《How to become an evil overlord!》Chapter 6: Don't mess with mentally ill vampires


Pov Shiro

I exit the north gate once again, feeling half dead due to the all-nighter. Kuro is in deep sleep, while I feel alright having slept while he worked. I immediately spot the pointy hatted lady as she stood out like a sore thumb within all the starter clothing newbies.

"Oh, you're here. Well, seeing as necromancy is the main job, there isn't much I need to teach you. I do wonder, kid, why do you choose something as foul as this as your main job. Even for me, I could barely stand it, and I grew up on the battlefield. It is strong but, the smell is just too much to use it as the main force." The woman pondered aloud."Well, no matter. It's none of my business. I feel bad taking you money but not doing anything so I'll teach you the warlock job for another 5 silvers, how's that deal!"

I thank her and hands her 5 silver coins. She smiled at me and took the coins.

You have acquired job Warlock.

You have gained skill: Warlock Magic.

You have gain attribute bonus: + 2 all

Skill: Warlock Magic

Gives you a better understanding of Warlock Magic.

Spells you cast that belong to warlock magic are 5% more powerful and cost 5% less. Every level in Warlock Magic gives 1% bonus in each.

"Alright lad, all set for adventure. But remember, levels are not what indicates strength, but the mastery of skills. If you ever need some advice, just look for me back in the inn. I'm pretty well known around here. I'm leaving, aye!"

Tired as f*ck, I drag myself back to the inn, stocking up on some FRESH bread along the way. And as soon as my head touched the pillow, I fell into deep, deep sleep. Making a mental note to buy some pyjamas and casual clothing as well as better equipment.


Pov narrator

The young vampire stirred in his sleep. The sun was high in the sky, the clock read 2:34. The black haired youth sat up, entangled in blankets.


He wondered where he was. It took a moment before his groggy mush of a brain awoke, letting the memories of last time fill his head.

After discussing what to do for the day, or at least what's left of it, the two decided to make some poison go out.

Sitting down of the hard polished floor, he began setting up his alchemy kit. Grind some flowers, stir the water then boil it until the perfect colour. The complicated process continued for some time.

Almost two hours had passed before he finished all the herbs, giving him an ample amount of poison to play with. Heading out, he strolled down the cobblestone paths to the marketplace.

When in a town or city, murder or other forms of breaking the law cause you to be immediately surrounded by city guards and taken to jail. This is mainly for the merchants to safely sell their wares. The devs were truly nice towards the merchants, with just a fee of 10 silvers, you can just sit down off the side of the road and sell stuff, and no one can still it!

Reaching the marketplace, the young vampire entered the tailor's store. A purchase of some comfortable plain clothing was made. Exciting the shop, he made his way around the district, purchasing all the necessary goods a player would need.

-3 wooden chest, nothing fancy, just some storage for small things to save space in the inventory

-a basic antidote recipe, uses will be revealed later (a/n the author evil laughs)

-a basic mana potion recipe, these things sell well

-a set of basic, agility-based leather armour


The funny thing about the inventory is everyone has it, even the NPCs. Its function allows you to carry a lot of stuff, but it does nothing to reduce the weight. Barely hanging on with his puny strength, the poor vampire hurriedly made his way back to his room, dropping off his items. Organising it into a chest for clothing and armour, a chest for herbs and a chest for other miscellaneous items.

Leaving the inn once again, he returned to the marketplace. The chatter of people buzzed in the air, merchants shouting everywhere, the marketplace was always lively. Savouring a juicy rabbit meat skewer (a/n that made the author hungry, I live on pasta and 10 min curry.) bought from one of the barbeque stalls, he made a beeline to the marketplace manager's office.

Paying the ten silvers for the day, he found an empty spot and sat down, laying out his 40 health potions. They were of average quality but beginners did not need such good potions, the 1 silver potions from the alchemy was, frankly, a waste on their pathetic hp pools.

Checking the online auctions, he splurged on good quality, class restricted necromancer gear. The class was so broken, the seller would be happy if anyone even bought it, in fact, necromancer gear was nearly 10 times cheaper than warrior or mage gear.

Slowly, customers started taking notice of the potion selling youth. Selling the potions at 90 copper, they were going fast to the money hungry newbies.

By the time there were only ten or so bottles left, a player dressed in arrogant gold armour strolled through the crowd. Ignoring the piercing glares of the other players, the golden armoured human announced:

"I see you have taken up the alchemist job," Smirking arrogantly while looking down on the black-haired youth, "I shall grant you, peasant, the honour of working as our guilds alchemist, you will make us an endless supply of potions and we will pay you 50 gold a month. Be overjoyed at this chance to work under me!"

This arrogant idiot was well known in these areas, as the son of some bigshot, he thought he owned the world, ordering people around with money and good equipment. He looked at people as if they were pigs.

Of course, our little vampire knew nothing of that, but he was no pushover. His mental conditions started kicking in.

"I'm terribly sorry sir but I would have to decline, I reside in a hospital, therefore I do not have the time to be able to commit to such a wonderful job. As an apologise, I shall gift you with these 5 health potions." Says the psychopathic teen as he hands the arrogant man 5 red potions. These potions were, however, a mixture of poison and health potion made a during the experiments with poison. The effect isn't strong, however, when an adventurer takes out a potion, they're usually in an unfavourable position.

The young vampire laughed evilly in his head, cursing those who looked down on him.

You think you're better than me? Then what happens to you isn't my concern.

In a few days, the crazy youth will receive a notice of indirectly causing the death of some high-level player, giving him a nice chunk of EXP.

For now, the boy simply packed up his wares and headed back to bed, grabbing a few skewers on the way, the rabbit's meat was tender, melting in his mouth. His lips curled upwards, anticipating what tomorrow would bring him.

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