《Magical Girl Selector》Chapter 9: The fight with the bandage man


Hinami shakes her head then looks straight at the man. She then asks in a loud voice "What are you doing !? And who are you !?".

The man just keeps walking toward the group, not paying any attention to the girl's word.

"Stop right there! Don't make any move. If you don't listen, we will response with force." Hinami threatens the man but he ignores it.

"Careful. This guy is full of killing intent. I can tell that he already killed a lot of people. He is definitely no human." Yuuko warns everyone and gets into combat stance.

Everyone gets tenser by second as the man walks nearer and nearer. Hinami silently signals everyone to prepare their weapons.

When the man is only 5 meters away from the group, the leader finally gives out her order.

"Fire team, maximum output."

Unlike before, there are 6 guys with spray cans this time and 6 streams of fire come out from their hands. The man is completely engulfed in red flame but that figure is still walking. To make it worse, he starts to speed up and breaks into the run. The sudden development scares everyone and they all break out of the formation. They are able to evade the fire charge by scattering in all directions, except for one person.

That male student is unlucky, because he was aimed from the beginning. The corpse in the killer's hand is thrown away, and the empty hand grabs for the boy's neck, hanging him on the air.

Being suffocated and burnt at the same time, the unlucky student screams painfully and tries to break out the constraint by attacking that arm. The rest of the group realize the situation and gang up on the man.

Makoto takes out a string and makes a hangmans noose. She throws it over the man's head and attaches the other side of a string with a pen. By spinning the pen, the string on his neck tightens, aiming to choke him. However, the man just ignores the string, completely fine with his neck being strangled.

Yuuko steps in with the sledgehammer in hand. She swings the hammer with all she has at the killer, intending to go for a kill by smashing his head. But reality betrays her expectation.

A loud *thud* sound and the man is only slightly shaken. But fortunately, that is enough for him to drop the poor guy on the ground and stands dazed. Not missing a chance, the others use their own weapons, hitting him with all their strength. Yet the man does not flinch even a slightest like the time with Yuuko.


"How dare you hurted him, you murderer!" A girl runs out and throws a bottle at the him. The glass breaks and its content pours on the target. The liquid makes a sizzling sound with contact. Part of his exposed face quickly shrinks and blackens like charcoal.


The man reacts by howling in anger and pain. For the first time, the man is finally injured, but that only results in a more terrifying development for the students here. The killer swings his machete 360 degrees, slashing everyone near him.

"Arrghhh!" x4

Due to the suddeness, four nearest student are not able to dodge in time and get slashed at their stomachs. Their contents can be seen and start to fall down on the ground. They moan a bit then all collapse with their last breath.

"Isshi, Nikota, Hyuga, Shin!" Hinami calls out to the victims.

"No! It's not my fault. I did not mean to do it." The girl realizes what she did and starts shaking her head, denying her action.

(This guy is really not human. Even after taking on that hammer on the head, he can still be fine. That attack just now was not normal either. He slashes through all four human bodies without having any resistance at all. The amount of force behind that arm is not joking.) Lexar calmly analyzes the man as if the death of those students means nothing to him. He was already desensitized by such thing a long time ago.

(But still...) He looks at the surrounding students.

The cat is not the only who still has his calm. Yuuko and Makoto are still staring at the man intensely. The other students who also managed to avoid that attack all have cold sweat on their spines and step back with a scared face. Even Hinami who also called out the victims' name regains her calm after a few second.

(They are really special, after all.) He thought. It is not unexpected for the teenager girls to break in tears in such a gruelsome and near death situation. For them to be able to organize and fight back the monster, he has already given them high credit for their brave will. However, the mentality they have right now is even comparable to soldiers: calmly analyzing the enemy while facing death. Their movement also say it: they attacked the bandaged man with decisive killing intent. If their opponent was a normal human, he would die right on spot. Comparing to what he saw in the anime, the girls standing in front of him now have more quality to fight as heroes to protect the world. Lexar feels that there is no problem if he helps them awaken their powers.


(Brute force is not working at all. That body is like a mass of iron. Even striking at human's weaknesses is useless. Only acid seems to be effective but we do not have that much to dissolve him. We need to deal with that machete first before trying anything.) Makoto thinks of a strategy.

"Yuuko, do you think that fireaxe can cut through his skin?" She asks the person who hit the monster with hammer in a loud voice while making a cutting sign behind her hand.

"The toughness came from the skeleton, not from the skin or muscle. I saw the meat deformed a bit when we stroke him at various places. If we stab or slash the parts without bone structure, we can probably damage him. " Yuuko gives out her analysis in the same manner.

"How much acid do we have left?" Makoto then shouts to ask Hinami, who is far away.

"Three bottles worth!"Hinami answers with a big voice.

"Good. Throw one bottle for me."

"Catch!" Hinami throws a glass bottle in the air.

The bandage man hears the conversation and charges toward Makoto. While on flame, he raises the machete high, intending to chop the girl in half, but he is blocked by Yuuko.

The long hair girl makes a full spin and swings the hammer right at the face. The target of the machete changes to the attacker as the big build brings it down. Yuuko makes a side step, avoiding the slash by a hair breath, and her attack lands on the shoulder joint. At the same time, Makoto drops a heel kick on the killer's wrist, forcing the man to drop the weapon down. However, the attempt fails as the hand holding the machete loosens a bit but does not drop.

(Still not good enough...) Both the girls think the same thing.

Suddenly, a small black shadow appears. It extends its claws and scratches at the fingers. The hand opens at that moment and the machete falls on the ground. It was Lexar and he immediately snatches the machete in his mouth then runs away.

"Nice work, Lexar" Makoto smiles at his good timing support.

Realizing what happened, the bandage man roars in anger and swings his arm to punch the girls, but misses. They already retreated back and regroup with Hinami bunch along Lexar.

"Good cat, nice support there." Yuuko pats on the cat's head.

"We have taken away his weapon now, it's time for a counter attack." Hinami holds the machete in hand while excitedly saying so.

Hope returns back to the student body. They hold firmly the weapon in hands and surround the bandage man. Being in disadvantage, he observes the surrounding while groaning. Looking at the machete in Hinami's hand, he stops looking around then stands straight.

"noinim ,emoC" He says in an unknown language.

The black sea blocking the school gate creates big waves. Hundred bubbles fly out and float on the air, surrounding the bandage man. The students break the encirclement, avoiding the black bubbles hitting their bodies. Those bubbles fall on the ground and create a small black puddle each, then toilet monsters come out. There are more than a hundred of them, completely reverse the situation.The students are now surrounded instead.

Despair comes and strikes them. Everyone did not expect such development. They are confident that they can defeat a handful of monsters with their number superiority and tricks. However, in front of such overwhelming number, all the tricks are useless.

"It's all over. We can't win against them."A student mutters.

"We are going to die here."

Everyone becomes hopeless as the light inside their hearts dwindle a lot and some have completely disappear. Only three persons left with their hopes still shining more than ever: Makoto, Hinami and Yuuko. Among them, Hinami is now the biggest and Lexar can see it spreading out her body. And then he discovers it: a small transparent box enveloping the center of the light. It is blocking most of the light out of her heart. At that instant, he knows that it's time for his main job. :

“Hear my voice, inner desire of thou

Thou desire shall wake up from slumber

and guide thou through the illusion of this world.

Thou shall be reborn from this world and create your reality.”

A bright light engulfs the whole area as Lexar finishes his chain.

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