《Dungeon of books》The Multi-Mind Experiment - Chapter 20


Pov - Umbra

I quickly moved my mind away from the Amaryllis. Even now, I feel the PTSD sneaking up on me. The hours banging my metaphysical head against the wall. I shudder at the thought. With the stress of being in the presence of my current conundrum far from my mind, I move on to the next thing I've been experimenting with. Creatures with multiple minds!

This came about when I discovered a new creature during my almost hourly relaxation. Like, seriously, I need to find something better to do for my relaxation than just stare at my plane and creatures. Back on topic, though, I discovered a Rat King. That was my first peek into the world of multi-minded creatures. The Rat King was 13 rats that had their tail tied together from an outside view, but in my sight, they had evolved into a new creature. Their tails previously being separated somehow fused into one, but still in a way that made it look like there were 13 tails. It was confusing then, and it is still confusing now because it is almost impossible to tell this even with me taking apart the damnable creature.

When I was investigating the Rat King, I even checked its status, which gave me the idea in the first place.

Name: *None*

Level: 13

Race: Lesser Rat King


Hp: 130/130

Mana: 130/130

Hp Regan:

13 Per hour

Mana Regan:

13 per hour

Class: *None*

Title: “King of Rats”



Strength: 13

Dexterity: 26

Constitution: 13

Wisdom: 0

Intelligence: 6

Charisma: 26

Mind Magic Lv.1

Multi Mind Lv.13

Of course, first off, I notice the symbolism of 13 in this status sheet. It took even less than that to notice that it was tied to how many Rats the Rat King was made of. So I spent time researching the Rat King and its abilities. First off, the Rat King had an instinctual control over all the rats, even without using [Mind Magic]. This test proved that not everything is shown on the status, so I can’t just judge someone's strength from his skills and or the numbers shown for stats. Doesn't that make the system redundant? Maybe the system wasn't even made to show people's strength? Maybe its main goal was to act as a framework for everyone to grow their strength on? I’ll find this out when I have more free time on hand, and even stronger, cause technically I'm still Level 0.


The next test had me trying to get the Rat King to use its [Mind Magic] on a wolf. Sure, it was a young wolf, but I don’t want the death of the Rat King yet, mostly because I still can’t recreate it. My understanding of the Rat King’s biology is still small. I have tried to make it with [Monster Creation]without knowing that much about it, but it seems like I have to study them deeper. This makes me wonder why were the kobolds so easy to make? Was it because they only exist within my dungeon or some other obscure reason? Back on topic, the Rat King dominated the mind of the young wolf with ease and made it its ride.

So I tried to create a kobold with [Mind Magic] to try to fight the Rat King in a mental battle. I cranked up my senses onto the Rat King and Kobold. This was so I had the slightest chance of seeing the mind battle. When I sent begin into both the Rat King’s mind and the kobold's mind at the same time, they started. At first, I could not see anything, but the harder I looked, the more I could see. It was as if I was piercing a veil with my perception to see something that I would not usually be able to see. I knew I was grabbing something, same as I did with [Monster Creation]. It was only a little more… Then to my surprise, the veil just popped, allowing me to see the mental battle.

The mental battle was an interesting sight. Everything was real, but not really, it was in a way different from all else I have seen till this point, this means more studying for future me. I have been studying a lot recently, is it because I became a book? Never mind that, the battle is getting more interesting. The kobold's mind was bigger and sturdier than the Rat King’s minds, and yes I did say minds because there are 13 of them attacking the poor kobold’s mind. Even if the kobold’s mind was stronger, the sheer onslaught that 13 minds could bring not only overwhelmed the mind of the kobold but overpowered. That kobold did not go down without a fight though because it was able to take out one of the Rat King’s minds, but that did jack shit to the other minds. Yet when the kobold’s mind was defeated, it did not have anything else to fall back on and just lost.


All this proved to me is that the skill [Multi Mind] is a must-have for [Mind Magic] because it makes battle in the mind far easier. I would even guess that most sapient races have multiple minds even without the skill, for some mind protection even if they could only block for a few seconds. I would even put money on the table that most mind mages have hundreds of [Multi Mind] in their arsenal to overwhelm an opponent. Without having the skill for myself, I would not know the full benefits that something like [Multi Mind] could provide.

Once I had finished that thought, another message appeared before me.


Domain Sense has leveled up from 1 -> 2

You’ve discovered how to see Mental energy. From here on, you’ll be able to see the Mental energy with less energy expended.

So it finally popped up. Does the system care for time and place when it gives us Notifications? That does not matter, I have an idea for a creature. If the sapient races have mind mages with hundreds of minds, then why would I compete with them. I let out an evil laugh within my mind, why not create a creature that eats those minds and gains them for its own. I let out another evil chuckle. Not knowing that this would be even worse than the elementals.

I spent who knows how long trying to create a creature that can eat the minds of others. After all, if I had a head, there would be the busted walls all over the place by now. I let out a self-pitying laugh. At first, I thought I would create an octopus-like creature, but that turned out not to be the design I went with. The design I went with was a jellyfish. I choose a jellyfish because they are far more tentacles and I thought why can't I turn some of those tentacles into pure mental energy. I tried that with the octopuses, but there was too much mass per tentacle. The second problem to arise was that the jellyfish just died in the air, not because of oxygen, but because the ground just killed it. So I thought it was simple to fix, why not just make a floating skill. Oh, how naive I've been, to dare think I can do something easy. I got the floating skill, but that still didn't fix the psychological damage that it has inflicted on me. Even thinking about it, I shiver in mental trauma. The jellyfish was pure blue with very few tentacles… Sike, did you think it would be that simple. If you can view mental energy, you can find that this jellyfish has a hundred if not thousands of tentacles made out of mental energy. I did this so the jellyfish or as I call it the Mind Eater can grab the mind of the target and absorb it for himself. Why am I explaining all this, I'll just view the status again.

Name: *None*

Level: 1

Race: Lesser Mind Eater


Hp: 150/150

Mana: 375/375

Hp Regan:

50 Per hour

Mana Regan:

50 per hour

Class: *None*

Title: *None*



Strength: 25

Dexterity: 12

Constitution: 5

Wisdom: 100

Intelligence: 110

Charisma: 15

Mind Magic Lv.1

Multi Mind Lv.1

Mind Stealer tentacles Lv. Max

Mind absorption Lv. Max

Even if it is barely an S-ranked monster, I’m proud of myself. Look at thoughts stats, how did I even get wisdom and intelligence so high for a level one. Another thing, it starts at level one, which means there is so much room for growth. For now, though, I have it in stasis inside my containment room because I don’t want it to start eating the mind of the other residents in the room.

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