《Can A Random Dude From A Village Defeat An Overpowered Demon Lord》Chapter 11:Decisive Day


We returned to the village and saw the tribesmen a bit sad. We asked them what happened. They said “during your battle a lot of the fruit trees were destroyed” we looked back and saw that a lot of the trees were knocked down and burnt. We had totally forgot about that while the battle. I apologised to them and Zephyr and I went back to fix the trees. I thought using healing magic on them would probably work. I tried that and it actually worked but it was slow. Healing all the trees took around 30 minutes. Zephyr who was watching was surprised.

Then we went back to the village. The villagers were surprised too. Then they said that they would do their traditional dance tonight as well for good luck. It was again a fun night and after the ceremony, the village elder that he needed to discuss something so we had a meeting. He said “first of all I’d like to thank you for your help and training Zephyr, but as you know we are very conscious people and you are first outsider to ever step into our village since the foundation or the tribe 400 years ago.” I said “so you’re afraid that I might leak information about your village to others?” the elder replied “yes, we would want to make sure you wouldn’t tell others about us.” “I see so what would you like me to do?” I asked.

“We are still discussing about that so we will let you know when we make the decision” he said. I replied “ok then I understand.” “we really appreciate that, thank you. But there’s something else that I wish to tell you as well, another tribe of the jungle has gone against our village, like you saw they tried to block our water source, me and some others went to the village to see why they would do that but before even reaching they threw rocks at us, all the tribe in our village were living peacefully but something has happened so they are hostile to us now” he said.

“I see it probably has something to do with the mysterious person who challenged Zephyr then” I said. He replied “yes that’s what I think too, so if he wins the battle tomorrow then our village is doomed” I replied “why would they destroy only your village?” his expression got a bit tensed and he said “The truth is that there is an extremely rare ore that can be found beneath this village, noone except the village chief is told about it but I haven’t told Zephyr yet. It is so rare that even a single gram of it would be worth hundreds of times its weight in gold. He probably also turned the other tribes against us by tempting them with greed and manipulating them with brainwashing. It also has to be refined through a special process that has been passed down through generations written on a scroll that is kept by the village chief. Currently that scroll is with me but once Zephyr matures he will be given the scroll, the name of the material is Quadrite.”


“Wait, did you say Quadrite?! The material used to make the weapons comparable to gods during the Great War? I thought that was just a myth” I replied surprised. “oh so you knew about it? Our tribe has stayed here and not allowed anyone to know about the Quadrite. So that’s the reason they want our village, if they win they will destroy it and turn it into a mine and probably enslave us” he said. “But why are you keeping it hidden?” I asked and he replied “it’s because during the Great War it was misused to wreak havoc. Its believed that it was originally brought to the planet by an asteroids millions of years ago.. At the time of war all of the other deposits of Quadrite were used up and only this one remains because noone knew about it because noone came here due to the dangerous beasts and dense trees. 400 years ago our tribe was formed when the quadrite was discovered and the gods instructed the founders of our tribe to keep it hidden.”

“how did that mysterious guy even find out about it? It seems the village can only be saved if Zephyr defeats him. But I think the he might not give up even if he loses and might attack again. If that happens I’ll have to stay here to fight, that should also prove that I wouldn’t do you harm” I said. The elder replied “I see, thank you so much for that, it seems it has gotten late. You should get going now” I agreed and headed outside. Outside Zephyr was waiting for me, I saw him and said “hey what are you doing here, you need to rest for the fight tomorrow” he said “oh sorry let’s go to sleep then” then we both went to our rooms. Early in the morning while the sun hadn’t even rose I heard a noise and woke up. I walked outside to see what was happening. I was half asleep and said “can you be a bit quieter! People are asleep!” the person said “Oh sorry I was practicing for today.” I opened my eyes and said “Zephyr is that you? What are you doing so early? Go to sleep or you will be exhausted before the fight”

“Oh sorry I was nervous so I couldn’t fall asleep.” He said. I told him “it’s fine believe in yourself, you have improved so much that its shocking, have confidence in your ability but don’t be overconfident.” Hearing that Zephyr felt a bit relieved and said “you’re right I’ll go get some rest then” and we both went back to bed. I fell asleep quickly but Zephyr was still awake in his room. He was remembering about his childhood in the village and all the good memories, he was worried about what the consequences would be if he were to lose, but he remembered his intense dedication to training and felt a bit easier soon he also fell asleep. Soon after I went to wake him up in the morning. He got up full of energy and he said “good morning, I have a good feeling today, I’m going to go warmup for a bit. We did basic warmups and training for the fight.


