《A Dryflame Child's Life (Rewriting)》Invasion!-3


At the center of city's graveyard was a big tomb,it's gate was 10 meter long with a width of 6 meters.It was looking like a Dome,covering the sky.In front of the big tomb's gate stood 4 people.3 man 1 woman.One of them was a long bearded old man.He had a thin sword covered with yellow light,indicating that it was enchanted.His eyes were stern while his heart was calm.

At his left stood a middle aged man.He had brown hair with a long mustache and a bit thick beard.His upper body was naked,where lay tons of wounds.He looked like an expert with his strong stance and keen look.He didn't carry any weapon,nor he wore any magical item.The thing that got others attention was his hands,slightly brown like earth,looking very sturdy.

The other person was a beautiful woman.She had short pink hair with slightly big eyes.Her body looked very thin and slender but the greatsword she held didn't support it.She looked a bit excited,also worried.She had no armor,only a short skirt coming to her knees and a fur coat over a normal shirt.Even though it was nearing to mid autumn,it was still hot so she looked a bit weird with them.

Last one was a man looking like 24-25 years old.He was looking very ordinary,just black hair and brown eyes and simple clothes.But he looked very serious,while small arcs of lightning crackled around him.His eyes radiated fighting spirit while his both hands were covered by blue metallic gloves.They looked like a 3rd rank gear,nearing 2nd rank.

''What do we do?''Said Serious man,looking at the other 3.Brian calmly stood while pink haired girl was in thoughts.Old man spoke''We shouldn't act rashly but each wave he sends makes the undeads more powerful.Also devils are generally known by their underhanded methods of killing so it's very risky.''

Serious man looked at him,saying''Then what do you think we should do?''Old man didn't look at him,turning his gaze to the big door.''We are tight on time,even if reinforcments come back,by the time they come undeads are going to be unstoppable.We can only try to stop it or stall him for some time.''As he finished another gray shock wave spread from the tomb,increasing the negative energy of the graveyard.

''Then let's go,it's useless to wait here''Said pink haired girl and stepped in front of them,leading the way towards the door.Others followed her from back,readying themselves.Girl stood in front of the door and with a kick,directly smashed it,sending it flying inside.But there was no noise or sound of crashing.

They looked inside and saw a multi-colored gate in the center of the tomb.It was made from some sturdy metal,shaped like a circle.Gate was quarter size of tomb,nearly filling the insides of it.''Another dimension?''Serious man muttered.''We have lost all advantage we have''Said Brian,while sighing.Not only enemy supressed them with huge numbers and boosts,Now he also had terrain advantage.

''No choice,let's go.''Said Old man and turned into a bright beam of light,darting towards the gate and disappearing inside it.Pink haired girl ran to the gate and jumped,who also disappeared like Old man.Brian looked at the last person,serious man,who also got inside the gate.He just sighed and looked back,gazing towards the northern gate.Then turned back and entered the gate.



''We have 15 minutes left.''Said Demi,who was flying at an horrifying speed.''Can't you be more fast?''Asked Ales,Which made Demi angry.''I'm trying my best already!''Both of them were frantic,but there was nothing they could do.They already used light and wind magic to increase her speed but it was still gonna take a bit more time.


Inside the altar,where lay hundreds of corpse from town,Black Tarraon,or simply devil,opened his eyes.He directly gazed upwards,where gate to this dimension was placed.He laughed,then directly disappeared from his place,making no sound in the process.


''This is quite a terrible place to live.''Said Pink haired girl,looking around.It was a world filled with dried trees and sunken mountains.Ground was grey,looking like it was robbed from all life it had while sun in the sky was half black half white,making the place more creepy.Hill they were standing was the only place a bit of life stayed,but even so it was dyed with red.It was blood of the people that have been slaughtered.

''Tell me your names.''Said Old man.Everyone turned towards him.''Tell your name first,i'll tell mine too.''Said pink haired girl.Old man looked at her deeply then just said''Mourn.''Everyone looked at him strangely,but no one refuted or made any marks.

''Brian''Said Brown haired Brian.

''Luke''Said serious man,electiric around him going a little bit wild.

''Rin.''Said pink haired girl,lifting the greatsword to the air like a toy.

After everyone told their name,they turned around and looked at a distant shadow.It was slowly coming towards them,looking very desolate but also creepy.Suddenly,shadow disappeared,getting out of their sights.They put their guards up,preparing themselves.

Mourn created a ball of light,which he slammed to his chest.He started to glow a bit,like a small star.Minor enchantment:Holy armor.

Rin shouted and slammed her greatsword to the ground,covering it with a red aura.Minor enchantment:Battle spirit.

Brian clenched his both hands to fists,which he slammed towards the each other.Brown textures appeared around his hand then arm,in a instant his whole body turned brown.Major enchantment:Toughness.

