《Reincarnation of A Regretful Soul》Chapter 17 : Here We Go Again


Feng opened his eyes and hurried to check on Biyu, sighing within he rested his head back again on the pillow and smiled as he remembered the events of yesterday.

His worst fears was if that ended up being all a dream, Biyu's snuggle against his chest and her left hand slithering around his waist not to mention her bountiful breasts pressings against his arm.

All of these were facts, his current erection was also.... Mentioning facts.

He once saw one of these movies with the hero playing with the sleeping beauty, sneak attacking was kind of a specialty to our Feng!

"Mmmmnnnh.... En! Y.... you? Won't you let me rest at all.... Ahnn."

Bo Biyu woke up to find Zhu Feng thrusting at her again and the squelching sound ringing across the silence of the room.

"no more sleep for you girl, wake up."

Zhu Feng rested his body on top of her and said that while returning the straying hair-lock back behind Biyu's ear, after a prolonged round which Feng kept an irritating slow motioned pace from start to finish.

He let go of Biyu to rest and donned his clothes then went out, at the Smithy's doors the two guards greeted him respectfully as young master Zhu.

Storm and the puppies didn't accompany him and waited next to Biyu's bed expectantly! Even Feng was feeling the situation oddly strange, how did they end up closely attached to Bo Biyu in a single week? Certainly there must be a reason for this change of behavior.

Zhu Feng bought the ingredients he wanted from the nearest place then returned to prepare a sumptuous meal cooked with extreme care for his woman, as he waited for the food Feng took out the weapons Tang Tingfeng upgraded to take a look.

Feng was already aware of the upgrades of only his leather armor and Boots, now as he checked the dagger, Spear, longbow and even the two quivers worth of arrows were on a whole different level of quality compared to before.

The metal gauntlets and inner chainmail vest felt like they're custom made for Feng's hands and upperbody, the wolf flower sword had no apparent change but it felt sharper than before to Feng when he swung it to cut air.

"I need to thank him later, these items look so cool after senior Tang used his wondrous fingers to work on them. I just wonder if perverted uncle Da Donghai is doing the same on my Sword."

Feng thought out loud then shook his head when he remembered how that stupid Da Donghai molested auntie Qing Qiuyue in his presence.

"Smells nice! What are you making for dinner?"

Biyu got up with an awkward walk she wobbled towards Feng's embrace then lazily said as she rested her full weight on his chest.

"Secret, go wait for me in the bathroom, I'm almost done here anyway. Later you'll find out anyway, go or i'll eat you right here and now."

"Snort, stingy."

When she tried to uncover the plates Biyu found Feng stopping her attempt and raised her by the butt cheeks to his level and kissed her forehead, lowering her to the floor he turned her and pushed her to the bathroom while threatening her with something she isn't dreading anymore.

Shrugging Biyu intentionally swayed her hips left and right seductively while pouting her lips, but inside she was feeling warmth flooding her chest.

"Don't you dare lock the door from inside, I'm warning you, don't test the patience of someone in Love. It makes us do stupid things sometimes."


Zhu Feng felt his male organ come to live when he saw Biyu's cat walk and hurried to say that before returning to finish the last steps of preparing his perfect meal, the giggles of his first woman were heard all the way from the bathroom as she played with the puppies and Storm who joined her!

"Fuck, am I invisible or something? Ungrateful bastards!"

Zhu Feng said in a loud voice when he noticed how the animals were surprisingly treating him like he doesn't exist.

"Shadow, come taste these fresh fruits."

Looking outside at the garden Zhu Feng saw Shadow chasing falling snow with his tongue like an idiot and he called him over as he showed him a full basket.

"Neigh..... Snort...."

"Huh! Fuck this shit, you guys are a bunch of assholes. Ignore me and i'll ignore you back shitheads, this game isn't funny anyway."

