《The park master.》Chapter 7 level up


You have leveled up!

All stats +3!

You have gained 3 skill points!

You have unlocked special park building menu.

You can now build your first main park building. You can now build your first custom park building.

You have unlocked your inventory.

With an excited grin on my face, I asked Steve.

“Hey, Steve did you also level up?”

Then Steve told me in an excited voice.

“Yes I did, Jacob what main park building do you think we should build?”

After thinking for a couple of minutes I answered.

“NIce, I think we should first look at the special park building menu.”

And then I said

“open special park building menu.”

Special park building menu.

Build main park buildings.

Design custom park buildings.

When I opened the special park building menu I got a quest.


Quest: Build a main park building

Requirements: Unlock and open special park building menu.

Objective: Choose and build a main park building that helps your park grow.

Reward: Varies on choice.

Then I quickly clicked on build main park buildings.

Main park buildings.

Building Cost.

welcoming hall.

Depends on the size and material.

park center.

500 park points.

mana flower forest

depends on the size

"Which one you think we should choose Steve," I asked Steve after I was done looking at the options.

After pondering for a while Steve answered. “I think we should go for the park center because it looks like the most logical option.

“I agree, And we can always try to make the other ones our self.”

While saying that I click on park center. Then I feel the mana gather in the direction of my home. I start running to it Steve floats after me. As we near the place where the mana gathers. We see what must be the park center be created out of mana.


With an excited smile on my face I asked Steve,

“Hey, Steve, what do you think it looks like on the inside.”

I could hear his voice creak from the excitement as he said.

“I can see that the mana is creating lots of different tools and equipment.”

“What really, That is so awesome.”

Said I to Steve while barely containing my excitement. While Steve and I were talking the park center was finished building.


Quest completed: Build a main park building

Requirements: Unlock and open special park building menu.

Objective: choose and build a main park building that helps your park grow.


100 XP special park building park laboratory 10 bags of seeds placed in your inventory


Quest: Design a custom park building

Requirements: Complete the quest to build a main park building


design and build a custom park building that helps your park grow. design and build a custom park building that helps your park residents

reward: depends on the design.

As I was reading the notifications I felt the mana gathering again next to the park center. As the manna was gathering steve gave me a friendly reminder to open my inventory. Inside where 10 bags of seeds 2 bags with flower seeds, 3 bags with different kinds of vegetable seeds, 4 with lots of different mushroom seeds, 1 bag with different kinds of grass seeds. As I was done looking in my inventory. I looked at Steve and asked,

“Should we go inside the park center? And afterward, we start designing the custom park buildings?.”

“I think it's a great idea lets go inside.”

Said, Steve, while floating to the park center.

I quickly ran after him and yelled after him.

“Wait for me, Steve!”

As I ran after Steve I gave the park center a closer look, It was a 20 square meter stone building. The walls are made out of blue cobblestone. While the roof is made of the same type of crystal as steves his body. The door is made of oak wood with a silver doorknob. Then we arrived at the door I opened the door. And was amazed at what I saw there were all kinds of equipment for the park. Like shovels, buckets, watering cans. Even all kinds of wands hanging on the wall.


then I said to Steve while almost yelling from the excitement,

“Steve this is so cool, can you believe this something we earned ourselves?.”

“yes it is, but we have still a long way to go,”

he said while laughing a little.

“yes we do Steve, Let’s go design the custom park buildings.”

I said to Steve as I was walking to a chair.

“yes, which one should we begin with, And which type should we make?”

Asked Steve as he floated behind me.

To which I said after thinking a little while.

“why don't we both do one our own you the resident one me the park one?”

“good idea let’s get started.”

said Steve after which he straight got to work

Then I started thinking what would help grow the park the most. I first though what we already had Siriki lake, Steve’s domain, Cydon's hatchery, Qytar’s lake, Ihuna's forest, Uelia's meadow, Kira's cave, ‘Luxagi's forest, Nyius's road. afterwards i started thinking what we need. And thought back on the promise i made the mayor of the nearby town. Which gave me an idea for a shrine for all known gods and if we discover a new one we add them to the temple.

then i heard Steve say with an excited voice,

“Jacob did you also finished creating your design?”

“yep let’s build it on 3, 1, 2,3:”

I said while pressing design custom build while imagining the design.

all of a sudden Steve begins to glow.

DIng. Ding. Ding. DIng. Etc.


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