《Reincarnation of A Regretful Soul》Chapter 16 : Night To Remember
"Your Gauntlets, Chainmail and Sword even the small dagger and other weapons Shadow was carrying were taken by senior Tang as well after he discovered what almost happened in his negligence, your Green robe however.... Master took it and went to heal one of her childhood friends with it."
Biyu told Feng the whereabouts of his items and hesitated slightly before telling him about his green robe, giving someone else's belongings without permission was an unforgivable act to almost anybody.
Feng chewed on his food slowly and silently as he watched Biyu's eyes mist slightly in worry then he wrapped her with his arms to stop teasing her as he said : "I still don't understand how that robe saved my life and many things, but I trust you and auntie Bao. The robe was a parting gift from Liling and it was already precious enough before saving my life as you said, now I can't risk losing it that's all."
Bo Biyu shivered under the embrace and gentleness of her boyfriend when she heard his reasons, locking her lips with his forcefully was the fastest way to find an outlet to her gushing emotions.
"Hah.... Bibi.... Huff.... I'm.... Still... Hah.... Tired.... Huff.... Slow.... Down...."
Zhu Feng was struggling to speak amidst Bo Biyu's neverending mouth invasion, finally the two rested their foreheads against the other and kept staring at each other's eyes silently as their chests raised and lowered rhythmically.
"Why are you treating me that kindly? You keep taking one step back after another, master already told me that you let go of a very good business opportunity in your agreement with manager Yun. Was it because of me?"
Bo Biyu raised her dress to free her legs and opened her legs to sit on Feng's lap, she rested her soft chest on his and surrounded his neck with her arms then asked him as she slowly but seductively kissed his lips.
"Shouldn't I take such compromises for the woman I like, didn't you accept me despite being promised to another without making it difficult for me. Why are you so kind to me?"
Feng was feeling heat gather in his belly at Bo Biyu's inviting actions but his body really hurt at the tiniest movement, he asked as he rested his palms on her butt and enjoyed feeling their softness.
Little Joy was growling cutely at Bo Biyu for being a bully, the beauty removed the female puppy and placed her on the table when she sat on Feng's lap.
That was something unacceptable by Joy as she was enjoying their master's love for the first time in a long while!
"Someone's jealous, tehehe, no way, he's mine. I'm not going to give him to you smelly Joy, you want a share of this love? Come then."
Bo Biyu seemed to get along very well with the puppies and their mother and she kept feeding them as she told Zhu Feng of the danger he managed to evade by some miraculous luck, their obedience and tame-ness was obvious to Feng when they dealt with Bo Biyu.
Flame Poison was something that reacts in a flaring temper when the exposed body to toxic vapours immediately get soaked in water or heavy rain, this reaction lasts for around 6 hours before the body naturally detoxify itself in two or three days.
The affected person will fall in a deep sleep for a while before waking up to experience what Feng is experiencing right now!
Once the symptoms of lethargy and drowsiness start to show up then whomever near the Earth Vein has to evacuate immediately, because anymore exposure and the toxicity of the Flame Poison will reach all time high in the body.
Which means high possibility of losing all bodily functions be that internally or externally and the deep sleep aftereffect will turn into a long coma!
Feng sweated bullets when he heard Bo Biyu explaining to him the dangers of the Earth Vein, because these symptoms started to show up on his body at the beginning of the time he spent near the Earth Vein with Saint Forger Tang Tingfeng!
"It was Storm who came and dragged me to check up on you, she looked very worried and kept whining non-stop when you wouldn't reply my calls to wake up and open your eyes...."
Bo Biyu continued to narrate to Feng what happened after he got found sleeping in the tub, when Bo Biyu hugged him and carried him back to the bed.
The Green robe which she refused to take off after more than two days of Feng giving to her, started to flutter as if wind was blowing on it's fabric then from Feng's pores and orifices Dark-Red steam started to exit and disappeared after entering the fabrics of the green robe!
Bo Biyu watched with teary eyes as the man whom she fell for started to breathe normally and the frown on his face relax, she was stunned by the strange situation but her relieved heart released the rock stifling it before kissing her man one last time and storming out to give Tang Tingfeng a piece of her mind.
