《Reincarnation of A Regretful Soul》Chapter 12 : Obsidian City


Riding northwest for 4 nights on this sleepless road full of merchants and small shops and hotels every now and then Feng finally reached Obsidian city, black walls two times higher than Rock city's walls and the amount of people waiting to enter were many times more.

After waiting for half a day he finally entered after having to pay 4 bronze coins, 2 for himself and 2 for Storm's after receiving a harsh warning of keeping his animal under control.

Zhu Feng didn't mind the warning since Storm has shown clearly how obedient can she be amongst the crowds, entering the dark city he was surprised by how lacking their choice of material to construct the city's buildings.

Black everywhere!

Even the pavement of the streets was from the same stones.

After asking around for the raging hammer smithy he found it next to a large building with a golden "Weeping Willow's Tavern" sign, the Raging Hammer Smithy on the other hand was taking a large space without raising even a second floor to their establishment.

Feng admired the tavern's exterior for a short while then headed for the smithy's bronze door and used the handle to knock twice.

"Dang... Dang..."

"Clack.... What business do you seek of my smithy?"

Once Feng used the ring sticking out from the bronze lion's mouths engraved on the door to knock, he found a small chamber of the door near his waist move to the side then an arrogant rough voice asked him from behind the door.

"Huh! I come seeking grandmaster Peng with the recommendation of Da Donghai, here's his token of identity."

Feng was startled then crouched down to see whom he's speaking with, then he was surprised to find a dwarf with quite a large head for his short body looking at him through the opening in the gate.

He handed the short bearded man the wooden token and waited, but he noticed the dwarf's eyes widened slightly and interest flashed in his eyes when he saw the gauntlets on his hands.

"It really is that old drunkard's token, still what do you want? Grandfather is a very busy person, if you don't have a good reason then go back from whence you came."

The dwarf was really rude and handed Feng back the token as he spoke, his eyes was scanning Feng from top to bottom and glowed with apparent interest when it fell on the green robe and his forehead creased in a deep frown when he noticed the visible part of the soft armor made from the ZhuQing Material.

"I have some weapons and armors I wish to sell and am looking for anything to buy from your smithy if possible, old Da said your craftsmanship is the very best and if possible I wanted some custom made equipment."

Feng started to butter up the grumpy fellow and threw a bunch of bullshit in the mix, he only wished to sell these weapons for a good price.

"Where's the goods? Let's see if they're worth the time wasted."

The short one didn't show any expression on his face but his eyes were filled with pride at Feng's words, their smithy was indeed the best in the area between the three kingdoms of Shi, Hai and Yan.

During this time and because of the ongoing war between the two kingdoms of Hai and Yan, their products and any fine metalworks be that weapons or armors has seen their prices doubling at the very least.

His grandfather's works reached the price of five times at least, now this young man sent by that one handed blacksmith wanted to hog his grandfather for himself! Who do you think you are? The king maybe!


"These weapons and armors are the ones I wish to sell."

Feng was displeased with this midget's rudeness but he didn't show anything on his face, this arrogant man didn't even invite him inside.

'Humph, if he dares to give any price lower than the 12 gold coins which old Da estimated then i'll look for somewhere else' Feng thought as he removed the cover to show the things loaded on Shadow's back.

The midget was able to see Storm standing next to the young warhorse when Feng moved away from in front of the smithy's gate, his evaluation of this young man grew when he saw the companions and the items he wants to sell.

As a member of the dwarves a race known for their superiority in forging and handicrafts, he noticed the quality of the items with a single look and his eyes fell on the scabbard on the young man's waist.

"That sword on your waist, where did you get it?"

The dwarf didn't mention the quality if the items and started to question Feng instead!

"I think I have wasted enough of your precious time, goodbye."

Feng gave the rude fellow a side glance then sarcastically said as he covered back his items and prepared to leave.

