《Interactive Evolution》Drifting


You are a cell, drifting in the world, the beginnings of life are happening, You felt yourself going at a normal pace.

The world around you is mostly air, the seas are made of lava, the islands of earth float above the sea of lava, on the islands, large pockets of water is known to be underground. In this underground all is dark, only the lights of bio-luminosity lights the world. The clouds are dense enough to walk on and, on top of the clouds, is ice, above the ice a frozen and frigid wasteland where almost nothing survives.


[Frozen Ice layer]

[Dense Cloud Layer]

[Floating Islands of Earth]

[Lava ocean]

[Crust of the Planet]

[Underground cave network]

[Water ocean].

You drop down into the ocean, all around you are cells, your brethren, the water is cold, there is no heat around your location but you can feel it near the top of the surface.

As you are just a cell, you have no way to move except going with the flow, The time pasts by, drifting about, eating smaller cells to make yourself grow bigger. But over time you noticed a change.

A big cell? it was thousands times your size, and it seemed to be gobbling up your brethren as a food source. Your sensory organs told you that multiple cells made it up.

You didn't understand it, it big, it was made out of multiple cells, it was not your brethren so what was it?

The sense of danger awakens you from your daze and you frantically try to escape, a gaping hole from the creature came and ate some more of your brethren but you escape from death's jaws.

Slowly drifting along, you feel a change coming, You grow excited, what could possible be happening. Your conscious fades as the question pops into your head.

What will happen to me?

A big choice awaits you as you drifted along, The path of evolution isn't perfect, and mistakes will always be made.

But the questions has come, Choose 3 (if you want) [Choices at the Top]

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