《When I was old》Ch 19


Guys, so many things happened this week that I don't even know from where to start. Guess what was the first dominos to be pushed which started this serie? Yeah, it's the chapter that for some reasons disappeared. Sigh, that was a 3k plus chapter. Oh, well returning to the story. When I finally finished that 3k chapter who by the way took me 6 hours to write I was excited to post it for you all to read. That excitement was supposed to wash away my tiredness and accumulated stress, sadly that wasn't the case. As when I tried to copy paste that chapter, I accidently clicked on delete before copy. And that was the begining of Armagedon. I was just burned out, all that accumulated stress of the week came at one go and I just wanted to sleep. When I tried writing a chapter the next day, those emotion I felt were no longer present. I couldn't even remember with what did I start the chapter. And nothing new came to my mind to write, I was just blocked...

That's when I thought "screw this, this is just wasting time. Let's play some online games and continue writing when I get an insight." That was a Big miss. I should have known myself better than this, and that if I start playing a game I automatically go on crazy mode and only sleep 4 hours a day. It gotten to the point where even a head gm of the said game asked me to become a gm. I don't know if I should have accepted, but once I did, my schedule became abyssimal lol, only slept 4 hours in these two days. My eyes are so filled with visible blood veins that you would think I messed up my sharingan. Now the big question is, how did I have the time to write this chapter.

Well your sincerly kazumi guy is a highschool student, he is in his third and final year. I don't know if you guys have the same educationnal system that I have, but at the end of highschool we have this big test that we call BAC, in some states it's called hgs or something like that. Hope that helped you understand what I'm talking about.

Now you will probably think what does this have anything to do with gming, well it has all. I just used my bac as an excuse to get back to you, yeay!!! Well I say excuse, but it's not really, I do have a Bac this year so I might disappear from here too.

For those waiting the continue of opness is great for your health, remember that I need to finish this first book on this story which have now an unknown date. So yeah just forget about that next week or so thing, it was just an estimation of what would take me at the time. The datas have changed and so did the schedule... I should really shut up sometimes hhh.

Well, like always. I beg you to not comment. I love not comments, they are not what make my day. When someone said that I liked this part or that this part felt bland, I feel not like if there is some kind of spiritual interaction between us readers and writers. So please do not comment!!! (Lol)

Now without further ado, enjoy(lol this intro was as big as one of my shortest chapter hh)


Ch 19

"Sigh, such a shame. A pure body such as this is a talent second only to those demonic lords of the legends. Even without my third eye, I can feel through my body how cold and chaotic is this energy" said Xin Ley with a sigh, regret appearing on his face for such a loss.


"Huh?! Well, if this was the first heaven breaking talent that I saw dying young, I would have definitely sighed with regret. But I saw far too many young deities suffering from such a disease and dying young. No, maybe calling it an illness isn't right, it's more of a phenomena" said Andre while looking at the roof, he seemed as if recalling something and he just drifted off to the realm of nostalgy.

"A disease?! Do you mean that this actually happened before!" Said Xin Ley, suddenly both surprised and interested.

"Yeah, do you know about the terminal devil qi syndrom?!" Said Andre as he just got out of his own universe.

"Terminal devil qi?! Are you implying that little Yin has THAT syndrom?!!" Said Xin Ley, clearly bewildered. His usual cool demanor shattered completely, and the aloof position his rank gave him was no more. Clearly the words "terminal devil qi" contained meaning that could shock the world.

"Hoh? So you know about this phenomena" said Andre with little interest showing in his eyes. As his gaze that was constantly locked in the roof shifted slightly toward the fat figure that was in his left. His plastered lips cracked into a little smile before disappearing again.

"Yeah, the royal records tell tails about how this disease killed so many heavenly childs, and how it's possibly the doom that happened to the demonic lords. Some believe that it's a curse, some a test, but there is one thing that they share in common, and that is.... never did a contaminated child live more than 3 years." Said Xin Ley seriously. His tone was quiet as if telling a secret, and his voice vibrating. Clearly the matter went by far through the boundaries of his capacity.

"Huh? So you guys know that much, I wasn't expecting that.