'Heh, this journey for an idiot standing behind a door interrogating me, fuck, old Da really did prank me this time. But if he really wanted some quality time with auntie Qing he could've just said so from the very beginning, why did he have to send me to these people?' Feng shook his head as he jumped on top of Shadow's back.


Storm growled at the idiot behind the door before following behind her only human friend.

"Eh! What did I say to anger him? Such a rude young man, humph, he can forget about it if he wanted anything made in our smithy. Snort"

The dwarf man played with his braided beard and spoke as his oxen eyes widened in shock, finally he sneered and slammed the peeking chamber shut and locked it.

"Shanghong, who was that?"

Another dwarf with broad shoulders and a head lit up in white hairs and long white eyebrows asked as he furled a scroll with the blueprints of his next project, he sat in a workshop with a large jug of ale made from Ivory next to him.

The old dwarf raised the jug and emptied it in his mouth with a careless attitude as ale spilled on his beard and clothes.

"Someone with a few so so merchandise and full of arrogance, he wore the same sword grandfather made years ago for Lian Tushi and left once I asked him where did he get it from."

Shrugging his shoulders, Peng Shanghong answered as he started to prepare the required materials for their next creation.

"Wolf flower! That sure brings back memories, that young man Tushi really died an early death, sigh."

The elder dwarf wiped his mouth in his sleeve then said as he remembered the teenager boy who kept visiting him for a few years tirelessly to make himself a sword, finally the dwarf made him the sword after the young man brought him the materials he needed from the eastern borders white mountains.

That time the boy returned, his personality was different after experiencing war for the first time, his cheerfulness was gone his rowdiness was replaced by silence and his smile was replaced by an expressionless face.

"Heh, that man did have a wolf following him, wolf flower sword and a wolf companion. If he wasn't that rude and arrogant I would've allowed him to enter."


Peng Shanghong didn't stop what he was doing and said as he started to raise the temperature of the forge.

"So the rumours about shameless general Lian Laoci gifting his eldest son's sword to a young man with a wolf were true."

The old dwarf placed the blueprint scroll in his hand amongst a stack of scrolls on a side shelf then spoke as he cracked his knuckles, he was careless about the matter and only casually took it as a topic of entertainment.

"Uh, I forgot to mention that he had the token of old man one hand the drunk grandmaster Da Donghai."

Peng Shanghong continued to chatter about the thing he forgot to mention with the same careless attitude as he worked on preparing the tools for his grandfather's use.

"Smack.... Owww...."

"Idiot, why didn't you say so earlier? Go look if he's still nearby and invite him over. MOVE!"

Peng Yusheng slapped his grandson's back of the head with his rough palm when he heard the last part, as a grandmaster blacksmith he was considered a fellow brother of the profession.

Peng Yusheng already crossed the grandmaster blacksmith rank and reached sainthood as a forger and his craftsmanship works are much better than Da Donghai's, but, Da Donghai was unfortunate to lose one of his arms in his young age still he reached a grandmaster blacksmith rank.

If Peng Yusheng didn't respect that then he's a fool, not to mention, he as a dwarf should be superior with this profession than a human, add his longer lifespan and there's no comparison between the dwarf and human in blacksmithing.

Still the human with the age of less than 50 reached the rank of grandmaster as a blacksmith.

One handed!

Now that fellow craftsman sent someone with his token and his grandson chased him away? If news got out then Peng Yusheng is sure to lose face amongst fellow forgers.

"Errrr, yes grandpa."

Peng Shanghong answered as he widened his oxen eyes in surprise at his grandfather's sudden change of attitude, then ran for the gates with his short legs almost flying above the ground as he massaged his hurting head with his hand, his long braided beard was flying left and right as he ran after Zhu Feng.


"Storm, do you think we should return back to the villa? Or stay for a few days!"

At the time Peng Shanghong was having his conversation with his grandfather, Zhu Feng was standing at the crossroad watching the liveliness of the city and asking his wolf.

