《Aki's Abnormal Life》Chapter 7 - Challenge.



"And now, Kurozaki-san will represent our class along with Harley-san."

Oh, there we go. A class representative for the festival meetings after a week. Finally, the meeting is over. Phew..


Wait, did i just heard my name get mentioned? Ehh??!!

"Wait, why me?"

I try to question the whole class. I can see that some of them are laughing at me. Miyuki keep smiling at me, like this is a good thing. Well, its not!

"You got the most votes. Plus, you are sleeping during the whole meeting. Even Judy-san pay attention to the meeting.

Both of you will go to the student council room for the meeting a week from now."

"Even if you say so.."

This is unfair. I know that i was sleeping the whole time. And Judai isn't actually paying attention. He was actually drawing nudes pictures. Also, i must go with Maya? How worse can this get? Damn..


Well, it my fault. I can't deny that. I can already see Maya's unsatisfied face writing all around her face. Go with this girl really makes me uncomfortable..

"If there isn't anything, we will closed the meeting for today. Remember, you must go to the meeting. Or else.."

All my classmate throw a sharp glare toward me. Whoa, stop it. What do i do to deserve this?

"Good luck, Aki-kun."

Miyuki smile at me. As i expected, she does think this is a good thing. Seriously, this is not funny!!




"Interesting.. So Kurozaki loves to work hard?"

"Like i said.. its not like that!"

I swear, this girl keep praising me for hours. I keep telling Meiko that isn't the case. I was forced to do it. I really hope

she is being sarcastic and not praising me..

Even Lucia seems irritated.. She never seems happy when Meiko talk to me. This girl still hating me, huh?

"About that Valkyrie girl you mentions about.. what is your opinion about her?"

Meiko keeps asking me about her. Who is actually is this girl? Not that i will see her soon.

"Umm.. clumsy? I just met her."

Meiko is touching her chin, while thinking about something. Miyuki is staring at me. Its like she want to say something to me.

"That girl.. is a smart scientist. She is one of the school's smartest students next to student council president. Meeting

her was actually a luck. I see, so you are lucky.."

"Not really.. I told you she passed out."

And i'm not that lucky. I can count how many unlucky punishments i get in this world..

"Aki-kun, she is pretty, right?"


I nod. I can Miyuki's face is turning black. Is she really jealous as i expected? I hope she isn't.

And Meiko keeps laughing at our behaviors. She must be really bored to live here alone with maids and butlers.


After that, we continue to eat dinner.




Before entering my room, i ask Lucia something.

"I want to ask you something."

"What is it? Make it less than five seconds."

That's way too fast! Ahem!

"Why do you hate me so much? I don't think we have a nice conversation before.."

She started to glare at me. Seriously, i was trying to be nice to you. Appreciate it!

"Why do i need to tell you that? Human like you didn't need to know the reason."

She still glare at me. Wait, wait, wait.. Is this girl really hates me for no reason or what?

"Hey.. its like i was getting hate by someone without knowing the reason. Do you really like to pick a fight with me or


What? Do you hate me because of my looks? Because i am a human? Whats the real reason?


Both of us didn't say anything. Did i hit something here? I don't care if you want to hate me. I just want to know the

real reason, that's all.

"...Shut up."

She left me as soon as she can. What is wrong with her? I was trying to be nice to her. Oh well, i can do that later. I

was so sleepy, so i want to hit the bed right away.




A few days has passed. Today is the meeting that i need to go with Maya.. The festival meeting.

There's nothing happen in these few days. Except Judai. Teachers always keeps getting angry at him. Because of his

bad scores in class quizzes. That guy is hopeless.

Also, guys that 'like' Miyuki creates a fan club. It shivers me when i saw their club activities. I never told Miyuki about it, tho.

Aside that, Lucia didn't talk to me for a few days. Maybe its because of that question i asked her last time. I need to do something about this. Or it will be much worse.

"Stand! Good morning, teacher."

A brown lynx teacher enter the class. He is our history teacher, Deliman Emisu Andrew, or Andrew-sensei. Seriously, the residents of this world need to have a better naming sense. Saying their full names sounds weird as hell.

About history that we have to learn.. He teach this world's history, like that white flame god's origin, 3rd world war, etc. And Miyuki are the one who told me that. She really like this world, i guess. And as usual, i always fall asleep

during the lesson. History is pretty boring, if you ask me.

And then, i continue to pay attention toward the lesson. Although i already know that i will fall asleep.




"Dude, i can't believe it."

"What is it?"

"I.. i can't hold it anymore.."