Shadow warily looked at Feng and was slightly tempted by the food in his hand but he blew his lips in the end, he returned to the lone pavilion and ate the fruits there from yesterday while giving Zhu Feng a neighing sound then he plopped down after snorting.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back and Feng answered by giving Shadow his middle finger then he slammed the backyard's door in Shadow's face after giving him a string of curses, huffing and puffing Zhu Feng returned to the bathroom and as expected when he entered the wolf family felt disgusted for some reason and they licked Bo Biyu's body and face intimately before leaving.

"You guys swing that way huh! Humph, suit yourselves then."

Feng took off his clothes and grumbled that as he washed his body then he entered the tub with Biyu and like a little kid who feels abandoned by his best friends he rested his head between her boobs and kept muttering things faintly with pouted lips, the sight of Feng acting childishly reminded the older woman of his true age and she kept running her fingers through his hair and sang a strange lullaby.

"Wanna do it again?"

When Bo Biyu saw his eyes clouded in sadness after trying to calm him for ten minutes, she smiled faintly and whispered in his ear.


Once Zhu Feng heard her he nodded and before he got to do anything he felt Biyu grabbing his dick and massaging it with her delicate hand, that was the very first time Biyu was this proactive yesterday she never caught it even once.

"You're sad."


"Your friends are ignoring you."


"Does that make you angry?"

"No, I mean yes. V... very ahngry."

As she rubbed his dick up and down Bo Biyu had her fun watching Zhu Feng's facial expressions, yesterday she felt very dominated by this young man especially when he used her butt and she liked it.

But now, oh boy it felt like Bo Biyu just found her new toy.

"Angry enough to bully me, enter me, ravage me."

"En, they're bullying me. They're baddies who deserve to be taught a lesson."

Zhu Feng couldn't help but cup Biyu's chest between his hands and tease her nipples with his thumbs, after saying that he locked lips with her and rested her head on his palm.

After ejaculating Zhu Feng felt his head clear up and he asked Bo Biyu why these guys are treating him like the plague, it turned out that the cause was the remaining Flame Poison in his system which will fade out after a week or so.


Somehow his body is releasing an odor which makes animals feel repulsed, humans can't smell it that's why Feng didn't know what was going on.

When he knew the reason Feng felt released from a very heavy burden, he rewarded Bo Biyu with one of the best rounds of her life then he helped her wash her tired body then wrapped her up in a large towel then carried her to the table.

There he spoon-fed her all the food he made and watched her smile and giggle blissfully as she ate, finally he asked her to dress up because he wanted to rent his own house in the western district and of course.

She's going to live with him there, accompany him every night and.... Hehe.

"Scoundrel you wouldn't be thinking of doing that every night! Are you?"

Bo Biyu was startled by the idea while wearing her clothes then she turned to find Zhu Feng watching every contour of her naked body like a bad wolf, gulping once she asked warily about Zhu Feng's intentions of asking her to come live with him.

"If I can, why not? Of course in these days of the month i'll leave you alone. I doubt they'll visit you again though, I'm planning on having my sweet Biyu deliver me one baby after another. I bet they'll become as cute as you're."

Smiling demonically Zhu Feng said something which made Bo Biyu shiver, especially when he said the thing about kids.

Bo Biyu know from her close friends that it hurts very much to give birth, just how much suffering is Zhu Feng going to make her go through?

'Nooo, this is bad. Master where are you? Biyu is losing to this scoundrel, help, i'm falling for him' while staring at Zhu Feng's serious face and devilish smirk Bo Biyu was thinking that when she got embraced by Zhu Feng.

"I'm kidding, the very first baby of ours is just me being selfish. I didn't ask for your permission and I'm not going to apologise for what I did, next time it will only happen when you want another brother or sister for our first born. Alright! Stop looking at me like I'm Alibaba the great thief of Baghdad, can I ever bear to watch you suffer? My heart will answer, see he's beating like a rattle drum to deny all claims."

Zhu Feng whispered in her ear when the topic of another baby was brought up Biyu raised her head to glare at him, he raised her hand and placed it on his chest to feel his heart before pleading innocent with a mischievous wink.

"Next one will arrive when I want it to, remember what you said."

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, now tell me who's this Alibaba the great thief of Baghdad?"

