In Serial

Crafting the Future (Magic & Tech Crafting)

8 333 43
Author: Type:Male

He built and crafted with all his heart.

Whether totemic nature magic, mechanical and alchemical factories, nanomachines, teleporters, alchemy, enchanting, mining, and farming, there were no ends. From the lowly stone age he moved reached levels of technology thought only imaginary and magic which made worlds quake.

Things aren’t perfect though. Monsters and beasts fill the world, growing stronger by the day, a malignant force is ever present… And strange, bountiful ruins of all sorts remain scattered throughout the world, abandoned yet maintained by faithful servants.

But what mattered most to Joey was the little black cube which not only redefined his worldview, but allowed him to transform the world into something utterly marvellous.

The patreon linked to this account is not for this story.

This story heavily focuses on crafting progression of both magic and tech, where in something is crafted to unlock a new resource or way to craft something better. Heavily influenced on games with such structure.

As there is no backlog, chapter releases will be as written, which hopefully will be once a day but depends on progress made per day.

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