《A Dryflame Child's Life (Rewriting)》Invasion!-4


''Are you sure about this,Arihan?''Said a buzzed voice.''He has to grow faster,even if it means we can ruin his life.Or else,he will start several steps behind the other two.''Arihan said,determined.He also knew what would happen in worst case but they had to take risks.If they didn't then there wouldn't be any meaning.


''Only 3 minutes!City is in our sight.''Said Demi,then opened her eyes wide in shock.Not only her,even the people at her back looked shocked,their hearts filled with dread and fear.City was not looking same.To be true,it was not even a city anymore.It looked like a ancient ruin,one that couldn't survive the passing of time.As they were still shaken,another wave of shock hit their hearts.

A huge face appeared on the city,looking like a ghost.It had vicious fangs with a twisted expression.It's face was blood red while it's eyes was like an bottomless abyss,capable of sucking souls of the others.As it's mouth moved,rumblings reached even their place,while sound pierced their hearts.

''Well done my child.Well done.I shall take your offerings then.''Huge face said and made a terrifying laugh,making everyone freeze on their stop.They couldn't even twitch,let alone breathe.Everyone's faces were red,because of the deep fear.It was such a entity that it's voice alone was enough to completely freeze one of the strongest people on the continent,A black dragon.

Fear was so strong that they even forgot who they were,or where they are.All that was left is a inner instinct.A instinct that screamed at top of it's lungs that if he moved,he wouldn't be able to reborn,let alone seeing what would happen if he twitched a little.It was so strong that they were sure,just a little trembling and they wouldn't even see past a 100th of a second.

'It's a God!'Thought Demi,only person being able to think,but still freezing in place.She was a mighty Black Dragon,From a strong bloodline near to extinct and a 3rd rank expert.Even so,she couldn't make anything in front of this presence.'But how does he dare to send a consicousness?Don't tell me-'Before she could complete her train of thought,huge face looked at her.It was a gaze that could pierce everything in it's way.She felt that this gaze could see anything and everything about her,and she couldn't do anything about it.

''Half-God?It's that sick fucker Morty again HAHAHHAHAHAH.I can't believe he left a seed in this world!''Face laughed once more,then retracted it's gaze.''I'm interested in your destiny,Dryflame kid.Don't disappoint me''It said and disappeared with another laugh.Even after face disappeared,no one made a move.Time passed like that,no sound,no move,no trembling.It seemed like time stopped,or to be more accurate,everything was dead.With a thud sound,someone fell from her back,then it continued.With every thud,she started to awaken more and more until only 20 people were left.All of them 5th or 4th rank


7 minutes ago.

''RETREAT!GET BACK ANY CIVILIAN AND EVACUATE THE CITY!''Luke shouted at top of his lungs to the soldiers who were charging towards the tomb.This was only a single group,while the other 3 were still trying to supress undead army.This particular group was fast,because they had a particularly strong leader.A 6 headed hydra and at it's back stood 2 youngster,one man one woman.


They were Madam Grim and Ginnie.Even though Madam depleted her mana from fight,she could still supress every undead at there with her body and rank alone so their work was particularly easy.There were many casualties but with after Madam came situation stabilised.They left 60 people behind to treat the injured ones while the other 180 came with them.They also saw shockwaves so directly came here to see the situation but Luke's shout shook them.

They lifted their head up and saw a bolt of lightning coming towards them.In his hands he carried Brian,with one leg and blood dripping wounds.Madam directly shook and transformed to her human self,directly rushing towards him.She took him from Luke's hands but before she got a chance to cry Luke Shouted once more.

''IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE THEN GO!''He said.His shout shook all guards and advenutrers souls,leaving them shocked.But they quickly recovered and retreated.In a crisis there were no place to make jokes,nor hesitating.Madam took Brian and transformed once more,carrying him at his back while Ginnie and Grim climbed back.

