《When I was old》Chapter 18


Author note: yeah, this time I'm also posting one in the start. Reason why, is that fewer people read author notes when they are last thing than when written first.

So yeah, I'm going to do it fantasia way and tell you comment. I can tell that by seeing the number of view increasing, while the number of comments don't that you are slacking off. I love comments, so do comment. Go reread the other chapters and see what you like and what you don't and comment about it. Don't just stay silent.

Now that I finished my rant, please enjoy

Ch 18

"My name is Andre Landerbert. At your sevice."


"Oh well, little Lin. Didn't you get over the shock already. Make one wonder how you stayed as clan master for all these years." Laughed the appearing tall figure. Light reflected its sharp facial figure and well defined muscles that appeared under its thight black shirt. The sea blue and deep red coat that Andre worn was complementaring perfectly the dark shadows he just got out from. The picturesque scene would make anyone be in a daze.

"Oh! If this isn't mister Andre." Said Xin Ley

"Ah! Mister Xin Ley. Sorry for my rudeness earlier. It's just that I could only use a communication array to warn, without making any ruckus."

"Of course, of course. The identity of master Andre should be kept secret afterall."

"Hahaha, you make me sound cooler than what I am. It's just that too much attention sometimes get in the way."

"Hahaha." The reason why Xin Ley had such a change of character, is because "Andre" demonstrated that he is an array master.

While this profession might seem normal for any of the 7 billion reincarnator, it isn't the case for him. As far as Xin Ley is concerned, Andre is someone from the older generation. An array master is normally an existance as far as the sky for lowly clans. Even the royal family should treat an array master with respect if he reach a certain rank. Of course a normal rank 1 or a rankless array master is just an insect for Xin Ley. But when Andre used a communication array last time, Xin Ley didn't detect even a trace of spiritual force. This mean that the control Andre has over his spiritual energy is monstruous.

As one go up in rank, so does his control over spiritual energy. The reason dor that is that his understanding over spiritual energy become deeper.

For example: a level two array master can create a rank 1 spiritual array while leaving minimum traces of spiritual force. A level 3 can leave none. That means that Andre who left no trace of spiritual force is at the very least a level 3 array master, or at least have the same understanding as one.

In both cases, Xin Ley can't afford to offend him. Not because of the strength of a level 3 array master, but because of his connections. Let me ask you a question: Other than the elixirs that alchimists create, what is the most useful thing for a warrior in a battlefield? Unless you had a profound case of retardness*, the answer should have been written clear on your mind "arrays". Be it speed boosting arrays or attack arrays, or even formation that upgrade the destruction potential of your martial techniques, they are the one that turn the tides of battle. The amount of people who would dream about having a favor owned by a high level array master can't be coubted by normal means. That number definitely doesn't lose out to those wanting to be favored by an alchemist.


(*I just reused something that belong to the cult of dark craziness. Hey, it's mine so it can't be called plagiarisme)

"Hahaha, well. Where is little Yin" said Xin Ley, his eyes full of worriedness.

"Now, now. Master Xin, don't be impatient. He is sleeping next to his mother, he is still a child after all." Said "Andre" as his finger pointed toward the queen sized bed. The room was dark as the window were closed and the curtains were down. The red tissue they were fabricated with left place to a strands of light to pass through. The few objects illuminated had a red luster around them, making the room have a sacred feeling emanating from it. The bed was pretty far from the entrance, so one can only see two figures sleeping on it, one big enough to be called an adult, and a small and tiny one next to it. If one saw this scene from afar, he would definitly think that nothing was wrong. But by using any qi recognasation(?) method, be it third eye or just six sense, they would know that there was no life energy emanating from the child.

A human has 3 kind of energy, first one is qi, and it emanate from the dantian and go through the channels. The second one is mental/spiritual energy and it emanate from the soul and reside between the eyebrows. The place where mental energy is situated is commonly called energy centre. The third and final energy is life energy and it reside on the heart and the liver and go through blood. The first two energies are easily useable, but the third one isn't. One need a profound understanding of nature and its law, the cycle of life and death, and also use special secret techniques to use it. Normally if one have all the above stated requirement and use life energy, his life span is used. If he do not, then it's instant death, there is no other outcome. Of course that's unless a being stronger than one true god help. Or if the whole world had a misconception about life energy.(winkwink **)

Normally, this kind of trick would definitely not work on Xin Ley. He already reached the stage above core holder and became a Soul law practitionner. He already unlocked his third eye dozens of years ago and is close to form divine threads. With this kind of experience, it would be weird if such a trick worked on him in his optimal state. But that's the problem, he is not on his optimal mental state. He has been too focused on using his prediction abilities, that he forgot to use brute force. Normally even if he is too caught up on his thinking, he will still use his third eye to check if everything was normal. But now, the existance of Andre as an actual person has been deeply engraved in his mind. The apparance of spiritual arrays on a weak clan that should have none. The talk they had at the entrance of Yin Xian's departement. And the reaction that Lin had when he knew the identity of Andre served their purpose now. The Andre landerbert that should be an escalated array master, never in hell would Xin Ley think that he would play a trick on him.