When Bo Biyu felt commitment from Zhu Feng and eagerness to take responsibility for his actions, she was trying hard to hide her happiness by hiding her head in his chest and reminded him that next time she gets pregnant is whenever she wants not at his whims.

Finally she asked him about the stranger whom he just mentioned as she finished wearing her clothes.

Before they left the Steel Anvil Smithy Zhu Feng asked about Senior Tang and decided to thank him later for what he did to his weapons, the man was in the underground place using the Earth Vein to make more of the ZhuQing Material.

Bo Biyu snorted and told him to stop caring about this matter since the Saint Forger is the one who should apologise to Feng not the other way around, shaking his head Feng left the Smithy with her followed by the animals who kept trying to walk wherever the wind was blowing at their back with Zhu Feng walking ahead.

Otherwise they'll be like someone who's smelling shit!

Gritting his teeth whenever it happened, Zhu Feng was holding back his curses as he watched the assholes circle around him whenever the wind changed direction.

"Bffft, Alibaba is so bad. He trapped the greedy thieves inside when they tried to take his fortune, open sesame. Hehe."

Biyu raised her arms up like a kid and said cheerfully before hurrying to hug Zhu Feng's right arm back intimately, the content happy expression on her face spoke volumes of how excited she was right now.

After all they're going to live together at least until spring.

"Biyu, tell me, how much is rent in the western district?"

Awakening the daydreaming beauty from her smiling happy thoughts, Zhu Feng inquired while using his left hand to pinch Biyu's nose gently and enjoyed watching as she scrunched her nose after moving her face away.

"50 silver coins per month, these houses are the smallest and are mainly shared by groups of Miners or Miner families I bet it will be a miracle if you found any vacant one this time of the year. Medium sized houses like grandma Huang's are rented between 1 gold coin per month and 150 silver coins, since it's going to be me you and these cuties then renting a medium one is enough."

"Why's rent that expensive here? 1 gold coin is enough to rent a place in the central area of Rock City! Yet, here it might not be enough to rent a place in this western part of Obsidian City."

When Biyu said the prices Feng almost jumped out from shock, he protested about the obvious difference between the two cities.

"Worried for your money already! Lanfen's charm must be something to turn my Feng into such a money-grubber, snort, master already said that you'll earn some good money once Senior Tang is finished with the first batch of ZhuQing armors. Some of our trusted forgers are rewarded with them in exchange for their help in speeding things up with the production, of course the secret of the Fusion will stay in Senior Tang's hand. Right now he must be working on them as we speak yet here you're wallowing in regret because you'll pay 3 or 5 gold coins, cheapskate."

Biyu teased Zhu Feng and enjoyed watching his face clouded by awkwardness.

"Jeez, all I did was ask why's rent higher than Rock City, as if my first time wasn't enough Huh! Biyu, first thing I'm doing once we rent our home is to.... Hehe."

"Scoundrel if you dare bully me i'll.... Take all your money and go marry Lanfen, tehehe i'll snatch your woman."

"Y.... you dare! Don't force my hand or I might keep you shackled to the bed as my toy, en, such a wonderful toy to play with."

"You imbecile, who's your toy? Humph, wait until we have our home. Storm, Shadow, if you help me beat him up later i'll give you guys one more taste of the Vitality water."



"Whoah, what's with these eyes? You ungrateful lot, Bibi, what's this Vitality water?"

"Secret, tehehehe."

Biyu let go of Feng's hand and jumped on top of Storm's back after sticking her tongue out teasingly.

The two kept fooling around even after finding a house to rent in the same street of grandma Huang's restaurant, once Feng paid for the next three months upfront plus the 50 silver coins for hiring a servant to take care of the house.

Rent cost him 450 silver coins, add the servant fee's and young Feng ended up with 20 gold coins in his pockets.

The horny young man who had enough of Biyu's sharp tongue and endless teases, carried her to bed after glaring threateningly at Storm and Shadow who wanted to attack him for their promised prize.

