《Can A Random Dude From A Village Defeat An Overpowered Demon Lord》Chapter 9: Call of the Elder God


When I left the spirit realm I once again found myself in the forest of Edelgard. I was trying to remember the way out when I heard a familiar voice. But there was noone around. The voice said “Argos you need to go to the island of Malvista.” I said “who are you? And where are you talking from?” the voice replied “I am the god that reincarnated you in this world, do you remember me? You need to go to the island of Malvista.”

“Where even is that? And why do I have to go there?” I asked him. The god replied “you will know once you go there, there is an extremely important thing you need to obtain. Now I must bid you farewell” then the voice disappeared. I thought to myself “what is even going on, first he kills me by mistake and now he is ordering me around. Well I guess I have no choice but to go to the island” I went through the dense tree but I couldn’t remember where I came inside from, I went searching for the tiny path that lead me here, ok the way there were many annoying beasts that attacked me and I had to fight them, I was getting hungry so I had to pick fruits and hunt animals, I lit a fire and tried to cook. It was not very tasty, I remembered the food from the spirit realm and how nice it would be if I had it.

Just then someone attacked by throwing a spear at me. I barely dodged it and the person that threw it came running out from the bushes where he was hiding. In his hand was a dagger and he intended to stab me. He attacked me but I slammed in on the floor and pinned him down. He looked like he was from a tribe judging from the clothing and the tattoo like patterns on his face. I tried to interrogate him and asked “who are you and why are you attacking me?” he didn’t answer and another person came out and attacked, when I tried to dodge the first tribesman got away and said “you’re gonna pay for what you did, I am going to tell him so you better be careful.” Then a lot more people came out and started attacking. They all had weapons but they weren’t very skilled fighters. I defeated them and after a few moments another man came out from the bushes, he looked like a warrior.

He looked at his fallen comrades and one of them said “I’m sorry chief, we got defeated easily, don’t leave this man alive he is dangerous.” It seems this person was the chief of the tribe and after he heard the man he got red with anger. I asked him “who are you people and why are you attacking me, I haven’t done anything.” He didn’t listen to me and didn’t answer, he was enraged and he charged towards me and punched and kicked but I managed to dodge, I didn’t want to fight but he kept attacking so I kicked him in his stomach and he got pushed back and coughed blood. I was starting to get angry because these people just attacked me without a reason and I told him to come at me. Provoked by that he attacked me again, this time also using some magic, he had a different fighting style than I was used to but I got the hang of it. I counterattacked and he took a lot of damage. Finally I hit him with a hard punch and he got flung back into a tree and it cracked the trunk.


I thought he was done for but he climbed onto the tree and started to jump from tree to tree it was really hard to know his position. The trees were really dense and he attacked fast so it got really hard to counter. I was starting to take a lot of damage but it seemed like his attacks slowed down and he was tired. Finally he leaped at me with all his might but I got really annoyed and punched him in the face and he fainted instantly. I leaned against a tree and rested. I then noticed someone hiding behind one of the trees. I called out to him to come out. He was trembling when he got out of the bushes and said “please don’t kill me!” I got up and said “if you answer all of my questions then I won't harm you, now tell me who are you all and why are you trying to kill me?” the tribesman replied “we are from a village in the forest, there are three tribes that live in the forest.”

I became curious about these tribes and why they randomly attacked me so I asked him if he could take me to the village. He was hesitant but agreed. He said “but many of our people are unconscious here so I will call some people to carry them back.” “I’ll help you carry them back then” I said. So we carried two of them on our back and when we got to the village the tribesman would call more people to go help. So I followed the tribesman and soon we reached the village. It was in a small clearing surrounded by dense trees and very well hidden. When we reached there a lot of people came to question the tribesman about what had happened and where everybody else was. The tribesman explained to them everything that happened and the tribe was terrified.

They thought I was a threat and they should attack me. Meanwhile I was picking apples from a tree because I was still hungry due to my awful cooking. Then the tribespeople went to their houses and got weapons. The tribesman warned them that they would be defeated and that I meant no harm but they didn’t listen. They all came closer to me and they attacked me suddenly. I got surprised and thought they were a threat so I threw the apple I was eating high into the air and hit the attackers. Half of them fell down instantly and the other half froze with fear. I caught the falling apple back in my hand. Then an old man approached from the village. He didn’t have any weapon so I assumed he wasn’t hostile but I still was on guard.

