《Interactive Evolution》Community?


You lunged forward, opening your mouth wide and engulfing the pearl.

Once inside of you, the pearl seemed to melt, your insides and body start to feel light and full, as if bursting with energy. The sudden increase in energy short-circuit your body and you fell unconscious.

You drifted in the waters, your sight was black but you could feel yourself getting stronger, inside of your body you felt something form. In your tiny mind you understood that you had another energy source. Your mind was partially enhanced to have a better understanding of your surroundings, What you had engulfed was a mana stone.

You understood that the energy inside of you could be used for something, but you couldn't comprehend what it could do. All you know is that your body had used the energy to heal itself.

You wake up from your daze and propel yourself toward the others. They were hiding inside of a small cave with a small opening.

Everyone was frantic and running around but you noticed three interesting figures.

they all had the base build of your species but each of them were different. one was a glistening purple, the next had shiny greenish skin, and the final one had a deadly aura around her. If you had looked at yourself you would have a blackish body that shined.

You approach the four figures and wonder what they did to gain their current appearances.

"Welcome Black Pearl, I see you gained power" the Purple one spoke.

You nod your head and the purple one continues to speak

"We need to get this group together, IF we leave them be then we won't grow as a species"

The others agree to him you just nod your head.

"How should we lead the mass, any ideas?" The sparkling green one speaks.


"I say we should rule them with an iron fist, have everyone work with breaks only at night, Food will be consumed before you sleep and after you wake up, other than that, no food." the Purple one exclaimed.

"Let them do what they want, but if they harm the society in any way, shape or form, they are caste out, fated to never return. Despite letting the people do what they want, we shall do mandatory services for a few hours, this will be the minimum for providing."

"Survival of the fittests, allow the strongest to take what they please, the weak shouldn't even exist, no other thing required. " the deadly aura one speaks.

You think about all of them, but you think you have a better idea, should you give up your idea and follow one of the other three, or should you voice your opinion and hope to get the most votes?

You think about it for a bit before acting.

Hello readers, Silverhunter here, call me Silver or "Ilv" for short. Its a critical moment for your tiny little organism. Society is an important place. If you choose the fourth option, then give an example of what kind of society you think should be. If the fourth option is passed, then vote for it in the comments for best society or I can do a separate poll.

Remember- you influence the story, you evolve with our little guy


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