Flame Poison certainly was a very troublesome thing because it didn't kill you but it wouldn't make you alive either, severe cases are impossible for Senior Cultivators to deal with and some alchemists would find it as a headache inducing problem to solve.
If the Poison corroded the bones and reached the marrow then nobody can awake the person, not even the best alchemists!
From what Bo Biyu said, Zhu Feng was just a step or two away from that point after he soaked in the water, the process of the poison spreading in his body and the color of the toxic steam was proof of how much his body accumulated of toxic vapours.
After the Saint Forger found out about what happened he felt ashamed in himself for being too excited, he forgot about the dangers of this underground place in his excitement and neglected the basic safety measures.
He should've taken care of Feng by making him take a break whenever he wasn't really needed, but his worry about ruining his first experiment to create the ZhuQing Material made him keep the young man for longer than he should.
Way longer!
Not to mention forgetting about warning him of taking a bath for two days, which would've made the young man awake but tired not in a deep coma and unresponsive.
After hearing from Bo Biyu about the shade of the toxics as they got extracted from the young man's body, Saint Forger Tang Tingfeng paled in the face and kept feeling his bald head in shame and didn't reply little Biyu's scoldings with a single word.
He took the young man's items and prepared to upgrade them all to the best of his abilities for free to apologise for his grave slip which could've cost young Feng his life, after all the Saint Forger Tang Tingfeng not only has a bit of Qi force in his body to help him stop the toxic vapours from invading deep into his body but also he got one pendant around his neck as a gift from one of the Cultivators as a protective tool increasing his vitality and focus.
Little Feng had nothing and kept helping him and guiding him thorough the stages of creating the ZhuQing Material, the young man earned Saint Forger Tang's respect and sympathy for his tenaciousness and misfortune.
Afterwards Bo Biyu's master dragged her back to the room and after discovering the fact that Feng was actually saved thanks to this simple green robe, she practically begged Bo Biyu to lend her this robe to save one of her childhood friends who fell under the bite of a venomous demonic beast.
Feeling conflicted about what to do, Bo Biyu agreed to give her master who's always been the kindest person to her after feeling like Feng would be awake after she returns anyway.
So she was found out!
If Feng had woken up later Bo Biyu wouldn't have told him she took liberty of lending away his belongings, with evasive eyes the woman told him as she smiled mischievously.
"Hrmmmm, you naughty thing was planning to hoodwink me huh! How should I punish this little kitten between my arms? I wonder. If only my body wasn't this groggy, then I would've eaten you like candy."
Feng's hand sneaked inside Biyu's clothes and caught one of her breasts as he spoke, but he was really feeling exhausted after getting awake for an hour or so.
"I'm not going anywhere, rest and heal up and don't hurry. I'll always wait for you, every single night."
Smiling bashfully as she felt Feng squeeze and tease her nipple, Biyu hugged him and whispered the last line in Feng's ear with a blush reaching all the down to her neck.
Feng fought hard in order not to flip this beauty in his arm on the bed right now, after stifling his fires of lust Feng laid down on the bed to sleep under the loving gaze of Bo Biyu and the curious eyes of the animals.
In the northeastern area of Obsidian City there was a small nameless village near the borders of Hai kingdom, many merchant convoys liked to spend the night there instead of camping in the wilderness.
As dawn broke the dark shell of night sky's two riders arrived at the gates of the village, their warhorses seemed exhausted by the long distance they crossed so far.
One of them was appraisal Bao Baozhai and the other was the same woman in revealing black clothes which Zhu Feng saw guarding the entrance to the underground Earth Vein, they entered the village and left their horses to rest before exchanging them for a couple of normal horses and leaving the village again for the mountains east of the village.
"Lady Cang, I can't thank you enough for accompanying me in this selfish request, Baozhai will be forever grateful to your kindness and I'm sure big sister Meirong will be the same."
Bao Baozhai tightened her thick clothes around her to shelter from the cold wind and thanked her female escort as she gazed upon the highest peak of these mountains with expectations, the old woman didn't mind getting exposed to this harsh weather as long as there's the slimmest chance of this green robe succeeding in healing her benefactor and role model.
