《Reincarnation of A Regretful Soul》Chapter 15 : Week


"What do you think?"

Biyu asked after offering Zhu Feng a taste of one of her favorite dishes.

"Quite clever use of a sweetener to confuse the strange taste of this mushroom, pepper would be better though. But it still taste great."

Feng smacked his lips and muttered as he smiled at how life seems to be treating him after the first few rough days, not only did he seal the deal with Hui Lanfen on the conditions for their marriage, but also Bo Biyu fell for him under a sudden string of strange events.

"If I told you that I'm married, will you stay or leave?"

Feng didn't beat around the bush and got straight to the point, he asked without any kind of expression on his face.

"Ah! M... married? How long have you been together? Were you childhood friends and your families arranged it! Tell me everything, what's her name? Or there's more than one? You look young 18 at best having more than one wife is unlikely."

First Biyu was stunned then her curiosity were lit up and she fired her questions one after another at Feng as she enjoyed hugging the 4 pups and rubbing her face with their heads, Feng on the other hand wasn't expecting such strange easy-going reaction from the beauty.

Honestly he was expecting a crying fit and a few light curses before she storms back to the Smithy, instead he received a string of questions and more food from the beauty's delicate arms.

"I just asked her hand a few days ago and she agreed after giving me some conditions, actually our encounter was a hilarious scene......"

Feng started to tell Biyu about him and Hui Lanfen's first meeting when she misunderstood him for a bully, that was something which caused Bo Biyu to laugh then she giggled when she heard Hui Lanfen's conditions.

Finally she gave Feng a different kind of gaze when she heard that he's taking the matter seriously, even if Lanfen was a beauty amongst kingdom toppling beauties.

She wouldn't be worth the wait, money, or effort Feng is willing to offer.

Yet here he's, for a girl he met and chatted with for a few hours he's willing to take as his wife! Is he possibly one of these guys? Bo Biyu heard once from a friend of hers in her childhood that there's men who dreams of having all the women -especially the beauties- as their wives.

"Do you like her or do you fancy her? Be honest, it would be unfair for sister Lanfen if you marry her only to end up making her live in a prison for the rest of her life."

After hearing him to the end silently, Bo Biyu caressed his cheeks and asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. I was lonely ever since I remember, settling down and making a family was something that I wanted to do ever since I got dismissed from the military. Lanfen's personality was to my liking and she was a bit beautiful compared to my everlasting handsomeness. You know, back in the days I had a longer line of girls waiting for me, little Chen is just too green and isn't even in the same league if you mention the great me."

Feng was the embodiment of arrogance as he threw that joke at the end, he only regretted not wearing a suit and tie to complete the image with shades would be best.

"Bfffft ya right, as if other than me and sister Lanfen can see your true shine. Is there anyone else hiding behind that plain face of yours I wonder! Why did you get dismissed from the military? It seems like you're close to general Lian!"


Bo Biyu removed the mischievous female pup from inside her clothes and said as she glared at the little one who just teased her nipple with her tongue! She waited for the answer as she guarded her chest from possible sneak attacks.

"That's a long story, you see, I was in the battlefield under battalion leader Zi....."

The two ended up chatting non-stop with Zhu Feng mostly telling the beauty his story and she's listening and taking care of feeding him and the pups until they slept on her lap.

"It's almost dawn! Master will make fun of me for sure, and it's all your fault. Come let's go back."

When Bo Biyu noticed the sky getting brighter she pouted when she imagined her master giving her a knowing smile, then she pinched Feng's cheeks to blame him for causing her to lose track of time with his interesting story.

Then she giggled at his annoyed look and held his hand as they started to go back to the Steel Anvil Smithy.

Storm and Shadow walked next to the couple all the way back, Storm was a lot less on guard against the new friend of Feng when she woke up to find her pups sleeping comfortably on the woman's lap.

"Will it be alright to leave without paying grandma Huang? We could've called for little Chen to pay him instead of waking her."

Feng asked for the third time as he felt bad for not paying for the excellent service he received, then he got a giggle as Bo Biyu clung harder onto his left arm.

