《Reincarnation of A Regretful Soul》Chapter 11 : Fancying A Partner


"Just how long are they going to leave me outside, it's already way past midnight and they've been alone for more than twelve hours. Can auntie Qing withstand that large fellow's weight for all that time? What do you think Storm? As a fellow female you should have more knowledge about these things, oy, stop rolling your eyes at me."

Feng was so bored after waiting for the two to solve their problems for too long.

He tried swinging the sword from all the possible angles with both hands until they're numb, then he prepared a meal and waited pointlessly for them to come out after calling for a few times.

Finally he ate alone with the wolves, then played with the pups until they got tired and slept after feeding from their mom.

Now it was only him and Storm watching over the courtyard while Shadow kept snuggling to his mother.

Feng started to do his footwork training and wail from the pain after every try then ended up falling asleep after a tiring day of training, the one handed blacksmith's door didn't open until it was noon the next day.


After Feng did his second training session of getting familiar with swinging the sword, he heard the sound of the front door open as he was preparing the second meal for the day.

"Ah!.... Auntie Qing you're glowing, hehe, I take it that everything is back in place."

Feng was stunned by the middle-aged woman's change in a single day, her face looked younger and she exuded a certain charm of maturity.

"Mmmm, it smells nice, what are you cooking there?"

Blushing slightly Qing Qiuyue nodded proudly then asked Feng about the food to distract him from asking anymore about that specific topic, she was jumping in joy inside after hearing Feng ask she started to believe she's not a virgin or lonely anymore.

Yesterday she was doing a helpless act of desperation and was expecting the metal headed fool to avoid her or tell her to leave, she never could've imagined that being pushy would help break the final wall between the two and strangle the final emotions of unwillingness and inferiority inside Da Donghai.

"I'm happy for you two auntie Qing, old Da seems like a kind man I hope he wouldn't bully you in the future or Liling will surely pay him a visit."

Feng didn't answer the question and flashed the lady a smile of approval then got busy preparing food, the woman got even more happier and giggled at the thought of Lili beating up tall Donghai for bullying her.

Snickering endlessly she sat amongst the four pups to hug them, her overflowing emotions of happiness even stopped the always loud Thunder from making noise and the always competitive Night from biting or tearing at her clothes.

The four pups were enjoying the dose of love from the woman and even Storm gave her a couple head rubs which caused her to giggle and hug the large female wolf.

"Auntie Qing, the meal is almost ready, where's old Da?"

Feng had a sly smirk as he asked the middle-aged woman.

"I'll go wake him up."

Qing Qiuyue gawked then blushed like a tomato to her neck, the middle-aged woman stomped slightly at the obvious teasing smile and question from the young man then ran inside to wake up her man.

When she got out holding hands with Da Donghai, Qing Qiuyue's face was blushing even more and her lips a little bit swollen and her eyes were misty.


Feng snickered once when he saw the woman avoiding eye contact and the large muscular man proud face then started to place the food on the table after taking plates and bowls from old Da's kitchen.

"Good morning old Da, I wish to finish the sword this time I hope your schedule isn't full."

As he presented the couple their food Feng who was feeling impatient asked the blacksmith.

"No worries, i'll make it a masterpiece, so, did you bring the money?"

The one handed man started to slurp the boiling hot soup like nothing and enjoyed the strange taste of the meat then asked Feng as he ate a spoon of rice from Qing Qiuyue's hand, the blissful smug on his face demanded a backhanded slap.

"Not all of it but more than half, I managed to get a few armors and weapons see if you want any and help me sell the rest. If you're not interested just tell me how much should I sell them for and where, i'll pay a deposit of 60 silver then pay the rest when the sword is finished."

Feng ignored the couple's legs which were doing strange things under the table and pointed towards the items next to the courtyard wall as he spoke.

'Are these two teenagers or something? I can see everything they're doing!' Feng was rolling his eyes inside as he thought that after noticing that man's only hand reaching out for Qing Qiuyue's butt as she fed him, she was startled and glared at Da Donghai with blushing cheeks.

"Of course I won't buy a single thing, my business isn't doing great as you already know. Take your things and sell them in Obsidian city but don't go through the rocky maze path because it's very dangerous, go through the eastern trade road instead, it's a bit longer but much safer instead. Inside the city go for Raging Hammer Smithy and ask for Grandmaster Peng i'll give you my personal token to make it easier to meet him, sell your items to him and see if you want anything to be specially made for you during your stay for the winter."