"Heh, appraisal Bao is being polite, Senior Yin Meirong is my benefactor too. I was saved from a life of a brothel girl and given a way to preserve my dignity, paying her a visit when she's in her sickness bed helpless to lift her burdens for her. Tsk, that isn't the way it's supposed to be. Really, the villain monkey around carefreely while saints cough blood on every step."
Nostalgically smiling sweetly, Cang raised her colorful fingernails to look at them closely as she remembered a certain memory then shook her head sorrowfully as she spoke in a tune laced with indignation.
Silently, Bao Baozhai tightened her hand around the hem of the sleeves of the green robe she's wearing under her black cloak at the words of Cang Yanmei, the secret of this Green robe is currently only known by her, Biyu and the owner Feng who just awakened.
But her worry was mostly about the green robe actually ending up being useless!
Bao Baozhai really wanted to help this kind big sister who raised her when she was young and took care of her until she grew up, Yin Meirong even helped Bao Baozhai sheer up when her heart got broken by dummy Da Donghai years ago.
Now that she's weak and under the wind Bao Baozhai will do and try anything to heal her.
Both women silently rode up on the snaking narrow mountain road until they reached their destination of the highest peak, Cang Yanmei and Bao Baozhai both smiled excitedly when they arrived in front of this secluded manor.
On top of the front gate was the word "Yin" simple and unadorned by any kind of decorations on top of a wide plank of wood, if Feng saw it then he would think that this word was written carelessly by someone in a hurry.
Such simple word gave the feeling of deep bone cold to the two new arrivals, Bao Baozhai and Cang Yanmei felt for a second there as if the cold wind that blew harshly on their bodies since they left Obsidian City was no more than slightly hot breeze compared to the coldness felt from gazing at this word!
"Yin Manor is closed, master is in retreat please go back."
As Baozhai and Yanmei were trying to remove the uncomfortable feeling from their system, especially Baozhai who was old and frail unlike the young and well trained Yanmei.
They heard the voice of an elder who firmly but politely asked them to return from behind the gates.
"Grandpa Song!"
Both women said cheerfully once they heard the sound of this old butler, Song Yunru was Yin Meirong's servant and bodyguard.
Despite being a Qi Force Cultivator himself Song Yunru devoted his life to servitude of the Yin clan after he was rescued from the life of slavery by Meirong's grandfather, sadly her family was befallen with a catastrophe in her tender age of three same as many families who fell under the merciless wheels of fate in this world ruled by cultivators.
Song Yunru escaped with young Yin Meirong under the expense of her grandfather and a few family members sacrificing their lives, young Meirong never stopped trying to ascend higher in her Cultivation hoping one day to return and seek revenge for her fallen clan.
Yet the cruel hand of fate seemed to mercilessly strike again with misfortune, his young mistress was unfortunately met with an abominable beast in her last journey to the beast mountains.
As Yin Meirong was harvesting some Abyss Fungi from the Sunken Plains, She got surrounded by an army of Hard Shelled Leopard Spiders which were commonly known to wonder these areas.
While Meirong was clearing a path to leave after completing her mission of collection the Fungi, the brood-mother who undergone some evolution sneak attacked the woman while her guard was down with a venomous bite.
Gritting her teeth and fighting for her life and escaping finally after her body accumulated wounds on top of wounds from the gruesome fight, Meirong slayed the brood-mother and returned to the manor.
Only to stay inside for years now, completely helpless against the poison festering inside her Body.
Only with the help of her Qi Force plus the suppression from grandpa Song can Yin Meirong stay alive, otherwise she would've experienced Qi deviation and went mad.
At most after going through a rampage of bloodlust she'll die as a skinny corpse after depleting her life force!
Because of the evolution the brood-mother underwent her poison became many times harder to detoxify, add to that Yin Meirong's special physique and Cultivation Technique.
The end result was a very big trouble for the alchemists whom Song Yunru invited secretly and discreetly to try and heal his young mistress, after all his mistress was still wanted by the dogs who schemed against her clan years ago.
People like these like to pull the roots to eliminate any future probabilities of hidden troubles, Song Yunru already know that these villains are still sniffing around for the fish who escaped the net.
"So it's you two, come in, mistress is in the back garden watering her flowers."