"Little Chen has ordered his sword from our Smithy and only paid half the price, the rest I paid for it and everything I eat there is deducted from the money he owes me. Don't worry, I know the cost of my food and won't take advantage of granny Huang. Only scoundrels like you takes advantage of people."

Finally Bo Biyu told Feng why they didn't need to pay and she found him sighing in relief as if a huge burden fell off his shoulders.

"Now that you mentioned taking advantage of others, I couldn't help but notice the scarcity of people right now. Can we kiss? I missed the sweetness of your lips!"

Feng whispered in her ears and the joking beauty discovered that she just walked herself into a trap, Zhu Feng dragged her by the waist to the closest narrow street and pushed her lightly against the wall and sealed her lips.

This time the naturalness of them getting intimate was provoking the two and they rubbed their bodies against each other for quite a while, with a mutual smile on their faces they returned to the Smithy and the same two guards of yesterday saw Feng entering after giving them a simple nod.

Their amazement was because the polite young master of yesterday was holding hands with Bo Biyu the only disciple of appraisal Bao Baozhai, rumors about the beauty's suitors in the last 5 years were more than a hundred and she turned them all down.

Now she arrived that early while wearing the young master's green robe and holding hands with him! Is he better than the city Lord's son? But this young master's looks are ordinary at best, same goes for his thin physique!

The two guards at the Smithy's doors exchanged eye contact then nodded in the same time, they seemed to agree that things wouldn't stay calm in the foreseeable future.

"Come, let's go to my place. You can rest there until I check up on master, I'm warning you, don't go looking thorough my stuff or else. I'll bite you with my pups, see how much they're longing for my embrace! Kakaka I'm the wolf maiden nah that sounds wrong. Ah! Wolf Queen."


As they walked inside the Smithy's first floor with Storm and Shadow following behind, Bo Biyu said then remembered something about men getting curious about their women and sniffing around their living space to dig up secrets which were mostly shameful about their partners for fun.

"Is there enough room for Shadow and Storm to stay with me Or do I have to leave them somewhere else? Don't tell me the living space for the Wolf Queen can possibly be so tiny not enough to fit a man a horse and a she-wolf with her pups!"

Feng wasn't one to be driven into a corner to surrender, he used to get beaten and his silence was just a way to avoid getting more hurt.

But in fact, if he ever fired his tongue on these bullies maybe he would give them a doze of pain that would never go away, he was one of these people who can always turn your words against you if he felt like it.

Poor Biyu blushed and glared at Feng then humphed loudly as she hurried ahead and dragged him behind her by the arm, she wanted to retort very badly at this smart Ass but her living space was very nice for a single person and a bit tight for a couple but it will be overly crowded if the animals stayed in.

Still, she wouldn't let her new tiny friends stay away from her, she was planning on renting a place next to granny Huang restaurant.

Sharing the place with Feng and his animals wouldn't be bad, her master was growing tired of her for a while now and kept pushing her away from the Smithy.

"Little girl go and play some time, if you stay in the Smithy all-day long then when are you going to get yourself a man? Last time you turned City Lord Ye Yaoting's son, Ye Yongliang is a captain in the military with a promising future, Are you possibly waiting for a Cultivator!"

Bo Biyu smiled when she remembered the time her master reprimanded her the most and snuck a glance at Feng whom she's dragging by the arm behind her and raised her head proudly as she walked, Feng was enough for her, he wasn't the most handsome man not the one with the best physique not the strongest or smartest.

During their long conversation Bo Biyu was able to discover many weaknesses in his personality, from his story she found many strange behaviours and clumsy actions sometimes he was nearing the madness line.

However, it was because of these faults in his character that he grew fonder in her heart as he spoke and dealt with people around him, he respected the elderly and patiently dealt with the youngster Chen, politely dealt with strangers and arrogantly faced hateful people.

Not to mention his strange way of seeing the world, as if he was ignorant to the world and how it was working.

Was he living under a stone until he joined the army?

"This is my room, who wants a snack?"

Bo Biyu pushed a wooden door decorated with colorful flower engravings open then clapped once as she crouched next to Storm to ask the pups cutely, Feng saw a very organized room with walls painted faint yellow and skyblue.

