《How to become an evil overlord!》Chapter 5: Potions and Lolis and Fox Girls, Oh my.


A/N Teaching is cheap cause you don't do much. Just need to be level 100 or more, and give them the job. Then all you have to do is give them a few tips and tricks or set them a few tasks. Easy peasy.

Also, an average person lives off 1 silver a day, for nice meals, a nice inn and a nice bath.

Beginner equipment like the ones MC will need to buy costs like 50 gold each.

and also, after platinum coins are Queen Platinums and King Platinums.

Pov Shiro

Walking through the north gate, I was greeted by the fresh air of the plains. This large area was filled with nothing but small animals, like rabbits and foxes, as well as our goal today, herbs.

This is the newbie area so many noobs were slashing at the air with their little daggers, missing the bunnies completely. Of course, I was one of them. I make my way to an area with fewer people to search for herbs. Seeing a Puffleweed swaying in the wind, I reach over and tried to pick it.

And as usual, life isn't so easy. The weed snapped from my pull, rendering it unusable.



Sighing, I go back to town and headed for the blacksmith.

A while later...

I once again exit the safe zone and headed into the fields. Spotting another Puffleweed, I take out my new shovel. Carefully, I dig out the delicate weed, leaving it's roots intact before shoving it into my inventory. One down, 49 more to go.


Looking up at the blazing sunset, I make my way back to town. Currently, I'm scraggy, dirt covered vampire. A comedic scene if you ask me, considering how the stereotypical Vampire is rich and beautiful. Dusting myself off, I enter the gates.


So far, I had spent around five hours collecting herbs. After filling the quota for the quest, I had also collected another 300 or so herbs. I found many new herbs, not that I knew many in the first place. There were some Rockivy around on the larger boulders, a little Hairyhead and a few stalks of Looongweed. I know this because, on the way, I met another alchemist who told me about their uses. Apparently, Puffleweeds were used in many things to form the potion while Bloodflowers were used for any health potion. Rockivy + Looongweed + Puffleweed can make a basic mana potion. And Hairyheads are, Huhuhu, for basic poisons.

Currently, I have 123 Puffleweeds, 82 Bloodflowers, 48 Rockivies, 37 Looongweeds and 22 Hairyheads.

Upon entering the store, I bring out the 100 herbs for the quest.

"Good job lad, although a bit slow. These 20 Puffleweeds and Bloodflowers are for you to learn with. The price is 15 silver. 5 for the job and 10 for your own set of equipment."

Handing her the coins, I was lead to a room in the back. The old loli handed me a suitcase like item as well as a book.


You have acquired job Alchemist.

You have gained skill: Alchemy.

You have gain attribute bonus: + 2 all

Skill: Alchemy

Gives you a better understanding of potions.

Potions you make are 10% more effective. Every level in Alchemy gives another 2%.


I feel knowledge flowing into my mind.

Ouch, Headache.

Ouch ouch ouch.

Oh my go- gotta fix that habit.

It hurts so mu- oh! I'm fine now.

Hey, now I kinda know how to make potions.


Then the Old lady spoke, snapping us out of our thoughts.

"Well then lad, nothing much more I can do for you. The rest you figure out yourself. That book I gave you is a must for every Alchemist out there. It's enchanted to keep a record of any recipe you know. Just think about what you want and it will show on the pages. In that suitcase is a basic alchemy set. Last but not least, I'll give you these first 20 potion bottles for free. If you need more, just come here, or to the glassworkers, and buy some for 10 coppers each. If you do a good enough job, then I'll even buy some potions from you, there is always a shortage around here."


Suffering from a major headache due to information overload, I set up on one of the spare workbenches and get to work. Is what I'd like to say but, as the musclebrain, I had no choice but to let the smarter Kuro do the work. Settling back, I observe the potions being made. I have to say, having someone constantly singing in your mind in extremely annoying.

Grind the petals~

Boil the water~

Throw in the powder~

Wait ~ A ~ Bit~

See the water change colour~

Then throw in the ground Puffleweeds~

And wait until the perfect shade of red~


Grind the...

The good thing is that 1 petal and 1/5 of a Puffleweed ground makes one potion, while 4 Puffleweeds and 20 petals can make a concentrated potion that you dilute into twenty potions, however, concentrated potions have the same effects. The bad thing is that due to the sheer amount of herbs we have, I had to hear the same off-tune song over and over again, and I couldn't even block my ears because it's inside of my head!

We also bought 500 bottles from Foxy, spending 50 silvers. Failure, as expected, took us a lot of herbs, but by the end, we somehow managed to fill all 500 bottles with basic healing potions. Using up all of our Bloodflowers.

Luckily, Beatrice, and yes, we were on first name basis after chatting the entire night, bought 450 of my potions at 80 copper each. Normally, the market price is 1 silver but mine is bad quality. Now that my cash supply is at a staggering 3 gold and 70 silver, I bought another 1000 bottles and left the shop.

Feeling like a sleep deprived zombie with an empty stomach, I bite into one of my many stale pieces of bread. Oh go-nope, that was rock hard. And mouldy tasting. Not the worst, but I will definitely find better food.

Groaning, I get myself a nice room in The Bottle and the Book for 50 copper before heading to the gate for training.

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