《Can A Random Dude From A Village Defeat An Overpowered Demon Lord》Chapter 8: Revival and departure


Suddenly I heard a noise and opened my eyes, “I’m alive? How did I survive? Is Telantus safe?” I said. After the confusion resided I looked around and saw Irin who was crying and healing me. Irin noticed I had opened my eyes. She looked at me with caring eyes and I asked “where are we? I thought the castle collapsed, Is Telantus okay?!” Irin replied “we were standing by as backup as we planned and we saw the castle burning and hurried there and the rest of the army have killed all the demons. I and the other healers and rescue forces rushed here and found you and Telantus unconscious about to be crushed by debris and somehow managed to get you both out safely. We found Caltis who was somehow poisoned and rescued him too. The others managed to get out with no severe injuries and rescued the Royal family and The Volt family.”

Irin suddenly hugged me tightly and said “I’m so glad you’re okay” I hugged her back and said “sorry for making you worried.” Irin then said “you are still hurt so don’t try to move and rest for today. I’m going to be here with you.” She stayed with me until the morning. When I woke up I found her asleep next to me. I was surprised but also really happy. She also woke up and looked a bit embarrassed and got up. She said “I think we should go see how Telantus is.” So we went outside and I saw we were in a camp in a large field with many tents. Telantus was in the tent right next to mine and we went inside to see him. He was resting and eating an apple. He saw us and said “Argos I’m glad you’re fine! How are your injuries now?” I replied “I’m totally fine now Irin took good care of me, but you got hurt because I couldn’t protect you, I’m really sorry for that-“ Telantus interrupted and said” what are you saying?! If you weren’t there I and the others would have most definitely died. You fought with Nova all on your own so don’t say things like that. More importantly did you and Irin do some you know fun stuff since you spent the night together.” Our face turned red and she said “No, not yet” in a embarrassed voice. “yet.. huh” Telantus said. Then we sat down next to his bed.

Just then a girl in a pretty white dress came inside the tent. She saw Telantus and said “you’re as reckless and stupid as ever aren’t you, look at how hurt you got yourself” Telantus replied “No I’m not and I wasn’t before as well” The Princess came closer to him and said “look how injured you are, you almost lost your life back there, you should be more careful you idiot” The princess then turned around and saw me and Irin, she said “Ah I am sorry, I didn’t notice you, it’s been so long since we last met Irin, how have you been?” She then looked at me and said “that’s a face I’ve never seen before, Nice to meet you, may I ask your name?” I said “it’s a pleasure meeting you, I’m Argos, I’m just a human from the human realm.” She was quite surprised and asked “what how did a normal human get into the realm?” Telantus said “Argos that was a very inaccurate introduction” he then said “he is probably the strongest human there is, he’s the one who faced off Nova and injured him.” The girl was even more shocked now. She then said “He does look really strong, Ah, I’m sorry I haven’t introduced myself, my name is Aura Embergust. I’m the eldest princess of the Sasta province.” After that I got up and bowed down. She said “Oh you’re quite a polite one.” Telantus then gets up from his bed, the princess says “what are you doing? you’re still hurt stupid.”” I’m fine I just want to look outside and get some fresh air” Telantus replied. So we all went out and everyone was working hard to help the wounded. Some time later a maid came to Aura and informed her that her father the king was looking for her. Aura said “now I have to go meet my father so I’ll be leaving now, Telantus don’t do anything stupid again and hurt yourself.” Then she went with the maid.


Telantus then said in a frustrated voice “why does she always scold me saying ‘this is wrong’, ‘don’t do this’, ‘don’t do that’ and calling me stupid.” I said “isn’t she just worried about you but can’t say it directly” Irin says “yes she’s always been like that since childhood but Telantus doesn’t realise that” we roam around while talking for a while and reach a hill and sat down. We look towards the castle and Telantus said “we couldn’t protect the artifact and lost to Nova, the castle is completely destroyed. If I were stronger then I wouldn’t have left you alone to fight and we could have won” I put my arm around his shoulder and said “don’t take the blame on yourself, we had underestimated Nova and our plan was flawed, it’s not anyone’s fault as we had so little time to prepare.” At least we could save the lives of the people who were imprisoned. So it’s not all bad” Telantus says “you’re right, we can’t be depressed forever, we must become stronger to make sure this doesn’t happen again.” We both returned to the camp. When we reached back we see Caltis was cooking food. He saw us and waved at us and we went to him. “Are you okay Caltis? I heard you got poisoned, sorry for not being able to help you.” Telantus said. “what are you talking about, It’s not your fault at all after all it was me who fell unconscious after telling you I’d catch up and help to fight Nova but I couldn’t do anything and you got so injured he said pointing to the bandages Telantus had” Irin said “it’s not anyone’s fault, you all put your life on the line and went through so much, we all are all so glad you all are okay.”

