《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 48


Third person POV


Kira and Tohka were standing in front of the stand of the Gods and Goddesses.

"THE SEMI-FINAL CONTESTANTS ARE TEAMS 777, 778, 545 AND 256! A ROUND OF APPLAUSE!" The crowd roared and started to clap.

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! WE ARE NOW DRAWING THE MATCHED FOR THE SEMI-FINALS." The commentator paused dramatically and the crowd waited with baited breath.

"OUR SEMI-FINAL FIGHT, 777 AND 778 VERSUS 545 AND 256, A TEAM BATTLLLLLEEE!" Reaching a crescendo, the commentator made the crowd explode in screams and shouts out of pure excitement.

'A team battle, huh?' Kira glanced at his new teammates. The claymore seemed to be trying to calm down the blue hair.

Kira approached and stuck his hand out, as a way of temporary friendship between the two teams. Claymore glanced their way and hurriedly stood straight to meet them, shaking Kira's hand.

"My name is Kira and this is Tohka. What are your names?"

"My name is Clare and this is my superior, Esdeath. I apologise for her current state, she's currently very angry."

"Why so?"

"Well, she has been searching for this one person with heterochromatic eyes for years and today she found the person. When she went to look for him, he was apparently excluded for a week and no-one knows where he lives! So she is pretty frustrated." Clare sighed.

"Ohh." Kira was suddenly nervous; only one percent of the entire human population has heterochromatic eyes, and he was one of them. 'Let's keep my eyes secret for now.'

"So what's the name of the guy?" 'Please don't say it please don't say it please don't say it.'


"His name is John Doe and he has the weirdest combination of eyes- one blue, and one gold."


If Kira had water in his mouth he would have spat it out in shock. 'Shit she found me. Oh well, I could use this to my advantage.'

Clare turned to face their opponent.

"Oi Clare," Kira chuckled and Clare faced him with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"Tell your boss that I may have info on John Doe, and I will only tell her if she wins this fight."

Clare's eyes widened in shock, registering the new information. She walked up to the panting Esdeath and whispered in her ear.

Esdeath stopped panting and blinked. She slowly straightened and with eyes full of intense motivation, faced their enemy.

Kira drew his katana and activated his shikai; he wasn't going to take any chances. If these people in front of them could get to this stage without dying, then they should not be underestimated.

Tohka marvelled at Kira's new weapon. "Concentrate on the enemy, not my weapon. Sorry if it amazes you, but not right now." Kira reprimanded her and both of them readied their weapons. Esdeath drew her saber and Clare hoisted her claymore.


Cliffhangers? What are they?

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