Judai started to talk in a weird way. I don't even know what is wrong with this guy. Sometimes he loves to crack some weird ass jokes. Especially, he loves doing those poses. I swear i recognize those poses somewhere.


"J-Judai-san, are you alright?"

Miyuki started to panicked. Judai gave his hand to me, while smiling. I get a bad feeling about this.

"Bro, hold my hand. We need to go somewhere. Together~"


"Dude, that's gay!"

"Wait, you're misunderstanding something!"

Miyuki started to laugh. Seriously, anything he said can bring misunderstanding. Is he even joking?

"Dude, i just want to go to the toilet. I want you to go there with me."



"That's not it!!"

He started to cry comically.. again. His face looks really funny.

When we were joking around and such, a cat girl approach us. Students at that time were staring at her, like she is a

hot celebrity.

That cat girl is Valkyrie.

"Hola, Akihime-chan."


Wait, how did she--

"Oho, don't be too surprised. This is one of the languages from humans that i have learned. Hmm.. I see."

She stare at Miyuki and Judai. Miyuki try to avert her gazes from her. Judai's jaws was widely opened. I sensed something not good here. Why a great person like her is here?

"Hmm.. I didn't know that you have these amazing friends."


I started to sweat. This girl is really different from when we first met.

"My name is Akari Miyuki."

Miyuki told her name while glaring at her. She don't like her. I don't know why she doesn't like her.

"I'm Judy Meikuri Eikil. Nice meeting you."

Even Judai looks tense. Miyuki keep glaring at her. I am prepared for what she has to said. She started to smile.

"Oh.. i see.. Nice meeting you. I'm Valkyrie Alfonzo Netherhair, or in short, Valkyrie. I wasn't here to disturb you guys or


She stare at us. Miyuki and Judai didn't seems comfortable with her.

"What is your reason for being here, Valkyrie?"

"I am here to meet you, Akihime-chan . There is something i want to talk about."

"Oh, and here."

She started to bring out something from her pocket at her chest. A blue, azure necklace was swinging around the air.


Its.. my necklace! How did she--

"Give it back!"

I tried to take the necklace, but she refuse to do it. I glare at her, thinking that why in the hell did she have my


She keeps smiling, while hiding her real intention. That necklace is my important thing. How did she get it?

"If you fulfill one of my request, i would give it back. If not, i will take this."

She said those words while staring at my necklace. Damn it! It seems that i have no choice but to listen to her.

"What is your request? I'll try getting it as fast as i can."

She started to smirk. Miyuki didn't seems comfortable. I get a bad feeling about this.

"I want you to lose against our class during the festival. Its not that hard, right?"

Valkyrie wink at me. I didn't feel anything. There is only anger inside me. Judai and Miyuki stare at me with a worried

face. I didn't say anything at that time.


But i can't hold it anymore. When i was about to lash at her, suddenly..

"That's ridiculous! We will certainly win! We win, and get back the necklace. That necklace is important to Aki-kun,

and i won't let you do as you wish with it!"


Miyuki raised her voice while making those statements. All students that were there start to stare toward us. It really

surprised Judai and me with her sudden behavior. Even Valkyrie seems surprised.

However, it didn't bother Valkyrie a little bit. She still have her evil vibe surrounding us. But it didn't bother me a bit.

"Oh, i see. I was actually being nice when i said you must lose to us. That's too bad. Then, try to beat us up! You guys

won't stand a chance."

"That's what i was hoping for! And when that time comes, you must give back my necklace."

Valkyrie leave our table, while looking a little bit angry. What is her real reason for saying that? Why she need to win

so badly? There is so many questions lingering inside my head.

While these thoughts on my mind, i try to approach Miyuki. She looks a bit stutter. Judai also seems to be worrying

about Miyuki.

"Miyuki, are you alright?"


She respond my question in a rather weak sound. Well, i can understand that why she being like this. She is not the type to get angry toward someone just like that. Of course she still feel embarrassed to have said such words. Especially when those words are mean to defend me.

...I should thank her sooner. But now is not the time for that.

"Miyuki-chan, why are you saying like that? She is a famous student here. Aren't you scared?"

Judai seems to be worrying too much. I do worry about her as well. As i was about to say something, Miyuki cut me out.

"I.. can't stand her. She steal Aki-kun's precious thing. I know that we will win. I'm sure of it."

She said those words while smilling. Judai seems to be moved by her speech just now.


I can hear some students is talking behind us. Their voices echoes through the school cafeteria. I don't care. They can

talk all they want for all i care! I just didn't want to let Miyuki's effort being in vain.

I have one goal in my mind right now. Winning the festival and getting back the my necklace.


And thus, the school bell rang. And mark the end of our lunch time.

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