《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 12: The student escape


The casualty is as expected. Excluding the 4 students slashed deeply at the stomach by the bandage man, everyone else do not suffer life threatening injury. The heaviest injury belongs to the guy who was grabbed by the neck. The choking mark is still visible on his throat with some burnt area. He was in a critical state but thanks to good first aid technique from a student with medical background, he is now safe but should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible. Those who managed to dodge the machete also suffered some injuries. The machete sliced a bit on their stomachs so they still need a lot of care. Most of those injured are from the students at the school gate. They had to pass through a lot of monsters so they were attacked many times. God of luck has blessed them that the injuries they have did not affect their running ability or they would had not reached here.

After confirming the report, Hinami gathers everyone and tells them the basic information of her ability. Of course, she only tells them the transformation power, no mention of the authority power. Since nobody expects a second power, they only ask about the transformation. Many aspects are asked and Hinami gets to understand more about her power after testing several hypothesis proposed. Except questions on capability of her power, other questions like why she wore military uniform, how she got the power; she only answers them: "I don't know". Despite being dissatisfied, they know that they still need Hinami's help to escape here so they do not press the questions further.

The next part is information gathering. According to the students they saved, it seems that beside bandage man and toilet monsters, there are also women in mask with knife or scissors in hand. They were the main killers of the students who stayed classrooms. Unlike the toilet monsters or bandage man, they both have number and brutally simple killing method: slashing victims until they die. The students here admitted that they were lucky because they only saw the massacre from a far and decided to escape just before those women noticed them. The women were very fast as many people were caught while escaping. Hearing how gruesome the scene, Hinami group find themselves lucky that they were near the lab area, where they were able to find the weapons and only had to face the toilet monsters. If what they encountered had been those women, they would have died already.


Another strange thing is the absence of adults. When the world became red, the teachers suddenly disappeared. Hinami group also found it strange that there was also no school worker: lab technician, janitor, cafeteria lady. All of these seem to point that only the students come to this world.

After analyzing the information, they have come up with the worst possible scenario: all the students probably already died by those masked murderers and they will find them soon. They decide to hold a poll on the next course of action. A majority of votes consider escaping from this place immediately while only three people vote finding the remaining survivors. The three voters are those who want to find their family who also study at Hakugawa academy. Their insistence is so strong that they want to stay here even if the rest decide to escape. As leader, Hinami is very troubled what to do.

In the end, she decides to divide the student body into two groups: majority of them escape outside and call for help; and one will stay back to find survivors. The latter only has the three voters and Hinami, Makoto, Yuuko (Lexar also included). The main reason why the trio decide to stay back is sympathy. They have experienced the pain of losing sibling so they want to help those three. There is also another reason: to investigate the cause behind this red world. Hinami originally opposed her friends staying back but got convinced otherwise: Yuuko has real combat training while Makoto showed her different methods to escape from danger. Both her friends and her cat were shocked by what she stores inside her clothes and bags: a rope, an iron hook, smoke bombs, pepper spray, and mysterious durable transparent string. Lexar did not even know that those things were hidden in the bag even he was inside it.


The escape route is already decided. Hinami discovered that explosive throwable like grenades do not disappear even she gives it to other people. She experimented by throwing grenade into the black liquid and the result was satisfying. White flame burned the liquid away and a small path to outside was formed. It was quickly filled by the flow but this proved that the grenade worked. After several trials, the optimum solution is to throw a large amount of grenades on both sides of the path, creating flame walls that block the flow for a few minutes.

"Everyone, ready?" Hinami asks.

"Yes, ma'am." The guys who hold grenades reply.

"Ok, on my mark. 1st wave ready. One, two, three, THROW!" Hinami gives out command.

Five grenades are thrown in the air and land on the surface of black liquid. They all explode on contact and white flame spreads out. The black liquid vaporates rapidly and soon, a path of 5 meter is open.

"2nd wave ready. THROW!"

This time, more than 20 grenades are thrown. They land both side of the pathway and create another two seas of flame. further widening the path.

"The path is clear. Go."

With that signal, the escaping group all run to the gate in order. Thanks to the authority power, there is no cutting line or disruption in the formation. They all follow her order obdiently. When the first student passes through, a splash wave forms in the air and the blue sky world can be seen on the other side of the gate. The leading student can finally see the blue sky and shouts out in joy. The group become excited and one by one passes through the gate, hoping to see the nostalgic world. Hinami group are also touched by the scene. When the last student passes through, the blue sky world dissapears and the red world replaces it. The white flame also burns out and the flow moves again, blocking the path.

"Sorry, we got you involved in our issue. If it was not because of us, you would already escape this hell." A student named Sugihara Takagi bows his head down to the trio.

The other male and female student also follow his head and bow to them.

"It's alright already. We have power to protect ourself now so it should not be that dangerous. We should hurry and find your sister." Hinami makes a smile, comforting them. Yuuko and Makoto also nod.

"Thank you very much. We are very indebted to you." Sugihara Takagi again bows dow along with his two followers.

"Enough of this already. Let's go." Makoto becomes irritated by their behaviour.

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