Ginnie was not as strong as her mother when it came to mentality.She directly cried when she saw her father's state and leaned towards him.She used some low-Restoration she knew but that didn't help much other than healing his wounds a little.Even so,she continued without stopping.At least trying to gain time for going to a real priest.

It was at that moment a black shadow rose from tomb,directly shooting the skies.It pierced the clouds and sent them away,cleaning the sky.Whole sky was now filled with bright stars and moonlight,but it was not beatiful.Because at the moon's center stood a man,a 'thing'.

It's body was pitch black,hands with long nails.It had a long tail and 2 great wings behind him.His eyes were completely red,showing no sign of rationality.It started to laugh,a laugh which made them terrified.His laughter echoed in the whole city,giving everyone creeps and an intense fear,shaking them.Some people pissed their pants wihle some started to cry.It was so intense that weak willed people directly lost consciousness,while very few of them passed away from a heart attack.

After laughing,it made a smile then it's body started to change.Long spikes sproute from it's back while a 2 sharp horn got out of it's head.It's wings grew bigger and it's eyes glowed more brightly.It's nails got smaller and turned into claws,looking like they can tear the skies apart and sunder the earth.Grim was lost in the sight of this silhouette,his heart beating faster and faster.Suddenly,an word appeared on his mind:''Fallen Ancient.''

He was in a trance like state,while outside Ginnie looked at him strangely.He was not aware of it but his blue eyes started to glow,then dimmed like it was a star at the end of it's life.Suddenly,he collapsed and directly lay on Madam's body.Ginnie rushed at him,checking what was wrong.When she saw there was nothing,she breathed a sigh of relief,but still worried.


It was like a cage.Yeah,a cage.A cage made from Chrono,just like what i saw on the books at home.I was standing in front of it,looking at the person.Cage was as big as a mountain but the person inside was only 2 meters long.I don't know but when i tried to understand,a sentence appeared on my mind.''Respect the man who carried the heavens for people.''


I don't know what it was about,nor i knew what was heaven or the man,but i slightly bowed.I don't know why,it felt like i knew him.It was like he was always there for me,watching me,protecting me.I don't know but i felt it.This feeling was just like-

''Your mother''Said man,and stood up.I looked at him,and he looked back.Calling him a man would be not accurate.To be honest,he was not even human.His skin was pure white,with golden marks around him.At his chest was a golden sun symbol,looking like it was coming from the birth.2 lines was going upwards from the sun,getting past his shoulders then to his arms.Lines flowed in his arm,turning into 2 circle.From each circle 5 lines got out,going to his fingers.This symbol was too familiar.

''I think it is not the time now,you have to go.Next time you want to talk,just give me blood.''He said.I was very anxious.It felt like i was forced to serperate from a person i known for a long time.It pained my heart but i couldn't do anything.I didn't have any desire to go against him,i could only say two thing.



Grim slowly opened his eyes,his head muddy.Slowly,his eyes regained the light they had and he started to remember everything.He wondered what was all that about then gazed at his left hand.There stood the glove he got from the dungeon,it had the same design 'Emperor's' hands had.5 lines going and merging,turning into a circle.He wanted to test it out,but this was not the time nor place.

It had been only a minute and the sight he saw made him feel disturbed.Madam was rushing at high speed,so high he felty dizzy again.He saw Ginnie,who was trying to heal Brian and got a hold of herself to not fall at the same time.Brian still looked same,pale face one leg and wounds.It was not appearent but he was losing the flames of life he had slowly,like a candle at it's end.Struggling to survive.

He looked back and saw tens of bodies with all kinds of shapes.Crushed,smashed,bitten,teared apart,slashed,parted and many more.They were killed in such ways he didn't even know how to respond,he only felt bad and disturbed.With a boom,whole area shook and Madam increased her speed again,making everything more chaotic.

He saw a lightning striking down from the sky,hitting a shadow near the tomb.They got away very fast so it was already very far,he couldn't make out the face of the person but from the darkness and terror aura he felt he knew it was Fallen Ancient.He didn't know why he called him like that,he was supposed to be a Devil,but he was clearly different.From aura to looks.

