《Reincarnation of A Regretful Soul》Chapter 14 : Loop


'My legs are getting numb and Bo Biyu didn't stop leaning against me from the very first second, and that was a long while now! Should I push her away? No, just a little bit more' Zhu Feng thought as he felt his knees shake slightly, but the addictive feeling of peace when he's hugging the beauty made him thicken his skin and tighten his arms around her body.

With a smile, Zhu Feng rested his head on Bo Biyu's head and closed his eyes to soak these feeling in his memory, while Biyu was blushing fiercely as she buried her head in his chest to hide her embarrassed face.

'Scoundrel, He's squeezing my shoulders very tightly, now that I can stand on my own just fine he's still holding on to my body in that tight embrace. But who would've thought such a thin body could be this strong! Still, how long is he going to keep being silent? He's acting like we're L.... lovers. At least ask me first if I agree on this relationship before forcing yourself on me, he's rushing this relationship. is it because he's still young? Sigh, despite his plain face and irritating personality the young man is very confident and charismatic for his young age. Ending up with someone like him as a husband isn't too bad, right!' On the other hand, Bo Biyu was having her own thoughts on the matter and the more her thoughts went on the more her cheeks blushed.


The coughing sound coming from Peng Shanghong awakened the two from their romantic sight, like an electric shock running through the two's bodies they hurried to separate and avoided eye contact after sharing an emotional look together.

'Humph, i've been standing here watching you two hug for ten minutes, now look at that sight. Both are clearly madly in love yet they refuse to admit their feelings, heh young love is still the best' Peng Shanghong twirled his braided beard and gave the two shy guests his knowing smile.

"It's getting late thus I must bid you goodbye grandmaster Peng, thanks for your hospitality."

Taking a deep breath to calm her racing heart, Biyu bowed slightly in a polite gesture with a slight bend of the knees as she spoke but mainly she was trying to hide her blushing face from the dwarf and Feng, especially Feng.

Then she turned towards the Smithy's Bronze Gates and practically ran from this totally embarrassing situation under the amused smile of Peng Shanghong and the worried eyes of Zhu Feng, only if Bo Biyu knew what was going through Feng's head right now she probably would throw a dozen of daggers at him again, for sure! But, Biyu did take a sneaky last glance at Feng's face before leaving at a hurry.

"Dummy, go after your girlfriend! What are you waiting for?"

Zhu Feng was stunned by what Peng Shanghong just said to him and kept looking strangely at the dwarf's oxen eyes in disbelief!

"Didn't you hear me? Hurry up and move."

Rolling his eyes at the dumbass youth for staring at his short physique like a moron instead of escorting his woman back, the dwarf ignored Storm and pushed Zhu Feng towards his horse.

Zhu Feng was on top of Shadow's back in a second and the young warhorse trotted out of the gates and kept looking left and right searching for Bo Biyu in the crowded streets, Storm passed the black warhorse after giving him a condescending look then crossed the wide street and went towards a small alley after crossing a few buildings.


Snorting all the way as he followed after the arrogant she-wolf, Shadow was feeling annoyed because his sense of smell wasn't as good as Storm's.

Zhu Feng was in deep thoughts since Peng Shanghong spoke and almost kicked him out of the Raging Hammer Smithy.

'Girlfriend! Bo Biyu seemed to be genuinely very annoyed in my presence until the little pups played a prank on her, didn't Storm scare her a bit too much and she just leaned on me and held on to stay on her feet out of pride? Wait! The look on her eyes and the expression on her face when she looked my way sneakily before she ran away' Zhu Feng was replaying all the memories of Bo Biyu since he met her until she left and analyzing his thoughts on the matter.


Then the sound of the girl in yellow dress and draped in a large green robe woke Feng up from his daydreams and he looked towards the source, there he found the dreamy eyes of Bo Biyu staring at him.

'It's this look! I've seen it countless times before in dramas, but when did she change her opinion of me? The time we hugged. It must be that time' Zhu Feng thought as he looked at Bo Biyu hiding in a secluded spot in the alley hidden from the eyes of passerbys on the main streets.

While maintaining eye contact with her Zhu Feng dismounted from Shadow's back and confidently went towards the woman who was experiencing the sweetest fear of her life, Bo Biyu was seeing nothing but the man occupying her mind right now.