Luke's body slowly changed,turning into an bolt of lightning which shot towards the heavens,piercing the clouds above the dead sky.Major shapeshifting:Thunder body.

''I suppose you are done.I'll start then.''Said a quiet but creepy voice.Mourn steeled his gaze and shouted''Coming!''The moment words got out of his mouth a explosion shaked the whole world,destroying the mountains and clearing all things in the dimension.

Suprising thing was none of them got any injury or whatsoever.It looked like that wave only destroyed 'Dead' things.Luke looked down from high skies,trying to find the devil.Suddenly,he got a shiver and punched while turning back,sending bolts of lightning flying in the clouds.But another fist stopped his attack,making him take 2 step back.''He is strong!''He thought then dived towards the 3 other.He knew he wouldn't be able to make any sneak attack from above,becasue of the 2 wings sprouting from devil's back.

Mourn and the others saw everything from the gorund,which made them frown.Rin shouted,the bright red aura slowly increased in volume,covering her whole body.''Let me test waters''She said and stomped hard,sending herself towards the diving two.Luke increased his speed,diving more furiously while arcs of lightning flowed from his body,striking towards the devil at his back.


In no time he got past Rin but the same moment turned back sent a spear of lightning towards devil.At the same time Rin,who was now nearing devil,Slashed with all her force to Devil,intending to test him.Devil smirked and sent a palm,covered by a dark mass of matter,increasing the deepnes of dark color of his skin.As two attack met,Huge shockwaves spread and dispersed the clouds near them.Rin couldn't match the boundless force coming from the palm of Devil,so she was sent back flying.

But palm continued it's way and slammed towards the incoming lightning spear,dispersing it's force but also stopping.Demon looked a bit dissatisfied at the outcome while Luke held Rin and landed near the Brian and Mourn.Brian looked serious,Rin a bit worried.Luke knew the power of his spear,so he was the most suprised one.For a moment,both sides stared to each other.After a long time seeming like eternity,Mourn disappeared.Devil directly increased his guard,gazing around.He felt a great power from the body of Mourn,which made even him worried.

As Mourn disappeared Brian also moved.He slammed his fists,cracking the whole 20 meter around him and destabilising the ground.Fumes of mists started to rise from the ground,slowly swirling around Brian.He slowly lifted his hands,clenching them into fists and pointing towards the Devil.Mists covered his body then with a pop sound,disappeared.What left their place was a Brown-Yellow armor,looking like stones placed together with glue.

''Lord level enchanting?''Devil was suprised,but still didn't put him in his eyes.He was just a 5th rank,he could still deal with him easily if they were 1 vs 1.But he suddenly became shocked.Brian slammed both of his fists to his chest,which made the armor slowly more and more composed.In seconds,it looked like a full plate armor,shining under the black-white sun.

''Pseudo-Emperor!?What kind of a freak is he?''Devil felt threatened.What was an Emperor magic?It was only secondary to God level,where countless mage and fighter wanted to reach.Even though there were countless possibilities when it came to spells,they were graded by their power and use.From up to down it was going like







Most people at 5th and 4th rank used Grand magic,with very few of 4th rank being at Lord level.Even exceptional 3rd ranks could hardly reach Emperor level,While only Dragon Sovereign and Arachne Queen could use spells above God Level.Magics were generally not certain for specific ranks,one could use low level spells at higher ranks or high level spells at low ranks,but latter was way too hard.Especially at Brian's situation.

Even if it was Pseudo-Emperor,it was showing how terrifyingly genius he was at spells.'If old freaks of humanity knew it,they would have gone mad.It's a pity he is gonna die here!'Devil thought and smiled evilly.His smile gave the 3 some fear,but didn't faltered their wills.As devil was thinking,Luke created a cloak of lightning,enveloping himself.Rin also used a spell,covering her feet with the same red aura.

Both of them finished their preperations at the same time when Devil's wings disappeared while he landed to ground,his fall shaking the ground.His body was so strong it could tremble the earth he was stepping on.9 black dots appeared behind him,which grew second by second.Devil directly stepped forward,sending himself to the Luke and the other two.

Brian also took a step forward,rushing towards the Devil.Air whizzled while winds screamed because of their high speed.Every step of them shook the earth and left marks on the ground.Both of them clenched their hands to fists and looked at the opponent,Then


With a deafening explosion,10 meters around them turned into dust,their power evenly matched.Devil didn't stop,it directly spinned and slammed his tail to Brian.Brian sent a fist to the tail,stopping it wihle with his other hand getting hold of it.Devil directly stomped,cracking the ground and pinning himself.But Brian's body was suddenly filled with strenght,pulling Devil's legs out of the ground and lifting him in the air.

