《Otherworldly Life as a Beastman》Arc 1 Chapter 10 "Our Promise"
“Jakki! Gina!”
Enna arrived downstairs to see the massacre where the battle took place. She saw nothing but the destruction of the store that once was. Potteries scattered on the floor, the interior destroyed, and flowers died from all the fighting. It was a devastating sight to see, but she ignored the smallest detail surrounding her as she ran towards her kids.
Despite the fight having already ended, Jakki ran up and hugged his mother out of frightfulness. She looked at Gina, who was laying down on the ground, kneeling in front of her and she shook her body to try to wake her up. Gina slowly wakes up to see the light from her green eyes.
“M-Mama? Waaah!”
She hugged her mother tightly and bawled her eyes out. After going through what she went through, she had the right to cry. She was scared, afraid, and even at a young age, this event would scar her for the rest of her life.
“It’s alright, dearie. Mama is here.”
As a parent, Enna does her best to comfort her crying daughter. Meanwhile, Shouya got off the ground and surveyed the area as he wondered what happened.
Did we...actually won?
He had shortly passed out after Darmac had tortured him and how much he was screaming, so he didn’t get to witness the entire fight, only half of it. This is one of the many weaknesses that Shouya has.
He was very weak—both physically and mentally. He couldn’t fight back to protect himself and others, and he couldn’t last thirty seconds without being knocked out. He wasn’t trained to fight nor had any past experience in combat, and he wasn’t mentally prepared to foresee these events.
Shouya was nothing but a weak and fragile boy who couldn’t do anything.
Gin approached him and pats him on the shoulder.
“Hey, you alright?”
“Yeah. Ah, your wound!”
“Oh, this? This is nothing.”
“No, it isn’t! You’re bleeding a lot of blood! We gotta get you to Enna, fast!”
“Over-exaggerate much? You’re starting to sound like Enna, you know?”
“Wa-ha-ha! There’s nothing to worry about. I’ve taken worse hits in my time. Compared to others that I have dealt with, this is actually nothing to worry about. So don’t sweat it.”
Despite Shouya worrying about his injuries, Gin doesn’t seem to be concerned about it. No matter how bloody his injury is—big or small—he sees it like it was nothing. Considering that he was a military member, the Grey Moon, getting injuries or cuts isn’t something new to him, more like that he was used to it over the years.
Both Jakki and Gina ran towards Gin and hugged their father’s legs tightly. Enna approached Gin and Shouya with a sigh of relief to see her husband and lover, still standing and breathing.
“Glad to see both of you are still alive.”
“Hm. It was all thanks to Gin. Guess that’s the second time you saved me. I owe it all to you”
“Oh, stop it. You’re making me blush.”
The friendly comment coming from Shouya made Gin’s cheeks go red. But his playful expression quickly turned to a frown when he looked back at Darmac’s unconscious body.
“Although, I couldn’t say the same to him…”
“You know this guy?”
“Yes. Darmac was an old friend of ours…and a comrade in the Grey Moon. He was regarded as the most influential member of the Grey Moon. He helped me and Enna lead the battlefield onward and win every war we fought. You could say that he was our ace in the hole.”
Hearing this bit of information about Gin and Enna's past was a surprise to Shouya. He was an old companion of Gin and Enna back then. But now, he had turned from an ally to a formidable enemy.
“What do you think made him turn out like this?”
“Hmm… It’s been a long time that my memory is a bit hazy. Sorry.”
It had been eighteen years since Gin and Darmac last met. Gin and Enna’s memories aren't like what they’re used to and it had been years since the war had ended, so they could hardly recall what had happened between them and Darmac.
Shouya asked them a question that he was curious about for a while.
“Egakhan and the ‘Inquisitor’, do you have any idea who they are?”
It’s only natural that he would ask that question. Not a day has passed since he just arrived in another world yet all of this information that he didn’t know just hit him across his face. With no knowledge of who they are or this world’s history, all of this information just flew over his head.