Da Donghai seemed to get more daring with his not too secret molesting of auntie Qing as he spoke, Feng wanted to throw a plate at the man's wooden expressionless face as he tried his best to avoid looking at the Da Donghai's hand and focus on his food.

The one who felt mostly irritated was the woman as she glared at the perverted man who never got rid of his shameless habit, she pinched his intruding hand but his thick skin had no limits.

'This idiot! Intolerable bully, seems like I should make Lili beat him up like Feng said earlier' the woman thought as she felt the man's thick strong finger push against her vagina through the clothes, that was something she knew about him since they were young.

He's a pervert who liked to do shameless things with her body in all different kinds of situations, but, he was never interested in any other woman beside her that's why she tolerated his actions and sometimes she enjoyed it.


Feng was raising an eyebrow, so what's that about winter? Isn't it just rain or snow!

"Yes! Don't tell me you're planning on travelling in that harsh weather? Many froze to death outside, they died lonely and cold. Don't follow their example, you already noticed the weather change and the severe cold of the night, in at most two weeks winter will hit according to the news."


The one handed man kissed his woman's cheek once after feeling full then got up to check the quality of the weapons and armors, he spoke as he flipped them in his arm and knocked their metals with his arm to hear the sound.

'Is it really that bad?' Feng was in denial even after hearing the one handed man's words and seeing the blushing woman's nod of confirmation.

When he looked up at the Sun and felt the heat it was giving he didn't feel like winter season is close at all.

But the temperature really did drop in the nights, the pups and Storm would snuggle closely with him in the dark.

"Not bad quality for these weapons and armors, I think they can be sold for 12 or 13 gold. When do you plan to leave?"

'Fuck, am I that unwelcome now? Clearly you're eager to jump your woman after eating my delicious food! Sigh, whatever since he's agreed to make my sword then it's fine by me' when Feng saw the impatient look on the muscular one handed man as he asked he really wanted to tackle him to the floor and beat him up, he shook his head helplessly and shrugged as he thought that.

"Here's the materials for making my sword, here's 60 silver coins. Looking forward to that masterpiece, goodbye auntie Qing, I hope Lili visits you soon to.... Forget it. Let's go Shadow we're leaving say goodbyes to your mom, little ones get in the sack."

When Feng saw the old blacksmith about to throw him out if he delayed his departure any further, he took the stinger and metal ores from the sack and left them to the side then handed him 60 silver coins.

As he spoke to Qing Qiuyue he noticed that her face blushed with every word, waving goodbye to the shy woman he started to collect the weapons and armors that Da Donghai scattered around in his inspection while calling for his traveling companions to get ready to leave.

"Take care seniors."

Cupping his fist, Feng said goodbye and jumped on top of Shadow's back and left with Storm who gave Qing Qiuyue a final look before leaving.

"Now you wouldn't hold back your moans anymore, hehe."

Da Donghai carelessly threw the 60 silver coins pouch to the side and raised Qing Qiuyue up to his level by the waist and said with an evil smirk after Feng left.

Gawking at the man's sudden attack Qing Qiuyue snuggled in his embrace shyly, she knew her man wanted privacy with her and chased away Zhu Feng for that reason.

She felt embarrassed by his shamelessness to the young man, if it wasn't for Feng's appearance then she wouldn't have gathered her remaining courage to face this idiot in the first place.

Now after she used Feng as a bridge to her ever wanted happiness, the man chased him away after taking his money with the reason of approaching winter.

He survived an attack of a wolfpack while he was unarmed, in his current state he can at least travel between Sword Villa and Obsidian city in the winter.

"Donghai, promise me you'll make him the best Sword you can make."

Qiuyue gently kissed her man's lips and ran her fingers in his beard as she maintained eye contact while speaking.

"En, he already brought excellent raw materials to make a suitable weapon for a beginner cultivator, i'll even add the ores I inherited from my master and quench it with the Moon water I bought back then."

Kicking the door shut with his leg, Da Donghai said as he started to undress his shying woman.


Feng on the other hand, he opened his map and saw the small line east heading towards Obsidian city, the journey looked 3 times longer than straight up north from where he stands.

Now his chickens were all eaten, but he didn't want to buy more and travel with boxes full of chickens.

