《When I was old》Test chapter: Side Story


Author Note: Yeah guys, it seems that I'm actually not dead lol. Oh well, I had a pretty busy week and I'll explain everything on next chapter, it will be the main line this time lol. So yeah, I said test chapter in the title because I'm not totally sure this side story should be put here hahha, so yeah. If you guys find a little bit annoying I'll just post a link in chapter 18 that will make you go to ch 19 without going through the side story.

Btw, I thought about this side story for a long time and thought that it has a pretty good potential as a prequel. So if you guys want it as an actual prequel that will both answer your question, cover the plotholes, give more depth to the MC and above all be enjoyable. I don't mind making it on its own.

Side story

Hi, my name is Oniyama. A pretty weird name right? Hhh, I asked both my parents separatly why, and they just told me to wait and see... weird right? Oh, well that does not matter. Everyone in class think of it as pretty cool, and I got hilarious friends thanks to it. Who am I to say anything about it in this case? But this is not of much importance right now. What is, is the fact that this is the last day of class, sigh. Finally...

"Wow, finally! That was long enough. Hey, Oni-chan. How the hell does time pass so slowly when you actually want it to pass rapidely. Does it compress, lol"

'This is one of those friends I talked about earlier, his name is Henry.'

"Like I said before, stupid jokes will always be stupid jokes. It won't change if you said it in a different time. Einshtein would have called you an idiot. And for that time compressing thing. How the hell would I know?!" I answered the completly serious Henry.

"Wow, as harsh as ever. Can't you just let it go. By the way, what was that Einshtein thingy." said Henry while a curious gleam flashed in his eyes.

'Wow, this Henry guy is as energetic as ever. But, his company is comforting... surprisingly'

"Sigh, just go google it..." said Oniyama in an exesperated tone.

"Okay, no problem.." said Henry with regret showing in his eyes. He knew that this friend of him is pretty bad with people.

"Srrr srrrr"

"Okay, the class has finished. Even though you're in holidays, please remember to revise your lessons. Laziness isn't accepted in our international Institut of computer engeneer." Said the not even pretending to be caring prof.

""Yes, professor!"" Said the whole class. Everyone knew that they're just bullshitting themselves, but they still mechanically responded.

'Sigh, it seems that NPC infection is still contaminating them. Both the students.. and the profs.' Thought Oniyama as he went with trouble through the crowd that was blocking the classdoor. His eyebrows frowned a little at the irritation caused by this disorder, but his facial expression froze immediatly and the noises that were drumming in his ears became just background music as the he heard Henry speak...

"Huh, wow that was pretty odd. Why was everyone responding in such synchronisation. You would think that they were going on auto, and only a program was controlling them." Said Henry in a confused tone.


"..So...you too...... but you can't" mumbled Oniyama.

"Huh?! Did you say something?" Said Henry his eyes shining like safir, and his gaze sucked one in.

"Eh?!.. No, nothing. Just that.. didn't you already notice it. This was always the case, the profs upholding their duties saying to us "STUDY", and we doing our part of the contract saying "Yes, prof". That way is more convenient for both of us, and no one is in a bad position. That's how it always was, and that's how it should be." Said Oniyama with certainity, a cold look in his eyes. But if someone randomly cracked his head open and saw his thoughts....

'This is wrong... this is not how it should be...' his thoughts are as if a dark sea englufing his body.

"Eh, so that's how it always was..." said Henry, clearly not convinced.

"Yeah..." said Oniyama with a sigh, his thoughts were in turmoil and a rebellious feeling he started his best to subdue was building up in his chest. The dark see that was pressing on his ribs started showing sign of a wirhlpool forming, the water around him started boiling as if a millinium old volcano was waking up from his deep slumber.

"But, don't you think that it's weird, that it should change" said Henry, his face showing great resolution.

'No, please... Henry, stop'

"Why?" Said Oniyama, his cold look still stick to his eyes, while his eyebrow started to twitch and frown. The masked trace of pain that were impossible to detect before became more visible.

"I mean, these kind of automated back and fro in our everyday conversation close to programed. Isn't that way too boring, having to repeat the same thing everyday for the rest of our life. That's why I told you "Shouldn't it change?"" Said Oniyama's friend, his look spoke about great earnesty and a concluding tone took over his voice.

When Henry's final word came out of his mouth, Oniyama stopped in front of the university's main door. He turned around, looked at Henry in the eyes and said.

"Why would what I actually think even matter" said Oniyama, his face serious and his mind finally calmed down. The volcano that was about to erupt was forcefully shut down and his inner space finally returned to its originally cool state. Oniyama wasn't the type to dwell on his emotions too much, he may get aggitated here and there but he easily forget about it in matter of minutes if not saying seconds.

"How could it not matter? Aren't we in a society encouraging innovations and youth's ideologies? Doesn't it emphasize the importance of every citizen's word?" Said Henry earnestly, his look was wide and he had a satisfactory smile plastered on his lips. The look in his eyes would make you think he just won a challenging fight.

"Sigh, you're such a brat. Look at your face, its like a baby who finally got a toy." Said Oniyama with a sigh.

"Hehe, well you know me. I like taking everything as a game." Said Henry sheepleshly

"Sigh, oh well, it doesn't matter. Do you know why I did that metaphor with the child" said Oniyama with a meaningfull look as he continued his walk.