Either way, you got most of it right. Their have been no record in this world about anyone who had this disease but survived. But in others, things aren't quite the same. Huhaha.." Said Andre while trying his best to hide his laugher at the end. It was an unnecessary move as Xin Ley was thinking about something else.

'Seriously, how come a level 3 array master know this much. An array master of that level might be good in the royal court, but it's nothing exceptional. There is a whole circle of 13 elders made by just level 3 array masters working for the king. How come he knows more about it than the king himself... Wait, I only assumed that he is a 3rd level array master because he could use low level techniques with no waste whatsoever, but this only give him a minimum classement of 3rd level. His actual battle power is in fact... unknown.'

"Okay, Little Lin, why don't you thank mister Xin Ley for the open minder. The stuff he talked about is a notch above everything else you could find in this country." Said Andre trying to tease Lin, he knew that the poor guy was still dizzy from all the emotions that filled his chest at one go.

""Huh?! What's happening..."" said both little Lin and Xin Ley at the same time. It seemes that the little joke Andre wanted to play was more effective than predicted.

"Sigh, you two. Losing focus like this, you guys really need some more experience." Sighed Andre as his hair and coat were moving graciously with the wind.

""Eh.. h.hehe..."" The two were quite embarassed as the thoughts in their head made them not notice the ever strengthning wind.


"Oh whatever, let's leave it at that for now. By the way little Lin, let me ask you a question: Why the hell were you being such an ass licking bastard, I thought that you were the head strong and charismatic type." Said Andre as he dropped the bomb with giving no actual care in the world (the bomb has been dropped RUUNNN)

As Xin Ley heard Andre's talk, he nearly chocked to death. He felt as if his life span was cut by half with the shock he just recieved.

"... Head strong....charisma.... seriously?!" Mumbled Xin ley.

Opposite to Xin Ley's shock, little Lin's face was bright red. The now already strong wind was as if trying to cool down his head. He knew that his attitude today was shameless, that it was completely out of his character, but who could blame him. He is but a lowly adult realm, even when he was at his prime he was still but a middle core stage master. How in the world could he even try and compare himself with a Soul Rule master? One should know that when Lin was just born, the Yushi clan was already on a critical state, it was but a breath away from being destroyed completely. The Yushi's downfall was a couple of years after the birth of Lin so he couldn't really develop any arrogance or pride. A Soul Rule master may be a great excistance for a core holder from the Yushi clan, but never in hell would he keep his head low in front of him. But Lin's own feeling of belonging to the Yushi clan were minimal at best, he lived his life trying to work things out for himself and any teaching that his parent could have possibly gave him to give birth to any kind of pride were already forgotten by time. That's why for him, a Soul Rule master was a frigthning excistance. No forget about him, even if the overlord of this sword valley region was to be here his reaction wouldn't lose out in shamelessness to Lin's, because even if by some chance you got the idiotic idea of offending a Soul Rule master, you still wouldn't be retarded enough to offend the power behind him: the royal family.

"Wow, from your reaction Xin Ley, it seems that what I said was an euphemism hahaha" laughed Andre, he liked teasing Lin but seeing the reaction of Xin Ley, he couldn't help but lose himself laughing.

".... Little .." mumbled Xin Ley.

When Lin heard Xin Ley mumbling, his whole body froze and thoughts of suicide were coming one after the other.

"Sorry I didn't hear you" said Andre as he made sure to focus this time on talking with Xin Ley, the now strong enough to irritate Andre made his eyebrows twitch, while paper accumulated close to his legs. His never bending legs worked as a ****** stopping the current of paper from flowing. Multiple loud noises of glass and decoration cracking.


"Bam, tss"

"...little.. me.." mumbled Xin Ley with a higher tone than before.

"Hmm, sorry but I didn't hear you well, I just heard something that is little and nothing more." Said Andre as he tried to make Lin even more embarassed. In fact he already knew what was happening but he still made this whole comedy just for the sake of driving Lin out of his wits.

And as expected Lin was even more red than a tomato, in fact he was so embarassed that his head started sinking between his shoulders.

"I said that he started calling himself little me for god's sake....." said Xin Ley with an exasperated tone. It seemed that the combination of Lin's obvious ass licking and the irritation caused by Andre was taking its toll on his mental state. Xin Ley may be an experienced Soul Rule master but that doesn't mean that he have complete control over his emotions. In that aspect even a random nerd might be able to beat him, but who can blame him, was his training course including sociology?!