Looking at the pups in the sack feeling bored he decided to make their lives better.

"Who sells wood around here?"

Stopping in front of a man selling cheese blocks, Feng asked and the man's eyes never left Storm's body as fear gripped him.

"Uncle you don't need to be afraid, we're just asking for directions."

Snapping his fingers to awaken the man from his shock Feng said with a helpless smile.

"Ah... Yes, young master just needs to go over there, there's a man there who makes furniture and woodwork if it's wood you want then he's the best in here."

The man sighed in relief and hurried to get up and point respectfully towards the highest building in this street.

"Thanks, is your cheese blocks tasty?"

Feng smelled the aroma of fresh cheese and asked the man.

"Erm... I'm not sure if young master will like the taste of my products, I wouldn't dare say for sure."

The man wiped his forehead from sweat at the question and embarrassedly answered, he was poor and barely scraped his living expenses after making some cheese with his daughter.

"No need to humble yourself uncle, it really smell great. Can I taste a small sample before buying some?"

Feng was amused by the sight of the man's respectfulness.

"O... of course! Here, young master please."

The man took a large block of cheese and offered to Feng in a plate, Feng rolled his eyes in silence at the man's action.

'I said small sample!' he thought as he looked at the generous man in shabby clothes.

"Hey, Don't bully my fath.... Kyaaa."

As Feng reached his hand to take the plate from the man, some girl about the same age as him opened the door of the courtyard behind the cheese seller and shouted while waving a wooden ladle at him.

Then she noticed Storm as she spoke and jumped in fear to hide behind her father, the man who just got over his fear was startled into jumping in fear with his daughter.

The cheese and the plate in his hand were thrown out as it happened and Feng was smacked in the face by the soft cheese, he was already leaning forward and his attention was taken by the cute looking girl with perfect body hiding inside worn out dirty clothes.


"Ahhhh!..... Y.... young master I'm very sorry, please forgive my foolish daughter. Fen'er apologize to young master and go get some water for him to wash his face, hurry!"

When the man heard Storm growl and raise her body from her lazy sitting position, he awoke from his daydreams and shouted at his daughter to hurry and apologize to the young man who got shamed because of what she did.

"Uh! Lanfen has erred and wronged you young master, i'll go bring some water and a clean towel."

Feng was blinded by the layer of cheese covering his face and didn't see her bow with a stifled laugh, but he heard her giggles when she ran inside.

"Mmmm, your cheese really does taste as good as it smell, Storm, what do you think?"

As he spoke he felt his partner lick the cheese off of his face.

After wiping his face with his sleeves he could see again and saw the man's face with fear written all over it as he stared at Feng.

The man was scared because the young man didn't say anything about the matter of him being shamed by the father and daughter, he only said it tasted good and his wolf licked the rest enthusiastically.

He even saw other smaller pups come out and lick the scattered cheese on the black horse then retreat to the black sack.

"How much? I want 10 of these blocks, if you're still thinking about what happened then worry not, it was an accident. These guys liked the taste, if you have other products then show me."

Feng only tasted such good cheese when his father was on a business trip to northwestern Europe, he brought some from a small town and that was the best cheese he ever tasted.

"Yes, young master please come in to rest and have some tea, your robe has some smudges let Lanfen wash it, it's the least I can do after what happened earlier."

Pushing the courtyard door behind him open at it's widest for Feng to enter with his wolf, he pulled the long stand full of cheese inside after Feng entered then closed his courtyard.

"Please, young master I hope you wouldn't mind, my humble residence is currently a total mess after finishing up the production of the last batch of Autumn cheese. Lanfen! What's taking you so long? Hurry up and get the water."

As he spoke the man turned towards the only building and shouted at his daughter to hurry.

Feng smiled and got down from Shadow's back, he smiled because he kept hearing the girl's stifled giggles since he entered.

Releasing the pups from the sack he walked to the only pavilion to the side and sat on the stone chairs with a raised eyebrow.

'She's a beauty with a lighthearted personality, humph, but she's taking the joke to far with that endless laughing. How should I deal with her?' Feng was holding Harmony in his palm and rubbing his tummy playfully as he thought about the girl he just met.

The encounter was unexpected, all he wanted was to make a small house for the four pups to live in and keep the ZhuQing sack for his provisions and supplies.