"You're right we should go sell our shit first even if we're going to leave, smart choice Stormy. So, which way do you want to go? Just lead the way girl, Shadow here won't lose your Shadow, right buddy!"


Many passerbys looked at Feng like he's someone with a few screws loose for talking with his horse and wolf, but they didn't notice the two pairs of eyes in a staring contest as if they're not willing to be outdone by the other.

Shadow and Storm were challenging each other for whom is better, in a straight race they tied, stamina contest Shadow wins, in rough terrain Storm wins because of her superiority in agility.

Still Shadow felt like he's better because he's still young and not fully developed, when he matures he should win in velocity and top speed that's enough to give him an edge an tip the scale in his favor.

"Easy now you two, we're still in the city if you cause trouble for me then I will beat you up, not kidding at all here."

Zhu Feng spoke with a warning tune to the two competitive animals when he was Shadow hitting the black stones underneath him with his hoof and causing sparks to fly from the friction as he smacked his lips repeatedly and spread spittle everywhere, same with Storm as she used her claws to create visible long marks on the road while baring her teeth as her 4 pups stuck their heads out from their new home strapped to her back excitedly.

The fun races between their mother and -tall legs- were the newest source of entertainment for the pups when they were prevented from playing outside, Thunder would be cheering for his mother with the loudest barks ever and Night would glare at his fellow Dark colored animal.

Joy would cheerfully poke her head from the different holes of the house while Harmony would sit in place to watch the ongoing race between his mother and the kind animal who never bullied him.

Both animals behaved themselves when Zhu Feng spoke and decided to keep a temporary truce for now, but both animals decided to win on the next race for sure to break this stalemate.

Storm walked ahead and her ego was satisfied since she's the one leading the way with Shadow following behind, with a human-like sneer on her face the she-wolf gave a sneaky glance at the horse behind her back then shook her butt up and down as she walked in the direction that smelled best.


Shadow raised his head up high after the girlishly provocation from the mother wolf, after all he's the one carrying their master not her : 'Humph, keep your arrogant attitude, the higher you go the harder you'll fall when I beat you in the next race' Shadow thought as he skipped left and right with his shuffling hoofs in a joyful dance of confidence.

Unaware of the thoughts going through the heads of his friends, Zhu Feng was looking left and right at the variety of shops and stores, surprisingly, most of them were restaurants and hotels.

"Steel Anvil Smithy, Storm, that one."

Zhu Feng noticed a sign of a smithy nearby and he led Shadow towards it, Storm wanted to go further towards the place with the best smell and hung her head down in disappointment as she followed after Feng.

"Sir, your wolf can't enter since that will make our customers uncomfortable."

Dismounting in front of the smithy's door Feng got stopped by one of the two guards at the door once he attempted to enter.

"Right! But I can't leave her outside too, if someone provoked her she might retaliate. Is there anywhere quiet I can leave them?"

Zhu Feng was used to entering Da Donghai's smithy and courtyard with Storm, Shadow and the pups, when he saw the conflicted expression on the guard's face he knew the man wasn't targeting him on purpose.

"There is, over there is the nearest stable for a few coins you can rent your space to rest your animals, the food will be a bit more costly than normal but their service is guaranteed. Nothing will happen to them in there for sure, just.... Keep the small ones from wandering or they might disappear."

The guard sighed when he saw Feng's face without any dark clouds and his eyes remained clear after he stopped him, last thing he wanted was to offend a customer and get scolded by his employer, he pointed at the place and looked at the pups then warned him of what might happen if he got careless.

"Much appreciated, then i'll go settle this matter first."

Feng cupped his fist then took his friends to the stables under the two guards watch.

"This young man is very level headed, if only my boy would turn up like that when he grows. The brat would glare at me sometimes for the slightest misunderstanding."

"Indeed, I thought he'll cause a scene when I stopped him and manager Yun would come down to calm him by giving me a scolding, thankfully he's a good guy."