As she ran she was thinking of nothing but the long hug she just exchanged with this annoying fellow and how weak must she have been in his eyes, then once she stood here trying to calm her racing heart who felt like escaping her chest and returning to the previous calmness in Zhu Feng's embrace.

She found Zhu Feng in front of her again and her heart beats increased as if protesting against Bo Biyu's inactivity by remaining standing still, it was screaming at her alongside her combined emotions : "Hug him! It felt good."

"Am I that scary?"

Feng was tickled by Bo Biyu's cuteness and teased her as he slowly took one step after another towards her, without the woman's knowing she was reflexively taking a step back everytime Zhu Feng took a step forward.

She was dumbstruck as she looked at Feng's smiling face, until there was no space behind her and Bo Biyu's back hit the wall.

"Eh! What d.... Do you want?"

She blushed when she found herself with her back against the wall with this young man staring at her with half-smile.

"Come Biyu, i'll walk you back to auntie Bao, of course if you want to give me a tour in Obsidian City first before we return then you wouldn't find me complaining a single bit."

Zhu Feng stretched his right arm and said as he removed the honorifics from Bo Biyu's name and called her directly by her name, his open palm was a clear sign of wanting to hold her hand and the smile on his face was very calming to the beauty to look at.

"Bffft, scoundrel."

Bo Biyu found the feeling of Zhu Feng calling her by her first name very sweetly ringing in her chest and she was first stunned by his boldness then amused by how made it sound like Bo Biyu was the one wanting to hang out with him and not the other way around, she bursted out laughing and held on to his rough strong hand.


Before she got to calm her chaotic emotions, Bo Biyu found Zhu Feng pulling her again into his embrace forcefully and whispering in her ear : "You're mine now."

"Ah! Y.... you, who's yours? Stop hurrying this and let me think first, I promise not to take long in making up my mind."

Despite saying that in a somewhat firm tune, Bo Biyu was clinging to Zhu Feng like an anaconda squeezing it's prey.

He felt her nails on his back even though he was wearing 3 types of defensive gear on his upperbody, Zhu Feng merely smiled in amusement and shook his head slightly at how this stubborn girl was still refusing to admit her true feelings.

Squinting slightly, Zhu Feng looked down at the side of her blushing face and their eyes met, it was like a kid being found out guilty of lying and a panicking look fleetingly shadowed Biyu's eyes.

'He found out! O'Ooh' before Bo Biyu finished thinking this thought Zhu Feng had already used his left hand to raise her chin slightly up gently, then the young man lowered his head and locked lips with her like a swift hawk descending on a hare.


Bo Biyu's eyes widened to the maximum and her body froze at the sudden sneak attack from the man who's at least 5 years younger than her.

"Bwaah.... Hah.... Huff...."

After ten seconds Feng released her lips and the beauty got to breathe normally again after her breath was taken away, flushing the deepest red and shyness with a slight touch of frustration at the young thief who took her first kiss filled her face.

"Now, do you believe me when I say you're mine?"

Hugging her deeper into his chest, Zhu Feng said as he gave her a cocky glance from above confidently.

"Thief, bullying scoundrel, you're taking advantage of me. Release me, i'm not going to forgive you for taking my first kiss."

Bo Biyu's words were the exact opposite of her reaction, she was rubbing her face against his chest and lightly patting his back!

"Hehe, aww, ouch. Stop it or you'll break my body like you did to my heart, I'm so fragile you know."

Zhu Feng carried the woman and acted like he's in pain as he raised her to sit on Shadow's back, then he jumped behind Bo Biyu and hugged her waist to him and rode towards the main street after kissing her cheek once.

Bo Biyu was feeling light-headed when Zhu Feng princess carried her to his horse, then she felt her brain overheating and stop functioning when the young man naturally stuck his body to her back and hug her from behind.

She even felt his arm touching her breasts! But when he gently kissed her cheek she felt like shouting to the sky, this was the weirdest day ever.

First she hated the young man's guts then now she would feel like killing anyone who separate her from him, even though the scoundrel stole her first kiss!

"Biyu, do you want me to go back to auntie Bao or should we go on a date?"