"....... did you say that he called himself little me?" Said Andre as if he was shocked beyond belief, but on the inside he was laughing so maniacally that one wouldn't believe that he could mask such sharp emotions.

"Yeah...." said Xin Ley looking accabled, the fats in his face were stretched out in a wavy manner as the strong wind made him look like an old tired dog.

"Is that true Lin, by the way where are you trying to run to" said Andre as his head turned in a robotic way toward Lin, his grip as strong as steel landed on the poor man's shoulder and made his whole body straight, not able to move even a little bit.

The look on Yin Xian's father was priceless, he was basically begging to let him off. His ears were becoming blue from the sharp diference in temperature between his body and its exterior, this diference was caused by the now frosty wind that should have frozen any normal human by now.

As Andre saw his father's complexion his inner wild laugher was but a breath away from coming outside.

"Little Lin, I do understand that the diference in power between you and Xin Ley should have made you feel inferior. I also understand that your position in the clan make you need to mind your words and attitude in front of a royal envoy. But...but... little me HAHAHAHAHHA!!! Did you just go full little me, great you. Oh wise lord or something like that hhahah..." laughed Andre.

"In fact.... yes, he did that" interrupted Xin Ley, he too was enjoying teasing this junior. The disposition he had should have made him look like the cool detached type of character, but the wavy fats on his face made the whole situation just even more hilarious.

Contrary to Xin Ley's mood, Lins was pretty bad. The embarrasment was turned into anger and his dizzy head became clear. He was like a bullied child that just snapped and thought "STOP, Enough is enough".

"Okay, you guys laughed as much as you like, now it's time to stop. By the way the weather is pretty bad today." Said Lin completely serious.

"Hahah, man couldn't you think of a bettee execuse than this, right Xin Ley? Hahha" said Andre as he continued laughing, he was so drunk on his trolling that he cut all other connection to reality.

"Eh.... n..no..ib(in)..fant(fact)...th ..weat..iv(is)..truly...bad" said Xin Ley as the now enough to crack the walls wind was pressing on his face.

"Huh? Now that you said it, it's true that I felt that the wind was pretty bad today. How the hell is there any wind in a closed room by the way" said Andre surprised.

"There is a sandstorm behind you Andre. No, in fact more than a sandstorm, it's more like a glassstorm hahha" laughed Lin as he tried to get back his revenge from earlier.

"A glassstorm, hmm that sound pretty dangerous hahah. By the way can someone tell me why is there so many random mirrors in all of the rooms that I entered. Do you guys do some kind of ritual with them goddammit!!" Shouted Andre exasperated as his voice was becomming less and less understandable because of the disturabance.

"Eh, I'm getting pretty mad now. Andre can we seal this qi and ne done with it." Said Xin Ley who finally remembered to make a qi membrane around his body to defend against the wind.

"Hmm ok, no problem with me. Xin Ley, can you please condense the surrounding chaotic qi around little Yin's body. Just make it be as close as his body as possible, no need go form a membrane around him." Said Andre.

"Even if you told me to do so, I still wouldn't have done it. That's like throwing away my life, even touching devil qi with my own spiritual force is pretty taxing, forget about controlling it." Said Xin Ley, clearly not pleased to do the job assignated to him.

"Sorry about that" said Andre with a helpless smile on his face.

"Sigh, no real problem. My qi is still taking quite a bit of burden away from my shoulders." Said Xin Ley as if he didn't mind, but if one could see through his eyes they would notice a seriousness that is of such a contarst with his usual chubby appareance.

"Ok, let's start now. The sooner the better with this type of things" said Andre as he started focusing.

"Can you guys please start already, I'm gonna freeze to death if this continue" Shouted Lin as loud as he could. In the back of his feets traces of ice started forming, while his qi veins were being vioated by the rampaging qi. He was trying his best to counter it with his own qi, but hi efforts were quite futil.

"Ok, ok. Here eat this pill, it will help you buy some time for us, I don't want you to become disabled just for like that." Said Xin Ley as he gave Lin a golf ball sized red pill, a strong medicinal fragnance could be felt from it.

