《Aki's Abnormal Life》Chapter 5 - School life. Part 3


'Tap' 'Tap' 'Tap'!!


Oh crap! We are late! We continue to run toward the classroom. Only 1 minute left until the bell rang.

Damn, its all Judai's fault. If he stop making fun of that aunty who works at cafeteria, we won't get punished. Luckily, Miyuki got away with it.

As i recall before..

"Dude, do you see that aunty?"

Judai point toward the aunty who is collecting empty plates. I don't know why he would bother about her. He continue.

"You know, that aunty is realllyy gross. And anything she cooks, won't sell. Even if it sells, those peoples would go to hospital straight away."

"Judai-san, you can't badmouth other people."

Miyuki try to stop him. He started to grin.

"Miyuki-chan, there's is no need to worry. She won't even hear us from he--"

"Judai, i think she heard you nice and clear."

I told him that while pointing toward Judai's back. That aunty looks angry as hell. And then..

We continue to hear her blabbering for about 20 minutes. It was truly a punishment. No, a hell. I swear i could still remember how she went sidetracked and she told us about her backgrounds and stuff..

Uhh.. the nightmares.. Miyuki got away with it, so i was grateful. But, hearing her blabbering is just.. ughh..

I should try to stop Judai. I am really unlucky.

After she finished her blabbering, both of us run toward the classroom. While running, he told me that the teacher that is going to teach after this really hates tardy.

I can only hope that we will arrive earlier.



Oh no! We are too late. Its only a few meters from here. We can do it.

Or not. Both of us got tired, so we have stop midway. And i can hear that teacher's voice from the classroom. I think we are late.

"Aki-bro, i know we are gonna get punish again. At least, let us enjoy this instant moment-"

"Hell no! Its all your fault! Lets just face it."

"Nooooo!! She's an evil sadistic!! I rather drink a spoiled milk than getting her punishment."

Judai try to pull my uniform while crying comically. Its funny to see his face. But now its not the time for that.

"Dude, stop whining. This is my first day of school. I can't miss anything."

"I know, bro. But... Anything but her!"

He still pulling my uniform.

"See, we still have time to run. Lets use this chance and.."

"Where are you going, Judy-san?"

Suddenly, a young female's voice called out to Judai. Behind, i can see a little girl is putting her hands at her waist, looking almighty.


Judai looks terrified as hell. I can see that he scared at her. But, she didn't look scary. Plus, she's cute and looks angelic. How is she a sadistic?

"Oh.. aren't you one of the transfer student? I'm your math teacher, Umieko Ayumi~ Call me Umieko-sensei

This kind of character.. Really piss me off..


"Aki-bro, don't get deceived by her outer appearances. Inside, she's a real sadist."

"Okay, okay. My name is Kurozaki Akihime. Nice to meet you, teacher."

I bow at her. She just smile, looking cute. Well, this little girl doesn't look like a teacher at all. She's too young and cute to be a teacher.

"Well then.. How about standing outside for 30 minutes? It shouldn't be that hard for your punishment~"

... She said those scary words with a friendly tones. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Hmm.. That is too cruel. I have an idea! How about this?"

I was confused about what she's gonna do. Judai looks hopeless. This guy is really useless.




'Silent Laughs'


"Hey, Judai."

"Yes, bro?"

"... I believe you right now."

He nod. Who the hell standing in front of our classmates while wearing nothing but underwear?! She was teaching them happily, while both of us are punished. We have to stand for about 30 minutes while wearing only underwear.

I can see that our classmates was laughing silently. In this lesson, pay attention or be like us. So many students that have been teaches by her got a satisfying grade. She really is a sadist.

And then, after 30 minutes, we are allowed to go to the toilet to wear uniforms. And we must come back within a few minutes.

Finally! Freedom~

Inside the toilet, i try to ask Judai.

"So.. do you always got punished by her?"

He nod while crying comically. Again. I can see that he got a trauma.

"Aki-bro, i was grateful that this isn't the worst. Before, i was told to run around the school while naked. Not only that,

i also have to dance in front of the school gate and everyone in this school laugh at me. I won't forgive that sadist. Cry."

He started to cry. Well, i don't blame him. All that would make me stop going to school. Or worse, suicide.

"So that's why bro, we must always come earlier."

"Its actually all your fault!"

He continue to smile. This guy is an idiot. But well, its better to be with this guy.

"Judai, i was wondering something?"


He looks confused. I continue to speak.

"Why she have a name.. kinda like me?"

Yeah. A japanese name. Unless she is a japanese, that does sounds weird. Judai stare at me, while looking confused.

"Well.. Humans have these kind of names, right? So, some of peoples here took a liking in it, and start to changes their

names into that. I thought you know that."

Oh crap! That does sounds suspicious to him. I should just ask Meiko about this next time. Why did i even bother to ask him?

"Ahhh.. err.. well.. i came from a foreign kingdom, so i won't know any of this. Ahaha.."

Now the situation is getting worse.


He stare at me. I just smile at him, worry about my secret. And then, he put his hand at my shoulder.


"I guess so, right? Ahahaha.."