The two guards chatted together in a light-hearted mood after the previous tension was scattered, looks of admiration and approval from the guards were thrown at Feng's back and the two started to joke around.

They even included their employer in the jokes.

Zhu Feng already saw the crowds of merchants entering the establishment from afar, merchants from all around the area would leave their horses and carriages then carry their things with others for the stores and shops they wish to deal with.

Renting a vacant space for Shadow and Storm was cheap only one bronze coin for two hours, he payed another coin for the man renting the space to keep an eye on the place and prevent others from provoking the mother wolf or the pups.

The man told him that guards are all over the place and there's no need to worry after taking the coin with a grin, Zhu Feng returned and told the two competitive freaks to behave while he's away then whispered to them to attack whomever tries to do anything funny in his absence.

"Sorry guys, freedom is taking away from you for the moment but I promise to recompensate you four later, steak for dinner tonight with my special recipe for sauce. Alright! You behave now, Night you're allowed to bully Thunder if he started to become annoying. Hehehehe."

As Feng closed their house he started to talk to the pups as they tried to show their frustration by scratching the door with their small claws cutely, when Thunder cracked his jaws and prepared to start the alarm he spoke to Night the fiercest member and the wailing pup got choked on his own sound.

Joy was in her own world as she chased the tail of Harmony with her claws, and Harmony was panicking as he tried to be faster than his mischievous sister in moving his tail away from her claws.

Feng discovered that his words were reaching these pups just the same as they were reaching their mother and Shadow before them, it all happened after he left Sword Villa.

During his first day he noticed that some of the pups would listen to his orders and some would seem like little brats ignoring him, the same as kindergarten children who tend to ignore grown-ups.

After he entered trade road the pups would seek some exploration of the area around his camp, one time he joked about Night kicking Thunder's butt for being too loud as he was doing his footwork training.

Night's ears stood up in attention when he heard Feng, and Thunder's hair stood up in fear when he saw the reaction of his eldest brother.

Then the grey pup got forced into submission and pinned down in a few seconds, mischievous Joy joined the fun and forced Thunder too into complete surrender.

Harmony kept try to pacify his siblings to stop fighting and he ended up pinned down as well with Thunder, only difference was that he never resisted cute brown fur wolf was looking at Feng as he trained with a pleading gaze to make these bullies stop.

Afterwards, Feng knew how to handle the young ones just like how he knew how to handle the old ones, Storm and Shadow.

Grabbing his things and hauling them over his shoulder, Zhu Feng left for Steel Anvil Smithy with a smile on his face.

"Young master if you're here to sell things then first head for appraisal Bao Baozhai over th...."

"Here you are! Thankfully this one didn't mislead me like the one before him, my grandfather wants to meet you. Come with me...."

When Feng returned with a big bundle on his shoulder the two guards hurried to guide him without him asking for information, they were happy to interact with this humble young master but they got interrupted by the dwarf with braided beard who jumped in their midst and tried to grab Feng's hand.

The guards frowned slightly because they knew the identity of this one, grandmaster forger and genius grandson of Peng Yusheng, Peng Shanghong.

They wished to beat him up for trying to steal their customer from the door of their Smithy, but, even their manager Yun wouldn't dare throw this one away.

Then they were surprised to find that Feng moved away his hand and ignored the dwarf attempt to invite him to their famous Smithy, even members of the royal family would treasure the chance to meet saint forger Peng Yusheng.

"Thanks seniors."

Feng didn't give the shorty a second glance and headed to the direction the guards pointed, he hated the way the shorty treated him rudely earlier and wouldn't mind a small loss of money in exchange for his own peace of mind.

The two guards were thrown into confusion at the complete opposite side of Zhu Feng's character when dealing with Peng Shanghong, he treated someone with the rank of a grandmaster blacksmith like air and treated them -two door guards- like seniors with respect! He's either an idiot or holding a grudge against this dwarf.