He gripped the tail hard and started to spin like a cyclone,sending waves and rubbles around him.''HAH!''With a shout,he threw the Devil towards a distant hill,using his whole power.Devil's body made whizzing sounds and winds parted in front of him.He flew at high speeds,which even he can't stop and directly slammed towards the hill.His hed directly pierced the hill while his body left outside like a ostrich.

''MOURN!''Brian shouted.Suddenly,a bright sun appeared,lighting the whole world and encompassing the sky.Under he birght sun stood an old man,his long beard fluttering in the chaotic winds left and right.He held the sun on his right hand while a sword as bright as the sun could be seen in his left hand.''TAKE THIS!''He shouted and sent the sun towards the hill Devil was stuck.

Devil got his head out fast,but it was too late as sun already was right in front of him.Before sun collided with him,9 dots at his back,which was growing steadily suddenly erupted with power.Each of them became as big as the half of the sun.He sent all black dots flying towards the sun,screaming at top of his lungs while fueling them with crazy amounts of dark mana.


A little spark,then a small light and a Huge Explosion.When dots and sun met,all already dead vegetation melted,hill devil was standing already gone while all clouds in the sky were parted,revealing the strange colored sky.A huge crater hundreds of meter wide appeared beneath the colliding sun,looking like a deepless abyss.Black flames surged everywhere,burning with great vigor while at the other side bright ligts flew to supress the flames.

Shockwaves even shook the hill Brian and the others were standing while black flames melted the northern side,the side facing the collision,of the hill.But no one stopped.Luke directly flew,turning into an bolt of lightning pierced the whole shockwaves and flames,directly going to the devil who was laguhing.Rin Stomped,her red covered feet suddenly made crackling sounds,and with an explosion she was sent flying towards the Devil.She held her sword in front,cutting everything on her path.

Brian placed both of his palms together,then opened them directing towards the hill.Whole hill shaked and a 30 meter thing made from earth rose from the gorund.It was a giant lizard with a fierce look.At it's shoulder stood Brian,who was coldly looking at the Devil.He pointed onwards and Earth Lizard started to rush,shaking the gorund and ignoring everything on it's path.

Mourn looked at devil,a tinge of smile at his lips.He suddenly burst out,turning into a beam of light and descending right in front of the devil.

As 4 different energy radiated,whole area shaked while Devil continued to laugh.He eyed the incoming 4,which increased his happines.Last colission made him pay quite a price,which was half of his mana.But it was worth it.He could feel that all of them were 5th ranks,only strong ones being Brian and Mourn,whom already spent huge amounts of it.

As he was reeling at the happines of gaining another 4 strong soul,he suddenly trembled and looked down.His body,which was clear of wounds were slowly turning from black to normal.It was minimal,very very small but made him pale.He directly turned and screamed at the incoming group''WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!''He directly created back his two wings,and flew towards them.

As Mourn saw Devil's frenzied situation,he couldn't help but grin.It didn't look quite like a grin because of his wrinkles and long white beard,but looked like a sly predator's smile when it got it's prey.His sword still as bright as before,he increased his speed and got near the devil.

The first opponent Devil clashed was Luke,fastest of them.He directly created hundreds of bolts of lightning,sending them towards the devil.Devil directly sweeped his hand,sending huge currents of wind using the tremendous power of his fleshly body.Half of the lightnings directly burst and destroyed,while the other half lost the power they had.Devil didn't care and took al the bolts,which didn't leave even a scratch on his body.

Luke directly shot upwards and created another spear.But it was different from the first one.This spear was violet,while tendrils of blue lightning shot out of it's tips.Luke's body was covered with countless arcs of lightning,making him look like a lightning god.His eyes turned bloodshot while his body became a bit red,then he dived down with all his power,sending booms and shokwaves because of his utmost speed.

Devil responded by opening both of his palms.In each of them stood miniature,clawed fingers.He directly flew upwards and sent them flying with an boundless force,making whizzing sounds.Winds screamed and shockwaves spread because of their speed.As fingers were going to pierce him,Luke's body turned into a lightning bolt,which enabled him to avoid the attack.He turned back to human the same moment and directly appeared in front of Devil,Stabbing his spear towards it's chest.

Devil was frantic,because the place he aimed was the miniscule skin which turned back to human.They were trying to force him out of the body,purify him.Devil screamed at top of his longs,which made Luke feel dizzy,but he directly bit his tongue,which bringed him back to reality.But that split second was enough for Devil.

It directly covered his whole fist with boundless darkness and punched Luke's spear,sending shockwaves and creating cyclones around him.Luke's spear stabbed itself to fist of Devil,and pierced it all the way to it's wrist.''HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA''Devil screamed,his face twisted and black light began to shine on his pierced arm.''GET BACK!''Shouted Brian.

