《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 47


Third person POV

"Please welcome our new transfer student! You can come in now!" A lone girl, around 17/18 years old, entered the classroom. Whispers of "She's cute! Does she have a boyfriend?" Or "What does she like?" Permeated throughout the classroom.

She had long brown hair reaching her waist with no decorations nor braids. She walked as though she was a military commander, yet her steps were fluid and precise. She stopped in front of the classroom and faced her new classmates. Gasps were heard as her heterochromatic eyes, one brown and one green, fascinated the classroom. She spoke, her voice loud yet soft.

"Hello everyone. My name is Esshi Kurogane. Nice to meet you."

"So what's your favourite colour?"

"What's your favourite pastime?"

"Do you have a boyfriend or someone you like?"

These sorts of questions were being thrown at Esshi, who sat smiling back at the crowd, answering the questions calmly.

"My favourite colour is blue and my favourite pastime is either playing Endless online or training my martial arts. I don't have a boyfriend, but there was this one person, I don't know if they were a boy or girl." She smiled. "Their face was hidden by a mask when we fought, but they displayed exquisite swordsmanship and I want to meet them," her smile widened into a predatory grin. "So we can fight again!" She giggled like a child, enjoying the rush as she remembered fighting that person, and tried to imagine the thrill of fighting them once more.

The class became nervous seeing her expression."So how will you find that person?" One boy timidly asked. He was kinda hopeful that she would never find the person, more so if they were a guy.


Esshi looked at her classmates right in the eye. "It's simple." She pointed to one of her eyes. "The person wore a mask, but I could clearly see their eyes." She paused dramatically. "That person was like me; they had heterochromatic eyes- one blue and the other was somehow gold."

Some of the third years started to laugh nervously whilst others, mostly the boys, clenched their teeth in jealousy and anxiety.

Esshi clearly picked up on that, looking around, she asked, looking at everyone around her. "What? Why are you all acting nervous?" One girl spoke up.

"Well, you see, the person you are looking for is here."

"WHAAAT!!!" Esshi could not believe her ears and shouted, slamming her hands on the desk.

"Y-Yes." They girl nervously fidgeted. "H-He is a first year, and I think his name is John Doe or something."

Esshi quietly walked toward the girl and placed her hands on her shoulders. With trembling, excited breaths, she looked the girl straight in the eyes.

"Where is he?"

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