Both scenarios, they felt satisfied with.

They wouldn't need to deal with the dwarf themselves, and the look of shock on his face as he watched Feng ignore him and head for the place of appraisal.

Was the coolest ice on their flaring temper.

'Humph, that's what you get for being arrogant and treating our Smithy as air, how does that taste? Hrmm' the two guards thought as they watched Peng Shanghong grit his teeth in frustration with bewilderment written all over his face.

"Knock.... Knock...."

"Come in...."

When Zhu Feng knocked on the simple white door made of wood with the green sign "Appraisal" on top, he heard the calm voice of an elderly woman coming from behind it.

Simple push opened the door and once he entered he saw a woman in similar green robe for females with an aquamarine hairpin on top of her head full of white hair, she was really old with a creasing face full of wrinkles but her sharp eyes were in a way even sharper than general Lian's.

"Eh! Wolf flower?"

Once the woman saw the scabbard on Feng's waist she was startled and uttered the name of the sword, Feng only raised an eyebrow at the strange name then placed his bundle full of weapons and armors next to his feet.

"Good afternoon appraisal Bao, I have some weapons and armors that I wish to sell...."

"Creak.... Ka...."

The sound of the door behind him opening stopped Feng, when he turned to look he saw Peng Shanghong enter with a blushing face.

"Little Shanghong, is something the matter? Then go back right now I'm dealing with a customer and it's bad for my smithy's reputation when you enter as we speak, if someone else did what you just did I would've made the guards throw him out. Apologize to this young man and wait outside, when I'm done attending to the esteemed customer's wishes i'll call you in."

When the woman saw dwarf Shanghong shake his head to her question appraisal Bao Baozhai's face darkened in dissatisfaction at such rudeness, with a glare she got up from her seat after placing her teacup on the nearby small table then ordered in a tune that wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Granny Bao I apologise for this offence I didn't mean to be rude, there's a misunderstanding with this young man and me from earlier and grandpa told me to come and invite him back after hearing about what I did. He already has a token from drun... Uh! Old man one hand Da Donghai. I figured if you knew then you might give him a good deal for his items, young man, i'll be waiting for you outside when you're done with your business please come with me to meet my grandfather. The only reason I asked about your sword was because my grandfather was the one who forged wolf flower to Lian Tushi, I didn't mean to be nosy for no reason earlier."

After bowing slightly to the old woman Peng Shanghong spoke about his reasons for interrupting their meeting, when he was about to say drunk grandmaster blacksmith Da Donghai he stopped and corrected himself awkwardly.

Then he tried to speak to Feng as he avoided eye contact, but the few times he looked at the young man's eyes he didn't see him gloating or fill with pride as he thought he would.

His eyes were the same set of eyes with no expression whatsoever appearing on his face, all he managed to get back from Feng was a simple nod.

'Wood face' Peng Shanghong thought as he turned around to exit the simple room with little decorations.

As for Bao Baozhai? That woman's body shuddered slightly when she heard Peng Shanghong's words then she sat down with her sharp eyes turning soft and gentle as memories of the days she was still in her raging youth and sprouting beauty, that young man half her age with unyielding nature and shackled by his incapabilities and weakness against forces millions of times stronger than what he'll ever be.

How she watched him work single handedly day and night like a devil, swinging down his large forging hammer again and again and again tirelessly until he pass out from complete exhaustion.

She loved him in secret and only managed to fight her emotions for a short while, then she confessed and faced the truth of the man's hidden emotions.

Someone else beat her to his heart and occupied it long ago, she tried to hold back her tears as she retreated in silence from this grey area she found herself in this relationship.

Others could accept being the second wife or to have a man with multiple women, but, she wasn't feeling like sharing her only love to a woman who didn't stand next to the man who loved her in his darkest hours.