Song Yunru recognized the two women when they removed their cloaks and smiled faintly as he remembered the time his young mistress liked to stroll amongst the mortals to play the saint, these two were living examples of her kindness especially Bao Baozhai who lived in this Manor for some years until she grew some fat on her body.
Baozhai and Yanmei already know about grandpa Song's wooden face and warm heart and didn't mind the apathetic tune in his words, both dismounted from their horses and bowed deeply to this Senior Cultivator who acts as their benefactor butler long before they were ever born.
Once they crossed the gates as usual both women sighed at the wondrous power of Qi in the grasp of Cultivators, outside it was windy and cold yet here it was cool like spring wind tickling their face!
After giving the man with straightened spine in blue daoist robes one final nod both women left for the gardens after leading their horses for the stables, Yunru straightened his goatee as he watched both mortal women leave for his mistress.
'Maybe I should pay Mountain Sect a visit, their vice-sect master is famous for being an accomplished alchemist. No I can't risk exposing Meirong to harm' Song Yunru thought long and hard before scattering the idea.
"Hrmmm.... WHOOOSH.... Oh no!"
As Song Yunru was thinking deeply about the troubling problem of his mistress's poisoning, a wave of Qi force covered the manor with the source being the gardens where Yin Meirong is.
First thing to come up his mind was the unfortunate fact of his mistress losing control of her emotions under the negative influence of the Poison, yet when he hurried to the gardens Song Yunru saw his mistress hugging little girl Baozhai!
Purple-grey mist was exiting from Meirong's body and entering Baozhai's clothes, Song Yunru's sharp eyes found the source of this strange phenomenon to be the green robe Baozhai was wearing.
Yunru didn't interrupt when he saw signs of his mistress's pure Qi Force rising every second and almost reaching their previous levels, wait, It is still rising higher! 'She's going to breakthrough!' Song Yunru thought once he saw the signs of uncomfortableness on poor Bao Baozhai face.
The Qi Force waves emitted by Yin Meirong's body were harmful to a mortal up close especially with her special physique, once Song Yunru found the last waft of poisonous steam exit Meirong's body he hurried to snatch Baozhai's body from the embrace of his master and inject her body with a strand of his Qi Force to stabilize her inner organs.
Cang Yanmei was watching all this happen with a single thought playing on and on in her head : 'What the fuck is going on'.
"Feng.... Wake up, it's been a while since you ate anything."
Zhu Feng opened his eyes at the gentle words of Bo Biyu, wearing her sleeping gown which left too little of her slender body unexposed to Feng to imagine and fantasize about.
He didn't know how long was he asleep for but Feng felt a lot better as he got up from the bed, moving his arms and legs no longer hurt but his waist and chest still hurt a bit.
Smiling wickedly as he watched the guard-less Biyu bend over to rub little Harmony, completely unaware of how dangerous it was to stick out her buttocks like that to someone like Zhu Feng.
The two youths ended up entangling in bed for a while, finally Zhu Feng couldn't hold back anymore and took off all his clothes in a comical sight which Bo Biyu couldn't stop laughing when she saw how frustrated he was at the top piece of his ZhuQing suit which refused to be taken off!
"Humph, your turn."
After triumphantly removing his clothes and standing on bed on his knees with nothing but his birthday suit, Feng looked down at the blushing woman's body devilishly before saying that and pinning her underneath him and locking lips with her again.
Bo Biyu's head was spinning around from the excessive amount of emotions, her heart was racing and sweetness filled her chest as she kissed Zhu Feng she felt drunk with Love!
She can't remember when was her clothes removed, they were only two pieces anyway the gown and the pantie.
Skin on skin made her heart flutter with happiness and she watched the face of Feng go near her groin, then fireworks started to play in her mind! The little pervert used his tongue for god knows how long and left her sacred area completely drenched yet wanting more!
"Give it to me, hurry!"
When Feng climbed up her body and rested his lips by kissing hers after one final round of pleasing her breasts, Bo Biyu whispered in his ears seductively as she used both hands and legs to lock his neck and waist between them.
Feng was already planning on doing just that and his precum already left mark after mark on the bedsheets, such sight of a beauty no less than a super model or S class idol asking with a pleading gaze for his dick filled our young hero with the best feelings any man requires in this situation.
Confidence, Pride.
Yet, whenever he tried to push in, that destination would evade him and his rod would rub against the girl's vagina!