This time, Bo Biyu saw the wild barbaric side of Zhu Feng unlike his gentle slow motion in the morning, her world was the man holding tightly on her body as her moans were heard by their neighbors when they reached their peak.


"Big sister Meirong, will she be alright?"

Baozhai asked as she looked at her savior and benefactor from the safety of Song Yunru's protection, Meirong's body was like the center of a hurricane pushing everything around it flying.

"En, she's alright thanks to you little Baozhai, on behalf of my mistress you have my gratitude. Yunru will never forget this kindness."

Butler Song nodded then turned his head and told Baozhai as he snuck a quick glance on the green robe, he thanked her then returned to observe his mistress's ongoing breakthrough.

Cang Yanmei stared at Bao Baozhai inquisitively and received a helpless look in return from the appraiser, as a Martial Artist and a person who knows very well how valuable secrets can be and how precious these opportunities are, because they can save your life in a dangerous situation or be used against you by your enemies if they know about it's existence.

Cang Yanmei kept her silence and didn't ask anything but she felt this kind appraisal's image turn a lot more mysterious in her eyes, even she as an accomplished Martial Artist specialized in Poison was helpless against this type of Poison.

What a joke, Yin Meirong is a formidable Cultivator herself with a special physique and despite being younger than Song Yunru by two generations worth of time she surpassed him in Qi Force Cultivation already.

Yet she struggled for more than 50 years trying to cure her body of that venomous Poison, still, under Cang Yanmei's watch her benefactor was miraculously cured of her Poison after one hug with Bao Baozhai!

Ten minutes of wait flew as the trio watched the small hurricane devastate the surrounding flowers and dig up the garden's soil, while the petit body levitating in the center had it's black dress and white silky long hair fluttering gently but continuously by the effect of the surrounding chaotic wind.

Then the sudden strange hurricane calmed then dispersed all together and all that remained under the trio's eyes was the white haired girl, her Angelic face was the prettiest one both women ever laid their eyes upon.

"Mistress, this servant congratulates you on your breakthrough. Benefactor Yin is surely laughing in heavens right now.... Sniff.... Thank God, if.... If something unfortunate had happened to mistress then this servant would've followed after you shortly for sure after washing some of these dogs descendants with blood. Even if my body was torn and mutilated my teeth would be enough to drag a few with me to the grave."

Song Yunru dropped to his knees and said with a smile, but his tears wouldn't stop falling and his voice wouldn't stop being clogged with his emotions as he banged his head on the floor.

The levitating Beauty smiled and her chest was filled with warmth when she heard this grandpa Song's words, this wooden faced strict senior who raised her and taught her how to Cultivate her Qi Force was overcome with emotions for her sake.

Then she lowered to the floor and slowly walked towards this kneeling man and raised him up by the shoulders and said : "Grandpa Song please get up, i know that you've been blaming yourself for not accompanying me on that journey to the Beast Mountains back then. See, I'm fine ain't I? Little Baozhai turned out to be the emissary of Fate and the kind hand to snatch me out from my crisis, your teachings proved again to be right. Being kind towards others is never wrong, you never know when you'll fall under the wind and you never know what can help you overcome life's tribulations."

Then Yin Meirong turned her neck to look at the two females a couple meters behind Song Yunru and mischievously looked at their boobs!

Such action reminded Bao Baozhai and Cang Yanmei of this benefactor's habit of groping their chests secretly, and Bao Baozhai frowned slightly when she saw the gaze of Yin Meirong's.

Bao Baozhai would be lying if she denied that she liked the way her benefactor groped her chest, but, right now she's old and her chest sagged and her skin was starting to wrinkle everywhere across her body.

'Just how large is sister Meirong's appetite? She couldn't be thinking of doing that again to this old lady!' Bao Baozhai thought as she watched the beauty in Black walk slowly towards them.

Song Yunru already know of his mistress's tendencies and fetishes, coughing softly he hurried to take his leave before witnessing such sight again.

His mistress's special physique made it impossible for her petite body to grow a pair despite being more than two centuries old! But he wasn't annoyed right now, the mere thought of his mistress being cured and her breakthrough to top it off was a cause for a three nights and three days celebration.