Enna, who was also in this conversation, was the first person to respond to his question.
“Egakhan. He was once known as the Dragon King. The Ruler of the Skies. He’s been around for hundreds of years; terrorizing the world, sending fear and chaos to the world. He was regarded as ‘the dragon that could not be beaten’. Not until the Five Heroes sealed the Dragon King in the very center of the earth, never to see the light of day again. But even though he was sealed, descendants of Egakhan are still on the rise to avenge his father that one day, his seal would be broken and Egakhan would be reborn.”
Learning about the past of the Dragon King is something that Shouya couldn’t comprehend. It was extraordinary. Listening to the history of Egakhan is like something out of a fairy tale, or in this world, a legacy that was left behind for centuries. Not only that, the descendants of Egakhan may still exist and still be alive in this world to exact revenge.
Now knowing the history behind it, Shouya knows why they were afraid in the first place and they have the right to be feared.
“W-Wow! I never knew that this world has so much history… So I guess the Inquisitor is one of them?”
“That’s right! The Inquisitor lineage has been passed down from generations ever since five-hundred years ago.”
Geez, so it was that long ago.
“But why is he obsessed with facing them?”
When Shouya asked that question, in response, Gin couldn’t help but scratch his head, wondering about that as well.
“That, I don’t know. He was never this obsessed before. Was it maybe it was because of her?”
It was one thing that Shouya heard before Gin muttered. He couldn’t understand what he exactly meant; it wasn’t something that caused Darmac to go nuts, but someone made him do it.
“Any idea who—”
Before Shouya could dig deeper, the three of them heard an explosion. The explosion was so loud that everyone from Vincilos could hear it from their homes, thus waking them up from their sleep. Shouya and others glanced at the source where it came from.
“What the hell?!”
“By the gods!”
They couldn’t believe their eyes at what they were seeing; below them, they saw a house on fire from a distance. They can see people destroying properties, breaking glasses, and throwing molotov cocktails or casting fire magic that sets the houses on fire. They can even see people being dragged from their homes.
This is mutiny, so disturbing, so vulgar. Who would go through to such lengths to start a riot?
“What is going on?”
“I’ll tell you what’s going on. We’re unleashing hell!”
The three of them heard a voice and when they turned behind them, they saw Darmac, still standing with blood falling from his elbow where his arm was—no, not only his right arm was missing, but his right eye too. Gin punched him so hard—perhaps too hard—that his eye must’ve flown out from his socket. Now they can only see the pitch black empty void where his eye was.
“What did you do?!”
“Don’t you see? The Blue Sharks are beginning their rise to taking over Vincilos, just as planned.”
“‘As planned’? What are you talking about?”
“The first step was to cause chaos in this city. Initially, I was going to lure him here, but since you’re in this place, and I didn’t want to let my revenge go to waste, so I decided to change my plan to take you and this city at the same time!”
Listening to the conversation back and forth between the two beastmen, Shouya didn’t get what Darmac was saying. What does he mean about him? Who was he talking about? Who was he planning to lure? Gin backed him up and gave a definitive answer to Darmac.
“I get it now… You’re planning to lure the Inquisitor here, am I right?”
“Bingo! You’re not dumber than I thought you were over the past few years.”
“So what? If the Inquisitor comes here, he’ll beat the Blue Sharks and then the city will be saved!”
Shouya’s simple deduction came out as a possibility. If that were the case, then this could work in their favor. Bringing the Inquisitor here was their safe bet and their one and only chance to save the city. The Inquisitor, one of the Five Heroes, will save Vincilos.
“I’m afraid that’s not simple.”
When he looked at Gin, instead of a smile of joy and relief, his face remained in a frown, despite the good news that was on their side. Shouya didn’t understand what he meant; he asked him for what was the reason.
“What do you mean?”
“Perhaps you don’t know this, but…if the Inquisitor comes here, Vincilos will be destroyed.”
