《The park master.》Chapter 8 A long day


Quest completed: Design a custom park building

Requirements: Complete the quest to build a main park building


Design and build a custom park building that helps your park grow. Design and build a custom park building that helps your park residents


350 XP. Increase in manna density in the surrounding area. Increase in size of the park territory. 200 park points.

Custom park building Dragonheart park temple of the gods is now being build

Custom park building Dragonheart energy fruit forest is now being built.

Steve is now evolving.

Quest: Steves absence


Complete the quest Design a custom park building. Steve must be evolving.

Objective: Work in the park while Steve is evolving. Try to do as much as possible.

reward: depends on your work.

As I was done reading the notifications. I first tried to calm down. So I did some breathing exercises I learned from my mom and dad. And while I was doing that I felt mana density got thicker. It also felt like the quality Increased by a small amount. And when I finally calmed down I got back to working in the park. But first I said to Steve with a sincere smile on my face,

“I will take care of the park, Steve while you are evolving just take your time.”

As I was walking out of the park center. I saw that the park laboratory was finished. I will wait till Steve is done evolving then we will enter together I thought. After thinking for a few seconds what I should begin with. I choose to plant the seeds I got from the quest. But I forgot to take tools with me so I ran back inside. And put them in my inventory.

I began plowing and digging holes in the ground while I was doing that. I drank some stamina potions I got from Carl the mayor from the nearby village. As I was done plowing and digging holes. I started planting the seeds as I was done planting. I took a quick break when I got an idea. Why don't I feed the seeds some of my mana? So after my break, I did just that while waiting for my mana to recover. I planted all kinds of different tree saplings I got mayor Carl. When I was done feeding my mana to the seeds I began with the saplings. As my mana was recharging I opened the park menu.


Park menu





It looked like nothing changed until I pressed build and create.




Stone road

Depends on the length

A rode made out of stone that you design yourself

Small bridge

100pp or 50 wood

A small bridge made of wood

Wooden fence

5pp a piece or 1 wood a piece

Wooden fence a fence made out of


Depends, on the type and size

A place where a tribe or group of special animals/monsters lives


Depends on the size and material

A shrine to worship a deity, god, or another being.


500 pp

A temple to worship a deity, god, or another being.


depends on the size and depth

A burrow is a place where animals like foxes. Or monsters like horned rabbits can live.


Depends on the kind and size

A place where insect type monsters and animals live.





Depends on the size

Can only make trees that you already have planted or have seeds of


10 pp

Just a plain rock


Depends on the amount

Drinkable water


5pp a piece

Can only make plants that you already have planted or have seeds of

Water plants

6 pp a piece

Can only make water plants that you already have planted or have seeds of


5 pp a piece

Can only make flowers that you already have planted or have seeds of


Depends on the size

Just land


Depends on the size

Land surrounded by water


Depends on size end depth

a place where animals live and sometimes or can be found

Fruit trees

Depend on how many fruit trees

can only make fruit trees that you already have planted or have seeds of

As I did I saw that there where new options and a new info tab. Hmm, interesting I thought as I read the info. Afterward, I made a number of burrows and hives for the insects and other residents. I also made some habitats just in case we got special residents. When I was finished my mana was rescharged and I began creating a river. With basic park magic on the new piece of territory. while connecting the river with Qytar lake I heard something.


Ding. Ding.

Custom park building Dragonheart park temple of the gods

Is now finished building

Holy type energies now appear inside your park.

Your park may now receive blessings.

Custom park building Dragonheart energy fruit forest,

Is now finished building

New kinds of energy may now appear in your park

Holy type energy detected

holy type energy fruit trees now start growing holy type energy flower trees now start growing

Dragonheart energy fruit forest leveled up

try to get new type of energies and trees to level up further

Right after reading I walked to the Dragonheart energy fruit forest. And started planting the rest of the leftover seeds. As I was planting the seeds I heard something behind a tree. I walked to the tree and looked behind it. What I saw was a white baby sloid. A sloid is a bird-like creature that mostly eats fruit. They look a bit like a combo of a parrot a hawk and a chicken. This one has almost shining white feathers with a gold colored beak and sky blue eyes. When it saw me it came wobbling to me. And started cuddling with me. I sat for a bit while he cuddled me. then I asked it,

“hi, little one wanna be my beast companion.”

on which it happily began chirping until I heard a sound.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

You tamed baby heavenly sloid king

Steve is done evolving


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