"Huh? Wasn't it to express how I take everything as a game." Said Henry confused.


"Well, partially. But that's not the important part, what is, is that only childs get to have complete freedom. There is no need for them to go on an automated talk." Said Oniyama flatelly.

"Well, yeah. But... I can't really start playing the child now, I'm already 22, hahaha"

"Yeah, but who ever said that you need to be a child to avoid having to deal with automated discussion. When talking with me, is your mind actually going afk!" Said Oniyama with a sharp tone.

"No, of course not. But, what does that even have to do with the fact that everyone actually go afk as you said, hahaha" laughed Henry wildely. Multiple gazes took the duo as their destination, but Henry didn't really care.

"Let me finish first, can you answer this question: Is there anything that is truly meaningless?" Asked Oniyama.

"Well, no I guess. I mean you can prove that something actually have a meaning, but how can you prove the opposit. At most you can prove that you can not prove it." Said Henry as a matter of course.

"Good answer. There is nothing meaningless in this world, now can you find the meaning behind those pattern of talking." Said Oniyama as if leading Henry to an answer.

"Hmm, no, nothing really." Said Henry.

"Okay, then. Please imagine what would happen if there was no pattern in discussion. Try thinking about any situation where you actually needed to use them." Said Oniyama patiently.

"Hmm, sorry but.... No wait, now that you mention it. It's true that it does help when starting a discussion right?"

"Yeah, you got close to it. What those pattern do is actually taking the role of main guide lines, or some kind of check point that help you win some time to complete the discussion normally. Now you see why it doesn't matter if I was against it, that's because it's necessary." Said Oniyama concluding the discussion.

"Hmm, yeah. That's logical, but whatever my home is in this turn point. See ya ingame." Said Henry in a happy go lucky tone

"Yeah, okay" said Oniyama a little dejected.

As our black haired, 180cm tall mc turned around and was going in his own way, a blond haired beauty appeared from behind the green leaves of the decorative trees. She asked.

"Was it alright, to fill him with bullshit like this."

"Oh, miyuki. A pleasure to see you, are those guys still stalking you."

"Sigh, please drop that matter, it's not even funny at how high of a level they can go with their retardness. Now, returning to the question in hand.. are you sure you don't want to tell him the truth." Said Miyuki with a michiveous smile.

"Sigh, I'll do the same thing I did to him, to you now." Said Oniyama while shaking his head.

"Ehh!" Exclamated Miyuki disheartned.

"Tell me what is the age of Henry?" Said Oniyama while grinning mockingly.

"Grrr, are you sure you wanna play this game. Those guys may be sticking to me like a horde of lions, but that might be you for different reasons in the blink of an eye" said Miyuki angrily.

"No, no. Okay, calm down, ok ?" said Oniyama trying to be as innocent as he could. Having to put up with THOSE guys just for a little conflict, absolutely not worth it.

"How did you even put a smiley in Rl (real life)" said Miyuki confused.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Said Oniyama confused.

".... no, nothing"

In the meantime, the author was laughing maniacally "muwahahahaha"

"Ok, we're getting off subject here. So, can you please answer my question now?" Said Oniyama.

"Eh... ok, I think that he is 22 this year." Said Miyuki after thinking for a little bit.

"Yeah, he is 22. Now, can you tell me what is the age where our personallity are fixed" said Oniyama, trying his best to keep a neutral facial expression.

"Hmm, if I'm not wrong, it should be at the age of 19/20. Ok, so you basically mean that Henry have already a fixed personallity, and if you try changing it, it will have some pretty weird repercutions." Said Miyuki as her face brightned up.

"Well, yeah. But that's not all, Henry while reaching that point in his thinking wasn't trepassing past the red line. In fact, he was pretty far from it. He was talking about society and what shit... eh, please don't be angry.." said Oniyama as he finally remembered he was talking with a girl.

"No, I don't really mind." Said Miyuki, surprised that Oniyama actually care about his image.

"..then as I was saying, Henry may have reached that point in his thinking saying that there is too many automated things happening in our society but that's it. He don't have any rebellious feeling and his personality isn't as easily affected as I was, so his mind is already limited by those chains and can't break free, thus he can't really notice the flaws in what I was saying." Said Oniyama.

"Ehh, I 'was', that actually say things. Now I think that this should be asked now, else with your dead inside personality, you won't ever respond to me. So do you actually love..." as Miyuki was about to continue her talk, the look in Oniyama's eyes stoped her. Those dead fish's eyes that don't dare to feel emotions were telling tails of torment and agony. She didn't dare say anything else as she knew that what she hoped for is still in the realm of imagination.

"I don't know" said Oniyama while avoiding eye contact with his girlfriend. He was confused, confused by this situation and even more confused by his emotions.

"Eh?!" The answer that she never thought about hearing, actually came out. It was as if a giant slap coming from the other hand of the world made her head go numb. As if a roaring thunder was unleashed next to her ears. Oniyama never actually expressed his emotions, it's as if he was void of them. The fact that he is doubting himself now about his emotions, is such a giant step that it can actually cross the heavens and earth compared to his usual state.

"Oh, well whatever. I am going to watch anime now, I'll play a little bit later. Call me before dinner." Said Oniyama as he tried to change the subject.

"Yes, of course" said Miyuki happily.

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