《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 14: The fight with the slit mouth 1


After spending some time for the lovey dovey siblings, Sugihara Takagi introduces Makoto, Hinami, Yuuko to his sisters, and tells about how they rescued everyone.

"Thank you very much for helping me and my brother. And you too, Lexar, thanks to you, I am now alive." Meiya bows her head and expresses her gratitude with a bright smile.

Her scared and childish attitude has disappeared, and now looks like an elegant lady, fitting the noble title. His brother too now has composure and acts like one as well. Perhaps he wants to show his best side in front of his sister.

"What should we do next, Hinami?" Makoto asks for the leader her opinion.

"So far we have been safe but my anxiety does not go away. Personally, I think that we have already rescued 3 people, maybe there are other survivors we can save. I also want to gather as much information about this world as possible. However, our safety is not really guaranteed and having more people makes it more difficult to protect. Mashima-san, this is my first and last warning: Don't break out the formation like that before. It was a very dangerous action. We may have been ambushed by the monsters and wiped out. If you do it again, I will completely ignore you and your sister's safety. I am the one who is the leader here." Hinami gives out her thought and warns Takagi.

"It will not happen again. I promise" Takagi answers her with affirmation.

Hinami nods then keeps talking "Now, back to the topic, in the case we are able to save more people, the danger also increases as well. From what we have seen so far, the enemy also can think logically and have command structure. We have to face against beings with intelligence yet there is not much we know about them. The safest course of action is to send the survivors we save outside as soon as possible then go back to search for more. The bad point about it is that it takes time and the more time passes, the less chance of survival they have."

(If we have one more person with power, we can divide into two teams for each task.) Hinami looks at Lexar while thinking so.

To keep thing in secret, Hinami hasn't approached Lexar to talk about her power at all. There is no problem if it was just Yuuko and Makoto but there are Sugihara family here so she resisted the urge to ask.


"You are a little bit confident here, Hinami. We have never fought those women before so we are not even sure we can survive when encountering them. You are already assuming that we can fight them off safely even with few people." Yuuko makes a point.

"You helped me there. I did not consider enemy's capability that much. I was too focused on rescuing more people." Hinami admits her mistake willingly.

"Saving people is really important but that is when you can survive first. I believe that we have enough to protect ourselves but such matter should be carefully considered." Yuuko says.

"Do you have any plan, Yuuko?" Makoto asks.

"First, we need to secure and prepare the escape route first. We will send the Sugihara back then find those women near the school gate and fight. If they are too much for us to handle, we can immediately escape. If not, we can proceed with the rescue with more certainty." Yuuko gives out her plan.

"It's not bad. What do you think, Takagi-san and Meiya-san?" Hinami agrees with this plan then asks for the siblings for their opinions.

"I will follow any instruction you give. But personally, I'd prefer if you can send my sister outside first, this world is too dangerous for her." Takagi says.

"I hope that you can save the remaining survivors as soon as possible. But for your safety, I think we should Yuuko's plan." Meiya gives her opinion.

"How about you, Makoto? And you guys too." Hinami asks the four followers.

"We want to send Mashima-sama back home first." A representative answers the question.

"Let's go with Yuuko plan. I believe we can fight back those women then proceed to save the others." Makoto answers.

"It's decided then. We will send you guys outside first..." Hinami concludes the discussion but gets interrupted by a "Meow".

"Meow meoow maoow (We are going to be surrounded. Run!)" Lexar warns everyone.

Only Hinami hears what he said but everyone understands that the cat is warning them something.

"We need to run. Lead the way, Lexar." Hinami gives command to the cat.

The group starts running with the cat leading. With the help of "Clairvoyance", he already sets a path with the fewest monsters possible or with only toilet monsters. The masked women have appeared and are now chasing them. The clothes are wet with blood and hands are holding knives or scissors, making them look like a group of psychopaths. He even saw them playing around with the carcasses. The bandage man gave a feeling of brutal violence while they have a feeling of creepy insanity. Their eyes are full of murder, terror and excitement. Just looking at them gives a chill in the spine.


Makoto group finally reach the school gate but the masked women are already behind them. Seeing them in real eyes gives everyone goose bumps. The two groups stand still and stare at each other.

"Hahahaha, you can't escape now, cuties. Because you are gonna die here." A leading woman talks to them.

"You can talk?" Yuuko asks in bewilderment.

"Does it matter that much? Because I'm going to kill you right now. Girls, get them!" The leader does not have any intention to talk anymore and orders her group to attack.

"Just defend yourself. I will do the attack." Hinami creates 2 SMGs from the white flame in her hand and shoots those women.

Those get shot have holes all over the body and burn into white ash, similar to the toilets and bandage man. However, it is a difficult battle. Different from the previous enemies, the women are quite agile as they run fast and knows to crouch down or move in complex pattern, evading the bullet. Not only that, more and more masked women appear and charge at them.

*Clank* *Clank* The SMGs are out of bullets as Hinami kills the 10th woman. She clicks her tongue and throws the empty guns away. A cylinder forms on her back with a gun attached to it with a hose. She holds the gun and points it toward the nearest woman.

"How about this?" Hinami sneers

A stream of white fire comes out from the gun, burning the target into crisp in only a second. Different from the handmade flamethrower, the one in her hand shoots a stream of 20 meter long and its flame is more than 2000 degree Celsius, a degree enough to melt iron. Unlike the SMG bullets that they can withstand a few hit, any woman who approaches near Hinami is burnt to ashes without any trace.

The masked company all stop in front of such weapons. The heat is so terrifying that their faces are burnt a little bit despite standing far away. The students side cheer for Hinami as the monsters are pushed back. However, things turn to unexpected development.

Hinami suddenly kneels on all four and sighs heavily. The flamethrower disappears and her clothes changes from the military uniform to student uniform. She did not expect that using that flamethrower could take her so much energy. Now she does not have any power left to transform, not mentioning fighting.

The leading masked notices her condition and laughs evilly. “She already does not have any power now. Go and revenge our sisters!”

She rushes out to the front and raises her butcher knife high, with the aim right at Hinami’s neck. The girl is too tired to move and can do nothing but to close her eyes out of instinct.

*Clang* A metal sound hitting vibrates the air.

Yuuko stands in front of Hinami with wooden sword in hand. She hit the handle of the side of the butcher knife, knocking it fly away. Makoto approaches the leading woman and gets behind her. The string in her hand circumvents the woman’s neck and tightens it. The woman struggles to get away but Hinami stills pin herself on the woman back and further tightens the string. Black smoke gathers in the woman’s hand and another butcher knife is there. However, before it can be used, she is kicked then a slash from the wooden sword comes at her head. The force Yuuko used is enough to crack a human’s skull. The woman collapses on the ground and stops moving. Blood flows from her head.

“You have done enough, Hinami. Now it’s time for us to protect you.” Yuuko’s voice enters Hinami’s ears.

She is feeling too tired and her eyes are feeling heavy, but she struggles to stay awake, to protect everyone. However, a chant comes from behind along with Yuuko’s voice. She finds it acceptable to close her eyes a while.

“Cloak up” That word enters her ears before her consciousness drifts away.

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