Zhu Feng noticed the woman's change in attitude, he said nothing and waited for her to speak as he felt like going out to beat the shit out of the midget for being a complete asshole.

'Is she close to Da Donghai too! Just what do they see in him?' Feng thought as he watched the old woman's shoulders shake slightly and he knuckles whiten as she locked fingers and pressed hard.

"I...is he doing alright, he doesn't drink much in his old age is he?"

Finally Bao Baozhai spoke as she reached out for her teacup with a shaky hand.

"He's alright, I'm not sure if he's still drinking much or not though but I'm sure his health has no problems."

Feng didn't mention anything about Qing Qiuyue and spoke casually.

"It's good to hear.... Show me the items you wish to sell i'll give you a good price if their quality is satisfactory."

The old woman sighed in relief when she heard Feng's words because she thought something happened to her crush and he sent this young man to sell things for money.

"En.... They're not the best of the best but their quality isn't bad, the price should be 23 gold coins but i'll give you 25 for them all."

Bao Baozhai was feeling generous today and felt like helping from the shadows like good old days.

"Thanks, i'll be sure to tell old Da about appraisal Bao's generosity."

Zhu Feng was happy because the prices turned out to be more than double what Da Donghai said, the old woman smiled faintly then raised a small bell and rang it.

The door on the back was opened and two men carried away the items and the other young girl who entered after them placed a small pouch full of gold coins on the table for Feng's eyes to feast on them.

"Keep what happened here a secret from him please, I don't want his heavy heart to be burdened with debts."

Bao Baozhai said as a small melancholic smile appeared on the side of her lips.

'No need his heart must be fluttering in happiness as his perverted hands roam all over auntie's body' Feng wanted to tell the woman but he remembered Liling, the girl could literally snap every bone on his body if he ruined the happiness of her aunt.

"You're an angel senior Bao, that guy doesn't deserve your concern."

Feng nodded then took the gold pouch and stuffed it in his soft armor as he spoke, first he took out his soft helmet and placed his wealth inside it then returned it to his area.

"That thing can I see it? Little Biyu close the door."

The woman snickered faintly at Feng's words then her curiosity got pulled by the thing Feng took out as she couldn't identify it's material, when she asked and saw Feng nod once as he looked at the door behind the older woman warily.

The woman told the girl in yellow dress and shoulder length hair cut to close the door, that girl gave Zhu Feng a cursory look from the feet up with her black pupils and a slight squint that made a cute dimple appear on her left cheek after closing the door and standing behind her master.

Zhu Feng took out the leather pouch from the soft helmet and handed it to the appraisal with an open hand, the old Bao Baozhai and young Bo Biyu her disciple had their attention drawn by the Black with purple starred dots material in the old appraisal's hands.

"This material is amazing it's very soft but it doesn't stretch much, where did you get it young uh! I forgotten about asking for your name."

Bao Baozhai touched the material with her hand then handed it to her only disciple to feel it too as she spoke, then it downed to her that she still doesn't know the name of this young man.

His similar green colored robe, his gauntlets, leather shoes and the armor underneath the robe, not to mention the flashy mithril vest that appeared when the young man kept and took out this black soft material from his chest, nothing of these was simple the lowest quality was the leather armor and shoes followed by the gauntlets the mithril vest and then these two even she couldn't appraise them.

This black material and the green robe were outside of her knowledge.

"Zhu Feng senior can call me little Feng, as for this ZhuQing Material I made it myself with the help from a friend. Try testing it's sturdiness and resistance to impact, cutting, tearing and fires or high and cold temperature, you'll be surprised."

Feng turned into his businessman mode and told the appraisal about the advantages of his discovery, then he unsheathed a small dagger and handed it to the yellow dressed girl called Biyu with confidence.


Bo Biyu took the dagger with interest as she felt Feng's confidence is a bit much for such a soft material, the idea of it resisting impact could be attributed to the softness of the materials itself but that is bound to make the force travel easier from inside out or the other way around.