While talking someone told us that the King wanted to meet us, Telantus and I went with him and he lead us to the Kings tent. We entered the tent and after seeing that we were healing and our health was improved, the king was delighted and thanked us for risking our lives for his kingdom. He was talking with us when we heard that Ryuu had returned and we went to greet him. When he saw us he asked “so, how was the experience, did u enjoy it?” That was a really unexpected question an do replied “we couldn’t beat him, we were too weak and Nova was too strong, we underestimated him and lost badly, I’m sorry Ryuu I didn’t listen to you and as a result the artifact was stolen” Ryuu replied “its fine don’t worry now, we can’t change the results of what happened so we will have to do our best to make sure something like that doesn’t happen again. Now come with me the Kings of all the provinces are about to have a meeting and want to talk with us.”

We went to the city and entered a large building and then entered a large hall, sitting at a large table there were all the Kings of the four province along with important ministers, politicians and guards. The quiet room was filled with small noises of mumbling and with tense faces. Ryuu entered and said “sorry for being a bit late, let us begin the meeting” and we all took a seat. Everyone in the room was focused on Ryuu and everyone appeared worried. Ryuu then said “there is a terrible news I need to give you, after the great war when the demon lord was defeated the Chronius, the god of time, made a prophecy that at this time there would be the birth of a new demon lord whose power would exceed all the predecessors. The prophecy has unfortunately been proven true as the demon lord has appeared and the demons are taking action. Their attack on the Sasta province was as you all know to gain the artifact that is kept in every province called the lazarus spheres. We have found that they slow down the time in the realm which is the reason for our long lifespan. It’s believed they are running at only a fraction of their capacity and if their full potential is unlocked they would be able to achieve complete chrono-stasis and stop time basically making the user immortal. The demon lord is planning to do just that”


After hearing this everyone was frightened and the room fell silent. Then Ryuu speaks again “currently the demon lord is not at his full power, the prophecy currently estimated that it would take at least 3 years for him to reach his full capacity so we have three years to defeat him before he becomes basically invincible. In 3 years he would gain enough power to eradicate the all the mortal beings and it would be hard for even the gods to defeat him. Its going to be extremely hard but we have one hope who could obtain enough knowledge and power to defeat the demon lord” Ryuu told me to introduce myself to all the Kings. I got up from my seat and bowed down in respect and introduced myself. All the people in the room started discussing and saying things like “can he really defeat the demon lord? Didn’t he almost die to one of the commanders?” Ryuu then said “it is true that right now he can’t fight with the demon lord, but considering how much he improved in just a few months its entirely possible for him to get strong enough.” The two Kings of the Sista and Prexura province also supported Ryuu and it made me really delighted to see them acknowledging my hard work and I was really happy. Then the other Kings also decided to put their faith on me and they concluded the meeting.

Then we returned to the camp and everyone decided to return to their own provinces. We all said our goodbyes and we all parted ways. After a few days of travel we finally reached Prexura. After reaching I again asked Ryuu to teach me everything that he could. Ryuu agreed and once again we started training with Telantus and Gadreel, after the losing to Nova we were motivated to work hard and surpass him. After months of training with Ryuu I learned all the things that I could. I discussed with Ryuu what I should do after. We thought it would be good to go out of the spirit realm and learn everything I could. I told everyone about my decision, they were surprised and a bit sad especially Irin. The king said “its sad to see you leaving but you have made the decision so we don’t have the right to stop you. When are you planning to leave” “I’m thinking to leave tomorrow morning” I said. We all went to have dinner and talked a lot, it got late soon and everyone decided to go to sleep.}

I was in my room packing up when Irin came inside. She said “come here” and sat on the bed. I went and sat next to her. She suddenly put my head on her lap and kissed me. She said “I don’t want you to go but I won’t stop you, but promise me you will definitely come back again” I told her “of course I will, I love you after all.” She blushed and told me to get some rest, we talked for a while and I fell asleep on her lap, when I woke up it was morning and she was sleeping next to me and hugging me tight. It was really an unexpected sight to see when you just woke up but... I wasn’t going to complain. I didn’t want to wake her up so I got up carefully and next to the bed left a note saying “My dear Irin I’m sorry I’m leaving so suddenly but I’ll definitely come back, when I do.... will you marry me? Until then please wait for me.” Then I went to say goodbye to the king and the others, they bid me farewell and told me that I could return whenever I want and that I was always welcome. I felt really happy and the king used a spell and in a blink of an eye I was once again back in the forest of Edelgard.

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