《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 11: Hinami's ability


A strong wave of tiredness comes from Hinami's body as she walks back to her group. A white flash comes and she turns back to her normal appearance. Her legs give in the gravity and collapse on the floor. However, Yuuko is quick and catches her.

"You OK?" Yuuko asks while pulling Hinami's arm on her shoulder.

"It's probably just exhaustion. The activity spends more energy than I thought." Hinami smiles in return.

"Just what was that? You suddenly laughed like a maniac and acted haughtily. Then you transformed into this military girl and shot the monsters with guns out of nowhere." Makoto asks her as she comes to help.

"That was so chuuni of you, Hinami. Never thought that you were that serious." Yuuko also adds in her opinion.

"Is that how you treat your saviour? Embarrass people and make them think they are chuuni? And here I thought that I showed my glory and coolness." Hinami makes an angry face as she is commented by her friends.

"Even so, there is no denying that you looked so cool at that time. You have really saved us there." Makoto says.

"Yes, thank you for saving us." Yuuko agrees.

"Haiz, forget it. It does not really feel good to hear thanks after being called a chuuni like that. I am not sure you girls had such abusive mouths before." Hinami makes a awkward smile as she looks at her two friends.

The persons themselves just chuckle without replying.

The other students surround them and ask all types of questions regarding what happened. Makoto and Yuuko block them, telling that Hinami is now tired and need to rest, but she gives them a stop hand sign.

"Silence!" A dominating voice reaches all the students' ears.

They are chilled by the fearsome aura and now step farther away from the trio. Her two best friends are also surprised and looks at her with wide eyes.


"I know that you guys all have a lot of questions that want me to answer. But I myself don't know much what happened either. It just simply occured without notice. You guys should check the damage and equipment first. I will analyze what happened and tell you the results later. OK, dismiss." Hinami says to everyone

Perhaps influenced by her queen aura, the students do not talk back and obdiently follow her command, though there are still curiousity and dissatisfaction in some eyes. They leave the place, leaving the trio alone. Makoto and Yuuko look at her seriously with a questioning attitude.

"Yes, that was my power just now. It's not only the transformation, I can also give command and lead people easily with it." Hinami conveys the truth.

"What is the limit of it?" Makoto asks.

"Right now, I can only makes people obey reasonable commands more easily. However, with enough condition, I can make people perform suicide bombing for me."

"Then isn't that brainwashing?" Yuuko worriedly ask.

"Not really. There are two requirements to do such an extreme action. The first thing is that I have to make the person recognize me as someone higher than them in social stand. It also depends on how high I am according to the person. The less difference in status the less degree of command I can give them. The second thing is how much obligation they have to follow me. For example, company A manager can command company A employees but can't do so with company B's. In addition, the person in control can still retain his own thinking. The power of authority is a more suitable word."

"Do you remember your action during the transformation?" Makoto asks another question.

"Yes, I can still vividly remember."

"Then did you realize that your personality changed?"

"... Yes, I did." Hinami gives a short pause before answering.


"But that's also a part of my personality. A side that I have never shown you before. It's not the side effect of the power that you are thinking." She stops Makoto before she can say any word.

"It all occured to everyone here, not just me: your friends who fought with us, those students whom we saved, and even you, Makoto, Yuuko. Everyone showed a side that they had never shown to everyone ever since this incident happened. I did not know that you were that proficient in setting traps and using the strings in that manner. Those are not normal things student will learn. And Yuuko too, I know that your family teaches a lot of real combat techniques because I researched it. It's not an open fact to anyone. The way you fight just showed that you do not receive normal training at all." Hinami points to her friends.

Yuuko just remains silent while Makoto still wants to say something. Under Hinami's eyes, she realizes that the person herself does not want to dwelve in this topic anymore and decides to change the topic.

"Hey Hinami, can you create those guns again?" Makoto asks with an expecting tone.

"Ah, creating those things does exhaust me mentally. I have to keep the gun image clear inside my head for it to keep it existing. Otherwise, it will disappear. So if the gun leaves my hand, it cannot exist anymore so I can't arm anyone here with them. Sorry to disappoint you. It is not that a convinient ability." Hinami replies with an apologizing tone.

"No, no, it's okay. As long as you are here, we are still safe." Hinami says.

"Un, we are not so useless that we cannot defend ourself. We can at least buy time for you to shoot the enemy." Yuuko also joins in.

The girls discuss many things about her ability, what they can do, what to say to the other students and how they escape to the gate beyond the black liquid. Lexar observes them and get amazed by how mature these girls are. Even after getting such powerful ability to defeat the monster, they do not rely on it too much but discuss many options and possiblities instead. They are still cautious against those monster without underestimating them. From their conversation, the real background behind these three girls are not simple at all, including his owner, Makoto. While thinking, he is called by her.

"Lexar, come here."

The cat walks toward the trio and jumps into Makoto's arm, enjoying the sensation of being hugged by a young girl. The girl praises his action while happily playing with his ears. The topic of conversation now turns to him.

"Lexar, the one who said the chant when I transformed was you, right?" Hinami suddenly asks him.

"Meow (Yes)" The cat replies.

For Yuuko and Makoto, they just hear a simple "Meow" but to Hinami, she hears a clear japanese "Yes".

Hinami face stiffens a little bit. She has a hypothesis but she was surprised when it is true. There are many things she want to ask.

"Ok, Lexar, can you ...?"

"Mashima-san. We have already treated the injured and gathered our equipment." A student comes and interrupts the conversation.

"Mewowow (We will talk later)" The cat makes a long strange sound.

Hinami is slightly angry that the timing of interruption comes too well but she holds it as the matter with the other students is also important. She decides to delay the questioning with this cat later and focus on dealing with the students first.

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