《Reincarnation of A Regretful Soul》Chapter 13 : Mixture


After ten minutes of waiting, Bo Biyu returned to the room with a bald man in red robes.

She was blushing and avoiding eye contact with Feng and her master but when she saw him wearing that black ZhuQing Material on his head she snickered faintly at his strange sight, lucky for her Feng was focusing on the tall well built bald man in red.

He held two pliers made from strange white crystal and in the other hand he held a small box by the handle, that box was half frozen in ice and the other half was clearly experiencing a very high degree of temperature.

"Brother Tang, this young man is Zhu Feng please don't take his action of hiding his face as an action of rudeness, it was little Biyu who caused it."

"Little girl why didn't you apologise yet? Little Feng this here is our smithy's best forger, saint forger Tang Tingfeng."

Old woman Bao Baozhai did the introduction once the bald man entered the room, her words made the frown on his face disappear and Tang looked curiously at little girl Biyu.

Biyu on the other hand was like a kitten who got her tail stepped on when she heard her master's orders, Feng cupped his hands after taking off his soft helmet.

"I was in the wrong."

"Senior Tang, well met. This is a soft helmet made from a new material that I discovered, it's called ZhuQing Material."

Bo Biyu bowed slightly to Zhu Feng and uttered thorough gritted teeth because she still had the same opinion about this pervert, but she was stunned to find Feng completely ignoring her like she's nothing but air and hand Tang Tingfeng the sample.

She wished to throw the dagger at him again but her hands were empty right now.

"Sister Bao, what's your evaluation on it so far?"

The man held the helmet in his palm and gave it a few small tests with his rough fingers after leaving the pliers and box on the table, then he asked as he tried his best to overstretch the helmet and couldn't even after veins popped up on his bald head from trying so hard.

"If it's really hot and cold resistant plus cut and tearing resistant as it is to impact and piercing, then this ZhuQing Material can be a very good business opportunity if Zhu Feng is willing to share with our smithy."

The old woman was stifling her laughter as she watched her dear disciple stomp her feet in frustration but she gave her honest opinion after watching the earlier two tests, Tang Tingfeng nodded then took out his pliers and used them to try and tear a piece of the soft helmet.

"Humph, senior Tang will tear your material for sure."

Bo Biyu glared at Feng's face from the side as she crossed her arms, she muttered in a faint sound to herself as she waited to see the shock on Feng's face when it happens.

Soon disappointment surfaced on her face when she saw saint forger Tang Tingfeng nod in approval and appreciation as he removed his diamond pliers to check the area that should be damaged at least, no harm at all and the pressed area got inflated back after the pressure was gone.

"This smug on his face will turn into cries when senior Tang burns it to ashes with the Yang stone."

Then Bo Biyu regathered her wavering confidence when she saw the man use the pliers as vices to take a circular flat disk and place it on the surface of the helmet, first the bald man was careful not to burn it then he was surprised by how heat tolerant that material was.


Not even smoke started to appear, it was like that Yang stone was back in it's box made from special minerals.

No, that box would get affected by heat and cold temperature after long durations of exposure, this ZhuQing Material wasn't affected at all even after 5 minutes!

Tang Tingfeng even raised the stone and used his hand to check directly for the temperature, it was the same degree of temperature as before he even used the soft helmet to hold the very hot Yang stone without feeling any heat coming from it after more than ten minutes.

"This material is great! If I had clothes made from it as I work in the forge then heat will no longer tire me out after extended durations of work, I wonder if it's the same with cold."

Tang Tingfeng's eyes were glowing in interest as he exchanged the white stone with the black one and started the second test, Bao Baozhai's smile widened as approval filled her face when she saw the confidence in Zhu Feng's eyes her disciple however was stomping her feet on the ground huffing and puffing in frustration as she stared at the side of young Feng's simple face.

"Sister Bao, I can tell you that this material is extremely tolerant to heat, coldness, and tearing force. Young master Feng, is it the same with cutting resistance, piercing and impact?"

"Brother Tang, little Biyu tried to pierce and break some plate underneath it but you should try again. Wolf flower sword will be used to test this material's resistance against cutting, little Feng isn't against it if we used the sword master Peng Yusheng created."

Before Zhu Feng answered the bald man with broad shoulders question, Bao Baozhai interjected and clarified to Tang Tingfeng while pointing at the sword that he didn't notice.