The bed was neat and tidy with Violet sheets decorated with white bunnies, the green curtains covering the windows the brown carpet.

Feng was feeling dizzy by the cluster of colors in this lady's room, he entered and pushed open the only door in the room and found a backyard with sunflowers planted on both sides of the only pavilion.

"No wonder you're so beautiful."

Feng sighed and muttered once he saw Biyu's backyard, the beauty was standing behind him and about to ask him what do you think.

She got thunderstruck when she overheard what he said and her heart danced in her chest, she hurried to stand in front of Feng and forced her way into his chest.

'What! What is this stifling feeling in my chest? It feels like I can't breathe normally unless i'm hugging him. Is this! L.... love? When did I fall so deep for him? But it feels so peaceful to hug him, i've never felt this calm before. Even master's first hug when she took me off of the streets wasn't the same' As Bo Biyu looked at Feng's face from the side as she rested her head on his shoulder, her chaotic thoughts were settling down gradually and she closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling of calmness.

Feng discovered after a few minutes that Bo Biyu was sound asleep in his embrace after taking his shoulder as a pillow, he gently tucked her in bed and discovered that her hands were clinging to his left arm.

With nothing to do but wait, Feng sat next to her on the bed after failing to remove his arm without waking her up.

"Knock knock, little Bibi are you there?"

After half an hour of sitting there next to Biyu on her small bed awkwardly, Feng heard the sound of appraisal Bao Baozhai after knocking on the door.

"Storm open the door for auntie Bao, don't scare her Biyu might wake up."

Feng looked at Storm who lazily rested next to his feet and said while Shadow was in the backyard enjoying pulling up all the unhealthy plants by the roots.

"Hrmmm.... Little Feng! No wonder why she didn't come to check on me last night like she's used to, so, how far did you two take it?"

First thing old woman Bao saw was Zhu Feng sitting on her disciple's bed and staring at her, then she saw her only disciple sleeping while hugging the man's arm with a grin on her beautiful continence.

Nodding without any expression on her face, Bao Baozhai pulled a chair quietly and sat next to Feng, after resting in her chair and staring at the blessed look on her disciple's face for a few seconds she asked Feng.

"Auntie Bao you're not going to overreact, are you?"

Feng looked at the calm old woman whom he couldn't read and asked calmly but seriously as well.

"Overreact! I take it that you two are serious about this relationship, sigh, finally this stubborn girl stopped being herself and selfishly thought about herself for once. Is she going to deliver me a grandson or a granddaughter, maybe twins, why not?....."


Feng discovered that Bao Baozhai wasn't mad or angry or even offended after seeing the sight which is, easily misunderstood!

The elderly woman started to think aloud then she had her thoughts interrupted by an indignant yell from her disciple, Feng looked down at the girl who fooled him by faking being asleep earlier with a similar indignant look.

"Heh, I raised your little bum, such third rated act can only fool kind souls like Feng. Now get up and tell me what happened yesterday, master is dying from curiosity."

Bao Baozhai pulled Bo Biyu's arm and dragged her to the pavilion outside as she said that with a wide smile.

Feng was left alone with Storm who gave him a look that said : "Idiot, I knew that she was awake the whole time."

Feng rolled his eyes at smarty Storm then huffed and buffed as he started to wander around the place in boredom, he wasn't expecting to find a treasure like a photo album or anything.

"Knock knock...."

As he flipped thorough a few scrolls at the side which had mostly drawings of some child, Feng heard knocking on the door.

"Senior Tang! are you looking for auntie Bao? Come in she's sitting in the backyard with Biyu."

When he opened the door he found baldy Tang standing next to a thin tall man with scholarly looks and clothes, he asked and got a nod in return from the man and cleared the way for them to enter.

"Little Feng, this here is manager Yun one of the core members of our Smithy, yesterday me and sister Bao discussed the matter and reached a conclusion."

Tang Tingfeng introduced manager Yun then turned the topic towards the miraculous ZhuQing Material.

"Nice meeting you manager Yun."

