《Black and White- NOT YET DROPPED. JUST WAIT.》Chapter 8: Maria vs. Hakuya Part II


Chapter 8

Rize arrived at the academy's arena and she saw lots of students fighting demons in order to protect the injured students. She summoned Gandiva and helped the students. After a few minutes they had finished killing every demon, Saya came near her and asked her.

“Are you okay? I thought something happened to you.” (Saya)

“I’m okay. More importantly, I need to see the injured students.” (Rize)

“Follow me. By the way, where’s the new boy?” (Saya)

“...............” (Rize)

“Don’t tell me he’s out there fighting......” (Saya)

“*sob* *sob* wahhhh! I’m sorry! The enemy is too strong for me so he, so he-“ (Rize)

“ It’s ok, it’s ok.” (Saya)

Rize started crying and this caught the attention of the students. Saya was about to ask Rize where he is but they heard a loud explosion. Saya saw something approaching their place and it crushed against the wall beside her. Smoke was slowly disappearing and after a few seconds, the smoke was cleared out and all of the students were shocked by what they saw. The thing that crushed against the wall was Hakuya. He was severely injured. Rize, who was crying, saw what happened to him. Rize just stared at the dying figure of Hakuya and tears started to flow out of her eyes again. He tried to stand up but his knees were trembling so he fell down again and again.

“Someone! Help him!” (Girl)

“Haa... Haa.... Haa....” (Hakuya)

> (Lily)

> (Zeera)

“Hakuya! Stop this! *sob* you’re going to die if you keep this up! I-I k-know! I'll f-fight too!” (Rize)

“Rize stop! Look! Hakuya's stronger than you and he's being pushed back. Do you want his effort to be useless? Just trust him.” (Saya)

Saya saw Hakuya’s aura and it made her shiver. ‘His aura feels exactly like Mr. Kirihara’s but it feels more stronger.’ Saya wanted to help him but she knew that she was only going to be a burden.


“Truly disappointing but there’s room for improvement.” (Maria)

A girl appeared next to Rize. She smiled at the students. Saya who just froze because of what she saw suddenly summoned Cerberus and she pointed it at the girl.

“Who are you?!” (Saya)

“Oh, that was rude of me~ I’m Maria the servant of the demon king and also, I’m the demonic sword Gram.” (Maria)

“Wha-“ (Saya)

Saya was cut off when Hakuya stood up and came in front of her. His head came near her ear and she heard him whisper to her “Take Rize inside the Arena, all of you will be safe there. I already built a barrier around it.” Saya nodded and she took Rize inside the Arena.

“The fight is not over yet.” (Hakuya)

> (Crystal)

“.... Looks like this isn’t going to go as planned.” (Hakuya)

[Dark spear] (Maria)

“Shit!” (Hakuya)

> (Zeera)

A black barrier appeared and it absorbed hundreds of spears but it didn’t stay for long. It was shattered and there were about 400 spears left. Hakuya has 2 minutes left for his [Dragonic boost].

“That wasn’t enought?! [Heaven’s light]” (Hakuya)

White light covered the whole academy’s arena while Hakuya was left defenceless. He managed to dodge and deflect some spears but again a lot of spears pierced through his body.

“Gah! That fucking hurts!” (Hakuya)

> (Crystal)

“Arrgh!” (Hakuya)

Hakuya’s wounds started bleeding again but the pain from before was twice from the first he felt it. He fell to the ground while Zeera and Lily entered human form. Maria was walking towards him but Zeera blocked her.

“He lost the fight so don’t hurt him anymore!” (Zeera)

“Just a little, so he won’t try anything funny.” (Maria)

“Zeera! Something’s happening to Hakuya!”


Hakuya suddenly stood up and his wounds were healing quickly. His eyes turned blue and a large blue aura shaped like a dragon appeared from his back.

“......... Who the hell did this to my new master?!” (Hakuya)

“Oh no! Not you!” (Maria)

“So it’s you? Damn! Why is it that you’re always the cause of trouble Gram?” (Hakuya)


“That girl is really not thinking properly *sigh* she let him use the power of his left arm but she didn’t even tell him to make a sacrifice to the dragon inside his left arm before using its power........” (Kazuya)

“I can’t stop him with {Fenrir}. If I do, it will kill him for sure.” (Veronica)

The two stared at the Hakuya.


Maria was sweating buckets because of what’s in front her. She tried to run but she got punched really hard. When she tried to stand up she saw a fist aiming at her face. Hakuya punched her again and again until she can’t even stand up.

"..............” (Hakuya)

[Dark Hole] (Maria)

A black hole appeared destroying everything in its path.

“Useless....” (Hakuya)

[Burst Breath] (Hakuya)

Blue flames came out of Hakuya’s mouth. The black hole and the Blue flames collided. The Black hole disappeared quickly after coming in contact with the blue flames.

“I almost had him! Why did you have to interrupt?!” (Maria)

Maria fainted and Hakuya returned to normal. Zeera and Lily quickly came near him.

“What happened?” (Hakuya)

“That’s what I’d like to ask you.” (Zeera)

”That’s what I’d like to ask you” (Lily)

“Hey! Don’t copy me!” (Lily)

“Shut up! You’re the one who copied me!” (Zeera)

The students were happy because they thought that it was over but they didn’t notice that someone came near Maria. Hakuya was about to put a stop to the fight of his two swords when a black sword suddenly pierced through his shoulder.

“I thought Maria can finish this by her own but it seems that she needs my help *sigh*. I’m Rachel.” (Girl)

> (Maria)

“Well, it was fun watching!” (Rachel)

A girl with a long blue hair appeared wearing the same maid outfit that Maria is also wearing. She was smiling while twisting the black sword impaled on Hakuya’s shoulder.

“Arrrghhh! Stop!” (Hakuya)

His eyes turned blue again. Rachel stepped back when she saw this.

“So it’s really the infinite! This is fascinating! You’re not the hero or demon king right? You're the king? But let’s fight first! I want to test how strong this dragon is~” (Rachel)

“..................” (Hakuya)

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