"Ah! I forgot to introduce myself to young master. I'm Hui Huiliang, you met my only daughter Hui Lanfen. She's very rash and impulsive sometimes but she never complained to this old man once in her life, our life in here is poor and boring yet she's always smiling and laughing. She really takes after her late mother."

The man started to entertain Zhu Feng as he brewed a teapot when he saw his raised eyebrow.

"Hello uncle Huiliang, my name is Zhu Feng."

Feng said as he watched the girl exit the house with a washbasin and biting her lower lip to hold her laughs, he enjoyed her startled look when she saw his clean face and smiled slightly.

"Here's the water, it was really an accident don't get angry, I heard you ask for a taste and saw father offer a whole block and mistook you for a bully."

The beautiful girl placed the washbasin full of warm water in front of Feng and spoke as she returned a loose strand of hair back in place behind her ear, but her eyes never left the four pups who playfully enjoyed Feng's scratching fingers at their bellies.

"Miss Lanfen enjoyed it and that's what matters, the cheese really tasted good and I wanted to see if there's anything else to buy from your good products."

Feng saw Lanfen's eyes on the pups and used the chance to check her body once with his eyes then hinted to her that he heard her laughter, then asked for her to show him some new stuff.

"Y... you heard! J... just wait i'll go get you other kinds of cheese."

Blushing slightly, Lanfen ran away for the storage area and bit hard on her tongue to stop herself from bursting out in laughter.

"This girl, young master Feng please don't mind her mischievous behavior, here, try this tea while I take your robe to Fen'er to wash it."

Huiliang smiled helplessly at the exchange between the two youngsters then gave Feng a cup of tea and asked for his robes to be washed.

"If it wouldn't bother you."

Feng took off the green robe and the leather armor underneath it appeared to Huiliang, he took the robe and folded it respectfully and left to give it to his daughter.

"Storm, do you think this girl is beautiful? You too! I really like her personality as well, should I make my move on her? You know how handsome looking am I with irresistible charisma. Oy, I'm talking here! You're rude for ignoring me like this."

Finally Feng ended up drinking his tea with a grumbling look on his face as he looked at Storm's sleeping figure next to his feet, first she nodded and rubbed her face to his thigh but when he spoke about himself she again rolled her eyes at him then rested her head on her forelimbs to sleep.

"I heard that you're called Zhu Feng from my father, I'm Hui Lanfen pleasure meeting you. These are all our products try them and see if you like any."

The girl was really growing on Feng's likeness with every second he saw her, despite her clothes being simple and not exactly fitting her perfect body he saw all her cute looks and imagined her sizes in his head with every look he took at her figure.

"This is really really really good, i've never tasted better in my life. How is it possible that your products isn't famous? I would travel for a day or two just to eat some of this."

Feng was chewing slowly to savour the taste as he imagined these products added to some of the dishes from his previous life, then he licked his fingers and asked curiously while enjoying looking at Lanfen's face.

Especially her smile of proudness that widened at hearing Feng's compliment.

"Because we're helpless, to send our products to the surrounding cities isn't the hard part actually, selling them is. There's other competitors with better products and wider network, their prices are lower than ours and the taste is almost the same and sometimes even better. We only sell a few batches to winter merchants at a somewhat higher price because during cold days our products remain fresh for longer durations, only some special products live longer without getting spoilt."

Shrugging her shoulders Hui Lanfen sat lazily next to Feng with a greedy eye on the pups.

"I see, where's uncle Huiliang?"

Feng found her reasons somewhat convincing but he knew that she can just open her own restaurant and use her own products to create special types of dishes to attract customers, only the girl didn't know.

He asked her about her father as he offered her the most troublesome of the pups, Thunder!

"Bark... Bark...."

"Yeeee, I didn't do anything I swear."

The pup's loud voice alarmed the girl into jumping after being startled, she started to pat the wolf pup trying to calm it while warily looking at his sleeping mother in fear.

Feng enjoyed the sight of her chest movement and felt his fire of lust ignited at her cuteness.

"No worries, Thunder is called Thunder because of his loudness, quiet down! Miss Lanfen didn't answer my question."

Holding back his urge of hugging this mischievous beautiful girl, Feng commanded Thunder to calmness and patted the stone next to him for her to sit down and asked about her father.