"You have one of master Peng's creations! Wasn't that one with shameless Lian Laoci after his eldest son died?"

The man in red noticed the scabbard on Feng's side and asked with a frown, Zhu Feng was befuddled by the strange nickname this man gave general Lian and raised an eyebrow when he knew the identity of the previous owner of this sword.

"General Lian gave it to me as a gift, it seems like the gift was even more precious than I thought."

Feng unsheathed the sword and raised it on top of both palms as he spoke, he was feeling gratitude to the man who caused him one day to suffer and face death then escape barely with the skin of his teeth.

The man's gift helped Feng in escaping from another dangerous situation afterwards, from Feng's weird point of view he owes the man nothing and the man was the same.

Now that he knew the emotional attachment and backstory of the sword called wolf flower, he felt like the man called Lian Laoci was entrusting him with his late son's unfinished legacy.

That feeling, felt a lot like fatherhood to the young man who never felt that strange warmness before, his eyes reluctantly left the sword as he gave the sword to the silent bald man in red robe.

Feng's silent emotional short moment was felt by the three, Tang Tingfeng knew that some swordsmen had special bonds with their swords and kept his silence when he watched Feng's eyes fill with sadness as he looked at his sword.

Bao Baozhai gaped slightly at the sight of simple faced Zhu Feng's different side of personality that she didn't see before, she saw the young man's arrogance when he dealt with dwarf Peng Shanghong, his flirty straightforward-ness when he dealt with innocent Bo Biyu, his politeness when he dealt with her, his confidence when he watched others test his creation, now his deep hidden emotions of sadness and possibly darkness in the mix were visible to her expert eyes.


Bo Biyu was startled because from how she wished to see this pervert sad earlier she should be happy right now, but, when she truly saw him sad she was lost and her heart tightened in her chest in panic for no reason!

"Young Lian Tushi was a brave warrior who met an early death at the hands of Bai empire's white legion, he held them back with his brothers and prevented the scheme of their famous general from completely wiping out more than 50,000 soldiers of our eastern army. He died to give others a chance to live, thankfully his father avenged him by wiping out the white legion. Were you one of his followers?"

Finally Tang Tingfeng spoke encouragingly after admiring the sword in his hand, when that sword was made he was still a grandmaster blacksmith.

Now that he reached sainthood in forging profession he noticed just how different the craftsmanship of a grandmaster blacksmith compared to a saint forger, the sword was at least two times sharper with the same raw materials.

"I never met him in my life, general Lian gave it to me in the second time we met. I just knew about the background story of this wolf flower sword just now."

Zhu Feng shook his head to scatter these distractions and told the forger the truth, whither they believe it or not will be up to them.

The saint forger Tang Tingfeng nodded his head then used the sword to pierce and slash at the soft helmet, then he used one of the larger hammers to try and break a rock underneath the helmet.

When he was almost at the breaking point of exhaustion he cracked the small brick sized rock, the saint forger Tang Tingfeng was smiling widely when he managed to accomplish that.

"Huff.... This ZhuQing Material has very good potential, if it was diluted and fused with some lightweight metal armor and widely distributed to the armies then our Shi kingdom will beat these white dogs on every battlefield. These backstabbing Yan traitorous maggots will find themselves with no allies in the east and their backs against beast mountains in the west, Hai kingdom has suffered for years from their collaboration and fought on two fronts. If we alleviated the pressure then they're sure to push the Yan's back until they're no more"

Tang Tingfeng's eyes were imagining the armor and was choosing the raw materials in his mind as he spoke.

Feng on the other hand went calmly to the iron table to retrieve his sword and soft helmet, since Qing Liling said this material can withstand a cultivator's attacks which was in his head a hit from Superman!

Then, this material should be expensive and costly, giving it to soldiers in the army after diluting the concentration was possible, the capabilities however, is questionable.

As for Hai, Yan, Bai and Shi struggle! He doesn't even know who is wrong on the matter, why should he care?

"Little Feng, is it okay to sell us some of this material?"

Bao Baozhai saw Feng's lack of interest and knew that her brother Tang's patriotic approach was useless against this young man, she asked to test the waters and smiled inside as she imagined Feng seeking revenge and asking for her disciple to be his maid.