Luke directly left his spear and flew back,trying to evade but Devil pursued him.''DO YOU WANT THIS ARM!?TAKE IT WITH YOU TO HELL!''Devil screamed and directly slammed his fist to Luke,which made him cough blood.Luke directly crashed to the ground,coughing 3 mouthful of blood.As Devil was closing in a kick came to it's left side,sending it flying.Pink haired Rİn didn't stop and followed the flying Devil while Mourn took Luke and cast some Restoration spell.

''DAMN YOU!DAMN TO YOU ALL!''Devil continued to shout,his heart filled with boundless rage.This was suposseped to be the day he rose.He was going to become an invincible existence among other devils.He was going to resurrect his father and take control of the whole city,creating a domain for all devils.Why did he lose?Why?WHY!?He screamed inside.

But a shout cut his thoughts.''Take this!''Rin directly slashed her greatsword,sending an red energy blast to Devil.It directly cut his chest,but only lightly.It didn't go deep but Rin's face glowed with happines.''It's possible!''She shouted once more and suddenly her speed increased tremendously.Her whole body started to glow red while her sword became an afterimage.

With a step,she directly appeared behind and slashed,cutting a light portion.Devil didn't had any chance to react because of the increase in speed.He suddenly felt a lot weaker,looking at his right hand,he saw a little blue ball residing in it,slowly burning his hand from inside.He wanted to take it out but before he could lift his left hand,another slash shook him,then another then another.All he could see was a red blur sweeping him over and over.

Rin's speed reached to it's utmost limits,to a point that her body moved before she could think.She was only acting on instinct right now,not thinking,not seeing or hearing anything.In 10 seconds,she slashed hundreds of times,leaving no chance for Devil to act.All of it's body was filled with blood,flowing from everywhere.But none of them were deep or serious,only light injuries.But with the accumulation,it would be fatal.

Devil was also aware of it.It tried to find a way to shake her off but couldn't even think straight because of sudden attacks and deep hatred he had.After a minute,Rin's speed began to slow down.She surpassed her limits,overcharging her body which left her very weak.But before she lost all her power,Brian came and slammed his lizard to Devil,sending it flying.

Rin directly lay on lizard's back,trying to catch a breath.Her whole body was looking dried while some blood was leaking from her mouth.She was way too tired to even move,so only stood like that.She couldn't help but feel proud of herself for pulling something like this,evident from her smiling face.

''Let me finish him.''Said Brian and rushed by himself while lizard carried Rin back to Mourn.But right after 10 seconds,they started to shake.


Whole dimension shook and a shadow flew towards them.Lizard showed signs of unstability and crumbled.Mourn acted fast and took Rin,then directly retreating.At the same time,shadow flew towards them,it threw another things,which directly slammed to the hill they were slamming.It was a body.

Because of the tremendous force,Brian directly broke some of his ribs,coughing blood.His left leg was missing while his whole armor was filled with cracks.''GET OUT!HURRY!''He shouted,trying to stand up,but he couldn't even stand right which caused him to fall.Luke directly took him and fled towards the gate.He understood what happened the moment his lightning ball disappeared,but everything happened in an instant.

''DON'T ESCAPE YOU LITTLE BASTARDS!''Screamed Devil,far away his body recovering at a visible speed.3 of them became shocked at his recovery,then they saw him eating a grey pearl,where sounds of countless people screaming could be heard.Among them,one was particularly got their attention.

''YOU UNILIAL SON!I SHED COUNTLESS BLOOD AND SWEAT FOR YOU,AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!''It was the screaming of a old man,filled with madnesss and hatred.But no matter what he said,Devil didn't listen only bit the pearl more and more.Then with one last action,he swallowed the remaining part.At this moment,his aura was like a bright sun while the 4 was feeling like a small ant.Not only that pearl recovered his wounds,he also increased in strength.

''WE NEED TO GO BACK!HURRY!''Mourn said,sending his sword flying towards Devil while carrying Rin towards the gate.Luke was already gone in portal,carrying Brian with him.Devil sweeped his hands,which directly dissipated the light on sword.He caught the sword in his hand then snapped it in two,completely crushing with his hands.

By the time he was done,all of them left the dimension,leaving him alone.He rushed towards the gate,when his gaze flickered.Gate started to shudder and tremble,slowly unstabilizing.''YOU CAN'T LOCK ME IN HERE YOU ANTS!''The other 4 were trying to destroy the gate,intending to seal him in the dimension.But it was futile.

After sending an volley of attack,they saw it stabilized like nothing happened.So they just fled with all power they have,increasing their distance from Devil.After 2 seconds,Devil got out of the gate and looked around.He ganshed his teeths in anger when he didn't see them.He directly stomped and destroyed the whole tomb,reducing it into nothing more then ruins and rubbles.

It flapped it's wings and rose into air.His dark silhouette under the starry dark sky,his red eyes merging with the darkness around him,the sounds of his wings' flappings and the shrill laugh he made.Every one of these things made sure that this day,everyone in here would know what fear would be.

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