《Interactive Evolution》The Right Medicine for the Job


Around you the voices sing their myriad of sorrows, joys, pain, loves, and other emotions. The Seaweed Plains voices have stopped calling, giving off an aura most related to death. The trench was sorrowful, the sad songs of the deceased that slumber there. The deep sea gives off a scent of danger, you eliminate those three choices from your mind.

You were torn between the Coral Garden, Near Surface and the Mountains behind you. Finally you follow to voices in the mountains, As you go you found a group of cells just like you, camouflaged individuals with tubes for propelling and mouths.

You gave a cry of joy for finding companions but the majority goes to shush you. You are confused. Why would they need you to be quiet?

The answer soon appears before you.

A creature the size of a fist, on four stilt-like legs that resembles that of a spider. Connected to these legs, a simple egg. The egg was oval in shape, the shell rough and grey, like the stones on the mountain. It slowly walked forward, and when it reached the area where you had shouted out, the egg opened.

Inside was a sac, and a yellowish liquid was fuming from it. At this point the others have started to run. You follow them in fear of the new creature and the creature's shell started to cut the rocks apart, taking the pebbles, stones and sand into the sac, where it dissolved quickly.

A few unlucky ones were caught in the stones and fell into the sac, their dying screams as they were dissolved alive could still be heard as you ran.

You were unlucky enough to run into some of the yellowish liquid and you felt your body being burned alive, one of your tubes split apart, releasing the water you had stored sent you flying sideways.


You succumb to the pain, as you land on the side of the mountain, you noticed a few objects laying near you, you only had enough energy to crawl to only one as you would need the rest to digest the object in question.

There were four objects near you.

One was a type of weed, it was a glimmering purple and bubbles were formed in the leaves. Next was a type of amoeba, it was a sparkling green and moving sluggishly. Another object was a corpse of one of your comrades, the acid had destroy it's body making it hopeless to save him. The last was a black stone, it was spherical and gave an odd glint.

Your conscious is slowly fading yet you had to force yourself to grab something. Who knows what each will do or if you will live long enough to see any of the others.

You look at each object before you. Which medicine is the right medicine for the job?


So you know, since you have evolved, you are now the size of a finger.

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