《Aki's Abnormal Life》Chapter 6 - Cat Girl named Valkyrie.


Its been two days since we got teleport into another world. Miyuki and me have to pretend to be a demon and attend one of their high school. On our first day of high school, we met two new teachers and two classmates.

Our homeroom teacher, Usa-sensei. Our math teacher, Umieko-sensei. The witch girl who sit next to me, Maya. The pink-haired idiot, Judai.

I can pretty much say its not that different than our old world. Except different races. And inside the medieval era.

And right now, i wake up pretty early. So early that even Lucia got surprised. While waiting for both of them at the dinner table, i try to ask Lucia about that festival from yesterday.

"Hey, Lucia. Do you know anything about 'The Festival of White Flame'?"

She started to glare at me. What the hell is wrong with this maid? I just asked her a simple question. That's all.

"Its a festival to celebrate our god's birthday, Bara."

"God's birthday?"

She looks irritated. I guess she don't want to explain this to me. The festival is about a god's birthday? What is this, Christmas event?

I stop asking her for more details, as both Meiko and Miyuki already arrived. They also were surprised by my early arrival. After that, we eat breakfast while talking about various unrelated things.





We arrived earlier than expected. I was planning to ask Judai about the festival, but..

This early morning lesson is Umieko-sensei's class. I can't ask him right now. Maybe later. And then, our boring and

peaceful lesson come to an end.

Next is Usa-sensei's class. As usual, she teaches science and nothing out of ordinary happens. And my neighbor,

Maya, won't stop paying attention to the class lessons. Is she a bookworm or what?

Either way, it doesn't have anything to do with me. I still can't read the alphabets. This is really troublesome. Then, the time passed by as i was thinking about unrelated things.





The school's bell rang. Its recess time. How long were these lessons? I almost fell asleep the whole time. Where did

all my energy gone? Not that i should worry about this.

I walk toward Miyuki and Judai's seats. As usual, there is a bunch of guys flocking around Miyuki. But its much lesser than before. I guess some of them give up?


Judai called out to me. Miyuki doesn't look happy with these guys flocking around her. I called out to Judai. All those guys glare at me like i was a hindrance. Seriously, their glares disturbed me.

"Yo, dude. Wanna go to the cafeteria?"

Judai asked me nonchalantly. Is he really ignoring those guys or just plain stupid to realize that?

"Y-yeah. Lets go, Miyuki."

She nod. We walk toward the cafeteria. They didn't chase us this time. Instead, they give us these scary glares when we leave the classroom.




"About the festival?"

I nod. I asked Judai about the festival when we are talking about the lessons.

"Hmm.. Its God of white flame's birthday, i guess? Well, there will be a lot of events. Like praying and stuff."

He answer those while eating a curry-looking like food. Pray and stuff, huh?

"Oh well, there is an interesting event that will happens after the festival."

"What is it?"

Miyuki looks curious. Well, me too. I wonder what kind of event is it..

"Love binding blessings. If you hold your lover's hand at 12 pm, you will get a blessing from the god of white flames himself. If any couples get his blessing, they will be together. Its not true tho'."

What kind of event is that? That is a weird event. And why would a demon would be praying to a god? This doesn't make any sense.

"Wow.. I didn't know that demons pray to the gods too.."

Miyuki can't hide her excitement. Wait, i don't think demons pray to the god. At least that's what i thought. Is this world is really plain strange or what?

"Some pray to him. I though both of you are a dem-"

"We really are different. Ahahaha..."

I try to cut him out. Well, if our secrets were to be exposed, we will surely dead. Although, i do like to see how demons and angels treat humans with my own eyes.

"Bro, do you know that we will have a class meeting after school? Its about the festival."

Judai told us while munching that curry-looking food. Both Miyuki and me look at each other.



Both of shake our heads. He looks surprised.

"Eh? I though you knew it?"


The moment of silent for our clueless and spineless idiot. Did we missed something?

"Wait, i forgot both of you just transferred here! Shame.."

He just facepalm himself. I can't believe that this guy forgot about our transfers from yesterday..

Miyuki just laugh at him. This guy is really an idiot in and out. I can't believe he befriend with us. After that, we continue

to eat and we try to hurry up.




'Tap' 'Tap'

These papers is so heavy.. I can't believe this is Umieko-sensei's lesson again. I can't even barely holding all these

papers. What kind of strength does this teacher have? How is she be able to hold these pile of papers?


She is a sadist. Of course she won't hold all these papers. She surely will ask some students to do it for her. Like what

happen to me just now. Is it my punishment for fall asleep during her lectures? I hope it isn't.

And why must the school laboratory? She is a mathematics teacher, not a science teacher. Heck, I don't even know where it is..

Luckily, there is a signboard lurking around every corner. I really hope i won't lost my way.




After a while, i found my way to the laboratory. Phew.. I put all these papers at one of the table. There is no one here?

Well, its a school laboratory. Of course there isn't any..


I saw a cat tail. A big one. And a white coat near one of the tables. I assumed there is someone on the floor. I walk toward the person and then..


I slipped out and fall. I didn't know that the floor was slippery. When i wake up, i realize something..

"Achaa.. Are you okay, Redhead?"

A cat girl with glasses greet me. I assumed that she is the person who i saw near the table. Judging by the our

awkward position, i assumed she passed out a while ago.

"Uhh.. Yeah."

I stand up and try to clean my clothes. What is this? My clothes started to get wet. Water? She also try to stand up.

"Hmm.. I never see you before.."

She looks confused while staring at my foreign appearances. I should introduce myself then..

"I just transferred here yesterday. My name is Kurozaki Akihime."

"Kurozaki Akihime.. Nice name. I'm Valkyrie Alfonzo Netherhair, or just Valkyrie. Nice to meet you, Kurozaki-kun."

She introduce herself while fixing her small glasses. Well, another cat character? I hope she isn't like Lucia, the angry

cat maid.

"Now that i realize it.. Did you passed out or just like to sleep on the floor? And why the floor is so slippery?"

I ask her all those questions. She smiles.

"Hmm...I try to find something inside the rack. Suddenly, these tubes contains H2O falls down. I slipped on the floor and passed out. Ehehehe.."

"Aren't you just clumsy?!"

She told me all that while scratching her head. She doesn't seem to be Lucia type. And she isn't those cute cat

characters either. She do looks almost like a cat. Except she is bigger.

"Anyway, what brings you here?"

She try to ask my motives. Of course i'm not here to slip and fall down.

"Umieko-sensei asked me to put all those papers here."

I pointed toward those papers that i just put a while ago. She smirk.

"Umieko-sensei, huh? Well, I do hope you are lucky. She will punish you if you late~"

Oh crap! She's right. I have to hurry up or i will have to run naked in front of the school gate. I left the laboratory and

run toward the classroom as soon as i can.

Luckily i wasn't punished. I told her about what is actually happen. I was so lucky right now..

Well, i still have that after class meeting. Miyuki and i planned to tell Meiko about that. We continued to pay attention

to the class lesson.

---??? POV---


"Ehehe, he forgot this.."

A blue, azure necklace swinging around the air. The cat girl continue to swing that necklace around while smiling.

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