He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. The Inquisitor, one of the Five Heroes, instead of going to save Vincilos, he’s going to destroy it. Shouya was in bewilderment that he didn’t hear about this until now.
“B-But he’s the hero! Shouldn’t he be saving everyone?!”
“Just because he has a ‘hero’ in his title doesn’t mean he’s an actual hero. The Inquisitors were made to destroy cities, no matter if there’s enemies or civilians in the cities.”
Shouya couldn’t say anything but find himself shocked when he heard about this. His simple deduction just backfired on him. Not only that he wasn’t aware that the Inquisitor can destroy cities, but he will kill everyone in the city regardless if innocent lives are at stake.
After Learning on what Darmac's true intent, Gin returned to his sights on Darmac.
“You’re an idiot, Darmac! Do you know what will happen if he comes here?! He’ll kill you too!”
“I don’t care! Even if I lose to you, even if I didn’t reach my goal, I'll happily die here, along with everyone in this city, including you Ginny!”
Darmac has finally lost his marbles; his true nature was revealed. What he planned was so insane that no one would ever follow his dangerous plan, he even isn’t afraid to face death. If what he said was true, then Vincilos is in great danger.
After sharing his diabolical plan, Darmac extends his elbow and points at them.
“Also, I’d better watch my back if I were you.”
Shouya, Gin, and Enna heard a scream and turned behind them to see Jakki being held by Korovin. They were too focused on Darmac’s plans that they didn’t see or hear him coming. It was a sneaky diversion to get his attention away from him.
“Let him go!”
Before Gin could get close to them, Korovin casted a ball of white light shining in front of them, momentarily blinding their sights. As the light begins to dim, both Korovin and Jakki are nowhere to be seen.
“Damn it!”
Frustrated by this turn of events, Gin punched the ground in defeat. Enna broke down to her knees as he saw his son get kidnapped by a Blue Shark member. As for Shouya, he couldn’t believe what he had witnessed.
N-No… I didn’t save him.
He felt guilty that he couldn’t save Jakki in time. If he had known this was coming, then he could’ve saved him from Korovin and wouldn't have captured Jakki in the first place. But now, he was too late.
While the three of them are at a moment of distress, Darmac bursts out laughing, despite the situation they’re in.
“It looks like you're becoming rustier Ginny! You’re becoming physically strong, but your senses are lacking again. You have, once again, failed to protect the someone you hold dear, just like from before. This is power, Ginny! You have no hope left now! Time is of the essence, but it doesn’t matter now. This city is going to be destroyed along with you in it! I have already won!”
The moment after he says those final words, he falls backwards to the ground and his body comes in contact with the hard concrete and he is knocked out. Even though he is unconscious, his eyes are still wide open.
The sense of dread surrounds them. With their son being captured, their minds were filled with distraught as they didn't have any courage to fight back. This was despair.
“I-It’s not too late, right?”
However, a voice called out loud to them. The one who said it first was Shouya. Instead of falling into despair, he sees himself with a glint of hope; hope of the possibility that they could get out of the situation and a way to save Vincilos.
“It’s not too late to save this place! I mean, they’re Blue Sharks members, so they have to have a leader. If we can beat the leader, then they will have to stop the riot, we’ll save Jakki, and save Vincilos from destruction! That can work...right?”
Doubting about himself, Shouya told his own idea to Gin and Enna that they could have a chance to save both Jakki and Vincilos. Beating the leader of the Blue Sharks is their only chance if they want to seize the riots. And if they could stop the Blue Sharks’ rioting, then the Inquisitor wouldn’t have to destroy Vincilos.
If that were the case, then Vincilos and its citizens will be saved.
With that idea on the table, Gin turned his face of despair to a smile and began to break out laughter at Shouya’s solution. H he got off the ground and pats him on the shoulder.
“Man, you really know how to make an old man laugh with your crazy idea. But you’re right, it’s not too late. There is still a chance!”