With a sly smirk Zhu Feng stopped once he reached the main street then asked as he breathed on Bo Biyu's neck from behind, an action that made the inexperienced woman feel her head dizzying and he breathing quickening.

"D.... date! Wasn't it just a tour?"

Like a kitten getting splashed with water, Bo Biyu's neck twisted to look at Zhu Feng as she asked, but, such action proved to be well.... Dangerous.

The young man who just experienced kissing for the first time as well, stole her lips again and this time he stope it for a longer duration and he started to use his tongue to spice things up.

The results of this sudden sneak attack was Bo Biyu glaring once again at Feng for doing such thing in front of many people, then she pointed towards a street and kept huffing and puffing all the time with pouted lips as Shadow and Storm slowly moved thorough the crowded streets, but her back was firmly stuck to Zhu Feng's chest and her hands were holding tightly to his embracing arm.

"Biyu, are you mad at me?"


"Is it because i'm being forceful?"


This time it was the same answer but Zhu Feng felt Bo Biyu's hands tighten up in a death grip on his forearm as she nodded again.

"I can't resist, you know that you're too much of a beauty for me. Right!"

With a cheesy line and a regretful tune Feng grabbed the sulking beauty's full attention, Bo Biyu curiously stared widely at his face and tried to figure out this strange controversy.

From her past dealings with Feng she knew that he was the confident type, how come he's doubting himself now?

"You and I only met today and such things take time Feng, I don't mind becoming yours but I just need time to check if my feelings towards you are honest enough."

After looking at his deep black eyes once and feeling her heart racing again, Bo Biyu hurried to disengage from this dangerous eye contact and said slowly as sweetness filled her heart.

'Liar, clearly you like his bones, you timid kitten are just enjoying the moment while getting embraced and right now you're sticking your back to his body with a grin. Spread these legs and let go of that strong facade already' on the contrary to her words, the thoughts running thorough Bo Biyu's head were very encouraging.

"I'm not the patient type, you better not leave me hanging for long. Otherwise hehehe..... Graah."

Feng didn't push any further on the matter and whispered in Biyu's ear then he faked biting her neck and teased her smooth skin with her teeth lightly, again Bo Biyu's head and neck were experiencing deep blushing and she couldn't hold back her urge to turn her head back and kiss this naughty young man.

This time they were at the street leading to her favorite restaurant in Obsidian City and this area was having the minimum amount of traffic because it was mainly consisting of residential areas for the lowest class "The Miners" it was the westernmost part of Obsidian City and the closest to the most dangerous "Beast Mountains".

After gathering her courage to kiss Feng once, Bo Biyu seemed to accept the fact that this plain faced strong young man was her fiance, she held hands with him once he helped her dismount from Shadow's back and kept smiling towards Storm despite the she-wolf endlessly growling at Bo Biyu with exposed canines.

Surprisingly she didn't fear the she-wolf anymore and asked Feng if she could spank these pups for bullying her earlier in the Raging Hammer Smithy and Feng snickered as he nodded to indicate he doesn't mind, Bo Biyu was mad at the trio for what they did and only obedient Harmony was spared from Biyu's revenge.

The woman enjoyed carrying them one by one and lightly slapping their butts, but Feng had to intervene and stopped the vindictive ceremony when Storm was about to jump Bo Biyu and snap her neck.

"Biyu give Storm some face, see how much she wants to bite you! If it wasn't your man's dominating air she would've bullied you, don't you think I deserve a rewarding kiss?"

Zhu Feng removed the shacking Thunder from the hands of his new girlfriend and said as he held her slim waist between his arms, he waited for her reply while slowly getting closer to her lips.

"You're only taking advantage of the situation, scoundrel my lips are numb mmmmnh."

Without waiting for the rest of her excuses, Feng sealed her lips with his and wantonly kissed Biyu deeply.

That feeling was very addictive, Zhu Feng never imagined kissing would be this fun.

"Promise me to behave from now on, Zhu Feng I won't hide it from you. I do like kissing you, but, doing that in public is making me uncomfortable. Will you stop making me do that in front of others."

With blushing cheeks and swollen lips, Bo Biyu tiptoed and hooked Feng's neck between her arms and hugged him fiercely then whispered these words in his ears.