"It's possible to sell you the way to create it but I don't think the price will be to your satisfaction senior Bao, I can share the details in exchange for a small percentage of the profits you make from every creation. That way I won't get in your way and the sole right of using it will be exclusively for your smithy, the partner who helped me create it was a cultivator and I don't think such toys are interesting to them. You don't have to worry about another place competing with you in making items made from ZhuQing Material in the future, of course that doesn't mean you should let the secret escape your grasp in a moment of carelessness."

When Zhu Feng spoke the youngest of the three started to revert back to her sneering and glaring at him for being too much, then she pouted her lips when she knew that Feng knew someone from the cultivation world.

"Senior Tang said this can help us beat Bai empire, the same can happen to us if this reached their hands."

Then he raised the helmet with two fingers at shoulder level as he warned the saint forger Tang Tingfeng, the bald man nodded again to indicate that he knows the risk and looked at the senior appraisal and one of the few people who can decide on this matter.

"Little Feng, your words are on point and the offer is tempting enough for my smithy, me and brother Tang are only two of this Smithy's decision makers. You go with little Shanghong and meet master Peng Yusheng as we decided on this matter and when you return we'll give you our offer, just keep everything about ZhuQing Material a secret for now if you please. Little Biyu, keep our guest entertained until we reach a decision, hehehehe, try to be more ladylike the next time he catches you off guard. You know how to blush, right!"


"Let's go brother Tang, manager Yun should be in his study right now drowning in his own scrolls."

The old woman spoke then side glanced at her only disciple whom she loves like she's her own daughter and smilingly spoke as a sly glint shadowed her sharp eyes, then she escaped the place while using the strong bald man's hand as a crutch while ignoring her disciple's objecting call.

"Hey, you, the pervert in green. I'm talking to you! Why are you wearing that thing? Didn't master just tell you to keep it a secret!"

After huffing and puffing for a few seconds in a very upset mood, Bo Biyu stomped her feet in frustration then turned to face Feng and once she spoke she found Feng pulling the soft helmet and ignoring her as he put it on.


Zhu Feng sighed inside when he wore it and looked at Bo Biyu and asked like he didn't just hear what she said, he was too afraid to give his back to this violent girl, what if? She stabbed him when he wasn't looking!

"Take off your mask."


"Are you looking for a beating?"

"You're a scary beauty who does violent things for no reason, if you're going to try and bully me then i'll make Storm bully you later and you'll regret it."

Feng crossed his arms and refused to do what the girl asked him to do, he wasn't afraid of her while wearing his protective gear.

His only regret was that she's a female and he wasn't used to beating up anybody not to mention a cute girl with a temper, if she tried to use his kindness to her advantage then he's going to make Storm repay her by giving her a good scare later.

But it seems like all Bo Biyu heard from what he said was the word "Beauty" and her face blushed, she bit her lower lip and looked away from Zhu Feng.

"P.... please take it off."

She didn't know why she suddenly couldn't find the strength to face him right now, even her words that she imagined saying them with a tune full of frustration were said shyly and full of embarrassment.

"Only if you'll walk ahead and be under my eyes, at least until I get my friends otherwise i'll keep wearing it."

Zhu Feng looked at the girl's blushing cheeks and thought she was fuming inside because she had to ask politely, her low tune was because she didn't want to say such a polite line aloud, he sneered and spoke as he took a few steps back to keep his distance.

"Darn pervert, you just want to take advantage of me and look all you want at this lady."

Bo Biyu was startled awake and her brain translated what Feng said as she liked, she pointed at Feng with one hand while glaring and her other hand supported her waist thin waist.

Her short hair was weaving as she spoke and her beautiful face was in another style of beauty as she got angry, Bo Biyu kept taking one step ahead after another towards Feng who kept retreating back until his back hit the wall.

"You know that I am not trying to take advantage of you, if I wanted to do such a thing then I would've done it here while we're alone. Stop being so unreasonable and don't push your luck, I won't retaliate if you tried to bully me but I won't help you when my friends bully you. This is the final time i'll warn you, miss Biyu."

Zhu Feng was feeling extremely displeased with this girl's forceful attitude, if it wasn't because he wanted the extra money from his agreement with Steel Anvil Smithy then he might've really left and ignored her a while ago.

"Humph.... Where are your friends then? I want to see how fearsome they're, I'm getting curious since you kept threatening me of them over and over."

Somehow, Bo Biyu felt Zhu Feng's attitude cute in an odd way after he kept his distance from her and tried to avoid her, she held herself back from laughing and faked displeasure as she headed towards the door while asking.

