《Black and White- NOT YET DROPPED. JUST WAIT.》Chapter 9: Drake


Chapter 9

Hakuya’s POV

“Where am I? Am I dead? But I don’t remember dying....” (Hakuya)

Hakuya was rubbing his head while thinking if he died. A large blue dragon appeared in front of him.

‘A dragon?! Awesome! But why is a dragon in heaven? Oh! Maybe he’s the guardian of the gate!’ He walked near the dragon and stared at it and the dragon also stared at him in return. His eyes were sparkling because he has been dreaming of seeing a dragon and now he's seeing one. ‘I’ve always dreamt of seeing a dragon and finally it came true!’ Hakuya was busy saving the images of the dragon inside his mind when the dragon suddenly talked.

“I was asleep when you formed a contract with Crystal so, I take that she haven’t introduced me?” (Dragon)

“Well, yeah.” (Hakuya)

“That’s ok. I don’t have a name so she can’t introduce me to you. Bwahahaha!” (Dragon)

“You don’t have a name?” (Hakuya)

“I just told you! Let’s set aside that no name thing for later. You already noticed the tattoo on left arm didn’t you? Crystal must’ve told you that it’s the {mark of the infinite} but it’s also called the {Dragon’s arm} and its power is too much for you to handle for now. I’m currently using your body to make sure you don’t exhaust your magic. Make the sacrifice now so you could control it for a while.” (Dragon)

“What is the sacrifice?” (Hakuya)

“Your left arm.” (Dragon)

“HOLY SHIT!!!!! Am I going to transform like Issei? Do you have a Balance Breaker?!” (Hakuya)

“Who’s Issei? What’s Balance Breaker?” (Dragon)

“You don’t know him? Then do you know the two heavenly dragons, Ddraig and Albion?” (Hakuya)


The dragon stared at Hakuya while Hakuya’s eyes were sparkling and were full of hope. The dragon sighed and answered him.

“I don’t know any dragon named Ddraig or Albion and as far as I know I'm the only heavenly dragon here.” (Dragon)

“What? You don’t? Well, that’s ok. Wait! You're the heavenly dragon here?” (Hakuya)

“Yes. I forgot to ask, what is your name?” (Dragon)

“I’m Hakuya. Let’s get back to the no name part. Do you want me to name you?” (Hakuya)

“If that’s what you wish but please hurry up because your body will be destroyed if you don’t make the sacrifice quickly.” (Dragon)

“Then let’s do the sacrifice first.” (Hakuya)

“As you wish. First raised your left arm and I’ll do the rest.” (Dragon)

Hakuya did what the dragon told him. He raised his left arm and the dragon spewed blue flames at it. The tattoo on his arm started to glow and get bigger. After a few seconds, the dragon spoke.

“It’s done.” (Dragon)

“That was it? I thought it was gonna be painful but that didn’t even hurt a bit.” (Hakuya)

The dragon flapped its wings.

“Wait! Are you a boy or a girl?” (Hakuya)

“Do I sound like a girl to you?!” (Dragon)

The dragon glared at Hakuya so he apologized and apologized.

“It’s ok. Just hurry up naming me or your body will be destroyed.” (Dragon)

Hakuya was going in circles. ‘What should I name him? I need a cool name.’ The dragon who was watching him go in circles was thinking ‘what is he doing? He doesn’t want his body to be destroyed but he’s just walking in circles.’

“Ah! Drake! Your name is Drake! Sounds cool doesn’t it?” (Hakuya)


“Not bad I guess.” (Drake)

“Then you’re Drake now! Now Drake! Take me back!” (Hakuya)

“I was going to anyway.” (Drake)


“That is not Hakuya.” (Rize)

“That’s him, but something’s not right. He’s not using either of the one of his relics.” (Saya)

“Take this! And this! Hahahaha! This is fun!” (Rachel)

Rachel was currently attacking Hakuya but her attacks weren’t connecting. There were blue flames around Hakuya’s body and each time she attacks the Blue flames always blocks the her black sword.

“Don’t be like that! Fight me!” (Rachel)

“..................” (Hakuya)

> (Maria)

“Just for a few minutes.” (Rachel)

> (Maria)

“Yeah!” (Rachel)

Rachel started attacking again and she made a duplicate of her sword. She grinned and attack at high speed. The blue flames blocked each attack but Hakuya’s body was getting cut while she attacks.

“That blue flames are useless now! So fight me for real now!” (Rachel)

“You want a good fight girl? Then wait for a moment and I’ll give you a good fight.” (Hakuya)

“Ok! Make sure you don’t chicken out on me!” (Rachel)

> (Maria)

Three minutes had passed and Rachel was getting bored of waiting. She sat in front of Hakuya’s body. He was not moving so she thought that he died.

“Are you dead? Mister Dragon?” (Rachel)

Rachel was about to poke Hakuya’s head when he suddenly moved. He stood up and looked at his hands. He looked at Rachel and then he looked at the black sword she was holding.

“Is that Zeera? No she’s not like that. Maybe a new sword?” (Hakuya)

“It seems that you’re finish doing whatever you were doing?” (Rachel)

“Wait! Zeera! Lily!” (Hakuya)

Two girls suddenly appeared next to Hakuya.

“What is it Hakuya?” (Lily)

“Why are you here? Go play somewhere else brat!” (Zeera)

“What did you say?! If I’m a brat then you’re a bitch!” (Lily)

“I am not a bitch!” (Zeera)

The two started arguing again. Hakuya felt relieved that those two were ok. He looked at the arena and waved his hands at Rize. Rize saw this and she smiled at him. ‘She already stopped crying and all of them seems fine.’ Hakuya stood up and face Rachel.

“So, who are you?” (Hakuya)

“The girl you promised to fight.” (Rachel)

“Huh?” (Hakuya)

The girl pouted while looking at him and he heard Drake’s voice.

> (Drake)

“The Gram?! As in Maria?” (Hakuya)

> (Drake)

“Supreme drive? Sounds cool!” (Hakuya)

“Are we gonna fight or not?” (Rachel)

“Wait a moment!” (Hakuya)

> (Drake)

The tattoo on Hakuya’s arm started to glow.

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