of you for giving this story a chance, and I hope that you will come to like it. Please do leave comments down in each chapter to give me possible feedback or any suggestions for me to improve my story on. I gladly accept all advices from my readers and promise I will adapt to the best I possible could with the vision I have for this story. Phoenix Rising: Wikia
8 198 - In Serial65 Chapters
By The Sword
Death is a fickle thing.For most, it’s a force of nature, but Agil Novan sees the reaper in a different light. As the greatest swordsman of all time, he cherishes life, and he’s lived one full of both struggle and success. After all of his accomplishments, he too must face the reaper and its scythe.When challenged, however, the swordsman is not one to go without a fight. After parrying it once and impressing the reaper with a show of the blade, he is offered something more. A second chance at life—one that he is all but forced to accept.Now, stranded in an unfamiliar land with an unfamiliar body and far too many questions, Agil has his life threatened at every turn. Still, he is determined to survive. He knows what the reaper did to him.And he has never been one to let vengeance go unfulfilled.
8 150 - In Serial17 Chapters
John Robbie, Transdimensional Slacker
John Robbie leads two lives. Most of the time, he is a mage of god-like power with flying horses, vast estates, mountains of gold and the veneration of an entire empire. The rest of the time, unfortunately, he is himself. When he’s not immersed in his favorite RPG video game, Nordic Runes, John is a slovenly, unemployed college drop-out, two years deep into a crippling depression and living with his parents. Having lost all hope for his real life, John spends his time on the couch, controller in hand, trying to forget it. When his two lives miraculously converge, however, John’s only hope for survival lies in overcoming his greatest obstacle - himself. ******* John Robbie, TS is a GameLit, Portal Fantasy with two primary objectives. The first, obviously, is to tell a great story. The second is to show a realistic depiction of depression - both in its impact on the protagonist and what he must do to overcome it. That doesn't mean it's self-help, necessarily, though it will present real therapeutic strategies. It should be noted that the author, in addition to writing humor and fantasy, practices as a clinical psychologist. He also refers to himself in the third person. On special occasions, he uses the royal we. 2-3 chapters per week!
8 124 - In Serial14 Chapters
Sea Paradise
! (TEMPORARY HIATUS) !Every 70 years flying fish come from the magical place called ‘’Sea Paradise’’, a paradise that all fishers dream of visiting. Tono Toshiro, a grandfather also had the same dream but sadly died. Now Hayato, a 20 year old fisher, wants to fulfill his grandfather's dream by visiting the Sea Paradise, but what obstacles does Hayato have to face to reach that goal, and does he have what it takes to do so?
8 62 - In Serial6 Chapters
Antisepticeye X Reader
Trying to finish up your favorite book series, 'A Track To The River" you find yourself stuck with a internal conflict of a voice speaking to you. Cover Picture By Gooberoo on deviantart
8 176