"Stohp teahsing meh...."
After countless attempts which ended up in failure in his part, Feng heard Biyu's words dripping with lust.
'Can't she tell that I'm already trying! This is harder than it looks in the videos, fuck, yes I need to fucking find the right angle to push in!' Zhu Feng thought as he both loved and hated how Bo Biyu was clinging tightly into him, he couldn't reach with his hand to guide his cock who kept missing his target.
'This is it, yes, bullseye....' when Zhu Feng felt his dick pass between the softest layers squeezing his rod and as he celebrated his tip entering slowly these unexplored places.
"Knock knock...."
He heard the nightmarish sound of the door knocking then felt his chest getting pushed back before Bo Biyu quickly got up from bed to escape towards the bathroom.
"You answer it...."
Biyu shyly said before closing the door behind her.
"Spurt.... Spurt...."
Feng was still dazed by what happened and only the ejaculation of his dick made sound in the silence of the room, Storm and the puppies were sitting with their heads tilted to the side watching Feng die inside silently.
Finally Zhu Feng woke up from his daze after a second then he covered his body and went to open the door, Feng was in his kill mode and completely intent on scolding whomever dared to interrupt this sacred ritual of losing his virginity.
Opening the door he saw Tang Tingfeng carrying all his weapons, the big bald man excitedly pushed the door open and gave Zhu Feng one bear hug which almost crushed his bones.
"Thank god you're okay, young master Zhu Feng is considered my benefactor yet this Tang wronged you. Please forgive me."
The man kept clapping Feng's shoulder again and again and again as he spoke, everytime Zhu Feng was about to flare up and start throwing string after string of profanities these "Gentle" pats from the forger would remind him of the difference between their strength.
Not to mention the man's good intentions!
"Senior is too polite, I'm fine now only need some Rest."
Feng swallowed his anger and smiled a fake smile before politely hinting at his tiredness, in fact he wanted to send away this unpleasant timing sudden guest as fast as he could.
He was embarrassed enough by what happened after Bo Biyu pushed him away!
Time for round two, young Feng was worried because the thought of the word "Dysfunctional" started to ghost his brain and caused a great disturbance there.
All our dear Zhu Feng was thinking right now was : 'You're alright' in hopes of fighting the negative thoughts away.
Young Feng who's usually observant didn't notice Tang Tingfeng's strange gaze when he took a sniff at the room's air, or the smile that he fought not to show up on his face when he side glanced at the messed up bed before he left.
'You're alright'
'You're alright'
Poor Feng had bloodshot eyes as he closed the room doors behind Tang Tingfeng, he can't remember if the man said anything before he left and he wouldn't care anyway.
The two ideas storming his head were sapping away at his concentration, time for the naked truth!
"You scared me! At least knock on the door before you ente.... mmmmnh."
Zhu Feng rudely pushed the bathroom's door and raised Bo Biyu's body up by the buttocks after sealing her lips, he returned to the bed and this time his male organ remembered the way!
Zhu Feng felt his chaotic mind plunge suddenly into static calmness once his cock reached base, a single look at Bo Biyu's teary eyes and he felt like an animal.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware of myself for a while now. Are you hurt?"
"Don't move! Let's stay like this a little longer, don't worry I'm alright, I teased you longer than I should've and the aftereffects of the Flame Poison messed up with your head."
When Feng felt regretful for hurting Bo Biyu on their first time sleeping together and tried to pull out, she clung on to him and confessed what she did to cause him to lose his temper on the Saint Forger Tang Tingfeng.
Again Feng tried to raise his body away from Biyu when he heard her which caused his dick to move slightly inside her with a squelching sound, the naughty girl felt her arms and legs go weak at his movement and her grip started to loosen.
"Nooo don't move, please be gentle. It's my first time...."
Sadly what Bo Biyu said only helped in igniting Zhu Feng's lust, his member throbbed inside in a protesting gesture as it requested Feng to start moving.
"It grew bigger!"
Bo Biyu muttered faintly with dreamy eyes and blushing cheeks when she felt the inner walls get pushed aside, her sight was like a kitten offering her belly to be rubbed.