Feng cupped his fist and greeted the scholar man then waited for Tang Tingfeng to continue speaking, surely there's more!

"You guys don't need to include me in these boring discussions, I'm just a mere appraisal go on ahead and discuss your matters on your own. Don't disturb us and go away, did you forget this is a lady's room?"

Before Tang Tingfeng got to walk a step out in the backyard he was the victim of Bao Baozhai snapping at him, she glared at the three approaching males who could possibly interrupt her fun chat with her disciple.

"Cough, come Feng let's talk somewhere else."

Manager Yun stared widely at sister Bao for a second in befuddlement, then he walked towards the exit after asking Feng to follow.

'Didn't we agree to speak with Zhu Feng all three of us in order to gain the highest benefits from this deal?' Manager Yun was thinking that and wondering why his sister just betrayed them.

"Stay here Storm, make sure Shadow is behaving and wouldn't ruin Biyu's garden. Same goes for you and your family."

When Feng saw Storm lazily about to follow after him, he told her to rest since she didn't sleep well in the last two days.

After thanking him with a few licks on his palm and a nudge, Storm went to warn Shadow then slept on Biyu's bed directly.

The puppies were the ones having the most fun as they chased each other and played with Biyu and her master as they chatted for hours, while blushing fiercely Bo Biyu told her godmother everything that happened and was said between her and Zhu Feng.

"Heh, looks like he entangled my little Biyu in his webs. Say, do you want me to play the baddie and give him a list of conditions like that naughty girl Lanfen did? I don't mind taking the secret to making that Material in exchange for you! Yup, sounds about right to me, that body is guaranteed to please his thin physique until he wishes for death from the pleasure overload. I only fear for your babies to be plain like their father's blank complexion....."

"Stop it, he isn't that bad looking, personality is what matters and never the looks. Isn't that what you used to tell me?"

"Nonsense, who would fancy you if you weren't a beauty decorated with this tempting body? You're still lacking in charming techniques, listen well little dummy. First you need to set the mood....."

Unawarely the two women spoke until it was dusk, they spoke as they ate and changed their seats and sat inside after the weather became too windy for them to sit outside only to give poor Storm a severe headache.

Finally the she-wolf went out to sleep in the backyard after feeling like she'll bite the asses of the two chatterboxes if she stayed inside with them for a second longer.

Shadow was enjoying the fruits offered to him by one of the staff workers at the orders of Bao Baozhai, while the puppies were asleep in the warmth of Biyu's embrace in the room.

The four used to sleep next to Thunder since they were born anyway, this little chatting noise was nothing for them.

As for Biyu herself, she was learning from her master how to keep her future man -Zhu Feng- hooked up in her love without their fires of love losing it's vigour after years and years.

These words will make inexperienced Zhu Feng shocked in the future, alas, that's a story for the future.


Early in the morning once Tang Tingfeng and manager Yun took Zhu Feng to sit in a wide office on the highest floor of the Smithy, the two men sat down in front of Feng and a short interval of silence downed on the atmosphere.

Both men looked at each other and hesitated how to approach the matter with this youngster.

"Cough, young Feng....."

"What's your offer?"

Finally after receiving a nod from Tang Tingfeng, Manager Yun found himself interrupted by Zhu Feng once he started to speak.

Both men were caught unguarded by Feng and speechlessly looked at each other once again seeking help, the expressionless face left them wondering and the bluntness of his words made them worry.

Inside Feng was smiling broadly because he once watched a documentary about striking out deals, now he was implementing two of these, poker face and straightforward-ness.

"Y....you see young Feng, after discussing the benefits and calculating our free budget in these straining times of war...."

"That will be an undisclosed information about the Smithy would it not? Manager Yun! It isn't my place to know such matters since I'm not a partner or shareholder myself, all you need to inform me senior Tang is the offer you're willing to offer me for the sole right of manufacturing my ZhuQing Material. Plain and simple."

Feng waited for Tang Tingfeng to speak for a little bit longer in order not to be seen as just rudely interrupting his seniors impolitely, then he pulled the frowning manager Yun to the conversation while giving a valid reason for his previous interruption and this one as well, then he hinted at the privilege at the end.