When the old man appeared all the tribesmen bowed down to him. He approached me and said “we are gravely sorry for attacking you, please don’t harm more of our people.” I replied” I don’t mean any harm, I was just traveling through the forest when your people attacked me intending to kill me so I had no choice but to defend myself.” The old man realised that all of this was a misunderstanding and bowed down and apologised, “our tribe has been hidden from the world for 400 years and if the location of our village got revealed we would be attacked and doomed, so we are very protective and attack anyone who came near the village. Please do not tell anyone about this village or we will be doomed, we will do whatever you say” he said. I replied “I see, then as a return allow me to live here until I find the way out of the forest.” “Is that all?” he said. I replied with a yes. He thanked me and said to stay how ever long I wanted.


Meanwhile the village chief was resting in a hut and his injuries were being treated. After a while he woke up surrounded by his fellow tribesmen. He said “so we lost to him! I will avenge my fallen brothers. If that man ever enters our village I will kill him!” Another man says “But... He’s already here” The chief looks shocked and said “What is he doing here! Let’s go kill him!” the others stop him and say “the chief is short tempered as always, the village elder has already allowed him to stay here. It seems it was a misunderstanding” then they tell the chief what happened. Later that day I was sitting on a tree and I see the chief approaching. When he came below the tree I jumped off and he was startled. “whoa there, do u want to die? Be careful jumping off trees” he said. “you were looking around so u thought you were looking for me so I jumped off, do u want to fight again,” I said while laughing. He replied “why would I look for you?” “then I’ll go look around the forest then, see you later” he then said “wait! Fine, I was looking for you” “well what is it then” I said.

“I came to apologise for the misunderstanding” he said, then he suddenly bowed his head down and said “please teach me how to fight like you!” “what? Why should I teach someone who attacked me for no reason?” I said. “No, that was a misunderstanding, I beg you please teach me” he said. “Well fine, for the time I’m here that’s fine I guess. Come here at a soon as the sun rises” I said. “thank you so much I will be forever grateful to you”

Soon it was night and the tribe all gathered in the middle of their small village and lit a big fire. They danced around the fire and it was entertaining to see. One tribesmen told me this dance was a sort of festival to them and it was done on special occasions for good luck and all the villagers participate because it is believed this festival is for protection of their lives and village. Their ancestors have been doing this ever since their tribe originated. I asked him what the special occasion was this time. He appeared a bit saddened and said “our village might be destroyed soon” I was startled and asked “why is that?” he replied “a few days ago our tribe was challenged by an unknown person who wished to battle the strongest person in the village, and if he won he would get to control the village and he would give us something very precious, our short tempered chief accepted the challenge, they fought a fierce battle but in the end the chief was defeated. The mysterious person said that he enjoyed the battle so he will leave him to train for two weeks, later we learned that he was the chief of another tribe who wanted our territory and if he wins we will become his slaves”

After hearing this I felt a sorry for them so I asked him how many days were left until the fight. He said there was another seven days. So I told him that I’d train the chief in those seven days so he won’t lose. The tribesman was relieved and thanked me. Then we enjoyed the rest of the festival. After the dance the tribespeople cooked meat of animals they hunted and picked fruits to eat. The meals were very tasty and they also made soup. At the end of the festival all the tribe sang a traditional song and played traditional instruments. After the festival was over everybody bid each other farewell and returned to their houses. The tribesmen showed me a room to sleep in and I slept very well that night.

When I woke up it was already morning and the chief was waiting where we had agreed to meet. He said “you are late I have been waiting for you for around half an hour” I apologised for being late. He said “oh I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Zephyr Flame, please train me well” “oh I also forgot to introduce myself, I am Argos Chileever, you are being quite polite today” I said. “I’m just respecting you because you’re my teacher I’m not being polite.” “How is that different? Anyways let us start training, I have seen you have a fire attribute so let’s start with flame magic. There are many types of the same attribute of magic used by different species, you cannot learn the magic of another species.” I said then I taught him flame magic but he couldn’t use it. “that’s strange, why can’t you use human magic spells, Zephyr are you hiding something from me?” he replied “No, it’s nothing.” “please tell me or I won’t be able to teach you”.

He looked tense and said “actually I’m not human, I am a dragonkin. I was abandoned when I was a child and the village elder who was the previous chief found me and raised me like a human. When I was a child nothing seems strange but as time passed I noticed that I was quite different from the other tribespeople. We dragonkin have scale like marks on our backs which nobody else had. At the age of ten the village elder told me everything and I found out about my past. I couldn’t handle the truth and thought that everyone would hate me for not being human so I ran away. But I was a stupid kid, I almost died alone in the forest being attacked by beasts but the tribespeople came to save me. I realised they were very caring and kind. From that day I did everything I could to be strong and be able to protect the tribe. I mastered simple magic I learnt on my own but I don’t know any complex spells. The truth is the person that attacked a week ago was also a dragonkin and he was way stronger than me. He also appeared to recognise me and know who I was.”

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