《Can A Random Dude From A Village Defeat An Overpowered Demon Lord》Chapter 10:Practice and Preparation


I had only excelled in the use of spirit and human magic, but I didn’t have any knowledge of dragon magic. I had no idea what to teach Zephyr. I thought for a while and I remembered “if I can’t teach him techniques from this world I’ll just teach him techniques from my previous world.” Before I died I used to practice Mixed Martial arts from when I was a kid. My father was a martial artist so he taught me and sent me to various classes.

I told him “since I can’t teach you any magic I’ll teach you physical combat techniques.” We trained without stopping. He was a very quick learner and had quite a lot of physical strength. I taught him many styles like Karate, Muay Thai, Taekwondo and kung fu. I trained him all day and soon it got late. Zephyr was exhausted and he fell down due to exhaustion. I carried him to his house and he fell fast asleep. The next day he woke up at noon. He went to the spot we decided to meet everyday. But he couldn’t find me. He looked around the village and asked the tribespeople but noone knew. Finally he sat down beside a tree disappointed, he saw a tribesman entering the village and asked him too but then he said “wait nevermind sorry how would you know where he is” the man said “oh I know where he is, he is catching fish by the river, he asked if we had any meat in the village but we had run out during the feast so I told him he could catch them and I will cook it for him.” “oh thank you ill go find him” and he headed to the river.

Meanwhile in another village in the forest the mysterious man was talking with someone. “why did you give him another chance, if you had just taken the village it would have been much easier.” That unknown person said. “I’m curious to see how much he can improve” the mysterious man said. “I don’t care what you do with him but make sure we capture that village. We already have captured all the village except this one.” Said the man.

Zephyr headed to the river and looked around, he saw me by the river looking for fish. He head towards me and said “where have you been all day? Haven’t you caught enough fish?” “I haven’t seen a single fish let alone catch one” I said. He replied “what? How is that possible there are always so many fish here, there is definitely something wrong” I said “let’s head upstream and see what happened.” We went upstream for a while and then saw three men in the distance with an enormous net catching all of the fish. We sneaked up to them and heard them talking. “this should be enough for the feast” one said. “yeah! we’re going to get paid well!” said another.” “Now let’s hurry and block the river to that stupid village!” the last one said.


Zephyr looked at me and said “if they do that well have a drought at the village and we won’t have any water!” I said “why don’t you try the techniques on them? See how effective they are.” He agreed and headed towards them, when the three men noticed him they said “who the hell are you? Do u want to die?” One of them recognised him and said “you idiots that’s the chief of that tribe! Take the fish and run away” “so he’s the chief then let’s see how string he is, he doesn’t even have a weapon how will he beat three of us” the man drew his sword and tried to attack zephyr but he kicked the man in the face, it was so fast the other two didn’t even see what happened. The man fell down on the ground. The other man said “what the hell was that?” and they ran away in fear. He was about to chase them down but I stopped him and said “let them go, they’ll tell the people at their village not to mess with your tribe.” All the fish they caught were still in the net so we took them and went back to the village.

When we returned the tribespeople were very surprised when they saw so many fish. The village elder said “with so much fish we should have enough to last the whole week” They asked us questions and how we got so much fish, we told them what happened. They all praised Zephyr for and said that he would surely be able to defeat the mysterious man. He said “we should be careful, it seems the other villages are against us and are probably on the man’s side, but for now lets cook the fish and call all the villagers to eat!” they all started to prepare the fish and we went to the same field to train. I taught him more techniques and he again was very quick at learning. I trained him all day and he was a very good fighter even before the training but learning proper techniques made him even better.

Soon it got dark and we headed back and saw all the villagers were gathered and enjoying. They told us to join and we had many delicious foods and we also heard stories from the elders of the village. After that we went to sleep and the next day Zephyr came to wake me up early in the morning to begin training. There were now five days until the big fight. That day we went to the forest for training and finding beasts to fight. We found them without having to search much and zephyr was able to slay them easily. I also taught zephyr how to increase his physical strength by infusing magic into his body which made the muscles contract much more strongly.


For the five days we did different training and improvement on the techniques. He had improved vastly and his reflexes were extremely sharp now as well. His improvement was very shocking in this short amount of time. I taught him many techniques and many styles and taught him how to appropriately counter attack and how to target the weak points of the opponent.

Just like that the five days passed and it was the day before the battle. I told him “you have worked extremely hard for the last five days and have improved vastly, for the final day of your training you will fight me one on one to see how much you’ve improved from our last battle so let’s begin” Zephyr said “wait really? I’m going to beat you this time!” he immediately attacked with a punch but I blocked it easily and said “this isn’t your full potential, focus and put your soul into it” he immediately backed up and got into a stance. I then used the technique I taught him to enhance my body. He then striked at me with faster speed but I was able to barely dodge it. Zephyr then packed his attacks with more and more power and speed. This time I couldn’t dodge and got kicked in my stomach. But then I grabbed his leg and tossed him down. Both of us took damage. I had a hold on him but he used his fire magic so I had to back up. Then he jumped back up but I attacked with a high speed attack and he was stunned and couldn’t see it coming. He got pushed back and slammed into a tree like last time.

He then jumped and attacked me again but I dodged and kicked at him towards his head but he also managed to dodge, he again kicked me in the stomach and I was pushed back. He rushed towards me and without even realising he had already matched up to my speed. Even though he could only use basic fire magic when he combined it with physical techniques it dealt quite a lot of damage. Due to him being a dragonkin he had a lot of magic and physical strength

At last he used all of his magic and concentrated it into a massive hit and told me to do the same and I agreed. So we launched towards each other and both hit our fists but nothing happened. He was confused and said “What? What happened?” I said “I nullified your magic with the water attribute or it would have set the whole place on fire and burned your village! You need to be more careful with your magic, even though its just basic it still is very powerful” “oh I’m sorry I didn’t realise that because I’ve never used up all of my magic before” he said. I replied “well it’s fine if you keep that in mind from now on, you were putting up a much better fight than last time, you’ve improved so much that it’s surprising, with this you are ready for the big fight tomorrow. If the opponent tries anything underhanded I’ll keep watch and help you but I won’t interrupt otherwise” “ok I got it! Thank you for staying here and training me all this while” he said. “you’re welcome. Now let’s go get some rest for the big day” I said and we both went back to the village.

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