The two men felt a chill crawling at their backs when they saw the sharpness of Feng's tongue and his expertise in engaging on these transactions, he gave them the same feeling as these annoying tycoons dealing with the trade between the Hai kingdom and the Shi Kingdom thorough the northern trade road.

These maggots would suck dry each and every source of benefits or a business opportunity that they might find, despite having mountains of money in their grasp their endless greed would swallow the world if they could.

"Let's not forget about the matter of manufacturing, gathering the raw materials and distributing the products. After all everything is going to be handled by your Smithy and it's shameful enough for me to get a share of the pure profits in the long term. That would be slightly unfair to your establishment, right! I'm willing to take a step back on this deal, three years partnership is all I'm asking. However, it's your choice to either offer me to join your Smithy as an investor or a sum of money to terminate our business partnership afterwards. Of course in the case of you choosing to add me as an investor will have me using my own money to flood your treasuries and not only my invention card of the ZhuQing Material. I'll leave you to decide the numbers for the termination fee in case you're seeing my ZhuQing Material as no longer profitable business after three years."

As the two felt a headache coming from dealing with this young man, they surprisingly found him giving them a way out after driving them into a corner.

Trading gazes they found excitement in each other's eyes and they hesitated to talk freely in his presence.

"Seniors, i'll leave you to discuss the matter, since I didn't get to take a walk in the City yet maybe you can recommend me to visit somewhere fun."

Feng tactfully offered to give them time.

"Young master Feng honestly we had already agreed on a 2% of the profits as the maximum amount we can offer, but since you're willing to take a step back and go for the short gain instead of the long term profits. We can offer 15% each year and 5,000 gold coins as a termination clause after 3 years, of course you can't invest in my Steel Anvil Smithy with no less than 10,000 gold coins. As you said, the choice is ours and you wouldn't bear a grudge against my Smithy in the future no matter what we choose, after all the board of directors decide such matters and not any individual."

Manager Yun stopped Feng from raising from his chair and told him what he sees as the best deal possible.

"Manager Yun, can I ask you to give me an estimation of your Smithy's last year profits? No need to be exact close enough would be fine."

Feng curiously waited for the scholarly Yun to speak, he wanted to know if this Smithy was as great as he felt it should be since they're strategically placed near the front lines of two warring kingdoms.

"Hrmmm, giving an even number would be 150,000 but in fact it's a bit more."

With a proud smile Manager Yun straightened his back and raised his head as he replied Feng, Zhu Feng on the other hand did his best to calm his agitation when he heard the number.

'Fuck, and here I was thinking that I'm unequal in terms of depth of the pocket. Heh, 25 gold coins seems to be nothing in the face of true business giants. Still this is an opportunity all the same' Feng thought as he watched Tang Tingfeng the saint forger eagerly awaiting his answer.

"Then I agree."

Simple as that Feng nodded then got up and offered the men his handshake, old school transactions were sealed with a handshake.


Smiling the two men shook his hand then manager Yun grabbed a small bell and rang it as Feng chatted with Tang Tingfeng, one old man wearing neat black clothes entered then sat down on a desk to the side.

Calmly he took out two empty leather scrolls and unfurled them, then he started to write according to the instructions of manager Yun.

"These are the contracts sealed by official Zhang from the City Lord's government officials, this is his token of identity and that's the City Lord's seal. Please check them for authenticity before you sign both contracts."

Manager Yun brought two copies of the contract and placed them in front of Zhu Feng as he said calmly.

"Senior Tang what's the meaning of this! Hehe, calm down manager Yun. Shouldn't you tell me to check the terms of the contract itself for any discrepancies before checking the seals and senior Zhang's identity! Never mind, I trust you that's why i'm choosing your establishment."

Feng joked and snickered faintly when he saw manager Yun's face change, then he told the manager that he's well aware of what should be done and shouldn't be neglected in such situations while giving the two exact contracts a fleeting look before holding the feather and dipping it in ink and signing them.