Shadow striked and a huge scythe appeared at it's hand,which he slashed towards the lightning.Lightning was destroyed like it was nothing and scythe cut through everything.Then it stopped.There were no more lightning nor attack.It was clear that the man who tried to stall it has been killed,and very easily at that.He knew there were no chance they would survive,and wanted to contact Arihan but stopped himself.

It was really strange.A week before,Arihan told him a thing which made him quite puzzled.''If you are in danger,don't call me.If you are going to lose,don't call me.Even if you are going to Die,don't call me.I won't help you at hard times,that times are when you have to show off your capabilities.''

He feeled very weird,He clearly didn't even stand a chance against that thing,not even the man with thunders.He was sure that the lightning man could destroy him with a wave of hand,which made Fallen Ancient's powers quite apparent.Devil once more laughed shrilly,sending shivers down from his back.He averted his gaze and turned back to look at the front.

They have neared to gates of graveyard,ready to go out.He clenched his fists,feeling dejected.He could only wish good luck to others inside.This time,he had to escape.But one day for sure,he would be able to face head on to things like it.As he was feeling conflicted and sad,his heart skipped a beat.

''Ho,Ho,Ho.Where are you going now little DRYFLAME!?''Sound grew more and more powerful and at the last word,it turned into a shout.''I'm not done yet,not done.Yes,yes not done.No! come here,don't escape.''Fallen Ancient,or simply Devil,always made one face another while talking in different tones.One of them was especially stronger but still,it was supressed by other voices.Suddenly,all of them stopped talking and a vicious gleam appeared at Devil's eyes.

''Just stay more with me.I won't harm you.Just maybe,very very little bit blood from you can make me pleased.Why don't you agree?It sounds fair right?Just give me some blood.Maybe some organs would do or your heart?Yes,Yes!Your heart.Give me that!GIVE!''With a strange tone,Devil started to speak towards him.With each word of it,his body became more and more stiff,his mind spun and subconsciously he lost his control over his body,starting to walk towards Devil.

Suddenly,a soft hand pulled him back and he heard a shout.''GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!''His eyes once more became clear and he looked at the devil,horrified.Ginnie,who was also pulling Grim back was deeply afraid,trembling non-stop.She was also 7th rank like Grim,so it was evident both of them could go mad if devil wanted.

Madam suddenly jerked and came to a stop,then turned all of it's head it roared.Devil looked at the 6 head then smirked''What a unobedient dog,just shut up.''It said and with a 'pat'he smashed whole body of Madam,turning it into a meat soup.Ginnie started to shake crazily,tears flowing like waterfalls from her eyes.''MOTHER!''

She couldn't take these anymore.She didn't know world would be this cruel.Why did people hurt his family?What have they done to get a calamity upon themselves.She wept,cried,screamed but couldn't get off the feeling at her chest.She couldn't stop herself nor the tears coming down from her eyes.Her heart was like a tiny,weak iron.Weak iron was being smashed over and over again with a hammer,being torn and destroyed.

Grim was pale,his whole body trembling,he couldn't even move.Because,Devil's face was right in front of him,his deep red eyes looking deeply at his soul,trying to figure out something.''Yo-You!You are not Dryflame?You lied to me?YOU LIED TO ME!?''Devil started to scream,than smashed it's head to a building nearby,which was destroyed by the power of smashing.But Devil's head was not even scratched,let alone a light wound.It continued to smash it's head to ground,shaking and parting it.Dusts rose and earth quaked,buildings nearby were destroyed while Grim was trying to protect Ginnie from getting hurt,who was also holding her father's hand,weeping.

Even so,rubbles were so strong that even he couldn't escape unscathed.They were flying at incredible speeds,piercing through boulders and irons like they were butter and cracking the ground.He created a 5 meter dome,to protect Ginnie and wounded Brian.Then he created tens of swords,each of them flying around,destroying the rubbles flying towards the Dome.