"Hrmmmm, what do we have here? A naughty girl who tricked her man into doubting his capabilities, a mischievous kitty needs to be taught a lesson. What do you want me to do? MOVE or stay!"
Feng finally understood why he couldn't get inside her after trying for so long, the girl was avoiding his thrusts on purpose!
He made her choose after giving her a few rapid thrusts then parked his dick as deep as he can.
Bo Biyu had her head spin and her throat moaning ecstatically everytime Zhu Feng thrusted inside her, then she felt a sudden feeling of loss when he stopped.
Her tongue was tied up, because the little devil didn't stay still and moved slowly which also felt good in it's own way, she was confused by what should she choose as she watched the evil smirk on his face these dark black eyes were drawing at her Soul.
"Time is up."
Zhu Feng smilingly said then pinned her under his weight and went full speed, once he felt her moans getting very pleased he would slow down to a snail's pace while deeply kissing her.
Poor Bo Biyu, Zhu Feng kept using all the techniques he knew of on the older inexperienced woman.
After he grew tired of the missionary position he flipped her and took her from behind he enjoyed the feeling of drawing out pleased moans as he grinded against her walls.
The audience watched with rapt attention as the two had their very first sex, Zhu Feng would pull out and exchange his dick with his tongue whenever he felt like cumming just to withhold himself from ejaculating again until he repays this naughty girl for what she did.
Finally the girl who lost count of how many times she reached higher than the skies gathered what remained of her strength and exchange places with Feng, she was now in the dominant position straddling his waist from above but she was surprised to find that it felt too damn good in this position as well!
When she saw Zhu Feng's teasing smile Bo Biyu tried to move and only ended up falling on top of his body in surrender when she found it only helping to make her feel better whenever she moved up and down like her master told her in this position, this time Feng seemed to stop being petty and he held her close to him and only moved slowly while kissing and massaging her chest and butt until he bursted inside her for the first time.
Biyu stared widely at the young man who filled her with warm semen without hesitation!
"Don't give me that look, we're not done yet."
Zhu Feng snickered and laid down on his side with Bo Biyu's back stuck closely to his chest and continued to thrust as he notified the dazed woman of the fact, when he spoke the semen inside her poured out as he thrusted which made Biyu blush like mad.
"Hoodlum, you're bullying me on purpose.... ahnn.... mmmmnh...."
Feng was on fire!
Round after round he enjoyed his first night with his woman Bo Biyu while acting the villain and the gentleman alternatively, finally he carried the exhausted woman to the bathroom and soaked in the tub with her leaning against his chest completely silent.
Bo Biyu pouted every time after glancing at his face before lowering her head and burying it in his chest while muttering something incoherent as she drew circles on his chest.
"On with it, or i'll continue the next round here and now."
Finally Zhu Feng couldn't hold his curiosity back and asked after gently slapping Biyu's butt, he lowered his head to stare at her face with a smirk before kissing her strawberry lips.
"No! It's already sore. Beast, bandit, thug, please no more, i'll say it alright. Anymore and i'll break, aren't you satisfied yet?"
Feng kept using his hands to tease Biyu's body with serious fingers and she panicked when she felt his penis getting erect!
Finally she surrendered after weakly resisting his actions, but she worriedly asked when she felt his dick standing up fully erect.
Biyu felt bad because she seems to be doing a bad job in pleasing her man!
"It's just your beauty and charm, they can awaken the dead."
Feng teased her earlobe as he whispered a cheesy answer.
Biyu felt her heart get squeezed with a warm hand and she ignored her pain and unhesitatingly pressed her body downwards on Feng's cock, now it was Feng's turn to be stunned by her actions and he got stopped by her finger on his lips when he wanted to speak.
The couple ended their bath with the slowest but the most fun round of them all, Biyu told Feng that she was thinking if she got pregnant how would their children look like?
Feng understood why she was pouting and got offended to the degree of evilly squinting at her, he ate one quick meal before making the woman who couldn't take it anymore normally take it in the butt instead!
Painful grunts turned into weird pleasure after a while of getting used to the feeling, Biyu paid for her thoughts with anal sex.
Never underestimate the plain faced Zhu Feng, on his first night Zhu Feng made Bo Biyu help him make all his fantasies come true.
Ahem.... Not all of them as it seems!
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