All of the weight that he had was brushed off. His mind is filled with hope and determination, determined to save the city and his son.
“Ah, Enna, would you please?”
“Don’t worry, I got it! Oh, Shouya, I should do you too.”
“O-Oh! Right.”
Enna placed each of her hands on both Gin and Shouya’s body and they began to shine a bright yellow light from her hands. This was the familiar healing magic when she healed Shouya’s wound. Any cuts and bruises that they had before now repaired itself.
“Alright! Now Enna, I want you to evacuate all the people here.”
“I can do that!”
“Then, I want you to get away from this city.”
“Absolutely not! Don’t forget, you and I are in this together!”
“This is no joke! I’m only doing this just to protect you! I don’t want you to get hurt again.”
“Are you still on that? I told you that it’s in the past! Look, I’ve told you before, I can take care of myself!”
“This isn’t the same this time, Enna!”
Enna fell silent when Gin shouted at her. It’s a no brainer that couples would argue about something they disagree. In this situation, however, is different. Gin, feeling guilty for lashing out at her, looked down and gave a deep sigh.
“I’m sorry, but this is not like last time. So many people are at stake here, including you two and Jakki. I love you, but I don’t want to lose either of you. Not after all of that—”
“It’s alright…”
Enna interrupted him by placing her hand on Gin’s hairy chest. She was neither frustrated or upset; instead, she kept her emotions in check. Enna gently placed her other hand on top of her breast.
“I know what you mean and I know how you feel. You and I have been in the war for eighteen years. We’ve fought so many people and we’ve lost so many people that we know dear to our hearts. After leaving the military, we would live a peaceful life as a family. Even if trouble always follows us, you would always step in and save us from danger. So if you think that you’re worried about me, it’s alright. I understand.”
“But, if you’re thinking about risking your life not only to save our son, but also the people of Vincilos just by yourself, I couldn’t just sit by and watch.”
“Before you say ‘I’m doing this just to protect you’, it was my choice. I’m not the helpless Lieutenant anymore. I made a vow. A vow that, in our marriage, we would stay at each other’s side until death. There is no one in the world that is like you. If you were to give me a choice to flee from this city and move on from my life, I would rather die by your side than being with another man. You are my one and only, and no one in the world that could replace you, a man who I truly love.”
Gin was left completely silent, agape by Enna’s words. It was no simple feat. They had been with each other for years; the years of them from being a military soldier to a loving mother and father that loves their children and always takes care of each other.
This was a bond between two romantic lovers. It’s a relationship that was made in heaven.
They softly headbutted their heads, showing their affectionate love for each other.
“So please, don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. But promise me that you’ll come back alive.”
The joy of having someone with you by your side; it is the feeling of warmth that is inside your heart, showing that you are not alone.
The words reached out to Gin, who was awe-inspired by her loving wife’s words, and gave a gentle smile. With his mind come to his senses, he looks at Shouya and asks him a simple request.
“Would you mind tagging along with me?”
“Oh, yeah!”
“Enna, Gina, mind doing a small favor and get him out of here as well?”
He points at the body of the man who was laying on the ground unconsciously. Darmac had previously attacked Gin and his family, yet Gin wants him out of the city before the Inquisitor arrives.
“Why? He almost killed you?”
“I know, but I wouldn’t forgive myself if he gets killed here, enemy or not. Besides, he has already suffered enough.”
“If you say so…”
Enna wanted to rebuttal his decision, but she had no choice but to accept his request. She lifts him by the arms, but of course, his weight was too much for her to move just one side of the body, so Gina helps her move him by holding his legs up.
She looks at both Gin and Shouya with a worried expression.
“Just make it out alive, okay?”
“Don’t worry, I got this in the bag!”
“And Shouya, please take care of him.”
“Oh, you got it!”
She gives one last smile at them before both she and Gina move Darmac out of the city. Shouya and Gin, they are Vincilos’s last hope. They’re the only ones that can stop this madness and return Vincilos the way it was.
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