《Aki's Abnormal Life》Chapter 4 - School life. Part 2


Yesterday, our life was an ordinary one. Until both Miyuki and me got teleported into an another world. We were forced to stay in this world for a year because of an unavoidable reason. Not only that, we also have to attend one of the high school and pretend to be a demon for a whole year!

And now, we are guide by our homeroom teacher, Usana Imi Yuraisa, or in short, Usa-sensei. I could say that the classroom are pretty far from the principal's room. We have walked non stop since then.




After a few minutes, we have arrived into our classroom. Outside, the classroom just look pretty normal. Nothing out of ordinary. I don't even think we are in another world.

"Both of you, wait outside. I will call out after i tell them about you."

Both of us nod. Usa-sensei walk into the classroom and leave only Miyuki and me outside the classroom.


We didn't speak a word. Maybe because we are nervous, or because we are alone.

"Aki-kun, i'm glad you are here. If i was the only one here, i wouldn't know what to do."

Miyuki told me those words, while bowing her head to me. It is as she is grateful to me. But, she shouldn't.

"Uhh.. its nothing, Miyuki. I'm also the same. When i lost everything, you are the one who still here. I'm the one who should be grateful."


She stare at me with a slightly happy face. I also do the same. Now that i think of it, we never been alone since our arrival here. She must feel lonely. I didn't even apologize to her about Tiger's case. (Refer to Prologue). I should apologize to her, right now.

"Miyuki, i want to tell you something. No, i have something important to tell you."

"Something important?"

I nod. Right now, this is the time for me to apologize to her. This is the only chance i got. Its now or never!

I take a deep breath.. And now!

"Miyuki, I'm sor--"

"Both of you, come inside--."

"[email protected]#$%^"

Whoa, wait. What? I was startled by Usa-sensei's sudden appearance. Damn... She really came at the wrong timing. I was about to apologize to her. And i don't even know what the hell i was saying just now.

"What's wrong with you, Kurozaki?"

"Err.. nothing."

Miyuki laugh at me. I don't know what to say anymore. I have never been so embarrassed in my whole life..

I guess i have to wait for another chance.. Bummer.

Both of us step inside the classroom. Inside, i can see various soon-to-be-my-classmates appearances. Some of them have horns, big wings, or even non-human appearance. I guess this is a non-humans school.

"Introduce yourself, transfer students."

Usa-sensei direct this question toward both of us. Since Miyuki is extremely shy with new peoples, i will introduce myself first.

"I'm Kurozaki Akihime. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too!!"

They respond to my greets. Well, this class sure is well-mannered. And then, its Miyuki's turn. She looks really nervous right now. I try to calm her with a smile. And then, her face started to look a feel better.

I know you can do it, Miyuki.

"M-my name is Akari Miyuki. I-i am looking forward to be your c-classmates!"


She bow her head. Whoa, she need to stop that habit already. Although, if she didn't bow, she won't be Miyuki. Aha..

My classmates start to stare at us. I can see that girls glare at her, while boys stare at Miyuki with a lecherous look. Wait.. i get this feeling that the same thing has happened before..

"Class, pay attention. As i told you guys before, they are from a faraway kingdom. They aren't familiar with our traditions and such. So please, be friends with both of them."

"Okay, teacher~"

They answered her with full of discipline. This school is really not that different from my old school.

"Kurozaki, your seat will be there."

Usa-sensei pointed a seat next to a girl who wears a witch's hat. I walk toward the designated seat. I can see guys is glaring at me for some reason. Even that girl is glaring at me. I wonder why..

I sit next to her. She still glare at me. I try to greet her. Who knows she might be open up to me. Maybe.


Her glare is getting scarier than before. First, a maid that hates me for no reason. And now, this girl? Am i really that hated?

"As for you, Akari. Your seat will be over there."

She pointed at a seat next to a guy with a pink hair. He also is one of those guys that stare at Miyuki. She walks slowly toward the seat, while avoiding everyone's gazes. She must feel too uncomfortable.

After she sit, Usa-sensei begin her teach as she teach sciences. And as usual, these ancient alphabets really put me off. I can only hears what she talk about, and can't take notes any of it. Not at all.


Wait, since when did i become a diligent student? Not to mention i was complaining about notes for once. Before, i can't even bother to learn or copy anything because its troublesome.

What is happening to me?

"Stupid, how long are you gonna stare at the blackboard? Take the notes already."

All a sudden, the girl next to me whisper to me, asking me to do notes. If i can writes those ancient alphabets, i would happy to do so.

"Umm.. i don't understand any of those words. So, hearing is the only thing i can do."

I answered her honestly. I can't be bother to lie to her.

"Oh.. I see."

She look away. Looks like she was just curious about me. I guess.

"Anyway, you never tell me your name. So, what is your name?"

She glare at me. I have this feeling that she didn't want me to interfere with her private life. Which is i would gladly won't do so.

"Maya. Harley Lizie Maya."

Maya.. Such a normal name. But her other names sounds ridiculous as hell. Did everyone in this world has a bad naming sense or something?

"I'm Aki. Kurozaki Akihime. Nice to meet you, Maya."

"At least put a honorific, you rude guy."

"How about you? Stop calling me 'Stupid' or 'Rude Guy'. I do have a name, and its Aki, Maya-san."


Maya look at the blackboard, continue to pay attention while ignoring all my words. Well, she sure is hard head. I can't keep arguing with this kind of girl.