He pat at my back while laughing. I try to laugh with him, although i don't want to.

"Guys!! Umieko-sensei ask you to hurry up! If not, you will get punish again!"

We heard a boy's voice shouting toward us. Its clearly our class representative. Both of us wears our uniform as soon as we can. We won't know what that sadist will do if we are late again.





The bell's rang. This marked the end of the today's school day. Finally! I want to go home as soon as possible. Miyuki

help me by giving me homeworks. Although i won't guaranteed it will be done. We walk toward the entrance with Judai. And he won't stop sobbing about Umieko's-sensei punishment. This guy is really hopeless.

Near the entrance, i can see Meiko was talking with someone. He wears school uniform unbutton with a tie. His hair is brown, and he wears a red armband at his right arm.

After a while, i call out to Meiko. She smile at me, and then that guy walk away. We walk toward Meiko.

"Meiko, who is that guy?"

"I will tell you later. More importantly, we must get home. Coach has been waiting for us."

We begin to walk, but Judai looks surprised.

"Wow. Both of you knew the queen."

"Y-yes. She help us a lot."

Miyuki reply to him. He looks excited as well.

"Oh wow, she's beautiful. My absolute type."

He begin to wink. What the hell is wrong with this guy? Meiko just laugh silently.

"Sorry, but we gotta go, Judai-san. See you later."

"Ah.. Right. See you tomorrow, Aki-Bro, Miyuki-chan!"

Miyuki bow at him. He just waving his hand toward us while we walk to the carriage. We waved our hands toward him

as well.

After that, we go to the castle. Inside the carriage, we didn't say anything. Meiko got awfully silent, and Miyuki too. I

try to ask her one more time. About that guy.

"Meiko, who is that guy?"

"The student council president, Aome Eikichi. We just talked about few things regarding the school event."

Meiko answered my question nonchalantly.

"School event?"

Miyuki looks confused.

"Yes, a school event. It almost the day of the festival in this world, 'The Festival of White Flame'."

What? A festival? I hope this doesn't turn into one of those cliche anime scene. Although we are not in an anime.

"What kind of festival is that, Meiko?"

"How about you just ask your friend with pink hair? He will tell you the detail. More importantly, how about your first

day of school?"

She tried to avoid the question while asking us a new question. I wonder why she won't tell us.

"Ughh.. It sucks." "Its not that bad."

Both of us answered her question at the same time. She just smile timidly.

"Ara.. Why is it no good, Kurozaki?"


I told her what happened at the school. About that sadist teacher and her punishment. Oh, about that aunty as well. My head hurts just from remembering them.

Meiko almost laugh at me, but she cover her mouth. Its definitely not funny.

"Oho.. Looks like you just have fun."

"Yes, it is."

Miyuki answered her with a smile. But it wasn't funny! Well, i got a friend, so its not that bad. The problem is.. that guy

is a weirdo. Or maybe.. he's a pervert. Yeah, a pervert and weirdo.

After a while, we didn't say anything until we reach into the castle. That Lucia and Shihaya bowing their head toward

us with other maids and butlers.




After we got into the castle, we have a dinner. Then, we go back into our own room. Lucia still with her normal hate

mode toward me. I don't know what is her problem.

I got back into my room, and throw myself into the bed, while removing my school uniform.

'Sniff' 'Sniff'

I smelled my old shirt. Sure, they are smelly. I have been wearing this shirt for about 2 days without taking bath. I think

i should use that red button.

No, no, no! If i use that, Lucia will be really angry to me. But.. this is important. Yeah, important. I push that red button while feeling slightly worry.


Nothing happens? So i was wrong. Luckily, nothing happen--

'Knock' 'Knock'!!

Someone's knocking the door. Really loud. And then, i heard a familiar voice.

"Human, what the hell do you want at this kind of hour?! I was about to go to sleep!"

Yep, its Lucia's voice. And she sounds angry. I walk toward the door and open it.

"Human, make it fast or i'll kill you."

She throw me those words while wearing a pajama. She looks cute. But her face doesn't look cute. I try to tell her as

fast as i can.

"Bathroom. Do you know where is it?"


She look at me, while looking confused. Why are you looking at me like that?

"If you want to go to the bathroom, its just next to your room. The toilet is also next to your room. You humans really

don't know where the bathroom is.."

She stare at me pathetically, while trying to mock me. This maid...

"It can't be helped. Since that maid never even tell me."

I said those words sarcastically. She looks angry.

"Human, you really are trying to pick a fight with me? Huh?!"

"No problem. I can report to Meiko about you anytime i want."

"Are you trying to use Daikra-dono?! You pathetic human!"

"Oh.. I'll use anything i can. You can't even fight me!"

"Oh!! You really have been testing my patience!"

And both of us keep shouting at each other. This girl really pissed me off.

And then, a butler came into our room and stop us. He told us to shut up and Lucia got dragged into her room. Well, she got a punishment, i guess?

Either way, i don't care about her. I bring a towel and my clothes to the bathroom. That's convenient. There is even a towel at the closet.

And thus, our first day of school ended.

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