"Thanks" said Lin gratefully.

"No problem" said Xin Leyvas he concluded the discussion. Andre was focusing on his task for a long enough time, and he don't to miss the timing else the synchronisation he had with Andre will disappear and time will be needlessly wasted.

Beads of cold sweat dripped out of Xin Ley's forehead like a waterfall as he tried his best to make his spiritual force engluf the whole room with all the qi disturbance in the way. As he controled the surrounding chaotic his qi through the spiritual web he already created to push back the running away chaotic devil qi. The whole process of condensing the devil qi took around 5 minutes to complete.

Andre who was already done with his preparation switched his focus to Xin Ley. Just when the fat lord finished condensing the qi Andre took complete control of it and started pouring it bit by bit in"little Yin"'s qi vein. He made sure to not be overexcessive as even a little deviation may make the whole body disappear in but an instant.

As time passed, the pool of sweats surrounding Andre became bigger and bigger. Going through the veins may be an impossibly precise task, but it couldn't hold a candle against needing to make someone else's qi go back to its dantian. He needed to push in no more than enough qi and that is several time. There is no actual pattern which make trying to become used to it useless.

"GRWAHH!!! AHHHHHH!!" A heart wreaching and soul breaking scream resounded from outside. Ghosts and gods were scared out of their wits as the sharp as a knife cry resounded through the whole palace.

"..Xin Ley... I don't care about what actually happen to your subordonates or what you are thinking and planning. For mr those things are of little importance.... But just know, if they make me lose focus on such an importance next time. It won't end with just a mass execution." Said Andre as a thick killing intent englufed his the room. His black eyes seemed like a black hole able to suck you in, and their inside was as if hosting a devil waiting patiently for his meal.

"...s.sorry.. understood" said Xin Ley shivering. He may be an esteemed Soul Rule master going inhendred in the whole country, but what of that? If he is a Soul Rule master, isn't Andre in his thinking at least a level 3 array master. A Soul Rule may beat an array master on 1on1 battle with no preparation before hand, but that's it. He can beat him, but can he kill him. An array master, even if we're talking about the laziest in the universe always have an agility boost array at the very least, plus their mobility in air as they're using spiritual energy to fly are two factors that make an array master, if not completely overpowered by his oppenant be too difficult to kill.

This is the reason why the royal teachings always emphasis on the fact that offending an array master is basically courting death, because if not immediatly killed, with their influence they will easily make you go through endless suffering.

"Ok, enough said" said Andre as he tried masking his bloody eyes, and his internal injuries. When losing focus while using spiritual energy, the blacklash is proportional to the strength of one's soul and the effort they're making. Andre was pretty lucky to have focused on his soul for those 30 years as with the task at hand, the blacklash shouldn't have been as simple as some internal injuries.

The process afterward was without troubles as Andre's inner state returned to the normal. Andre still had the body of a baby so it can't really take that much stress, having to use the metamorphosis spell for so long was already exhausting enough so going through the blacklash already went past what his body could handle.

"Sigh, that was pretty damn long enough, right Xin Ley?" said Andre grinning.

"Yeah... true, itbwas pretty exhausting" muttered Xin Ley while avoiding eye contact.

"Hihihi, oh well. We finally finished, I'll be going now. Sorry little Lin I can't stay too much here I have some troubles to deal with for now." Said Andre while appologizing.

"Huh? How could that be..." Said Lin, he may be pretty pissed at Andre for now, but he still believe that he is the missing link needed to understand what actually happened at that time with the clan.

"Sorry, mayb...." as Andre was about to execuse himself, a huge Boom was heard from behind.



"What's happening, what's this pure yang energy?!"exclamated Andre

"Like if I know, by the way let's get the hell out of here before...." Just as Xin Ley was about to issue his warning, a hot wave of energy englufed the whole building burning everything in its path.

"...we get burned, I guess that was pretty late." Said the now black as charoal less fat lord.

"Yeah, more like WHAT IN HELL WAS THAT?!!" (Andre)


Author's note: oh, well that was a pretty long chapter lol. Sorry guys, I had some exams this week(around 5 or 6) and I had to revise all the lessons we did this whole semester. So yeah, I actually made this chapter and the other test side strory between studying maths and physics lol.

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