Excitement made Song Yunru and he felt almost a century younger when he looked at his mistress's feet which never touched the ground since her breakthrough was achieved.

'Senior Yin, rest well. Your Blood still runs strong, the revenge of the Yin clan will be carried not too long now. Watch over us as we wash the shame with the blood of our enemies' looking up towards the cloudy skies Song Yunru thought as he smiled and walked lightly towards the kitchen with a carefree gait.

While Song Yunru prepared the best meal of his life to his mistress, Yin Meirong was sitting in the blushing embrace of long nailed Cang Yanmei listening to the narration of Bao Baozhai and giggling non-stop as she watched her shy hands protecting her saggy chest.

From Baozhai she knew the answer to the origin of the Green robe, of course her fingers didn't stop teasing Yanmei's nibbles.


Yin Meirong said only this word after Bao Baozhai finished speaking then ran her fingers on Baozhai's cheek while remembering how this old face used to be one with a considerable amount of beauty once.

Cang Yanmei remembered the young man she saw twice accompanying Tang Tingfeng in and out from the Earth Vein, then put two and two together and knew why the Steel Anvil Smithy went through some upheaval afterwards with manager Yun being antsy and Saint Forger Tang Tingfeng walking as if someone has just poked him in the butt.

"Stay here with me for a few days it's been a while since we got together, Zhu Feng Huh."

Yin Meirong twirled some of her silky snow-white hair with one finger playfully as she spoke then grabbed both the women's hands and led them towards the inside of her palace, with Meirong's sharpened senses she knew that her devoted follower and godfather Song had just finished putting their table in order.


Zhu Feng spent the first night peacefully hugged by his first woman and drowned in lust.

When he woke up he found Bo Biyu in the backyard playing with all members of the wolf family and Shadow, fearing to interrupt their quality time with his foul smell Zhu Feng choose to go pay young Chen a visit.

The young handsome devil was a good training partner for Feng, if he compared himself to Mu Chen on the aspect of using the sword then his current self is way behind.

Not to mention that Zhu Feng hasn't trained at all in more than 10 days, he felt bad when he thought about the time he missed and knew for sure that the younger kid Mu Chen must've raised his abilities higher during that time.

"Humph, now that I remember he tried to take advantage of Bibi once just to make me angry."

Wearing his ZhuQing suit and stuffing his soft helmet in his chest, Zhu Feng didn't wear his leather armor and only wore the pair of shoes and one normal sky blue robe on top.

Then he exited his new home and went towards grandma Huang's restaurant with the full intention of bullying young Chen today.

His only weapon was the wolf flower sword strapped around his waist with milky white belt, of course he didn't plan to use it as he "Sparred" with Chen.

Unfortunately for Zhu Feng, that time Chen refused to duel with Feng if he used his footwork to keep on evading his wooden sword.

His only condition was if they both compared their swordsmanship through the system of one strike win, whomever manages to land a hit once wins and you can't use your footwork to evade more than three times.

Once both swords touch then you're allowed to use your footwork to evade again, and so it goes.

Sneaky Chen would force Zhu Feng into depleting his allowed evasion attempts and manages to always prevent their wooden swords from clashing against each other with his precise sword control, then he'll hit Zhu Feng's body as fast as he could once he catch hold of any weakness in his guard.

"Fucking hell, face me like a man you little bastard."

Zhu Feng glared at smirking Chen after losing again for the 50th consecutive loss and said that while looking at the tip of the wooden sword pressing against his chest, he didn't feel a thing from Chen's thrust because of the protection from his ZhuQing suit but his pride was currently pressed in the mud.

"The rules are fair, you and I both are handicapped by them. It seems like your Sword is weaker than mine, how can you protect sister Biyu with such a weak Sword. Humph, you're ten thousand years too early to deserve her."

Chen raised his head up and looked at the sky and retorted in obvious despise with his nose raised up arrogantly, something which made Zhu Feng boil with anger.

"Brat don't get full of yourself, take that."

