《Interactive Evolution》Finding a Home


You wake with a start. You feel different, Your skin seems grey, like the stone floor below you. Above you you see another giant creature slowly drifting toward you, sucking in things with it's huge hole in it's body.

You will yourself to escape, and you shoot forward at speeds you never gone before.

Amazed by this sudden phenomenon you noticed the two funnels on your body. You experiment with it, taking in water and releasing it. You find yourself going at different speeds, And you find it fun.

You propel yourself all over the place, shooting here and there. As you travel you noticed the calls of an animal, most similar to your own. You call to them yet you do not know how you did it.

You use your sense to look all over your body and you see the hole in your body that opens and closes at your command.

It opened, and closed, opened, and closed. It made noises when you willed it to, It engulfed your food, and you noticed you were getting fuller and fuller. It was like that hole in the bigger creature's body.

You see a smaller single-celled creature and you decided to eat it. It tasted like nothing but it made you more fuller than usual. The downside was your stomach was hurting from the new food source.

After making use of your new "hole" you go to find out where the sources of the noises came from.

You drift along , propelling yourself forward as you go. Your body would change colors as you traveled over different materials. A grey color over stone, more pale and cream color for sand, over open water your body would contrast each other, making you visible from the contrast.

But now you are at an intersection, the deep sea below you, a trench to the right, behind you the underwater mountains, to the left, a plain of seaweed. In front of you, A coral garden, an above you, You notice a flicker. This world was a dark place, you never saw anything so bright.


You are torn between which way to go. The call of your people come from all directions. Calls of love, calls of companionship, calls of help, all sorts of calls from all sorts of directions.

You propel yourself in circles, hiding yourself from any dangers present while you choose.

Which way do you go?

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