"Well, you guys aren't here for me, right?"

"Yeah, sorry. I'm here to test little Yin's talent. Can I go check him."said Xin Ley sheepishly


"Hahaha, no problem. The little lad show quite a bit of talent. Take care of him." said Andre with a meaningful glance.

"Now, master Xin, little Lin. I wouldn't waste your time any further. Let's enter."

"Things should be as master Andre wants." Said Xin Ley with a relieved and expectating look on his face.

"Wait for me, I'll wake him up." said Andre as he returned to the vicinity of the room. But as he made the first step, suddenly an enormous burst of qi englufed the whole building. Earth vibrated and vases cracked, as cries of shock and surprise rang out through the building. Lin's face was shocked and surprised, to become afterward numb and hopeless. An aura of "I don't care about what's happening anymore. You guys clean up your own s**t" (well that was pretty describtive for an aura). Andre's face revealed a huge grin, that instantly disappeared to be replaced by a look of shock and surprise. Xin Ley, while not as shocked as the other two, was also pretty surprised. He then tried using the third eye, but before he even did that, "Andre" stopped him saying

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that. The qi he is releasing is a chaotic one. If you openly have your qi contact with it, unless it's a special holy qi, you will only have your vein corroded and third eye half destroyed. But if you want to take your chances, then I don't mind."

What "Andre" said was in fact not a lie. Or at least not compeletly. The qi that has been released is indeed a chaotic one, and if being in contact with, the syndroms stated are indeed true. But that only work for practitionner at the very begining of the core holder realm. At that point, their qi is finaly stabilised and condensed and their third eye just formed. That's because the purity of the chaotic qi Yin Xian condensed in the puppet wasn't that high. It's true that having your contact with chaotic one with no preparation is basically asking for a beating. But one must remember that Xin Ley is a Soul Law pratitionner, many don't even know that such a realm existed, forget about seeing one.

After hearing the warning, Xin Ley was of course supcisious, but he still didn't dare use his own third eye. That's why he hiddenly sent a qi message to his subordonates. He told them to go immediatly close to Yuki's room and use their third eye. The reason he thought of for such an order is that he need to ascertain something.

Of course "Andre" predicted such an action and he acted as if he didn't notice anything. He already checked Xin Ley's subordonates, and they were all around the early stage to the middle stages of the Core Holder realm.

"Sigh, his bursts of qi seem to intensify with each fit. At this rate, it's to be seen if he will live past 1 or two years." Sighed Andre

As those words came out of Andre's mouth, time dillated for Lin. He felt that all of this was surreal, his mind stopped all contact with his body, and his eyes became unfocused. His complexion froze on a weird stance, and all in all he looked as if he was no more a human. His mind felt that this was all a dream, the most nightmarish dream he ever had. The lie that he thought up on the spur of the moment became reality. A weird sense of guiltiness englufed his heart. He didn't want to believe it, that his child is not going to live more than a year, he absolutly didn't want to believe it.

'How? How could this happen. Wasn't it just a lie. How come it turned out to be reality. This Andre guy said that with each fit my child's bursts become more intense, and that he is not go... wait what?! With each fit. Why did he say with each fit. Normally any attack would have a frequency of 15 minutes at the maximum level. If it was anything less than that it wouldn't be called a fit but continuous bursts. I just saw Lindy searching for Yin Xian 20 minutes ago, when I was going to welcome Xin Ley. Then was it at that time that Andre made little Yin go to his mother's side. No, it's impossible. If that was the case, we would have found him there when we checked up on Yuki....... this whole thing seem setted up.

' As Lin reached that point in his thinking, he turned his gaze toward Andre, only to find the devil staring at him. Lin's whole body shiverred, and his hair standed on end. The cruel look on Andre's face slowly turned into one saying "good job, you finally found out, now shut the f**k up if you know what's good for your health."


Author notes: am I the only one who think that auras and gazes on this world tell too many things for f**k's sake

Ps: since I got used to talk about Ziki in every chapter, well here is my part of the day. Can someone go proofread his work, mine to btw.

Now you're probably wondering why I'm talking about this guy everytime. Well it's quite simple, I first just wanted to subtely give you some name of stories that are definitely enjoyable and that I'm sure you'll like and that's how we got to this point.

Now, since the secret is no more. I'll just give you a list of good stories that you might want to read. So first is Don't fear the reaper, well that kinda was always first place for who knows how many years, so you should have read it by now. There is also fantasia, eye of adventure, Azraan, the beast of the apocalyspse, the man who was never human to begin with, change:new world and finally Hardcore online

I was scrolling down the main page of fantasia, when I saw "When I was old" on top weekly fictions. I was like "whatttt?!! Two days ago this story only had 400 views barely, what's going on"

I must say that you guys really rocks. With thos my motivationmeter just went through the roof. Hope for another chapter today.(I'm quite busy, but I'll try)

Here is a good link http://royalroadl.com/fiction/5029

Check it out guys. You wouldn't regret. A great story that I enjoyed.


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