She even enjoyed swinging her hips up and down from side to side as she walked to tease Zhu Feng's eyes, she kept stealing glances back to see if he's watching her and was happy and annoyed when she discovered that the young man with simple looks was taking off his soft helmet and kept his head lowered as he followed after her.

"The nearby stables, I only rented space for a few hours and don't know how long my visit to the Raging Hammer Smithy will take."

"Heh, as expected from a pervert, instead of renting a room for your friends to rest you gave them space in the stables as if they were slaves."

Once Feng answered he heard the cynical words from the girl in yellow dress, he only smiled helplessly at how hard she's trying to turn him into the villain or ruin his image and didn't retort.

"Are you done with your business? Then let's go, grandpa doesn't like to wait."

Once he exited after Bo Biyu he found Peng Shanghong sitting to the side drinking his beer from a big horn, the dwarf quickly drank the rest and asked Feng as he didn't try to pull him by the hand like he did before.

He only gestured with an open palm for the Smithy's exit and curiously looked at the young lady in yellow dress, she seemed to be intending on joining Feng in the visit as well.

"Grandmaster Peng we'll drop by the stables first then head for your smithy, come along or wait until we return choose whomever suits you best and do it."

Bo Biyu said as she led the way out, the dwarf didn't mind tagging along because he was afraid that young man would waste more time if he didn't go with them.

When Feng showed the guards some wooden token representing his ownership of a space for a specific time they nodded and didn't stop him from entering, but their curious eyes followed the young man being accompanied by a girl from the Steel Anvil Smithy and a grandmaster blacksmith from the Raging Hammer Smithy.

Bo Biyu was looking behind her every now and then to seek directions from Feng, the fact that the young man wasn't really checking her out sneakily and only lazily walked towards his rented space was annoying her secretly.

Whenever she saw him heading right she would hurry to correct her destination and walk in front of him, however, many times the young man turned out to be just checking out some merchants unpacking their merchandise.

'Is he toying with me! Humph, still a pervert. Just you wait until master finishes her business deals with you, you won't find this lady even bothering to give you face' Bo Biyu thought as she gritted her teeth and held back her annoyance.


Finally she was stunned to find that Feng passed her and pushed a door then entered, since the guards didn't mind what the young man did then it's his own rented area.

But, the beauty in yellow clothes was stunned to staying still when she saw the sight within that area, a scary wolf was standing a few meters from the door and licking Feng's open palm friendly with another 4 pups on a box strapped around her waist sticking out their heads through the small peeking holes.

When that wolf looked at Bo Biyu the maiden felt her knees going soft from fear, the pervert she was just thinking of ways to make him suffer was suddenly placed in a very different position inside her head.

She needs to ignore and keep her distance from him in the future, if he was someone with a black heart and held a grudge against her then it will be bad if this monster bit her.

"Heh, want to try what you did again! My friends here won't tolerate any kind of bullying action. Miss Bo wouldn't need to keep walking ahead of me anymore, Let's go Storm."

When Zhu Feng saw Bo Biyu standing at a distance with caution he smirked and asked her, when he got a shaking head as an answer with another step back from Bo Biyu he arrogantly relieved her from walking in front of him and jumped on Shadow's back.

When he found Storm trying to get close to Bo Biyu to sniff her in another friendly gesture he called the mother wolf to keep up and returned to the Raging Hammer Smithy ahead of the two people whom he wasn't that closely acquainted with, Storm gave the girl in front of her a last look then followed after Feng after raising her ears up and tilting her head slightly to the side.

"Sigh.... What's it with his endless grumpiness, he either ignores me or leaves me behind. Why would grandfather ask to meet such a rude fellow? Let's go miss Bo, he already left for my Smithy."

Peng Shanghong annoyingly played with his braided beard and said as he retracted his steps back to his Smithy.

"Huff.... That was scary."

Patting her chest with her palm to calm herself, Bo Biyu said as she looked at Zhu Feng ride further from them and exit the stables with Storm running next to his horse, the image of the friendly young man who didn't lose his temper after what happened in front of her master was growing bigger in her heart uncontrollably as she remembered his earlier words before he left then how she froze in fear when the wolf stood nearby her.

Then she remembered what she said back then when she tried to offend Zhu Feng by calling his friends slaves, it appears that simple faced young man calls his animals and monsters friends!