"He's washing your green robe, I told him that i'll do it and he told me to join you. Hehe, I think he's trying to give us the chance to get to know each other, always nagging me about finding a man and getting my own children. If I left then who will take care of him? You men are strange in the head did you know that!"

Lanfen was speaking as she took Joy who jumped into her lap from Feng's lap and smiled as she asked Feng.

"What? You have a problem with a father who wishes happiness for his daughter! Wait until you have your own kids then say anything, if you placed yourself in his shoes then you'll agree with his point of view. He would rather suffer from hardships while enjoying the moments of Joy with his grandchildren, instead of living comfortably while seeing your beautiful face and perfect body get drowned with hard work every day for his sake."

Feng handed her Night who had fun pulling her wide clothes downwards and exposed some white skin and a deep valley to Feng who enjoyed looking at parts of Lanfen's chest as he spoke, he didn't hide his looks and looked at her with eyes that wished to have her as his woman.

"I.... I know that, and you, where do you think you're looking? Eyes up here, I'm not one of these girls. If you want this lady to be yours then marry me, a house and jewelry, dresses and servants, and i'll take this lovely small wolf who looks like this big one too. What say you?"

As she pulled her clothes up and returned the black pup annoyingly to Feng she glared at the young man who just tricked her with a little monster, she saw the look of longing in his eyes and blushed slightly.

Gritting her teeth she told him of all her dreams for a life of marriage, then she found Joy climbing her chest cutely and added her to her list.

"That's it?"

Feng smiled slightly and asked with a raised eyebrow in amusement at the girl's fake courageous and daring attitude.

"Of course you'll stop people from bullying my father if it happened, and will never bully me at all. I'll give you lots of children and raise them well and teach them to be obedient."

Hui Lanfen gawked slightly then hurried to add.

"Where do you want your house, how much jewelry and what kind? What kind of dresses do you like? Colors? How many servants? When these pups grow up you'll marry one of them to Joy that's my only condition."

Feng's smile never changed as he asked all the different questions to Lanfen and added his only condition.

"Since father lives in this place then I will live here too, my house should be the largest manor in the deepest area, that one, jewelry of all kinds but not the heavy ones I heard they make the body ache from the overweight, all the colors and styles of dresses as long as they fit my size, servants should be a dozen butlers and a dozen maids. If you want Joy to marry one of these pups then you'll have to offer some more jewelry and fancy clothes to me."

The girl was happy to speak of her dreams in a joking manner with this Feng, she thought he was joking and treated it as a joke as she pointed at the manor surrounded by walls then asked for all kinds of jewelry and two dozens of servants then added another condition in case Joy had to mate with her siblings in the future.

"Who lives in that manor?"

Feng asked as he looked at the manor made from yellow rocks with grey walls surrounding it.

"Nobody, it belongs to the ruler of Rock city."

Smiling evilly at Feng for exposing her trick, Lanfen still answered because she felt no matter what this young man wouldn't be able to buy this manor from the ruler of Rock city, hero general Lian Laoci.

"Do you know the name of that ruler?"

Feng didn't frown and asked Lanfen with the same smile.

"Everybody knows, General Lian Laoci is very famous in our Shi kingdom as the hero who brought Bai empire to it's knees."

Lanfen didn't avoid Feng's eyes and maintained eye contact with him as she ignored Joy who sneaked inside her clothes and rested between her boobs.

"Alright then, since all the terms are agreed upon by us, the most important matter shall be addressed. What guarantees me that you wouldn't go back on your words later? Believe it or not i'll really take you against your will and kidnap you if sometime in the future I return to find you laughing at me as a fool who believes in jokes, you need to promise to wait for me at least for a year."

Feng seriously said as he almost touching noses with the beauty in their staring contest, and said with a smile that wasn't a smile.

"Eh! You're not joking? Ahahaha, this is amusing, then give me two silvers as some sort of loan until you return in a year. If you do return in the span of a year then i'll return them, if you arrive after that year then i'll accept your marriage proposal if I'm still single but I won't refund you the silvers. Of course you need to get the manor, jewelry, fancy clothes, dresses, servants and all that to marry this beauty."

Gawking at Feng's serious look, Lanfen was startled then got tickled pink by the situation and opened her palm to ask Feng to pay a deposit beforehand.

Two silver was more than what she and her father earn in 3 months and she thought it's a lot for her, but, she was startled again when she saw Feng drop two silver coins in her opened palm.

