《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 10: Hinami's awakening


*Hinami's POV*

"Is it too difficult for you?" A woman voice echoes in my head.

Her voice interrupts me thinking on how to escape this situation but I don't get bothered by it. It was due to her that I can survive this far with my friends. I don't know how but her voice is like an advanced hypnosis technique that allowed me to concentrate better while discarding my fear and worry. If it was a normal me, I doubt that I would be able to come up with the current weapons and plans to fight against these monsters. Right now, she is the hope I need to break through this ordeal.

A chant comes from somewhere. My head starts to become fuzzy and the eye lids feel so heavy. My conciousness starts to drift away.

When I open my eyes, I am in an extravagant room with many luxurious decorations. The center of the floor is occupied by a whole skin of a bear and an elegant tea table with diamond ornaments. On the wall, many medals and heads of many animals are hung. The total value of this room may worth even billion yen. I realize that I am sitting on a sofa and opposite of me, across the table, there is another woman enjoying tea on her seat. She is wearing a extravagant white military uniform with many badges on her right chest. Even inside house, she still has military cap on her head. She has a beautiful face brimming of confidence and elegance, which is only seen in women in high rank of working society.

I have a strange feeling that I already know her and expect that she would look like this, despite our first meeting. I look at her and patiently wait until she finishes her drink.

Her closed eyes open when she puts down the cup. The aura around her has completely changed. I feel pressure all over my body like I am in front of a king. Not a king in name only but one with absolute dominance over people and complete authority. In her case, a queen is an appropriate word.

Her gaze is piercing enough like she can see through me. An anger surges within me despite the pressure. I don't know the reason but her dominance over me is something that I cannot accept no matter what. My entire life is controlled by my father, who is the head of a zaibatsu, and thrown all over the places by the suggestion of many people. I have tolerated their dominance over my life because I have no power. However, this woman alone will not have that privilege. Even though she is many leagues above them in term of power and wealth, I cannot accept that.


"Stop this insolence at once!" I shout at her face.

Contrary to my expectation that she becomes angry, her face shows a satisfying smile. A smile of someone who is glad that people have passed her test. Such an arrogant attitude but it fits her so well. Her aura from before has gone and silence fills the room as we stare at each other. I look at her with a mix of anger and tension while she has a calm demeanor. Thought races in my head as I inspect her. Memory of my whole life starts to be recollected: the moment my father became the head of Mashima zaibatsu and received the Mashima name, the moment I had to accept the challenge to succeed my family and the moment when my grandfather gave me the lecture on the quality of Mashima.

The figure in front of me now has all of the things I want to have in the future: power, authority, wealth, success, and upholding of one own value; except that military uniform as I have no intention going in the army. Tension and anger subside as I organize all these thoughts and now, I see her as someone I will become. Without exchanging any word, a link between us is formed as we both stand up and recite it, the teaching of Mashima family.

"...................." We both say the content in sync while looking at each other.

Our recitation comes to an end. Silence is again filled inside the room but the atmosphere is different now.

"I understand now." I say to her.

"Yes, and I do expect it." She replies.

"You are me."

"And I am a reflection of yourself, your hope and desire."

"Quite an image of hope and desire, you get there." I laugh lightly at her image.

"Because it is what you are wishing now, after all." She replies with a nonchalant voice.

"I need your help. Now." I ask for her help.

"Let's go save our friends" She agrees to my request.

White color starts to cover my vision and my consciousness is once again drifted away.

*At the school gate*

The scenery becomes visible again after the light dissipates. Everyone is stunned by what happened. Even the monster army stops making sound. Every person here gazes at Hinami and is at loss of words.

She is now covered in white transparent fire. The flame burns intensely as smoke disperses in the air. Her friends all become worried at such scene but the person herself does not pay any attention to it. Her eyes are closed with relaxed expression as if the fire does not harm her at all.


"Hinami." Makoto calls out to her.

"Hu hahahahahaha." Hinami suddenly breaks out a loud laugh, which surprises everyone here.

When she opens her eyes, they feel like we are looking at a different person. Unlike the gentle charisma of a capable leader from before, she now eludes an aura of a queen with complete confidence and absolute dominance over everyone here. The pressure she emits has prevented all person here from speaking and captivated them. A strange thought comes to the students’ mind that “She is our queen. It is our duty to serve her.” Even Lexar is also affected slightly. He knows that he has succeeded awakening her power but for it to be king authority related, the person himself is very surprised.

Hinami puts her right hand on the left shoulder, gripping her blazer.

“My name is Mashima Hinami.” She suddenly introduces herself in a loud voice.

“This school is the place where I go. That fact is enough to prove that this is my area, my territory. Those of you evil who spread terror here are no doubt invaders of my land; those who dares to shake and question my authority as a ruler.”

“Under the decree of the Mashima, I shall hereby sentence you: purification judgment. CLOAK UP!” She grips her blazer strongly and then tears it off.

The flame around her suddenly intensifies and becomes thicker, covering Hinami's figure. Strong heat winds blow the surrounding area and carry dust with it, creating a white storm with her at the center. The students cover their eyes to protect from the dust. When the wind subsidizes, they open their eyes and gasp.

A different girl stands at the place where Hinami was. She is wearing a white military unifrom with gaudy decoration and a cap. Her long black hair is tied as a bun behind her head. Her beautiful face has many points similar to Hinami but more mature, and the glasses are nowhere to be found. People may mistake her as the older sister of Hinami but her friends do not mistake it.

That large build man seems to realize the danger as he orders his minions to charge.

“Hinami, be careful!” Yuuko shouts out when she recovers from the shock.

Hinami remains still as the minion horde get closer. Her eyes lock on them with intimidation and disgust. Being stared so intensively, the monsters roar louder while speeding up.

"Don't you dare approach me, you dirty creatures!" She shouts in anger.

Her hands lower down and in the space between them, a minigun materialzies. She holds it up and aims at those toilets. The revolving cylinder of steel sings a deadly tune of destruction as the bullets rain on them. The monsters are pierced with many holes on the body and fall on the ground, dispersing into black bubble after a small moan. Pieces of porcelain fly all over the place as the bullet stream sweeps through the monster army and annihalate every toilet stand on its path.

A complex feeling surges in Lexar's head. The magical girl's debut entrance is so epic yet her opponents have to be the toilet monsters. Not only that, he feels lucky that those toilets are quite clean as only clear water and porcelain come out of them. If they had poop and urine inside, this whole place would become a source of biohazard. The girl also realizes it as her face is showing a bitter smile and the dominating aura disappears.

The suffocating area is now empty as the monster corpses all vanish in the air. Only the bandage man remains, lying on the ground. He used his underling as the cover to escape from the bullet hell. Hinami has already stopped shooting, and the minigun disperses into small particles then vanish.

"To think that my debut stage is such a disgraceful scene." She bits her lip with an angry voice.

She creates a handgun out of the air and walks toward the lying man. Her boots hit on the marble ground with loud sound, showing how angry she is. No one dares to approach or call out to her. Her target keeps lying on the ground despite no serious injury.

*Bang* The gunshot echoes the hallway. The bandage man is hit right in the head. White flame suddenly surges from his body and consumes him, leaving only white ash.

The battle has finally ended yet no one says a single word. The students are either shocked by what happened or afraid of the current Hinami, or even both. The military girl herself is humiliated by the fight with her opponents and lost the chance to show her glory. Yuuko and Makoto do not know what to say. The situation becomes awkward with nobody speaking.

Feeling tired, Hinami takes a deep sight then raises her hand up with a loud shout "Victory is ours!"

All the students break the awkward atmosphere and cheer after her.

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