Blushing again, Bo Biyu followed after Zhu Feng while all the events that happened between them replayed in her head.

Dwarf Peng Shanghong kept looking at the woman strangely as they walked because sometimes she snickered to herself, frowned, blushed, pouted her lips or gritted her teeth with clinched fists as she muttered something inaudibly.

After walking for a dozen minutes through the bustling streets of Obsidian City the two finally caught up with Zhu Feng and found him waiting outside the Smithy's bronze door patiently as he played with the little pups, Peng Shanghong didn't speak and opened the door then entered first.

Once Zhu Feng and the out of sorts Bo Biyu followed to enter the dwarf pushed the door closed and locked it, Zhu Feng was admiring the fine one story buildings and their strange style while Bo Biyu was stealing glances at the young man's face secretly.

"Grandfather was about to begin working on his next project in his forge, since he asked to meet you then you entering while he's working wouldn't be a problem. Miss Bo and your companions can't enter, other there is our waiting area for guests."

Peng Shanghong pointed at a garden with a few pavilions to the right that's supposed to be the guest's resting area as he spoke and Bo Biyu got disappointed and feelings of unwillingness filled her chest, even she would be surprised at how much she changed in such a short time if she truly looked at herself.

Her attitude towards Zhu Feng turned from despise to interest, then from interest to curiosity.

"Shadow and Storm go wait for me over there, little ones can play but don't stray far from mommy alright!"

Feng patted Shadow's neck and ruffled Storm's fur as he spoke then released the four pups, when Bo Biyu saw the cute little pups her eyes sparkled with tenderness and she wanted to take one of them in her hand but the look on Storm's eyes made her stop from taking another step forward.

Zhu Feng was already following behind Peng Shanghong on the pathway between the gardens towards saint forger Peng Yusheng when Bo Biyu woke up from her fear after receiving Storm's glare, she looked at his back once then circled around his animals and sat under one of the pavilions only to end up sighing endlessly.

"Get your act together Biyu, i'm here to make sure of one thing only. Focus... Eh! Kyaa."

As Bo Biyu was talking to herself faintly and giving her pink cheeks a light slap with her palms, she felt something tugging at her yellow dress from below and she discovered that three of the pups were enjoying playing with her clothes.

Night was biting at the dress's tail and pulling hard fiercely left and right as he growled, Thunder was scratching with his claws at her dress from the front while Joy was climbing her dress and her tiny claws were tickling Bo Biyu's thighs after puncturing thorough her dress.

Bo Biyu froze when she found that Storm was keeping her under a piercing glare and showing her canines slightly in a threatening gesture that said : Don't you dare make any sudden move or else....

Only Shadow was bored as he had fun using his hoofs to make a mess of the gardens grass as he created a hole after hole on the ground, sometimes he had fun using his strong teeth to pull some of the plants by the roots.

"Clang.... Clang...."

"Grandfather, I brought the guest. This is my grandfather, saint forger Peng Yusheng. This young man is Zhu Feng."

With pride, Peng Shanghong stood next to his ancestor and introduced him to the young arrogant man, the elder dwarf was using a large hammer to repeatedly hit a piece of red-hot metal in his workshop when Shanghong arrived and he gave it a few more hits before throwing it in the water to sizzle in white steam and turning to check his visitor.

"It really is wolf flower sword, to think that stubborn mule would give it to you young man, what did you do to convince Laoci to hand it over?"

Peng Yusheng nodded once to greet young Feng then spoke as he sat back on his working table and gestured for Feng to join him, Shanghong poured three jugs of beer from a giant barrel to the side and sat next to his grandfather silently after placing them on the table.

Feng squinted slightly at the friendly attitude from the older dwarf and went to sit on the table, his eyes were looking at everything inside the workshop from the scrolls to the tools and the unfinished products.

"Greetings senior Peng, actually I did nothing to make general Lian give me his son's sword, to be honest I just knew the background story about this sword from senior Tang Tingfeng a while ago. The general gave me this sword to apologise for something one of his underlings did, but the matter is already solved and I think I should return the sword to the general when I create my own."

After greeting the elder, Feng raised the scabbard from his side and offered it to it's creator when he saw the elder dwarf gazing at it and explained to him what he thinks on this matter.


"Oh, it would be a great loss to return one of my creations, especially, since this one is actually an unfinished sword."

