《A Dryflame Child's Life (Rewriting)》Invasion!-5


With a boom,Devil appeared next to Grim,who was left there all alone.There were no sign of Ginnie or Brian,only some bloody trails going towards the city's gate.Grim was shaking from the fear,on his body stood light but bleeding wounds.Even after Devil was gone,he didn't dare to go anywhere.An instinct inside him said that even if he were to go to the end of the world,this Devil would find him.

Ginnie,with great difficulty,took Brian and got out of the city already.He was happy that they acted fast and didn't get caught in the massacre.Even from his place the long bloody tentacles were visible,destroying the city and stealing lifes.Screams and anguished howls were still in his mind,increasing his despair.No matter what,he knew he wouldn't survive.

Devil stopped,then looked at Grim's face.His eyes were flashing blue,getting Devil's attention.They stood like that,it felt like an eternal torment to Grim but only 5 second passed in real world.Devil's smile suddenly opened,his mouth's edges going all the way to the ears,it's sharp fangs visible.It made a shrill laugh and directly leaped on terrified Grim,opening it's claws.

Gathering all the power he had,grim took out a small crystal,his last hope.But suddenly,he couldn't feel his arm.His eyes were blank,a bit widened.He wanted to look down but even before it inched a little,his body fell,like a potato sack.His eyes brightened for a moment and with a push,he forced his head to move.But then completely lost all brightness.They were competely gray,no sign of life.Last memory deeply etched at his soul.

His both legs were smashed,right arm in Devil's mouth while left arm hanging on it's hand.Blood was flowing crazily to the ground,painting the whole floor with red flowers,like an blossoming lotus.Some of the blood were slowly going towards the glove at his left hand,but it's amount was so little Devil didn't figure it out.Suddenly,lines on the glove's finger brightened and the circle was like it got back to life.

Even though changes in glove was spectacular,Devil was not aware of it even a bit.It was like a invisible hand covered it's eyes,not letting him understand or see the changes.With the shrill laughter of Devil,tentacles sucked all the blood from Grim's body,leaving behind a withered,stick like body.



In the mountain sized cage,Emperor slowly opened his eyes.He looked towards the sky,where lay hundreds of palace and castle in clouds.Grim was not aware of it when he came but from each castle,thick-long chains were connected to cage.Even though chains were huge in size,2 of them were especially bigger than the others,nearing the size of mountains.

Suddenly,a chain fairly bigger than the others started to glow golden,then got bigger and bigger.After what felt like an eternity,chain was as big as a small mountain,surpassing the other 2. ''He improved?''Emperor frowned,then sent a piercing gaze,shuddering the whole chains.Whole cage trembled and everything above the clouds shook.Suddenly,hundreds of eyes opened in the skies,most filled with fear and awe,only 3 pair of eyes showing respect.''Sol,what is the meaning of this?''Said one of the 3,also the biggest.

It's pupils were golden stars,floating around them 2 moons.It was like an beatiful art piece,flawless.Emperor gazed deeply at the eye,which made the pair quite unstable.But before it could collapse,all chains glowed and created a multi colored barrier,protecting the eye.Emperor's frown got more deeper,his gaze more fierce.

''You do not have the right to play with his fate.''Said Emperor.His voice carried a strange power,feeling like it came from very,very long time ago.All eyes were slightly shaken but still there was a strange gleam on them,like they have already resolved themselves.''You also don't have any way to stop us.''Said the smallest of 3 eyes,still bigger than the others.

''Cannibal,Shut your mouth.This is not a talk for childs like you.''Emperor slightly increased his voice.Suddenly,whole sky teared apart,thousands of meters whirlwinds rose and all eyes became blood red,screaming voices could be heard from the owners.Whole chains brightened again,this time many folds more.A pressure descended from heavens,directly forcing Emperor to kneel under huge force.

''These are all temporary,you all know it.But let me warn you,so called 'Gods'.There won't be any place when time comes,and you will regret it.''Emperor said,his voice calm and filled with determination.Blood red eye,Cannibal,snorted.After feeling safe with the protection of seal he didn't give him any heed and disappeared,returning to his palace.But before he disappeared,everyone could see signs of fear deep inside his eyes.


Slowly other eyes also dispersed,returning their respective castle and palaces.Only the golden eyes and Emperor was left behind.''Sol,don't you regret it?''Said a voice,coming from eyes.''No,i don't regret,nor will i.Even if i were to go back,still knowing the outcome for my people,i would do the same thing.This world is not only for my people,it was once yours too.''Emperor said,sighing deeply.

Eye trembled a little,but didn't say anything.It only stared Emperor for a while,then disappeared,leaving some words.Emperors face sunk very little,but turned back to the calm face in no time.He felt some fluctations,like someone was entering to this world.He sat croslegged,then looked in front of him.Staring to the boy.

''I am a idiot,Right?''Said long haired,blue eyed boy who appeared outside the cage.Emperor,for the 4th time in his life,smiled and responded''A very big idiot.''


Devil opened it's eyes.His mind was a bit dizzy,but he directly remembered what happened.When he checked it,he couldn't find any trace of another soul in his body,which made him super happy.He laughed like roaring,shaking everything around him.He got rid of the souls finally.Now he had to rest for a month then his powers would be stabilized.Not only God took all the offerings,he also took the souls and gave him a new power.He was feeling very happy right now.The very little dot of white was already gone,replaced by a dark light.

As he was celebrating,a huge claw suddenly appeared beside him,coming towards his chest.His eyes widened,feeling deep shock,he directly put both of his arms in front of his chest,trying to block the claw.With a sonic boom,he was sent flying through the city.He pierced the ruined buildings and stalls,cracked every wall he touched and destroyed their remnants.After going for 300 meters,he collided with a partly durable city wall,breaking it completely.

He slowly got out of the hole in the ground,shaking his body to get rid of the dust.His body had no wound,other than the claw marks at his arms.They were not deep,but also not light.That didn't mattered though,as his wounds closed at a visible speed,completely regenerating in seconds.Then he gazed towards the place he was standing,his eyes a bit widened in shock.

At his place stood a creature.It had a body full of black scales with 4 strong legs.It had a very long tail and a 2 horned head with purple eyes.It's claws were looking like they carried endless power,capable of destroying all life.It's purple eyes gave people fear,able to extinguish a soul.It was a Black Dragon.There were only 3 Black Dragons left in the continent,all women so there was no hope to reproduce,leaving them unable to pass their legacy.Each of them were at unimaginable levels,standing at the top of the food chain.

He slowly gazed at the dragon,trying to figure out his chances of winning.If he could drink the blood of that dragon,he could stabilize his powers more quickly,another possibility,increase them more.Best situation,he could get it's soul to himself but even he was not that crazy.He wouldn't be able to force her soul to stay,let alone devour it.

As he was thinking,Black dragon made a sorry voice and a small mark shot out of it's mouth,directly going towards a corpse.When he saw what was happening,his eyes nearly bulged out of their place while he was deeply shocked.He knew Black Dragons were even more ruthless than other dragons,but not to this extent.It used it's one and only Undying Mark,destroying it's own chance at getting to top.

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