His action caused the two men to think the same thing : 'He really is one of these troublesome merchants alright'

Official Zhang double checked the signatures of the two contracts and made sure they're exactly the same then made one last contract and made them both sign it, the last contract was in a large register similar to a thick book completely made from strange white leather and decorated with the golden name "Shi Government Obsidian Log"

"Thank you official Zhang for cutting time out of your busy schedule to help me do this small business, your carriage back to the City Lord's mansion awaits for you outside. See if there's anything you would like be it custom made or one of our finished products on your way back, Zidong, come help official Zhang with his items."

Manager Yun didn't let the man in black stay anymore and hurried to invite him out "Politely"

"Little Feng isn't it about time for you to spill the beans."

Tang Tingfeng said as he rubbed his palms against each other eagerly.

"If there's any book containing some information on demonic beasts then it will be very helpful, if not then give me something because I need to draw the monster myself first before explaining how to make the ZhuQing Material."

Feng held the feather on his hand and looked for any papers around to draw on it as he spoke, the two men didn't waste time and gathered him what he requested in a few seconds.

"That's the demonic beast, personally I like to call it scorpion but whatever. First thing you need to know about his outer shell is that it's hard to use force to break it normally, you know that already? Then it saves me time. First break the shell to fragments by striking it on the edge and uh, you seem to know that as well. Then let's skip to the stage of creating the Material itself shall we? Good, First, let's talk about these hairs...."

As the two men kept raising eyebrows in his face Feng was forced to skip forward in his explanation time after time, but when he reached the stage of explaining the creation he got asked question after question by Tang Tingfeng while manager Yun the scholarly fellow tried to test the soft helmet himself a second time.

After all such deal could cause them a whopping five thousand gold coins even if it turned out to be a failure.

The explanation was over when it was already dark and Feng got dragged by Tang Tingfeng to the warehouse to collect the materials and start the first trial by themselves, as a saint forger Tang Tingfeng already knows some knowledge about the degrees of the fires Cultivators uses.

He already made some weapons for junior Cultivators before and learned some tricks of his own to compensate for any shortcomings while raising the heat of his own forge, then he dragged Feng again to the lowest floor then entered a secluded place which was heavily guarded by a fully armored squadron and a strange tall white bearded elder in clean white robes and an enchanting temptress wearing very revealing black clothes and had very Long claw-like fingernails in rainbow colors.

"From here we can go to the lowest floors underneath the Smithy, otherwise I wouldn't be able to use the earth vein to increase the degrees of my forge if I used one of the normal coal forges on the upper floors. I'll be doing mostly all the work you just need to guide me through the process once."

Tang Tingfeng said as he carried two large boxes containing the same fragments of the scorpion on one hand and pulling a very neatly organized large bundle of the scorpion's thick hairs on the other, his large strong physique was putting our dear Zhu Feng to shame with his thin frame.

"It's really hot in here!"

Feng said as he wore his soft helmet on, up the weather was windy and getting colder by the day.

It even sprinkled cold drizzle every now and then to remind people of the incoming winter, in here it was like walking inside an oven!

And it became hotter as they went downwards!

Zhu Feng kept a close look on the saint forger Tang Tingfeng and noticed that the bald man had no trouble breathing normally in these very harsh conditions, the man walked steadily in the lead without breaking a sweat.

Zhu Feng on the other hand was suited up in his armor, as he felt the sting of heat coming from his nose as he breathed his head lit up with an idea suddenly like a lightbulb : "That's why he's bald!"

Feng was 100% sure of the reason why saint forger Tang Tingfeng is bald.

"Your armor is really making me envious right now, only the two Grandmaster Martial Artists Guarding our Smithy are capable of acting normally on their first visit that close to the Earth Vein. Clearly you don't have a spec of Qi on your body yet here you're walking as if there's nothing wrong, no matter what I need to secure a suit for myself. That might be my chance to reach Sage Ranked in my Profession as a Blacksmith, Sage! I like the sound of that."

They reached the end of their descent and were met with a metal door completely Black and engraved with the images of mountains surrounding a great volcano oozing out magma, after lowering the two boxes containing his raw materials Saint Forger Tang Tingfeng glanced at Feng to check if he was doing alright and started to speak as he used a key to open the door.