Feng felt his bones heat up when he heard her words he moved back his head and looked at Biyu's shy face then smiled apologetically, he gave her a nod then held her hands strongly as he noted to only kiss this beauty in private.

"Is that your favorite restaurant? There's only 4 tables at the side of the street! And no one is here."

"Yes, grandma and grandpa run this small business by themselves."

Feng asked as he looked at the dilapidated 2 story building and the empty tables, then he got dragged to sit on the one next to the building's door by Biyu.

"Grandma i'm back, please prepare a meal for two."

Bo Biyu shouted towards the door and sat down next to Feng who was clearly sceptical about the quality, his eyes were studying the whole neighborhood and his eyebrows were raised.

"Come-on Feng I promise you will like the food here."

Bo Biyu cutely nudged Feng's shoulder with hers as she said that then her attention shifted towards the elderly woman who came out from the door next to them.

"Oh, it's little Bibi. Hrmmm, I see, Ah? wild wolf! This creature is dangerous quick get inside, little Bibi do you know who's the owner of this wolf.... Eh!"

The elderly woman smiled until her creased face lost it's distinctive features when she saw Biyu sticking closely to Zhu Feng, then old woman noticed Storm and she panicked, in her hurriedness to escape she pulled Bo Biyu with her inside the house then asked as she watched Storm from the cracks of the door.

Then she got her words stuck in her throat when she saw the young pups taking advantage of the bully "Bo Biyu" being away from Feng to go and play with Feng, all the while Storm lazily rested her head on her claws with drowsy eyes like nothing is wrong with her pups playing with little Bibi's boyfriend.

"Grandma Huang don't worry, Storm is very obedient and tame. Other than our food make young Chen take care of the horse and bring some food for the wolves, okay?"

Bo Biyu's strange trust in Feng's abilities was unexplainable, she smiled to calm the old woman then patted her shoulder as she spoke then pushed the door open and returned to her seat next to Feng.

Huang watched the little pups scurry away when Bibi sat and only the brown one stayed in place only to end up being carried and patted by her as she spoke softly with her man, shaking her head and smiling at the sight of youthful love, Huang left to tell her grandson to take care of the horse and wolf like Bibi said.

"Old Mu, we have customers. Make a fine meal for two, i'll come help you after telling Chen'er to take care of their horse."

Huang pushed the backdoor and notified the old man sitting under the oak tree, he was similar to her in his slim old physique with a head fully white with medium sized hair unlike her long hair.

The man nodded then slowly got up from his rocking chair and headed for the kitchen once his wife left to notify their only grandson of his work, he snickered when he thought about his hyperactive grandson.

"Chen where are you? We have customers."

"Grandma i'm up here training, i'll be down in a minute."

When Huang called for Chen from the lobby she heard him replying from the roof, shaking her head she wrote on the board what her grandson should do and underlined the words "Meat for the Wolves" then circled the words "Be Careful" then went to help her husband.

After a minute a teenager young man with messy hair and a well trained physique for his age, he was tall compared to anyone in the same age of 13 or 14 maximum.

"Eh! Wolves? Are we having bandits for customers! Humph, if they dare try and bully us and run after dining in our restaurant then i'll beat them up. Even if I couldn't do that I can report them to the guards, the captain of the patrolling soldiers always eats meals for free in my restaurant anyway. It's about time he cough something in return."

The boy gawked at the words written on the board then he hurried to grab his wooden practice sword while thinking of ways to counter the situation if it evolved into a ditch the bill, but he got amazed by the sight when he looked from the roof to check the customers.

It was only big sister Bo Biyu and some flat-faced stranger, they were sitting almost on top of each other and his sweet big sister was blushing madly as the stranger man whispered something in her ear.

Big sister was carrying a young brown dog in her arm and running her fingers through his fur as she hugged it to her lovely chest, then something happened which made young Chen's blood boil with anger and his grip tightened around the hilt of his wooden sword.

The couple looked around them and when they noticed the emptiness of the street, they kissed!

Young Chen had a hidden crush on his big sister Biyu for a couple of years, now that the image of himself and her in his mind got shattered to smithereens by witnessing that sight.

The teenager boy got blood rushing towards his brain and he was maddened with fury.

