《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 13: Sugihara siblings


Sugihara Takagi is a descendant of an old line of Japanese nobles. Although they are not rich and powerful as the current zaibatsu, their ties in politics world are still very important. The other two who follow behind him can be said his servants. Their family have served the Sugihara family for many generations and that relationship still continues until now. Sugihara Meiya is Takagi's younger sister and like his brother, she also has two followers, who are also siblings of his followers. Lexar is surprised when he learns this. To think that such outdated relationship still exists in the modern world. He probably does not understand Japan well or this world's Japan is not the same one as he knows.

As nobles, they have special communication device to tell each other's location. This measure is to deal with kidnapping and it turns out to be useful in this situation. From his story, they originally intended to meet up at the school gate but Meiya had to hide from those masked women and locked herself in the changing room with her followers. Until now, they are all alive so the brother wants to save her no matter what, even risking his own life.

The school at this time is very dangerous. The screams from student have already gone and only eerie silence remains. On the hallway, there are many spots for ambush and there is no guarantee that the monsters or those women will not use strategy to kill them. They have to go with caution. Luckily, Hinami finds that Lexar can speak and understand human speech. She asks for Makoto's permission and the cat himself to work as a scout. He accepts her request without objection. With keen sense of animal and small size, he can detect any danger and alert them in time. To the Sugihara family, Hinami explains that Lexar is only a very smart cat.

The formation is already decided. Lexar is ahead as a scout. Hinami in her military form works as vanguard with Makoto behind. The Sugihara trio are in the middle and Yuuko serves as rear guard.

They follow the path to the changing room on 1st floor. Along the way, many headless corpses are seen while some are slashed brutally with organs on the ground. This was definitely the work of those toilet monsters and bandage man. As they approach the stair, there are fewer headless corpse but more corpses with a different type of wound. They were cut cleanly at the vital parts, thus the organs do not fall around like the bandage man victims. Even so, all of these are too gruelsome for the students. The group try to hold back but end up vomiting halfway. Luckily, they do not have any encounter with the monsters or those masked women. Lexar is used to such scene but still finds it disturbing because all of the people here are just only teenagers studying in school peacefully. There is no reason for them to meet such a cruel end. His anger toward Yoshida rises as he looks at the terrified face of the deceased.


"May you have a good after life." He offers a praying for them.

Suddenly, violent sound comes from Takagi's communication device. He quickly puts it on his ear and calls his sister.

"Meiya, what's wrong? What is happening there?"

"Big brother, please hurry. They are coming. They are trying to break the door to the changing room." Her crying voice reaches everyone's ears.

"Hang in there, Meiya. Big brother is coming. You have to keep the door closed before I arrive." Takagi impatiently replies his sister but what responds him is a louder banging sound.

"Please, you have to save my sister. I will do anything to pay you back, Mashima-san." He begs Hinami with tears in eyes.

"Sugihara-san, you have to calm down first. We can't just charge recklessly at the enemy without knowing anything." Hinami tries to calm him down.

"How the hell can I calm down? Did you hear the loud sound just now? The door is gonna... Fine, I will just go ahead and save my sister." Takagi shouts to Hinami then decides to run ahead.

"Young master!" His two followers call and follow him.

"Stop right there!" Hinami activates her authority to command them but to no avail.

"Damn it! His head is boiling already. Girls, we have to follow him." She rushes her other two friends to run.

"Meooww (Let me go ahead to confirm his sister's situation)" Lexar says to Hinami then runs ahead.

His speed is much faster than human. In just a few seconds, he already runs pass Takagi and leaves him behind. After turning two corners, he sees two toilet monsters ramming on a door. The cat makes a big "Meow" to attract the monsters' attention. They turn their faces to him but when they realize it is just a cat, they resume the task and keep ramming the door.

Angry for being ignored, he makes a dash then jumps on one of the monster's cover. He musters his strength and punches it. Unfortunately, the hole is not formed but he succeeds drawing their aggro. It thrashes around, intending to shake him off but he holds firm.

At the same time, Takagi and his followers finally reach the changing room, with Makoto, Hinami, Yuuko behind.


"Lexar!" Makoto calls to him.

"Takagi-san, step aside." Hinami takes out a handgun and shoots the monsters.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Six bullets are fired and pierce six holes on two monsters. Flame consumes them into white ash and Lexar gets down on the ground. The group of six hurriedly run to in front of the changing room.

"Lexar, you really made me worried there. How dare you made your owner worried like that?" Makoto hugs him tightly and pinches him hard with an angry face.

"Meeeeeeoooow (It hurts!)" The cat makes a painful scream and tries to break out of her hands.

"Please don't do that, Tachibana-san. If he did not buy time for us, my sister would be in danger. I even need to thank him for that. I also have to thank you for having such a wonderful cat." Takagi frantically tries to stop Makoto and protect Lexar.

"Ok, I already get it. Geez, be thankful that someone else speaks for you, stupid cat. You should only serve your owner, not other people." Makoto softens her expression a little and relaxes her hug.

The cat does not miss the opportunity and jump out of her arms. He quickly hides behind Hinami's feet and turns his face away, not looking at Makoto.

"Hahahaha. Looks like our hero dislikes his owner now." Hinami teases Makoto.

"Being too possesive is no good." Yuuko also comments.

The girl in person has no word to say and can only smile awkwardly.

'Meiya, are you inside there? It's me Takagi. Open your door for me." Takagi knocks on the door while calling out.

"Takagi-sama?" A surprised voice comes from inside.

"Is that Enjou? It's me, Takagi. You can open the door now. It's already safe." Takagi replies to the voice from inside.

Sound of things moving inside is heard. After a minute, the door is open and a male student comes out.

"Takagi-sama. Thank you for rescuing us." Enjou bows his head to Takagi.

Another person suddenly comes out behind him and hugs Takagi tightly. In return, he also welcomes her in embracement. The girl presses her face and cries out loud.

"*Sob* *Sob* Where were you, big brother? I was so scared. I thought I was gonna die before I could meet you." Sugihara Meiya cries in her brother's chest.

"It's all safe now, Meiya. Everything is ok now. You don't have to be afraid anymore. Big brother is here for you." Takagi kisses her hair while comforting her.

"*Sob* Un, I know. I know that big brother will always be there for me." Meiya makes a happy smile while still crying.

"Big brother will not be away from you anymore" The brother happily combs her hair with his hand..

On the other hand,

"Urgh, to think that the rumour is true. The Sugihara siblings are both sis-con and bro-con."Hinami makes a disgusted face.

"Incest is really no good. Should stop them" Yuuko closes her eyes tight, trying not to look at the couple.

"This is too much sugar for me. I don't really like this." Makoto covers her mouth with her hand, pretending to be sick.

The four followers of Sugihara family have no choice but to smile wryly in front of the usual exchange between their masters and the remarks from the outsiders.

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