《The park master.》chapter 6 arrived proofread


Jacob’s POV

After the caravan entered the park, I walked up to them. When I got to the side of the caravan, a tall beastman from the tiger tribe exited a carriage and walked up to me immediately asking "Are you the park master, Jacob? "

"Yes I am. What may I call you?" asked Jacob.

"My name is Daniel. I am here to deliver the animals that you ordered," said Daniel.

"Nice to meet you, Daniel," said Jacob.

"Nice to meet you too, Jacob," said Daniel.

"Oh yeah, before I forget, I got a present for you from the boss," said Daniel.

"Thanks, but why did he give me a present? I don't even know him?" asked Jacob.

"The reason is simple. It’s because you made your first purchase and you are already our biggest customer. You could also see it as an investment in you and your park," answered Daniel.

"Ah. Why would he want to invest in us?" asked Jacob.

"If your park grows, you will inevitably need more animals. We would like you to buy them at our shop. As a bonus, the environment will also become more fertile and peaceful. That would make our town safer and our town will grow because of that, bringing more tourists to visit our town and more residents to live there. With that, we will get more customers and our store will grow," answered Daniel, with an excited smile on his feline face.

" Now I understand it! It truly will be a win-win situation for both of us," said Jacob, with enthusiasm.


You have gained the skill ‘commerce’!

"Indeed," said Daniel.

"Nice. Should we go unload the animals now?" asked Jacob.

"That is a good idea, but first- may I meet your park crystal?" asked Daniel.


"Yes, of course you may meet Steve," answered Jacob.

"Steve! Will you come out here? There is someone who wants to meet you," yelled Jacob.

"Yes. I am on my way," said Steve.

Then Steve came floating to the caravan. When he arrived, he said: "Hello. I am Steve, Jacob's park crystal. Nice to meet you, Daniel," said Steve.

"The pleasure is all mine Steve. Before we place the animals in the park Steve, you must add them as residents of your park. After that we can place the animals in the park without any difficulties. Here is our complimentary present: it is all kinds of different insects, fish, birds, mammals, and reptiles, along with a couple of eggs," said Daniel, as he prepared to return to the caravan to unload the creatures..

"I will do that now. Please thank your boss for the investment in us," said Steve.

"Thanks for the animals, it will really help make our park grow," said Jacob.

Steve started adding the animals as residents to the park. After he was done, Daniel, his crew, and I started moving the animals to the park. While we were doing that, Steve was creating rivers and rocks inside the park and forest and building bridges across the rivers. We finished releasing the animals and they started making homes for themselves.The rabbits and horned rabbits made their burrows, the birds flew to the nests that I had built, the bees started on their hive,etc. And after watching the animals for a couple of minutes, we started transforming a cave into a hatchery we placed the eggs inside. And after that, it was time for Daniel and its crew to leave. They said their goodbyes and swiftly departed. When r Daniel and his crew were gone, Steve started expanding his territory while I gave him mana. I drank a mana potion every time my mana was used up.


After expanding our territory, Steve and I started making another lake, but this time we created a big forest around it and a cave system underneath it that was connected with Siriki lake. We also started making a meadow full of flowers. And a couple of rivers. Just as we finished creating, a ding rang out.


Quest: Name all of the places you just created.

Requirements: Create many places in your park in only one day

Objective: Name all the places you just created

Reward: 300 XP

After reading the blue screen, I said to Steve: "Steve I got a quest to name all of the places we just created."

"That is going to be a lot of work, it is the best if we start right away," said Steve.

"Yeah, let's start with the hatchery first. Got any ideas, Steve?" asked Jacob.

"Let’s call the hatchery- ‘Cydon's hatchery’ -in honor of Cydon, the god of level ups, so that they may receive his blessing," said Steve.

"Splendid idea Steve! Let the hatchery be known as: ‘Cydon's hatchery’!" said Jacob.


Name accepted. The hatchery is now called ‘Cydon's hatchery’.

"Next, let's give them all a name in honor of the gods and goddesses," said Jacob.

"Sounds good Jacob, let's do that," said Steve.

We gave all the places that we created names in honor of the gods and goddesses such as: ‘Qytar lake’ in honor of Qytar, the god of water or ‘Ihuna's forest’ in honor of Ihuna, the goddess of mana or even ‘Uelia's meadow’ in honor of of Uelia, the goddess of flowers, ‘Luxagi's forest’ in honor of of the god Luxagi, the god of beasts, ‘Kira's cave’ in honor of Kira, the goddess of status and classes, and last but not least- ‘Nyius's road’- in honor of Nyius, the god of roads. Upon finishing our naming, we heard a lot dings.

Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding Ding Ding ........

Name accepted. The lake is now called ‘Qytar lake’

Name accepted. The forest is now called ‘Ihuna's forest’

Name accepted. The meadow is now called ‘Uelia's meadow’

Name accepted. The cave is now called ‘Kira's cave’

Name accepted. The forest is now called ‘Luxagi's forest’

Name accepted.The road is now called ‘Nyius's road’

Quest Completed: Name all of the places you just created

Requirements: Create many places in your park in just one day

Objective: Name all of the places you just created

Reward: 300 XP

You have leveled up!

All stats +3!

You gained 3 skill points!

Quest: Name your park

Requirements: Complete the prerequisite quest, name all the places that you just created

Objective: Name your park

Reward: 350 XP

After reading the blue screens, I asked Steve: "Steve, I got another quest, this time it is to name our park, what should we name it?"

"Why don't we name it- ‘Dragonheart’- park, just like our last name?" asked Steve.

"Un. Let's name it ‘Dragonheart’ park," said Jacob.

Ding. Ding.

Quest completed Name your park

Requirements: Complete the prerequisite quest, name all of the places that you just created

Objective: Name your park

Reward: 350 XP

You have leveled up!

All stats +3!

You have gained 3 skill points!


to be continued

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