As for resisting tearing and cutting that's possible to a slight degree, but, temperature and fires? How confident can you be!

She placed the soft helmet on a nearby small table made from refined steel to test sturdiness of swords, and with all her power she stabbed downwards on the soft helmet.

The dagger was clearly sharp and of a good quality unlike the weapons Feng sold them just a while ago, however, she felt her hand sink into a quagmire when the dagger tip touched the black starry purple ZhuQing helmet.

No sound came out as a result of Bo Biyu's stab, the dagger's tip only indented the soft helmet's surface slightly downwards that's all.

"Eh!.... Hnghhh...."

"That's enough as a test little Biyu, show me the area you struck."

Bao Baozhai smiled helplessly when she saw her only disciple's face redden from trying to hard to pierce the soft helmet, she saw with her eye that the ZhuQing Material didn't get pierced through even after the girl tried her best.

Against a hard surface the soft helmet should be pierced through at least slightly to nick the table underneath it, but this material didn't!

When she held it and thoroughly checked the place Bo Biyu used the dagger against, Bao Baozhai didn't see anything at all not even a scratch on the soft helmet's surface and her eyes squinted hard as she focused her sharp eyes to look on a deeper level.

"Nothing at all, this is a very fascinating material. Little Biyu use the hammer next see if it really resist impact too, place this plate underneath it."

Her curiosity were ignited and Bao Baozhai gave her disciple the order as she handed her the helmet and a plate made from thin wood, she watched with interest when she saw Feng stand there with an amused expression on his face.

'These eyes are full of confidence' the old appraisal thought as she took a quick side glance at Zhu Feng.


The plate cracked finally after the twenty something girl felt her arms about to fall off from the constant downward hard swings she took with the medium sized hammer, as she gasped for air she handed her master the helmet again to take a look.

Bo Biyu was looking at Zhu Feng's slight smile with frustration all over her beautiful face, she knew that as the one presenting his items the man couldn't be left to do the testing himself or he could scam them.

"Impressive.... all these hard hits directly above this thin plate and it only cracked this tiny part, little Feng said it's also resistant to heat, cold, tear, and cutting plus impact and piercing as we saw."

Bao Baozhai kept folding and unfolding the soft helmet in her palms and played with them in her fingers as she spoke to confirm again with Feng.

"Yes senior, but miss Biyu is awfully tired and it will be impolite of me to ask her to do anymore of these tiresome tests."

Feng really wanted the woman to bring another person with better power to do the tests, this beauty was weak no matter how much he loves to watch her do these moves as her chest bounce up and down he wanted to see how much will it cost if he wanted to sell items made from ZhuQing Material in the future.

The more capable the tester was the higher the price it will be.


"Bfffff, hahahaha. So what do you suggest little Feng? Do you want to do the testing yourself?"

Bao Baozhai saw her disciple snort and look away with a blushing cheek when Feng spoke, she bursted out laughing at the amusing sight of her uptight junior find herself at a loss of words.

"No senior misunderstood me...."

"Araa, you want this sack of bones to do it instead? How cruel!"


"No senior misunderstood me again, I meant to bring someone blessed with amazing strength to do the testing instead of miss Biyu. That way you'll know the limits of my ZhuQing Material capabilities, miss Biyu seems to be blessed with a pair of peepers same as senior Bao she's delicate and pleasing to the eyes."

"Bffft.... Hahahaha...."

"Tsk..... Pervert...."

When Feng started to explain he got interrupted by the old woman and Bo Biyu glared at him when she heard her master ask Feng, but she couldn't see the sly smirk on her master's lips.

When Feng explained himself again clearly and without interruption this time, the last compliment hit the old appraisal's ticklish spot and she bursted out laughing and as she squinted she sneaked a glance at her disciple's face and found it blushing to the neck.