The white haired dwarf raised an eyebrow and unsheathed the sword and said something that made Feng question himself if he heard right! Unfinished sword? It's a freaking sharp and durable sword, after fighting with the bandit swordsman on lonely mountain for quite awhile he checked the sword after killing the man and found not a single dent or scratch on it's blade.

How was that an unfinished sword?

"Senior, why do you call such a fine sword incomplete? In my life I never saw a better sword."

Feng watched the white long eyebrows of Yusheng enter the jug of beer as he drank and stifled his laughter at the comical sight as he asked, Peng Shanghong took the sword that his grandfather discarded on the table after taking one look and looked at it then sighed and shook his head before sheathing it back in the scabbard decorated with flowers.

"Keh, good beer. That sword still lacks a few materials and an elemental core to be a true artifact, young Lian Tushi wished to create a sword fit to be used by a cultivator to gift it to his father. Sadly he never managed to find the right materials or get his hands on one of the cores, the late warrior wanted to find a core with the Wood attribute to use. A gift from a filial son to his father, wishing for the general a long prosperous life full of achievements, meritorious deeds and contributions to the kingdom."

The white haired dwarf seemed to be careless about the matter and was studying Feng's every expression as he spoke, the cunning senior didn't mention the matter about Da Donghai yet or what kind of relationship connect the young man to the one handed blacksmith.

Zhu Feng nodded and received the sword Shanghong handed back then unsheathed it slightly to look at the name Tushi engraved above the hilt guard, he didn't know anything about cores, Wood attribute, or the required materials but he planned to finish the wish of the man called Tushi and hand the sword back to the general if he could in the future.

That man called Lian Tushi seems to be a man worthy of his respect after all.

"May his soul rest in peace, senior Peng, I already sold the items that I wished to sell so.... The only way to do business is if I buy some of your creations. But, after taking a look I know that I probably can't afford anything you make, so, what do you want from me sir?"

Zhu Feng used his finger to trace the engraved name then sheathed the sword and returned the scabbard to his side and spoke straight to the point with the dwarf that seemed to be wanting to say something and holding back.

"How's drunk Da, it's been a long time since I saw the young lad and when I heard that he gave you his token of identity I wanted to know how he's doing these days."

Saint forger Peng Yusheng nodded and asked Feng with an interested tune.

Zhu Feng looked at the old forger for a few seconds silently then said : "He's doing alright, to be honest I don't know the man much. He only gave me his token of identity because I'm closely acquainted with some of his childhood friends, when I offered my items for him to buy he refused and recommended your Smithy for me to sell them instead. One thing led to another and here we are."

Zhu Feng shrugged his shoulders and drank some of the beer after telling the senior dwarf his story.

"I see, ever since he left the city young Da returned to his birthplace and never returned, rarely do I get to hear about the promising one handed youngster. Shame indeed, I see that your equipment and items are unfit for your measurements, these gauntlets, shoes, leather armor and mithril vest are all one or two sizes larger than your physique. What is that black clothe you're wearing underneath the vest? I never saw this fabric before. That robe too, it looks a lot like senior cultivators clothes yet not the same."

The old dwarf with broad shoulders used one of his rough fingers to knock on the metal gauntlets then his interest was peaked when Feng lowered his head to look at his slightly large leather boots, the dwarf noticed the long necked top made from the ZhuQing Material and he couldn't help but ask as he touched the green robe with his hand to check it's material.

"Heh, senior's eyes are sharper than this sword as it seems I can't hide the truth from you, most of my items were collected from my vanquished enemies so........ Well I ain't complaining about the matter, as long as they're useful then it's all fine by me."

Zhu Feng didn't answer the most important questions because of his agreement with appraisal Bao Baozhai and Tang Tingfeng, he glossed the whole matter and dumped it all on his enemies.

"Spoils of war are hidden treasures, young Feng won and winner is king that's all that matters. If you want to upgrade your equipment in the future come to my Smithy, Shanghong will take care of it. Because you're carrying Donghai's token we'll give you 5% discount on our services, I still have some work to do and don't have time to show you our collection. Shanghong, take young Feng and show him around. Remember, next time if you dare chase away my guests i'll lock you in the closest workshop to the earth vein for a month."

Old Peng Yusheng nodded in approval then genially told Feng to come visit anytime, afterwards he glared at his grandson and warned him to behave himself because he almost made him lose face.