'Mine, big sister Bibi is mine' the boy thought of nothing but that until he rushed to the couple's table and banged on it with his wooden sword.

"Bang.... Kyaa...."

"Get your filthy hands off big sister Bibi, then scram as far as I can tell. Or i'll beat your scrawny butt and wipe the floors of this street with your blood."

Once Feng and Biyu got startled by such action young Chen was pointing the wooden sword in his hand at Feng's face as he threatened menacingly.



"Sit down Storm, this is none of your business."

Biyu gasped because Storm and even Shadow had a scary look in their eyes as they tiptoed to position themselves behind young Chen, Shadow was standing with his butt facing the kid's back! Is he going to fart at him?

Chen seemed to notice the two animals behind him and he was trying to keep the three foes in his line of sight all the time but it was a difficult situation, looking ahead and backwards at the same time was straining his mentality.

But it was helpful in calming his fury to be put under this kind of pressure, now his brain started to get aware of what he did and he tried to find excuses.

Then he heard the annoying thin young man say something and the animals withdrew back to rest as if what just happened was nothing at all, Chen looked strangely at the man and thought 'He must be confident in his abilities, that sword at his waist isn't for looks as it seems'

"Little Chen, w.... what's going on? Do you have a grudge against Feng!"

Bo Biyu spoke to Chen while using her eyes to inquire from Feng, but all she got in return was a simple shoulder shrug from Zhu Feng.

"Yes, this scumbag is bullying big sister, it must be!"

The young boy seemed to find it difficult to find an excuse for what he did then he shook his head in denial and he uttered that with gritted teeth.

"Heh, I see. You like Biyu don't you?"

Feng wrapped his arm around Biyu's shoulders and pulled her into his embrace as he spoke.



Zhu Feng smiled when he saw the reaction of the boy and the strange look Biyu was giving the boy she considered her little brother.

"I figured as much, Biyu stay out of this. I promise not to hurt him, i'll just help him widen his horizons. But I can't forgive him for having eyes on my beautiful lady, you wouldn't mind me spanking him a little. Do you?"

Feng said then stood up and gave his wolf flower sword and dagger to Biyu while giving her a mischievous wink.

"Big words, hah, you're only a few years older than me. I've beaten up men older than you and much stronger than you, what can your scrawny body amount to? Heh, you even dare to face me empty handed. Laughable, don't worry I won't go after your plain face because it isn't that dangerous on the opposite sex but I can't say the same about your arms and legs. You're going to limp home, prepare yourself."

Young Chen blushed and started to throw trash talk left and right at Feng in front of the snickering Biyu, the more the beauty laughed the more he got carried away until Feng couldn't hold back anymore and his mouth twitched in anger.

"Brat, stop your nonsense and come. As if your little wooden sword can even hurt my skin, not to mention touching it once. Come-on, are we doing this? I have better things to do, if you know what I mean."

Zhu Feng was not one to be beaten and he stuck out his tongue childishly at the end of his words while giving Biyu's body a fleeting side glance.

"Bastard, take this ghost slash."

Chen crossed the 5m distance in a single dash, then cut at Feng's waist with his sword upwardly.


The boy was stunned by Feng's fast reaction, Chen saw Feng take a sidestep to the right once he started to swing his sword.

The simple action from the annoying eyesore made young Chen look like he was aiming to cut air with his slash, he flushed in embarrassment and launched a flurry of slashes at the plain faced scrawny.

"You're fast I admit that you're probably got the same swinging speed as my own or slightly faster, to do that at your young age is something you should be proud of. However, i've seen younger people a lot faster and stronger than both of us combined, the world is big and ruled by the strong if you think you're strong to take it on then you need someone to open your eyes."

Zhu Feng spoke word for word as he swayed his body or used his feet to evade the trajectory of the wooden sword slashes and pierces, when he reached the end of his words Feng stepped forward without guarding his chest to meet the piercing wooden sword head on.

Even if it was made from wood and had blunt edges, the tip of the sword was painful and could be lethal if it hit any vital area.

"H.... how?"

Young Chen was surprised to find Feng unhurt after he finally landed a hit, even the feedback he got from the sword in his hand didn't feel like he hit a human body in the chest.

It felt like stabbing a swamp! His strike got dissolved in the mud and covered in layers of squishy bubbles.