Zhu Feng smiled helplessly because he tends to quote lines of movies or anything that he watched ever since he arrived in this world without any hidden intention, but, now he got called pervert by this beauty.

What can you say if a girl called you by that name? At least he knew that most girls will turn even more defensive if he tried to explain himself, now he's keeping his silence and shrugged once. In Bo Biyu's eyes he's a pervert for now at least.

'Meh, whatever, this is a business opportunity that I should grab hold of it' Zhu Feng thought as he waited for the elder woman who's laughing and surprisingly her face seemed to become a lot younger as she laughed.

"That was a good one, little Feng really managed to surprise little Biyu with this line. I never took you for a player with that simple face, but I love you already. Little Biyu go call brother Tang to finish these tests, tell him to bring the Yin-Yang stones and his pair of diamond pliers, to test the cutting we'll use his own wolf flower sword."

Wiping some tears from the side of her eyes the old woman was in a fantastic mood, she gave Feng a thumbs up gesture and told her frustrated disciple who kept trying to give her the signal of not to say anymore with begging eyes to go hide for a while from Feng's eyes to calm down a bit.

"Yes master."

"Miss Biyu."


As Bo Biyu's eyes lit up with understanding of her master's double intentions and turned on her heels with full intentions to escape as fast as she could, she heard Feng's distasteful sound call her from behind and stop her from leaving.

She turned with an angry expression like a lioness and growled at him as she retorted with a louder tune.

"If miss Biyu plans on taking my dagger as a momento then I wouldn't mind, ignore me ever calling, please be careful with it since it's sharpness is the best amongst my items, here you can have it's sheath."

Feng was a little startled by the girl's snapping at him, again he pouted his lips once then took off the smaller sheath from his side and somewhat warily presented it to her with a stretched arm as he kept his distance from the girl who got shocked to discover that she didn't give him back his dagger from the beginning.


"Keh.... Bfffft..... This is hilarious, my sides are hurting. Hahahahaha."

When old woman Bao Baozhai saw her disciple raising her right hand holding the dagger up to look at it with bewilderment written all over her face like an idiot, she couldn't hold it anymore and held her belly and laughed hysterically.

"Kyaaa, die you pervert....."

"Whoah.... Dang.... Clank.... Tak.... Trrk...."

The girl in a yellow dress panicked and threw the dagger in her hand at Feng then ran out without looking at the mess she made, if it wasn't for Feng's eyes being very good and his ocular faculties making him see the dagger coming for his head in a slow motion.

Then he wouldn't have been able to hurriedly let go of the sheath in his hand and cover his head with his metal gauntlets to protect it from the oncoming dagger, he never thought about holding the dagger in the air or trying to evade.

He was afraid of his own reflexes failing him and he choose to defend himself against this lethal weapon.

After the dagger fell on the ground he stared at the only person in the room -old woman Bao Baozhai- with eyes that said : 'She's crazy, this one must've all her screws loose for sure. She almost killed me, did you see what just happened?' then he hurried to take the soft helmet and wear it in front of the shocked appraisal Bao Baozhai.

After taking his dagger from the floor and putting it in it's sheath Zhu Feng made sure to keep his distance from Bao Baozhai as well while thinking : 'Humans are way to scary than animals'

"Little Feng don't be mad at Biyu, she's a really kind woman."

"Yeah right, I fear for her evil side, if it got corrupted by all this kindness then the universe won't have any evilness left. Snort."

"Eh, aha... Hahahaha, please no more young Feng, I never laughed this hard in years."

With an awkward smile the old lady tried to calm the young man while looking at the meticulous craftsmanship of that soft helmet he just wore, it fit him perfectly.

But the young man's grumbling words made her feel like a young kid pouting after getting his heartbroken by his first love.

"She's scary alright, but she's lucky that my friends didn't see what she did otherwise she would've regretted what she just did, Humph."

Zhu Feng spoke as a phenomenon that he didn't experience in a while happened.

Shaking knees!

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