《A virtual reality game according to a martial artist otaku》Chapter 49


Third person POV

As soon as the signal was given, the two sides ran forward. Tohka chose to engage a man with a giant-ass sword, Esdeath fought a man with white hair. Her saber and his saber clashed.

Clare crossed swords with a blonde woman who wielded a double edged longsword.

Kira ran towards his opponent. A sleepy-eyed young man. He carried no weapons and he wore a blue cloak. 'Magician.'

He made his shikai turn back into an ordinary orange katana and threw a throwing knife. The magician widened his eyes as the knife approached yet managed to dodge the blade heading towards his face.

Hastily chanting, the man pointed at Kira. 'Shit.' Rolling forward, Kira felt a crackle as lightning flew overhead. He sprung up undeterred, aiming to take the mage's life.

"KIRA LOOK OUT!" Tohka shouted. It was the blonde girl. Kira turned just in time to block the longsword aimed for his face.

'She's strong.' Kira was forced to take a knee from the force. 'Where is the fuck is Clare?' Kira looked over and saw that Clare was lying charred on the floor, twitching.

'Ahh shit. The lightning I dodged hit Clare. Fuck!


The blonde girl noticed the electricity and tried to back, but Kira madly swiped his hand in an arc, destroying the girl's right kneecap. He stood up, facing the magician.

Tohka jumped into the air, trying to bring her broadsword to cleave the man in half. 'I love it when the red water come out.'

Alas, the blow was parried by a sword. In her opinion, it wasn't sword, BUT A GIANT-ASS HEAP OF RAW IRON.

The man flung the lump if iron upwards, forcing Tohka to retreat.

"How do you control that!?!" She looked at the sword- it must have weighed at least 500 pounds!


The guy flexed, showing his muscles. "Training little girl."

"Grrrrr. I'LL SHOW YOU!" She leapt at the man, swinging her broadsword left and right, yet the giant man blocked with ease. Suddenly he brought it overhead and swung it downwards.

'Don't want to be blocking that!' Tohka jumped to the side just as the thing came crashing down. She glanced at Kira.

A blondie was running towards him, longsword raised. "KIRA LOOK OUT!" She shouted, hoping to save Kira.

"Don't get distracted little girl." Tohka jumped up, narrowly avoiding the horizontal swing coming from the side.

"Don't announce your attack!" An elegant voice came from sidelines, reminding her opponent.

Tohka looked at who Esdeath was engaging in saber combat.

"Why hello there my good lad-" He dodged a swipe. "It's rude to interrupt someone mid-senten-" He dodged another swipe.

"DAMMIT WOMAN!" He stopped and faced Esdeath.

"Good. You stopped blabbering." Esdeath smirked and thrust her weapon forward.

Her opponent parried and countered, but Esdeath jumped to the side. "I can control ice. Did you know that?" She twirled her saber. The man in front of her went into a fencer's position.

"En guard." With that, he attacked.

The girl tried to stand, but Kira mercilessly kicked her in the face, knocking her out. He didn't take his eyes off the magician and slowly walked towards him, weapon sheathed.

The man started to back off and just when Kira was arms length away from him he attacked. Kira jerked back his head, narrowly avoiding the blow. The man's hand flew in front of his eyes. 'Chidori!??! The man is using chidori!'

Not letting this distract him, Kira waited for the perfect opportunity. He wouldn't kill the man, but his counter attack would hurt.


The man swiped again and again, yet hitting air each time. After the sixth swing, the man was clearly tired. Just as the magician swung once more, Kira waited until the hand had passed his face. Using the back of his blade, Kira mercilessly hit the man's straightened elbow.

"Arm broken. Six months."

A scream escaped the man's lips. He stumbled forward, and his stomach was hit by the back of a katana.

"Internal injuries. Several months."

Kira sheathed his katana and gabbed the man's broken arm. Jerking sharply towards him, the man's body went in front of him. He hit the back of the neck, and calmly watched as the eyes rolled back. Dropping the magician on the floor, Kira stood, impassively watching his (temporary) comrades fight.

Tohka whirled yet everytime she attacked her broadsword would be blocked. 'Grrr. Dammit. And here I thought I could show off to Kira.'


A throne crashed into the ground. It broke into pieces and they formed to make a large katana.

"I SHALL KILL YOU NOW!" Tohka screamed as she swung her weapon. "BRING IT ON!" The man shouted back. They both swung.

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