"I don't care if you don't like me, I don't care if you like my woman. As long as you keep yourself in check and behave I won't bully you, but if you dare interrupt my quality time with Biyu again. Then i'll beat you up and shave you into a baldy, your cute jon snow looks are irritating enough for me."

Zhu Feng cracked his knuckles and pumped his fists,the clanging sound of the gauntlets made the young boy hesitate whether to continue his attack on this strange thin fellow or to retreat.

He looked at Bo Biyu sitting there to the side playing with Harmony in her hand and enjoying the show, then he noticed that her glowing eyes were mainly focused on the annoying fellow.

Sighing he lowered his wooden sword with a downhearted self and pouted his lips, Chen was feeling a kind of defeat which he never experienced before right now.

He gave Feng's face a last glance before he returned to the house, Feng smiled slightly at the boy's behavior and returned triumphantly to sit next to Biyu.

"Little Chen you're amazing, I knew that you were training with the sword but I never imagined that you're this good. Feng says that you're going to become fearsome once you reach his age if you continued to train diligently, even he can't face such a strong opponent right now."

After 10 minutes Chen appeared again with food and water for the animals, he was avoiding the couple and tried to do his job then hide again but Biyu smiled at him as she complimented his potential.

That was really what Feng said once he sat down!

Bo Biyu was feeling sweet to have such a young contender for the race of winning her, but it's too late now that Feng has entered the stage.

She didn't want to have any changes in her relationship with this little boy, she only liked him and thought of him as a little brother and she wanted to keep it that way in the future.

"It's good that he knows, if he ever dares to bully you big sister then i'll be sure to pay him a visit. Just make sure he remembers that in the future."

Chen glared at Feng as if he was his worst enemy then venomously said that with a devilish smirk.

"Hehehehe, Zhu Feng did you hear that? You better take good care of me or Chen'er will break your bones. Of course i'll tell him to take off your armor first."

Bo Biyu laughed at Chen's naughty attitude which made his cute looks lethal to any girl around his age, then she went to hold hands with him and raised his hand theatrically to threaten Feng while bending his arm to show his developed arm muscles.

Then she rubbed her cheek against Chen's like a kitten, she liked this immature protective love from this young boy very much.

Her actions caused young Chen to blush fiercely and he tried to wiggle his body from her tight hug, once he looked at Feng's face to check if he was mad, young Chen was stunned to find the thin young man smiling at his embarrassed sight.

'Humph, what if I do this?' young Chen got daring and wrapped Biyu's waist with his arms, then looked to check and saw Feng frowning slightly.

'Hehehe, now I figured out your weakness' young Chen smiled demonically inside then caressed Biyu's back with his hands gently and Feng's face darkened when he saw the young boy's smirk.

"Brat, it seems like you're eager to become a baldy."

Finally Feng couldn't hold back his anger and bursted out with a daring threat when he saw young Chen lean his head on Biyu's bountiful chest.


Chen felt a cold shiver crawling on his spine when he felt Zhu Feng's eyes staring at him, he met people before who intimidated the crowd by unleashing their killing intent.

Who would've thought this young man was the same! His killing intent was thicker than the people he met, the one with the thickest killing intent told Chen that he killed 11 people.

'Just how many did this "Bamboo Pole" kill exactly to be this scary? Wait! Sister said he's wearing armor, since when leather armor was this good? Chainmail, sigh, I should've went for the lower body since I said I wouldn't target the head. Still with these fast reflexes of his I doubt I would've landed a hit, these eyes, I felt like being watched all the time. Despite his looks this man is dangerous' Chen thought as he separated from Biyu and smiled when she patted his head and made a mess of his hair.

"You'll always be my little brother, I'm counting on your protection young Chen. Always."

Bo Biyu kissed his cheeks and cupped his cute face then said as she stared directly into his eyes.

"En. Always."

Young Chen nodded once then replied with a single word that felt like an oath to the heavens.

"Come, let me introduce you properly. This is Zhu Feng my b... boyfriend as you can see he's a swordsman and many more but I won't explain much for now because you'll benefit from him in the future, I guess! This is Mu Chen, the only grandson of grandma Huang and grandpa Mu. He's very filial and takes good care of his grandparents all the time, plus, he's very popular with the ladies. I always wondered why he doesn't have someone he likes and asked him but he always evaded my question, hehe, never knew that he got that weird taste in women."