But, what is this warm feeling i have been feel inside my chest? I never argue with a girl before. I never even raise my voices toward Miyuki. Am i really have changed or is it all my imagination?

I guess it is. I still haven't changed. I have promise myself to never get near anyone else except Miyuki. With all these thoughts on my mind, i put them all aside and continue to pay attention to the lesson.





The bell has rang. This mark the end of the first half. And now, its recess time. I walk toward Miyuki's seat. From my seat, i can see a bunch of guys is asking her out.

Hey, Miyuki isn't the type to go out with guys. If she did, i already have left her now and then. Looks like that pink hair guy is chasing away all those pervert guys. All a sudden, Miyuki and that pink hair guy run toward me.

"Whoa, what happen?"

"No time to talk, bro. Lets go to the cafeteria."

He told me to run, while holding Miyuki's hand. Damn.. how about you let go off her hand because she looks flustered as hell.

After a few minutes, we have arrive into the cafeteria. Those pervert guys have stop chasing us. Wow, Miyuki. Even in another world, guys won't stop chasing you. She really was born to be a popular girl.

"T-thank you."

Miyuki thanked him while bowing her head. Again. He just pay that with a smile. Luckily, this guy doesn't seem to be a bad guy.

If i am to describe how he looks, well.. He have a short, messy pink hairs. He also have horn, a pair of wing and a tail. Other than that, he just wears his uniform unbuttoned.

"Its not a problem, Miyuki-chan."

Miyuki-chan? No. I take that back. He's not a good guy.

"Mind if i have your name, sir?"

I asked him sarcastically. He just realize that i was here the whole time and just smile at me awkwardly. How funny are you, holding her hand while forgeting about my existence..

"My name? Hm! My name is.. Judy Meikuri Eikil! Call me.. Judy."

He told us his name while making some weird ass poses. Wait, i think i recognize this pose. But i forgot where did i see it. Oh well.

"I sit next to Miyuki-chan. How about you, bro?"

He direct it to me while smiling awkwardly. I tell him my name.

"I'm Aki. Kurozaki Akihime."

"Hey, Aki-bro. Looks like we have been destined to be together."


Err.. Did he just wink at me or Miyuki? Either way, that looks disgusting as hell.

"What do you mean by that? Are you into that?"

"Of course not! I mean partner. Partner!"

"Judy-san, that sounds indecent as well."

Judy looks shocked. Miyuki jab at him. She sure hates him, huh?

"Judy or whatever, your name sure sounds weird."

"It wasn't that hard. Ju-dy. See? Its easy."

Nope. That's sound hard. I think i need a new nickname to call him. Hmm...

"How about Judai? Doesn't make any different to your original name."

...Why did i put Judai-san's name of all names? Well, he does looks like him. Except without the pink hair. Judai begin to grin.

"Judai.. Not bad. Listen, Aki-bro, Miyuki-chan. Call me.. Judaiiiii~"

"Is he an idiot?"

"I guess so. Ahaha.."

Miyuki laugh slowly. And now, an idiot guy has joined our team. Dundundun~


What is wrong with me? Did i caught one of Judai's diseases? I hope it isn't.

"Jokes aside, why did you bring us here?"

I try to ask him. This cafeteria sure is huge. Looks like a big hall. I can see a lots of students is lining up to buy foods.

"To eat, of course. But fear not, i will be recommending all favorites delicacies this cafeteria got."

He said all those words while doing some sort of poses. He didn't feel embarrassed at all? Or is he just a chuunibyou?

(Chuunibyou - 8th grade syndrome. Always dreaming about having a superpower and stuff. Google for more info)

"Dude, how about you stop doing those pose? They has been staring at us for a while now."

I told him that. He start to grin, again. I get this feeling that he isn't the type to listen to anyone.

"Oh! Aki-bro want to eat as soon as possible? That's fine with me. Let us hurry to the counter."

He run toward the counter. Looks like i was right. He didn't listen to me. Not at all. Miyuki laughs all a sudden.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Aki-kun, its been awhile since you have this kind of conversation. I was so happy."

Miyuki state it with a smile. What? Is something wrong with me? I don't get her.

Judai has been waving at us for about a minute. We walk toward him.

"See all these breads? Well, they have been top in this cafeteria since the school was first created. Its one of the best."

He point toward one of the breads with noodles inside it. Isn't that Yakisoba bread? What the hell did this doing here? (Yakisoba bread - Bread with noodles inside)

Ohh yeah.. Humans from 10 years ago.

Judai buy one of those breads. We also decide to buy them. Meiko has give us some money when we were inside the carriage. I hand the same amount as Judai and buy the same bread as him. Miyuki also do the same.

Both of us only have Judai as our classmate, so we have been having the same thing as him.

We sit at one of the empty table. I sit next to Judai, while Miyuki sit opposite from our seat. We eat the breads together without anyone says anything. Judai has been silent for a while.

"So, both of you are a family, lovers or what?"

Judai direct this question toward both of us. W-what?! Definitely not. Both of us blush and look away from each other. Judai looks confuse.

"W-what do you mean by that? Of course we aren't. She is just my childhood friend, that's all."

I told him clearly. We aren't in any relationship or something. Just a normal childhood friend. Although i don't want to said it like that. I might have hurt Miyuki's feeling. I can see she upset about my answer, again.

"Err.. Maybe we should forget about this. Lets eat up, Aki-bro!"

He started to lighten up our mood, while making a stupid pose. Just eat the bread already!

Thus, we continue to eat without having any conversation.

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