"Please don't leave this Sword Villa until I return, better yet, don't leave the courtyard. If someone saw such beautiful face and charming body it might cause troubles for me later, don't worry, I won't keep you in a cage after we marry. I know just the perfect business opportunity for you and uncle, take these next few months to relax with uncle Huiliang and wait for my return."

Feng touched Lanfen's face gently with his palm and gave her cheek a slight pinch as he spoke then added another silver coin in her palm.

"Give me some of your products then, I still need to go to that man who makes wood products then buy some provisions and supplies then a long journey awaits me for Obsidian city."

Feng said as he resisted giving this dazed girl a kiss.

"You really want to marry me? Why? We only just met!"

Lanfen asked as she clutched the three silver coins in a squeezing grip, she knew she was beautiful with a body that can make men drool.

But this Feng was willing to offer a bid that even she felt was more than ten times what she should be given, she was just the lonely daughter of a simple man who makes cheese and sells them barely more than what he payed for the raw materials.

She wasn't a Princess or a daughter of some Noble! Why? He can ask for her hand normally and win her, why take her higher offer and dreams as his goal to make them true and take her as his woman? He isn't joking with her, is he? Some boys would take women's dreams as a plaything only to end up ruining their chances of winning the girls forever, is he one of these idiots? No, these eyes are clear and full of confidence.

As she had all these thoughts, she found Feng patting her hands which turned into fists gently.

"Don't overthink, there's a world of difference between a satisfied wife and a dreaming wife, you only need to wait for a while until I knock on your door."

Feng said that then grabbed the pups and placed them on the sack, he saw uncle Huiliang arrive with the green robe a lot shinier and elegant than what it already was!

Lanfen felt her cheek where Feng just touched a while ago with her hand as her cheeks blushed fiercely, this scoundrel really is after her for real and she let him touch her gently just now because she thought her was joking.

She stuffed the coins in her pocket and ran to the storage room to get him the products he asked for.

"Uncle Huiliang what trick did you use to make my robe look much better? I tried washing it before and it never felt this clean!"

Feng took the robe and flipped it in his hands as he spoke, he was amazed by the big difference.

"It's not a secret, this robe is made from some strange fabric that I never saw before, while I was washing it I accidentally knocked a salt container in the water. In my panic I hit another vinegar jar and when I took out the robe it was different, thankfully it's a good difference otherwise I would've been very ashamed of myself."

Scratching his head uncle Huiliang said with a slight smile of embarrassment, he already noticed his blushing daughter running for the storage room and was happy inside.

The young man wasn't angry when he got embarrassed after getting his face covered in cheese, he kept his politeness all the time even after hearing his mischievous daughter's giggling after what she caused.

"I see!"

Feng already felt this robe being somewhat different a while ago and tried to test it's quality by pulling at it, he couldn't tear it even after pulling with all his power.

Night kept using his teeth all the time to challenge the robe and couldn't leave a single hole on it, even Storm used her claws sometimes to scratch at it and never left a single tear.

Now, the incident with Huiliang made Feng's curiosity reach the peak, feeling the time and place being improper he put the robes on and waited for Lanfen to bring him the one silver coin worth of cheese products.

"Young master Fen...."

"Uncle can call me little Feng or just Feng, I was never a young master I'm just an orphan."

Feng interrupted Huiliang with a smile and shrugged as he spoke calmly.

"Then i'll call you little Feng, where did Lanfen go just now? I hope she didn't misbehave and draw your ire, honestly her playful nature is a bit much sometimes."

With a sly look the man asked how did Feng liked his daughter in a roundabout way.

"Uncle Huiliang, I plan to marry your daughter Lanfen in less than a year."

Feng looked the man in the eyes and spoke seriously and honestly with no beating around the bush.

"Huh! Ah! T.... this is Great. Why wait for a year? In a year both of you can give me a grandchild or two, what's the need for this wait?"

The man opened his mouth in shock by the sudden good news, then his eyes dilated and he punched the air in happiness, when he processed the information clearly he started to frown and asked in annoyance.

"Heh, calm down uncle Hui, it's me who's causing this wait. I need to go in a journey to Obsidian city then back to Rock city before returning here to deal with a matter with old man Da. It's better to finish all my obstacles before settling in to marry Lanfen and take care of my family, if everything is going as planned then in no longer than 4 months i'll take your sweet daughter away."