Bo Biyu sat between the two males and introduced them in her weird way, the end result was Chen getting embarrassed and avoided eye contact with the couple.

Surprisingly Chen's eyes fell on a few open windows across the street with a few female nextdoor neighbors ogling him with their eyes, after his illusion of being with his beautiful older sister Bibi broke after meeting Zhu Feng, young Chen seemed to see the world from a different perspective and he felt unshackled and free without any fitters.

"Hehe, look Feng! Chen is checking the audience, there's four ladies older than me in there. Little Chen, do you want me to go invite someone over? Just tell me whom do you like and big sister will help. There's no need to be shy."

It wasn't the first time she sat here, Bo Biyu already knew all about the hidden audience watching young Chen train at the roof.

Only the small boy didn't seem to notice before and was too dense, now that he noticed it felt like he was shocked by the number of females at his tail.

Now he understood why the strange things would always happen to him from these women and girls in the neighborhood when he go deliver the orders, grabbing his hand, touching his muscles, falling while walking on a flat land and leaning against him, giving him hugs for no reason.

The young boy Chen who's the victim of molesting for 4 years now by the gang of women in the street and the nearby streets finally understood what's going on, he sweated bullets when he counted the women who are already married! A dozen of them were the mothers of his friends.

"E.... excuse me big sister Bibi, I need to go."

Chen wiped his forehead and said before getting up to leave.

"Heh, that's what you get for being handsome, they'll haunt you to the ends of earth."

Feng joked with Chen and said to the escaping boy with a teasing smile.

When Chen heard him he stumbled and almost fell then gave a panicking look before hurrying inside the house and hide in his room, he needed to calm down and think for a while on his own.

"Stop scaring young Chen, Feng will you take care of him? He's a very kind boy, please!"

Bo Biyu snuggled in Feng's embrace then coquettishly asked him, little Harmony was still in her hands and receiving the best belly rubs ever.

The trio Night, Thunder and Joy were watching him with envious gazes and wanted this witch who spanked them to do the same, but, they were scared of her.

"You know that I don't have a place to stay for the moment, why don't you find me a place nearby to rent? I will be spending the winter here after all, and training with young Chen isn't that bad of an idea."

Feng ruminated the thought for a few seconds then answered as he watched grandma Huang arrive with the food and followed by a similarly white haired old man carrying the majority of the meal.

"You two are lucky, yesterday the hunters brought venison and Mu bought some. Please enjoy your meal."

Grandma Huang placed the plates in order then removed the covers to let the aromatic scent explode everywhere, then she retreated with her husband Mu inside the house after placing the beverages and bowing slightly.

"It smells nice."

Feng nodded in approval then started to taste the food.

"Woof.... Awoo.... Yelp...."

The pups started to protest against the clear discrimination when they saw Biyu blow a breath on a piece of aromatic fine cooked meat then give it to Harmony, the trio's eyes were saying :

"He doesn't play like Joy, doesn't have a loud voice like Thunder, and isn't strong or fearless like Night. He's the most useless of us! Why would you give him treats?"

Feng snickered and nudged Biyu to look at the mess she caused between the pups, he waited to see how she'll deal with the jealous pups.

"Only those who behave get treats, eh! Even if you show me your belly I wouldn't.... Sigh, come here you. I'm not mad at you anymore."

The puppy eyes from Night was a sight Feng never saw before, Biyu's defense was shattered by it and her face became filled with a smile as she hugged the four pups and placed them on her lap.

'Sneaky Night was hiding another lethal weapon, good to see that he isn't just a moron who fearlessly attack' Feng thought as he watched the 4 pups eat from Biyu's hand directly.

"They sure grow up fast Biyu."

"Scoundrel, stop thinking about my body."

When the girl heard Feng she hurried to hide her chest with her palm and glared at him, Feng was feeling shocked by how dirty this girl's mind was.

"I was talking about the young pups, but I don't mind changing topics."

Feng snickered and nudged Biyu with his elbow mischievously as he tried another plate.

"Come-on Night, bite him and i'll rub your belly until you sleep."

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