Feng was startled by the small discount the elderly gave him and really wanted to see these products of Peng Yusheng, Shanghong on the other hand paled at the large discount his grandfather offered Feng and nodded repeatedly when his grandpa threatened to lock him down there.

"Thanks senior Peng."

"Yes grandfather, right away."

Feng cupped his fist and thanked the elder dwarf while ox eyed Shanghong answered as his beard braids shook from his worry.


The saint forger Peng Yusheng nodded then returned to take the piece of metal that he left to quench in the water for a while, using a special tool to grab it he started hammering again rhythmically.

"Come esteemed guest Feng, this way is our Equipment Hall."

Peng Shanghong politely pointed with an open palm to a building with a line of pillars surrounding it and spoke in a very polite way that made Feng feel a shiver run on his back, he was amazed by how this little guy can change his attitude after a few words from his senior.

"Why don't we delay the tour to another time? Currently I'm severely lacking in funds and it would only waste your time, next time I visit i'll check everything and buy as much as I need. You have a good day senior Peng."

Feng cupped his fist to the two dwarfs and turned to leave, the old dwarf was occupied by his work and the young dwarf was dazed by how unhesitatingly Feng refused the offer.

"Is he an idiot? Doesn't he know that our Smithy is mostly underground! Others would kill for an opportunity to witness our collection with their eyes and he passed without flinching at the offer."

Peng Shanghong twirled his braided beard between his fingers and said faintly as he watched the arrogant junior return towards his friends, sighing, he shrugged and walked towards his own workshop near the gates.


When Feng returned he saw Bo Biyu standing still underneath the pavilion with 3 of the small pups tearing at her yellow dress, Storm standing 2m away from her and keeping Biyu under her watch.

Many small holes and a few shredded pieces of her dress were visible to Feng's eyes from a distance, the sight of woman's pale face and shaking shoulders was both satisfactory and shaming Feng in the same time.

Feeling his earlier grudge with the beauty released after seeing how Storm and her pups scared her almost to death, Feng walked towards the scared beauty intending on releasing her from the mischievous pups.

But, before Feng could reach Biyu's side he heard a scary tearing sound coming from her dress after Night gave a cute growl and tugged harder.

"Kyaa..... Y.....you bullies, please stop if Feng retu....."

In her panic the girl tried to beg with tearful eyes under the apathetic eyes of Storm then her words got stuck in her mouth when she saw Zhu Feng coming hurriedly towards her from her blind spot, the amount of ideas that floated in her head confusingly at that single second were uncountable.

She was reflexively hiding her body with her hands from Feng as if he was some big bad wolf, part of her thoughts were supporting the claim of this being Feng's payback for what she did.

Another part was against the allegations, the remaining part was dancing with joy at the event that happened which confused her.

Sighing, Zhu Feng looked at the miserable state Bo Biyu was in and took off his green robe and moved closer to the beauty under her panicking eyes.

'Pervert! He isn't thinking of doing such a thing here is he? But, I'm not ready. Still, he isn't too bad......' as Bo Biyu stood there timidly watching Feng move closer to her, endless thoughts popped up in her head which added more to her confusion.

Until Feng was but a step away from her body then he covered her shaking shoulders with his green robe, he was close to her that she felt his warm breath on her neck, the slight awkwardness in his movements and the little bit of guilt in his eyes.

"Still playing? Get off at once!"

Feng frowned at the sight of Thunder and Joy hanging from Biyu's clothes and glared at them as he spoke.

Unawarely his actions tickled Bo Biyu's softest spots and the girl's mixed emotions that has been stifled long before they left Steel Anvil Smithy finally couldn't be suppressed anymore.

"Sniff.... you b.... bullies."

Feng found Bo Biyu's head leaning towards his chest and once it rested on him he felt Bo Biyu's full weight on him as she held onto his waist, the truth was the girl had no more strength to stand up on her own and only by clinging onto Feng's body could she support her weight.

Her lowered head was to hide her blushing face as she tried to stop it from happening, but the overflowing warmth in her heart was unstoppable at all.

Zhu Feng was feeling another type of foreign feelings as he got hugged, he was used to cruelty, injustice and many other negative feelings.

Now having Bo Biyu cling to him he couldn't resist wrapping his arms around her and squeeze her deeper into his embrace, as if he was the one needing that hug more than the crying girl ever would.

Silently Feng stood still with Bo Biyu in his embrace under the pavilion as he experienced a rare moment of true peace.

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