Feng grabbed the man's arm to stop him from running to the storage room to scold his daughter with a smile on his face then willingly placed the blame on himself instead of Lanfen's.

Lanfen was coming out from the storage room and heard Feng's words telling her father about his plans to marry her and her heart fluttered in her chest with joy, then she worried for her father spoiling her agreement with this Zhu Feng when she heard Huiliang disagreement with the wait for a year, then she heard Feng take the blame and her heart started to melt as Feng's ordinary looks started to sink in her heart's secret place and his words started to play a lovely tune after hitting her heartstrings.

Touching the three silver coins in her pocket for a last time she pushed the small wheelbarrow loaded with different types of cheese out with a smile on her face, Somehow, today's colors are more bright in her eyes.

"Whoah.... Lanfen this is too much! What would I do with all that? All I want is some samples to eat in my journey to Obsidian city, and I only paid a single silver coin."

When Feng saw her smile he was happy to see her cute looks then his eyes fell on the wheelbarrow full of products, they wouldn't even fit in the sack after replacing the pups in their new house that he'll make later.

Not to mention, he's going to buy some more meat, seeds, bread, spices, etc.

"What? You paid a silver coin! Lanfen, how could you take money from your future husband?"

Hui Huiliang was enraged when he heard what Feng said then glared at his daughter, he was pulling up his sleeves and preparing to spank his daughter like he did when she was younger.

"Ahhhh, Feng help!"

Hui Lanfen knew what does it mean when her father pulled up his sleeves, she was like a kitten getting splashed with water and jumped behind Feng and took cover from her father.

"Move away little Feng, she's taking advantage of your kindness intolerably."

Hui Huiliang was angry at his daughter because what she brought out wasn't even worth 50 bronze coins, he didn't say it aloud in fear that Feng would leave and refuse to marry Lanfen anymore.

"Calm down uncle Hui, Lanfen didn't do anything wrong. The money is yours even if I didn't buy anything as a token of appreciation for bringing out cute Lanfen to the world, she just overdid it with her gifts that's all."

When Feng saw the man's action and the girl timidly hiding behind his back with one hand hiding her perky butt, he knew she was spanked a lot with that mischievous personality of hers.

As he spoke Feng would look behind him at Lanfen's butt and imagine squeezing them in his palms in the future.

'No wonder they swelled up just fine' snickering inside he thought that as he calmed the angry father by patting his shoulders, but he was actually thanking the man for creating the best butt anyone can ask for.

"You better thank little Feng for standing up for you."

Glaring at his daughter, Hui Huiliang opened the courtyard gate and took his merchandise stand out to continue selling cheese.

He was happy to meet Zhu Feng today and wouldn't mind selling his products at cost price.

Inside the courtyard.

Feng only gave bashful Lanfen a pat on the head then loaded some of the cheese in his sack and woke Storm up.

The young woman was currently hugging her arms around her chest with a strange fidgety feeling coursing through her skin, she didn't want this young man called Zhu Feng to leave just yet.

"Fen'er, will you miss me?"

Feng saw her pouting her lips and kicking pebbles and smiled at the sight which he saw many times in drama's, he snuck up behind her and lowered his head to whisper in her ear.

The maiden was startled to discover that her back unawarely stuck to the man's chest when she heard his calming voice ring in her ear softly, she didn't even resist the man's arm hugging her waist closer to his body and only blushed more at how natural she felt that man's touch.

"En.... I don't want you to go.... Yet."

After closing her eyes to savour the peacefulness inside his arms she answered faintly with a lowered head, she blushed more because she found out that her lie at the end being very apparent.

In truth after feeling his hug she didn't want him to leave at all, no male beside her father ever hugged her and the boys in the Villa hated her for always pranking them.

In her childhood she was typical tomboyish!

By the time her charm sprouted she was drowned in work to help her father just the same as the rest of her childhood friends helping their families survive in this poor part of the kingdom.

Now Feng was like her kryptonite, she felt her willpower wane and weakening in his embrace!

'This is bad! I can't move or gather my strength, he wouldn't take advantage of me now is he?' Hui Lanfen thought as she saw Feng look at the side of her face from behind with a smile.

