《How to become an evil overlord!》Chapter: 4 Gods are so rude, I'm perfectly sane yanno.


A/N I write everything in drafts so I don't use the authors note properly. Forgive me. Teehee~

Sh*t, acting cute sounds so gross, kill me now.

Some game mechanics:

Your level and job level is different. Job levels show how proficient you are at a certain job. The job the goddess grants you is your main job. The main jobs level cap is 500. The rest of the jobs you learn are your side jobs, the level cap is 250. Basically, you can become a master at anything but beyond that is only your main job.

Your level also indicates when you evolve, yes, evolve. For vampires, it's level 10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000. Any race evolves to a low God at level 1000. At 2500 you become a mid-god, and at 5000, you become a high god. To earn EXP for your level, 1 killing things, craft things. Jobs just give you attribute bonus and new skills.

You also get assigned a patron god who will give you quests and guidance.

ps a frugal person live off 10 copper a day

also, slave magic basically allows you to contract slaves and beasts, anything alive, with magic.

Pov Shiro


Walking down the cobblestone roads, I make my way towards the first stop, the map store. The system support lets you bring up the map anytime as long as it's in your inventory, very convenient.

Having nothing to do, I decided to check my status.

Status Name Drystan Attributes Job information Level:1 00% STR 20 Name Level EXP Species Vampire DEX 20 Necromancer Lv 1 00% Sex Male AGI 20 Age 16 END 20 Fame 1700 INT 20 Guild none WIS 20 Patron Atpaxaar, God of Madness LCK 10 HP 100 /100(+2.0/min) CHR 25 MP 100/100 (+2.0/min) SP 98/100 (+2.0/min) Undistributed points:10


Oooooh, ten undistributed points!

What should we use it on, I vote 6 INT and 4WIS.

Yeah, you're smarter than me and our mana pool is severely lacking.

I put the points into INT and WIS. Just to make sure we were doing the right thing, I quickly check what the attributes mean.

STR: Strength

How strong you are and you attack power.

Currently, you are strong enough to lift some bricks.

DEX: Dexterity

How good you are with your hands and hitting things far away.

Currently, you can hit a tree 10 metres away, once every 20 times.

AGI: Agility

How fast and accurately you can move.

Currently, you can run without tripping.

END: Endurance

How tough you are and how much stamina you have.

Currently, you can run a hundred metres without dying.

INT: Intelligence

How smart you are and how much mana you can hold.

Currently, you are as dumb as a cow, you cow.

WIS: Wisdom

How wise you are and how fast you recover mana.

Currently, you are as wise as a pig, you swine.

CHA: Charisma

How attractive you are.

Currently, you can make pigs fall in love with you with just a glance, congrats.

LCK: Luck

How lucky you are.

Currently, you will never win the raffle.

Why do I get the feeling the system is mocking me, it surely isn't. And I just noticed but, why is my patron the god of madness. Oh great gods above, isn't this cruel to someone perfectly sane and normal like me?


You called? Nope, it's not cruel at all, just keep telling yourself that. Hahahaha.

Ps. Do you want a quest?

Pss. Rane said hi. And Kasil threatened you.

Psss. You're pretty entertaining, do something interesting, the God's realm is so boring.



Ok? Hey there. What's up.

Shh. Don't talk to strangers.

Yeah, lets just ignore that. Don't need quests yet.


Hey. Don't ignore me! I'm a God. A God yanno.

Why are gods so annoying.

Go away, we didn't call you.


Fine. *pouts* I'll go back to stealing the Goddess of Breasts clothes.


You have been granted title: Ignored Atpaxaar


For ignoring the annoying God, Atpaxaar, as a mortal.

+ 10% resistance to annoyance

Nothing happened, didn't see anything.

Ooooh, have you tried painting the goddess of animals' pets rainbow?

That sounds pretty interesting, ok then. I'll go paint those fire-breathing fluffballs. Have fun! Adios.

Yeah bye.


Oh! Walking for so long, I finally found the small shop, the sign reading Hetra map shop. Entering the small, wooden storefront, I saw a room covered in dusty sheets of paper. Colourful maps were spread around the room haphazardly as if a giant had tried to stuff all the maps of the world in this one tiny room. Sitting on a desk in the middle was an old man, drooling onto the maps, asleep.


The old man jumped up at the sound.

"Huh! What? What? I wasn't asleep!“

Yeah sure, totally believe you. Deadpanned Kuro in my head.

"I was just looking for some maps, just the usual for an adventurer."

"Hmm? Phew. I thought you were my wife for a moment. That scary old hag."

"Who's a scary old hag?" Came a voice from behind me. The old man's eyes went as wide as saucers.

Turning around, I saw the scariest old lady I have ever laid eyes on. Around the same height as I am was a mass of muscles in the shape of an old lady.


" I'll just leave a silver here and take the map and go," I say to the old man, feeling the cold sweat on my neck," Sorry to bother you."

Grabbing the map, I bolt through the door.

Strategical retreat.


I walk through the door to the alchemy shop. It's still mid afternoon so there aren't many customers, the atmosphere was quiet and peaceful. Walking up to the counter, I saw an old lady, currently reading a thick ass book on herbs.

Oh my go- wait no, I don't need Atpaxaar to appear again.

It's a loli.

A loli fox lady!

Aaah, the joys of fantasy.

Must befriend loli fox lady.


Huhuhu. Add that to our list of evil things to do.

Right next to slave magician and pyromancer.

Gyahahahaha! I want to see the world burn!

Yeah yeah. Calm down.

"Hi there, what would you like today!" Said the fox lady, looking up.

"Um, I would like to learn Alchemy."

"Oh!" The fox lady's surprise could be seen from her tail,"This is unusual. Normally adventurers just buy the ready-made potions. I'm glad to see someone interested in learning. However, I don't teach just anyone. Please bring me 50 Puffle Weeds and 50 Blood Flowers."



Description: Miss Fenriz has asked you to bring her some herbs.

Requirements: Bring her 50 Puffle Weeds and 50 Blood Flowers

Rewards: She will teach you the basics of alchemy, for a price of course.

Please select: Y/N

"Ok, I accept."

Armed with pictures of the herbs as well as a basic description and the location. I headed off to the north gate, the easiest field.

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