《Dungeon of books》Elementals - Chapter 19


Pov - Umbra

Now that I am in the laboratory, I really should check up on my experiments. The laboratory is under the lake that is guarded by the Nature guardian. It is also underneath the chest that holds the water blade. The laboratory is split up into three areas. The first area holds the creatures that I either make or evolve, the second area is a testing ground for these creatures, and lastly, the third area holds 10 mosh pits where I try to evolve creatures. At first, I was hesitant to make a laboratory, with the amount of space it would take up, but I came around when I saw a rabbit evolving into a horned rabbit. This concreted the idea that I had to have a place where I could test stuff. It took so much space I even had to take out one of the diversion paths in the mines.

It was all worth it though because with all this newfound space to test stuff in I could try to go for some weird creature with no consequences. I built the mosh pits because I wanted to see what evolution the regular animals can evolve into, I also put some kobolds in to see if they can evolve into other things. All that happened, though, is that some animals evolved to have access to affinities. So I built a testing area to check out the powers of some of these evolutions, and some of my creations.

I have only built four new creatures, counting the slime. Some were amazing, while some just confused me. One of the creatures that I made on purpose and turned out the way I wanted them to were elementals. How you make an elemental was far harder than I thought it would be with the seemingly overpowered ness of my abilities. At first, I thought it would be like any other monster I have created. So I tried just creating a body out of pure Mana, but all that happened was that the Mana wanted to condense into a physical form like any other animal. When I tried to stop, it was as if the Mana leaked through my conceptual fingers. I repeated this several times, but still, I couldn't succeed in this way. So I tried outside the monster creation screen. At first, it still did not work because all the Mana just spread across the plane making things more magical, but that was not my concern at the time. Every single time I tried to do it, I just couldn't. I got so angry at one point, I just grabbed the Mana and condensed it with all the mental pressure that I could use. Which turned out to be a lot, I crushed some trees with only the byproduct of the pressure. This still did not make an elemental, but it made a Mana crystal, which does not matter at this point because I still don’t even know what I should use them with. So after failures and more failures, I took a break and just watched the creatures go by. That is when I saw one of the horned rabbits using a lightning bolt to hit another animal, and like that it hit me. What I have been getting wrong is I have been only using pure Mana and well elementals are made of the affinities they represent. So I made some Mana with the affinities present in them and tried to condense it, or at least to create something. Yet, still, nothing happened except the Mana dispersing after a struggle. I was getting desperate at this point, so I thought of another idea. What if I tried only to use the affinities? So that's what I did, with just pure fire affinity, I tried to condense and elemental, and it worked!


Name: *None*

Race: Lesser Fire Elemental


Mass 100%

Affinity generation rate

2 per day

Title: *None*



Mass: 0.3 kg

Affinity Strength: 100

Concentration: 0.01 per cm²

Authority: 5

Element Control(Fire) Lv. Max

Elemental Physique Lv. Max

It was a clump of fire about 1 meter in diameter. So of course I had to try it with other elements. So for the rest of the day, I just messed with elementals. I even made a radiation elemental because I had a high affinity for it. It was a terrible idea because once it came into existence I could hear the plane screaming in pain. So what I did was trap it in a ball of lead because I couldn't figure out how to kill it. I also brought down all the other elementals so that they don’t go on a rampage throughout the plane. When I finally got ready to research another one of my theories, I got a message from the system.


Monster Creations has leveled up from 1 -> 2

you've discovered that not all creatures have Mana so why do your creatures need it. All a creature needs is affinity

It finally leveled up! I originally thought it would level up when I summoned all the monsters in this plane or when I created the kobolds. It looks like I can’t level my skill up by just using them repeatedly, I have to think of a new way to create monsters and try things outside my comfort zone.

So after that revelation, I moved on to improving my elementals. At first, I tried to evolve an elemental from its lesser kin to a regular elemental. It looks like I did not have the sheer power to do it, cause every time I tried, I failed with insufficient energy. It also makes it worse that transforming Mana into affinity is not a one-to-one conversion, more like a 10 to 1 making things not cost-efficient. So after several failures in making stronger elementals without getting into the dangerous affinities. Now that I am thinking about this, why did radiation hurt the plane while abyssal energy just existed within it and I even think it enhanced the plane in some unknown way.

That's all besides the point for now. I am musing, because it takes up time so Akasha can wake up and once she’s awake I can show her my creation. Where was I… Ah, yes. So after the repeated failure, I tried something unorthodox. I tried to bring a concept into existence… It did work, but it dissipated at such a speed that I could not even recognize when it dissipated. Of course, with the success of the elementals, I knew that all things were not impossible. So first I tried condensing like the elementals, but the concept just passed through each other without any impact I could see, so I moved on. So the next test I did was trying to form a body and then put the concept into it. This also failed. I was angry at this point and lashed out with anger at some forest. Just as expected, It flatted most of the vegetation. Most of the vegetation just collapsed, but some raised from being flattened like most plants would do, but one of these plants caught my eye. It was a flower with 6 petals and exuded some concept of anger.


That flower is now sitting in front of me. After some study of the flower, I learned that a concept latches onto a living being, so I can’t just create a being that is made of a concept, at least to my understanding. I did not get another notification saying that I leveled up my skill, so I must be getting something wrong, and it has been bothering me, so I just have been ignoring it for the time being. That is also why I created the other experimental creatures. I let out a mental sigh as I bring up the description of the flower once more for reference.

Angering Amaryllis

Concept: Anger

Concept level: minuscule

Concept rank: lower

Durability: 100%

This flower has gained a minuscule piece of the concept of Anger due to the outburst of a being.

Make it easier for living creatures to become angrier.

The worst part of this is that it does not follow any other format that I have been shown by the system. It does not even give me the idea of how it happened or why it only happened this time instead of all the other times I lashed out in anger. Is it only because I was thinking about concepts? Well, all I know is that I need Akasha’s knowledge to help me. I wish I was less dependent on her, but I just don’t know anything. I feel an almost flood of anger at the idea of me not being able to control things. This only confuses me, though, because I feel the anger but don't feel it. That is a thought for future Umbra to think about, I’m already stuffed full of things I am doing. Still did not find out how to make Divine Energy, though, and it's starting to be a problem with this limited resource. Maybe I get it from deaths inside my dungeon?

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