Soon after the mysterious man appeared in a carriage and with him were the chiefs of the other villages and a few guards. They stepped out of the carriages and gathered near the fighting ground. The mysterious man approached Zephyr and said “So are you ready to lose again!” while laughing. Zephyr said “Lose? To the likes of you? Don’t joke, this time I’m going to beat the crap out of you as redemption” while he also laughed. The mysterious man replied “Oh, so you’re that confident, let’s see how much you’ve improved then. Also it seems I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Kyser, but I know your name Zephyr. Let’s see you make a fool out of yourself again”

With all the preparations done both of them headed towards the combat ground. Before the fight started I told zephyr “don’t let your anger blind you but use it to fuel your attacks!” Just after that the fight began . Zephyr went fort first and attacked Kyser but he dodged it, he attacked him continuously but Kyser blocked, Kyser then kicked him and he was flung back a bit. Kyser said “seems you haven’t improved a lot” and ran towards Zephyr and lunched and kicked him and Zephyr took some damage and fell down. Kyser said “Is that all you got! I thought you’d put up a fight” the tribesmen looked worried and prayed for Zephyr’s victory, Kyser and the other village chiefs were smiling.

I was watching was from the audience I shouted. “Get up Zephyr use your magic!” Kyser looked at me, he had a strange feeling and thought I was dangerous. So he took a knife out of his pocket he had kept just in case and threw it at me but I caught it mid air. He was shocked how I caught it. I was thinking to throw it back to him but I said I wouldn’t interfere so I didn’t. Zephyr then got up very quickly and said “don’t get cocky yet!” and breathed in slowly. Then flames started emerging from his body and they started burning hotter and hotter. Then he ran swiftly towards Kyser. He attacked him so fast Kyser couldn’t even see it. The attack made a large wound on Kyser and he was pushed quite far backwards. Zephyr rushed towards him again. He grabbed him and smashed him on the ground so hard the floor cracked. He hit him continuously and Kyser couldn’t do anything. Zephyr picked him up and threw him upwards and bashed him back onto the arena. Kyser was heavily wounded and Zephyr was consumed by rage. Everyone looking was trembling in fear. The chiefs of the other villages were in despair. I put a barrier around the arena so the audience wouldn’t get hurt. Zephyr was still hitting Kyser when suddenly Kyser kicked him in his gut.

Zephyr was pushed back but he ran towards him again. Kyser also started to use his own flame magic. They both started to clash and everyone was uncertain who would win. The flames tent made got more and more immense. They started throwing high speed attacks at each other and the shockwaves and heat shattered the barrier. The audience backed away due to the heat. And the impact caused the animals around to panic. Suddenly the sounds of the attacks stopped. It was the decisive moment to see who was still standing. The dust started to settle and to everyone’s joy Zephyr was standing and Kyser was on the floor. All the tribesman cheered with joy, but the other chiefs wouldn’t accept this. So they ordered the guards to capture all the people.

They ran towards the village but I defeated them. I then went towards the other chiefs and they were terrified. “who the hell are you?! What do you want?!” one said. I replied “I don’t want anything other than you shutting up and staying quiet” the chiefs complied and stayed where they were. I headed to Zephyr to congratulate him. “You did a great job, keep this up” I said to him. “Thank you! It’s all because of your training!” he said. “No, it’s also because you worked so hard that you won.” Then a person from the tribe came running and hugged him. Then kissed him on the cheek. When I saw that I was surprised and say “Woah! Why is a boy kissing you?!” the person said “what do you mean, I’m a girl.” I got even more confused and said “Wait what?” then Zephyr said “Yeah... Despite how she looks she’s a girl” I again said confused “how did I not know she was a girl this whole time?”

While we were talking Kyser finally woke up and said “so, I lost.. I guess I can’t win against the son of the great warrior” Zephyr then said “Wait what? What do you mean?!” then Kyser lost consciousness again. So we took him away and tied him up. The brainwashing magic used on the chiefs also deactivated and they apologised to everyone for causing trouble. Kyser didn’t wake up for the rest of the day and that night when everyone was asleep the guard kept to watch Kyser heard a noise and when he peeked in the hut he was tied in he saw two people emerge from a pitch black cloud seeming like a portal and they kidnapped Kyser. The guard was shocked and ran to call me and Zephyr. We woke up hastily but when we went to check noone was there anymore and Kaiser was gone.

When Kyser finally regained consciousness he looked around and found himself in a dark and huge room that looked to be inside a castle. He saw a vague figure in the dark and said “Who are you? Where am I? Where is this place? The person said “Rejoice lowly creature! For you’re in the presence of the great Demon Lord.

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