His eyes were glowing in anticipation for the time he gets to wear such ingenious protective gear, not only will he be able to dedicate more time in using the Earth Vein but also his speed of manufacturing will increase.

Add to that the possibility of raising a Rank in his profession and you get one hell of a motivated blacksmith.

When Tang Tingfeng pushed the Black metal door with apparent difficulty, Zhu Feng was able to see that behind the door was a small Magma River.

Flowing slowly from the left side and sinking deeper in a crack between the walls to the right, the workshop of Tang Tingfeng was just a small stone platform in the middle of the Lava the rest was a high dome as the ceiling and rocky walls scalded by the endless heat.

His tools were neatly placed in order at the stone platform's side, the area of Tang Tingfeng's workshop seemed to be immune to the surrounding heat caused by the existence of the Molton Lava.

"Water Essence Stone, my Smithy paid a hefty sum in the Capital's largest auction Tiantai Auction house to acquire this platform. I'll start working on refining the hairs since they're the easiest, little Feng help me dump all the shards in this hole over there."

Tang Tingfeng noticed Zhu Feng's obvious curiosity as he looked at the deep blue stone platform, he told him of it's origin as he started to take one strand after another and place them under a hooked mechanism then turn some wheel and watched as Lava covered the hairs.

Then he started to ask Zhu Feng to do one thing after another and gradually Feng learned of the many uses of the mechanisms in this place and would help Tang Tingfeng with almost everything, he ended up taking off his leather armor and inner chainmail vest because one splash of a Lava bubble almost burned the leathers of his armor.

Keeping only his metal gauntlets on plus the ZhuQing suit, he didn't need to use a set of pliers to catch things like the Saint Forger.

Seeing Zhu Feng comfortably dealing with this dangerous heat normally as if catching a tomato made Tang Tingfeng very adamant on making his own suit, tirelessly working and straining himself to succeed Baldy Tang Tingfeng was almost at the breaking point when he saw the very first fusion between the refined hairs and the melted shell shards.

"Senior Tang, this material stays in this form for long durations but once it's cooled down it will keep it's shape, by preserving it next to the Yang Stone I think you'll have enough time to return to the surface and mould it the way you like. Congratulations on your success, this amount is a bit less than what my friend helped me create originally. However, with senior's superior physique and endurance plus the help of this batch I guess next time you'll create more, much more!"

Feng was feeling very exhausted, despite the help of the ZhuQing Material suit he was sure his inner organs were currently half-cocked after breathing nothing but hot air for hours now.

Yet, this blacksmith stood there only wearing his red robe and did triple the amount of work as him and only got tired right now! Zhu Feng's self esteem was severely hurt when he began to compare himself to this Baldy, he was going to try harder in his sword and physical training.

"Heh, come let's go back. I'm planning on using Moon Water to mould it."

Tang Tingfeng stuffed the Yang stone deep in the globe of liquid ZhuQing Material then carefully lifted up the container, he was very eager to return and make some parts of his own suit.

When they got out from the ground floors Zhu Feng was met with the strange looks from the two odd people in the squadron, the tall long bearded man frowned slightly when he saw Feng come out from that torturous place wearing the same leather armor who only got damaged slightly in the abdominal area and what makes it hard to believe was how devoid the young man from any Qi Force.

The young looking temptress wearing back revealing clothes licked her lips when she noticed the oddness of the situation and winked seductively at Zhu Feng when he looked at her exposed body, thankfully it wasn't the first voluptuous body Zhu Feng ever seen he admired her beauty then followed Tang Tingfeng after nodding once to the two strangers.

Despite how tired he was, Tang Tingfeng refused to take a rest before continuing his work and made himself two shoulder length sleeves from the ZhuQing Material then decided to make himself one trouser and long boots with the remaining of the Material.

The man was crazy enough to make his own suit double the thickness of Feng's own suit! When Feng asked why Tang Tingfeng said that he's sick of being forced to take a break from being near the Earth Vein after staying for too long, and kept saying that he wasn't a Dwarf blessed with a physique highly tolerant to high degrees of fire. If he didn't take advantage of this material and supplied this advantage with hard work, then he wouldn't be able to narrow the gap between him and someone like Peng Yusheng not to mention surpassing him.