"Humph, laughable. Anger only makes your weaknesses more apparent, you're full of holes."

"Eat my sword."

"You lose idiot, again!"

Zhu Feng slashed and hacked wildly as he seethed with annoyance whenever he saw Chen's arrogance, and ended up losing again with a backhand upward cut at his belly.

"Old Mu when was the last time you heard little Chen this happy? Young Master Feng seems to be mad at him yet this boy still refuses to be lenient. When I went up to send them their breakfast earlier Chen didn't hesitate to strike hard at all, will he be okay? Little Biyu has always been good to us you know."

Grandma Huang heard the loud voice of Feng's grumbling endlessly as she worked in the kitchen with her husband and inquired worriedly.

"Let them be, they're only using wooden swords and aren't allowed to strike the head or groin."

Old Mu continued to skin the hanged goat as he replied calmly, he was happy that his grandson seemed to be winning and proud of the promising amount of talent his little Chen has.

When the 100th loss was shamefully achieved by Zhu Feng he stopped, not because he was a quitter but because Chen was starting to lose his breath after more than two hours of their duels.

He felt like he could win if he continued, but such win would be tasteless to Zhu Feng if it happened.

"I'll be back, little shit I swear to make you feel the same taste I'm having in my mouth right now."

"Heh, any time L~O~S~E~R."

Feng gritted his teeth as he uttered that oath under his breath with raised chest full of stifled unwillingness only to find Chen replying with another smug.

Squeezing his grip on the wooden sword hilt Zhu Feng took another deep breath trying his best to calm down and not to wrestling tackle this little monster and give him a beat down after Mixed Martial Arts mounting him, he turned around and placed the training sword back on the side then left the roof.

While Mu Chen sighed in relief and sank into the floor once Zhu Feng was out of his sight and gasped for air, he was very exhausted and proud of himself right now.

"Finally he's had enough! I thought he'll never stop, how can he be this strong? I hit him very hard a few dozen times and it didn't work in slowing him down at all, I even aimed at his joints and muscles. This time he wasn't wearing any protective gear, how can he endure my strikes with his body? Is he some sort of a monster!"

Chen muttered faintly while remembering the earlier events, his frown would've made Feng a little bit less annoyed if he had saw it.

"Grandma bring another gourd, this wine is plain and untasty. You couldn't be this greedy with us you know, we keep all those troublemakers away from your business all the time. Don't tell me you don't need our "Protection" anymore?"

"No no no Captain Ma is working hard all the time, me and my old age, the wine must've been mixed up in the cellar and my poor eyes couldn't differentiate between the new brewery and the old ones. Please wait i'll go bring the right one."

Once Zhu Feng exited the restaurant's entrance his ears picked up the conversation between grandma Huang and her clients, looking to the side he was met with the uniforms of the city guards and 5 men circling the table.

The most prominent person was the man in the middle wearing a set of bronze armor with a large frame, the rest of the four soldiers wore the black type of armor.

'This seems to be way too shady' Zhu Feng thought as he watched the croaked smiles of these soldiers which was a lot like the ones thugs gave him whenever he was subjected to their bullying.

Even the few other customers were giving grandma Huang pitying looks!

Remembering the breakfast which this kind woman delivered as he sparred with Chen and he just forgot to take as he left in a hurry, Zhu Feng scratched the thought of going back up to take it from the roof inorder to avoid any kind of cynical comments from the pretty boy.

Same goes for returning home to eat as he remembered that Biyu told him as they did that activity she won't be quitting her job unless she's confirmed to be pregnant.

Going to the only vacant table Zhu Feng sat down and waited to see if these soldiers were actual troublemakers as his intuition told him, he wouldn't mind striking again against corrupt authority for the third time not to mention if they were bullying this granny Huang which Biyu favored.

Ultimately, Zhu Feng just lost 100 consecutive losses and he's in a very Bad Mood.

He wanted to release this bent up frustration and these five soldiers better be legit, otherwise his retaliation won't be easily recovered from.

Ask Captain Li CangLai, the taste of the slippery snake's leather whip still haunts him in his dreams!

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