"You're really pretty, especially when you're blushing. Even through my armor I can still feel your heartbeat, are you nervous because I'm hugging you? Then is it possibly because you're afraid i'll take advantage of you? Uh-huh, worry not Fen'er. You're worth the wait, come, sit down and calm yourself."

Feng asked and Lanfen answered with a head shake then her face blushed more at his second question, he smiled slyly then added another dangerous line that made Hui Lanfen's eyes widen and glow as she looked at Feng help her sit down and offer her some of the remaining tea.

"Will you take care of yourself and your father in my absence?"

"I will."

"Then if you needed anything just go to blacksmith Da and tell him you're my fiancee, if he dares to ignore you then i'll beat him up when I return."

"Bffft, he's three times bigger than you."

"Size isn't the only thing that matters you know."

Feng winked at smiling Hui Lanfen as he said this line with double meanings.

"Hueck.... Cough.... Scoundrel...."

She couldn't help but choke on her laughter then punched his shoulder, Hui Lanfen's old tomboyish personality started to surface as Feng teased her.


Lanfen held her aching wrist after her punch didn't manage to shake Feng's body.

"Are you hurt? Let me see."

Then she felt her heart flooded with warmth when she saw Feng seriously take off his metal gauntlets and feel her joints with hands covered in soft black gloves with glowing purple spots.

"Thankfully it isn't sprained badly, keep it like this and don't move it much for a few days. No more work for you until I return, am I making myself clear?"

Feng was partly mad at his insane protective gear as he admonished Lanfen.

She was dazedly nodding repeatedly while being lost in Feng's face like an idiot.

"If you feel bored then go keep auntie Qing's company, she's old Da's wife and a very kind person."

Feng patted her head then wore his gauntlets and prepared to leave as he told Lanfen of a way to spend time.

Seeing her nod again he left after waving goodbye, after telling the grinning Hui Huiliang the he's off to buy his supplies then he'll leave, he left after promising the man to buy him some good liquor from Obsidian city.

"Fen'er, Zhu Feng left hours ago, how long are you going to sit there."

Hui Huiliang sat next to his little and only girl and took her under his wing and into his embrace as he spoke, when Zhu Feng left he looked inside and discovered his daughter sitting with a dazed look on her face under the pavilion.

Now after he finished selling his cheese at dusk his daughter was still sitting like time never changed for her.

"Daddy, am I worth waiting for?"

As she snuggled up in her father's embrace Hui Lanfen said faintly.

"What do you mean?"

The man wasn't able to understand the meaning of the question and Lanfen didn't bother explaining.


After making the woodworker finish the small house for the pups according to the blueprint Feng drew for him as he went to buy his supplies, he strapped the house on top of Storm's back and she was more happy to carry her own pups instead of leaving them with that young black warhorse.

Backstabber Shadow was even more happy to be rid off the dangerous responsibility, ever since he carried the small pups he felt like being watched by the death god himself.

Freedom at last!

Feng did another double check for anything he might need and remembered that he's currently only owns 20 bronze coins.

Sighing at how much money he'll need to buy the manor and other stuff for Hui Lanfen and the money he'll need to sustain hiring two dozen of servants, he left Sword Villa and for the first time of his life Zhu Feng went further east.

Farmlands and livestock gatherings were all what Feng saw in the flat lands, rarely will there be some change in the landscape.

Because he only left a couple hours before dusk, he didn't manage to cross a lot of distance and by nightfall he stopped to camp on a vacant land.

After checking his position on the map and eating a meal with Storm he started to train his footwork then went to sleep.

He noticed a few lone houses in the farms but he refused to alarm the farmers with Storm's presence, sleeping in the wilderness wasn't strange to Feng at all since he arrived in this world.

At dawn he woke up and did his morning physical exercise then ate his meal afterwards he rode Shadow east, after another day he finally managed to pass the plots of farmlands.

Small villages and towns came to view for Feng's eyes but if it wasn't for him being in a hurry to arrive in Obsidian city he would've took a look at them one by one.

After two days of riding east he finally reached the trade road and saw caravans and many merchants riding horse carriages heading north on the wide beaten path under the protection of knights and soldiers on both sides of the road every 500m.

"To enter the road you need to pay 5 bronze coins."

While he stared left and right, one soldier told Feng when he saw him intending on entering without paying the fees.

"Uh! My bad, here 5 coins."

Paying his money, Feng started to gallop north from that point.

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