"What makes it frustrating is that shorty isn't even that talented amongst his race while I am considered a powerhouse amongst fellow human blacksmiths, yet the gap between us is only getting wider as I grow older. Sigh, he's two generations older already, not to mention his freakishly talented grandson who's almost raising to my rank very soon. Our Smithy has only me as a Saint Forger while their Smithy is going to have another one with higher potential not to mention their Arsenal of Grandmaster Forgers already exceeds ours."

Tang Tingfeng said something that should be very depressing while smiling from ear to ear as he punched hard at the walls of his workshop, this one was considered a piece of heaven compared to the underground workshop.

His punch power was amplified by the shoulder length gloves and the block of black stone cracked down the middle then fell in pieces after shattering, even the Blacksmith himself was stunned by how easy it was to do something which would've been straining to do before.

Obsidian Stones were hard but their famousness was because of their heat resistance, the Earth Vein running underneath the City and the surrounding area was negated using them.

"Little Feng go rest, I'm going back to finish the rest. Oh! Give me these gauntlets, they're a bit large for your hands let me adjust their size. Give me that chainmail too, that's the least I can do."

Tang Tingfeng noticed that Feng was almost about to fall asleep standing and patted him on the shoulder as he walked him back to Bo Biyu's room, the Saint Forger found something to do in order to repay the young man and left after taking the gauntlets and the chainmail.

Feng stood there with drowsy eyes in front of Biyu's door and found the door opening once he raised his arm to knock, Storm excitedly stood on her hind-limbs and kept licking his face as she supported her full weight on his chest.


Feng was wobbly in the legs and ended up falling on his back with Storm pinning him to the ground, the puppies came to join the fun and Feng escaped their bullying by the skin of his teeth after ten minutes.

Inside he found Bo Biyu nowhere to be found and only Shadow was in the backyard eating his ripe fruits!

"Ugh, I'm beat. Let's go Storm time for a shower."

Dragging his lethargic body towards the bathroom while half hugging Storm's back, Feng didn't know when did he fall asleep and only felt something warm and soft push his back forward then it felt good to lean against some soft pillow.

Feng was awake for more than two days straight and once he rested in the tub his eyelids felt heavier than mountains, especially staying very close to the Earth Vein for that long.

It made him feel cooked from the inside out!

When Zhu Feng woke up he found himself stark naked under the covers of Biyu's bed, his ZhuQing suit neatly folded at a chair nearby and his brown leather armor was polished and had greenish scales inlaid on some parts of the chest and shoulders.

Looking for anyone else in the room he saw none then got up to wear is clothes in a hurry.

Once he wore his clothes the room's door opened and Biyu carrying a tray filled with plates emitting aromatic smell, Storm and the puppies were wagging their tails as they followed after her with expectant eyes.

'Why does it feel like these puppies are bigger?' Feng thought as he watched the one who grew the most "Night".

"You're awake! You made me very worried when you wouldn't answer me after trying to awaken you, I scolded senior Tang because he forgot to mention not to take a bath after getting exposed to the toxic vapours of the Earth Vein. How do you feel, is there any place that's hurting in your body? Your green robe really saved your life this time, if I had arrived a bit too late the flame poison would've spread out in your body. Such illness is only healed by Senior Cultivators after all. Come, let's eat you must be hungry."

Bo Biyu placed the food on the table then hugged Feng's waist tightly as she spoke then she started to touch his body all over unashamedly while looking at his face to check for signs of pain, Zhu Feng felt some areas of his body hurting but they were all in the span of his tolerance levels.

If Bo Biyu knew he was hiding pain related to exposure to toxic vapours of the Earth Vein which can spread Flame Poison, certainly she'll gape wide at her boyfriend.

"Wait, what!"

Zhu Feng said as he catch the puppy who jumped at his lap from the ground, what Flame Poison? What green robe saving my life?

"You've been asleep for a week now!"

While spoon-feeding Zhu Feng with a smile on her face, Bo Biyu threw a bomb in Feng's Brain.


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