It have been 3 minutes since long passed Luke warned them,and Grim was very tired.Devil finally stopped smashing it's head and looked upwards,like waiting something.Suddenly,a light of inspiration appeared on it's eyes,which got Grim's attention.He started to shiver,without knowing the reason,only knowing that source was Devil.Devil slowly stood up and started to laugh but it was like the roaring of a dragon,which shook the whole city.

''I KNOW,I KNOW AHAHWAHAWHAWHAHAHA.I JUST HAVE TO USE QUANITY OVER QUALITY.YES!YESSSS!''Looking at the maddened look in Demon's eye,Grim became more and more pale.He was now shaking so hard he even felt like vomiting.''I'll keep you for last.You are not pure Dryflame,but your blood is still more precious.''It said quietly then flapped it's two wings,flying into the sky.


'I can't think straight.I can't supress them,but it's also true for reverse.I have to find a way to get rid of them.I paid a huge price for this power.Even though i ate that pearl,all of that souls are also inside me.They are always screaming,pleading,crying.They make me irritated,also unable to focus.I have much more power,i'm clearly more stronger than my past self but if i can't focus,i won't be a match to anyone in 3rd rank.'

He knew a way,a way to save himself from this situation.He had to sacrifice some blood.But it was not simple.His god was not a generous one,it was Cannibal,Ancient God Of Blood.He had to give huge amounts or a very pure blood line,but there was none in this place.Even that boy was impure,it had 2 bloodline,each of them very strong.But he had another thing.A huge city right under him.

He could take blood of everyone in here,and use them to get rid of these remnants,protecting the power he got.With this thought,he stopped high in sky,when one looked down,city was not looking that big,but it's shape was still clear.With another flap of his wing,Devil rose a little more then stopped again,adjusting 2-3 times more the place,he stood and placed his palms together,like doing a praying.

Soon,his hands were covered in blood red lights,when a sphere appeared in front of him.This sphere was dark,as big as his head.He took it and a ancient voice rumbled in his head.''Deliver it immediatly,or face the consequences.''Devil's face twisted and distorted,but once more stabilised.It used it's mana to create a thin line,wrapping it around sphere and making it float near him.

Then he lifted his right index finger and pierced his left chest,just an inch away from the heart.He used his dark mana and with a thought,a red mist slowly got out of his heart,swirling around his finger then going towards his arm.It continued to turn around his arm and got more and more thick.After 30 seconds,it turned into a bandage.A blood red bandage which covered his whole arm and a mark on it.Mark was looking like a deep red arm,veins and bones were visible inside it.

It was mark of Ancient Blood God Cannibal.After ensuring everything was done,Devil took his finger out of his chest,which recovered rapidly.With a shake of his hand,bandage turned into thousands of tentacles,longest one 90 meters while shortest one was 50 meters long.feeling satisifed,he directly dived down and picked up speed.With a boom,he increased his speed once again and directly smashed himself to the center of the city.

With a deafening boom,whole city shook and central district was directly destroyed.Winds screamed and whirlwinds were created from the shockwaves,sending everything flying.Devil shook his hand,sending countless tentacles around and piercing the corpses,draining all of their blood.He started to fly at ground level and passed through city's districts,using tentacles to piece people and suck their blood.Everytime a tentacle pierced a person,they would wither and lose their lives in seconds.Even strong fighters or mages couldn't resist it and would fall into despair,dying regretfully afterwards.

It had been 5 minutes since he got out of dimension and he have already sweeped all people's blood in the city,destroying the whole walls and buildings in the city as a progress.City was looking like a ruin,a ruin which couldn't stand the passing of time.Devil turned it's gaze towards a place,where Grim was and licked it's lips.It's face changed hundreds of times again,speaking in hundreds of tones and different voice.Then with a flap,he directly flew towards Grim's place,wanting to finish his mission.

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